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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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huge money, it was america, all the best to you, hello, international review is on the air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov, today. in the program international review. events of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. the skill of circumventing sanctions. amid western pressure, china and russia are looking for a new way. this has never happened before, here it is again. political terrorism in europe the slovak prime minister was shot at. levers of
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economic management, how not to overdo it with the arms race, materials from our program. state of minds of the most unstable members society is an indicator of the political situation; there are plenty of examples. as a result of the assassination attempt , slovak prime minister robert fica was seriously wounded. in europe, there has been no attempt to deal with politicians of this rank for a long time. in relatively recent memory.
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the prime minister of slovakia, robert fica, is only 59 years old, he is a doctor of law, a specialist in criminal law and a member of the slovak lawyers' association. after graduating from university in bratislava, he served briefly in the army; from 1987 to 1990, fica was a member of the communist party slovakia, and even after the collapse of the soviet union and the velvet revolution, retained his leftist views. he joined the democratic left party, the successor of the communist party, and only after its collapse, in november 99, he created his own center-left party, the direction of social democracy. from 1994 to 2000 he was slovakia's commissioner at the european court of human rights. he was twice a member of the parliament of the slovak republic and was also twice the prime minister of the country. in 2012.
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in protest against the murder take to the streets thousands of citizens walked out, and robert fitzo resigned. later, the perpetrators of the murder were found, and the alleged customer, businessman marianne kočner, who appeared in the journalist’s investigation, was also arrested, but the court acquitted him. in april 2023, robert fitso again became prime minister of slovakia for the third time. as the leader of the parliamentary opposition, he stated that... he wants to stop the supply
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of weapons to ukraine. the politician also emphasized that slovakia will not support ukraine’s application for nato membership, since this is the largest nonsense. after the elections, fitz confirmed his words, but indicated that he would provide humanitarian assistance to kiev in post-war reconstruction. he considers anti-russian sanctions to have a negative impact on the residents of slovakia. he himself visited russia several times.
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disappears. european, especially eastern european societies are frightened by an inevitable war with russia, and this does not pass without a trace. god bless prime minister fitz, but i wouldn’t want anyone else to try to master the best practices of a turning point. vladimir putin paid a visit to china, his first since the start of his new presidential mandate. he paid tribute to shizenping's courtesy. he visited russia in march last year immediately after taking office as chairman of the people's republic of china. the trip, full of events and themes, came at a very important moment. two major international crises, the ukrainian and the palestinian, have reached a scale where the outcome
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of both will affect the entire world system. the western side is united, using to consolidate opposition to the autocracies of russia and.
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lethal weapons, supply of some other types of dual-use products and technologies, in principle, the restrictions that the chinese government imposes are limited to this; the chinese government does not hinder, rather even promotes , any attempts to establish alternative channels for certain supplies, but there they take risks for their key companies they... will not, in fact, what western countries are trying to do is, with their threats, to induce both the government and chinese, chinese corporations, public and private, to be even more careful, that is
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chinese business, especially chinese banks, have always been known for their extremely tough attitude towards the implementation of sanctions.
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since they don’t have prohibited zones, that means china is selling weapons, and if it doesn’t sell weapons, that means they have a restricted zone, and accordingly this formulation has no relation to reality. in china now this wording has really been relegated to the background, it is not used, again the same minister wang yiyi was authorized in april to present the current interpretation of our bilateral relations, which called five from start to finish, yes five from start to finish, but in short, number one is the leading role of the two leaders, respectively vladimir vladivich putin. and sizenping in promoting our bilateral relations,
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the old thesis about the three nos was confirmed, that these relations are not directed against third countries, that russia and china will not create an alliance and will not arrange confrontation with each other, and new directions relate to that that in china last year in december an external political meeting of the central committee was held party, where the slogan would be put forward: parallel promotion of multipolarization of the world and globalization of the world economy, yeah, in this, in this new formulation of our bilateral relations, vani just pointed out these directions, that firstly, let's promote multipolarity together or multipolarization, let's fight together for a new, fair globalization that benefits everyone and, importantly, principles. russia in the conditions, i quote wang yi, in the conditions of the world situation, when the big truth
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is adjacent to the big lie, russia and china we must follow the true dau, the right path, and accordingly, based on these, well, these are principles, this is commitment to those principles that can lead us to a just world, to that very community of humanity’s destiny, this reminds me a little of 2003, when a formulation appeared: about the peaceful rise of china, yeah, in china they proceeded from the fact that this is an excellent explanation for plans for future growth, increasing its international influence, that is, china will get richer, it will become stronger, but it will not be aggressive, but in the west this caused such a negative reaction that within about six months this concept was simply withdrawn from official circulation, but it remained in scientific circulation, something very similar is happening here, business representatives are now all unanimously saying that working with china complicated, primarily because financial relations
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are very susceptible to american influence, china is extremely attentive to secondary sanctions and really does not want to expose itself, well, in general, one can understand, but this is a serious problem, payments are not going through, is it possible to wait for the search for new forms here now from the chinese side. may 2024 is called the most productive year due to us anti-chinese sanctions. it started with a restriction for possible support for the russian-ukrainian conflict. the us treasury department has accused hong kong-based finder technology of exporting hundreds of drone parts. and shenzhen ihan aviation technology and jonny heavy equipment defense and technology group in the targeted supply of parts for the military. electronics on may 8, the united states limited china's access to software artificial intelligence and
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applications based on it, such as gpt chat, says that models that process huge amounts of information could be used to carry out cyberattacks or create biological weapons. on may 9, the us department of commerce expanded the blacklist to include 37 companies and 26... enterprises from china for involvement in supplies to russia. eight more chinese companies were sanctioned for their alleged involvement in the chinese balloon incident last february. was shot down in us airspace. on may 14 , the biden administration accused china of unfair trade practices and announced new tariffs on chinese imports. the changes will come into force within 2 years and will affect sectors. important for national security, duties on
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lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles, steel and aluminum products, quay cranes and even syringes, needles, and personal protective equipment will be increased by up to 25%. the tariff on elements for solar panels will increase to 50%, on electric cars themselves to 100%. the tariff scale will increase by a quarter, also an outfit of minerals. from aluminum, manganese and chromium, as well as rare elements such as actinium curium, and metals such as tin and zinc, on the one hand, are not much in most of the united states. depends on these goods - bloomberg notes, on the other hand, as reuters writes, biden's tariff wall will face leakage through mexico and vietnam; through these countries, excess cheap chinese products will still end up on the american market, tariffs have not changed so radically since 2019, with the time of donald trump’s protective tariffs,
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which unleashed a trade war with the middle kingdom. if china demonstrates to the whole world that it is subject to absolutely illegitimate sanctions from the united states, then for the countries of the global south this will be an indication that if a similar situation arises in their interaction with the west and china, then these are some kind of from the countries of the global south, due to contradictions in relations with the west and the united states, will be under western pressure and china will retreat. and refuses to develop a partnership with her, then this will very significantly weaken the authority of china’s position in global yoga, the second thing is that, unfortunately, the threat of conflict in the taiwan strait does not disappear, it at least persists, if not grows, so at some point an absolutely mirror situation may arise when at
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the epicenter china will already be in a power conflict, and that is... but also on other countries, the west will begin to put pressure on them to reduce their cooperation with china, so take care, taking care now, to preserve the country’s reputation as a sovereign country political economically, china is investing in its future. oliver schopf of austria, at the top of the american wall of sanctions, a man like biden is trying. two people from russia and china play the piano, europe is written on it. the silk road or the new red carpet, cartoon by markus grolick
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from germany. visits paris. two people who look like macron and ursula fonder. they tell him: welcome to europe. michael ramirez from america can’t shake the spy suspicions around tiktok. a man who looks like shizen pinen personally monitors all the videos on the chinese social network. vladimir putin spoke highly of the chinese peace plan in an interview before the visit. calling it actually, well , perhaps a starting point for a further peace process, and in general china is now very active, demonstrating its diplomatic interest, but for me, perhaps, as an outsider, it is very difficult to imagine that china, such as it is, will begin to engage in peacekeeping, as we imagine imagine, shuttle diplomacy, persuasion
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of the parties, the search for compromises there and so on, well, somehow we don’t know the chinese, this side still, at least, can we expect this or in their understanding, generally speaking, what is peacekeeping? something else, this is not peacekeeping, in the sense that you just asked, for china this is a certain, this is a certain set of ideas and ideals, and the peace plan for ukraine is a derivative of a derivative, i will now explain what we are talking about, the key for china now is to promote community, the idea of ​​community, destiny humanity. as it was officially announced last year, thanks to the efforts of china, the efforts of xidingping, the community of human destiny has transformed, i quote roughly verbatim, transformed from a chinese initiative into a global consensus, it has transformed from a beautiful ideal into a rich practice, and has already become a clear scientific
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concept, the formulation of the chinese initiatives. regarding ukraine, they are actually derived from the theses of the chinese global security initiative, well, the basic postulates, they are simply amazing, that well, security should be shared by everyone, there should be no interference in other people’s internal affairs, we must respect sovereignty, follow the principles of the un charter, naturally resolve all issues peacefully, and be sure to respect other people’s security concerns. you can’t build your own security at someone else’s expense, well , plus this is a new chinese formulation: an integrated approach to security, that is , security is not only military strategic issues - it’s security in the economic sphere.
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cold war mentality, from the desire for hegemony, there from civilizational superiority and so on, that is, i would rather perceive this initiative as a certain set of guidelines, using which this problem can be solved, but in a situation where the west is aimed at the strategic defeat of russia, well, these are just guidelines for now. okay, but there is another specific instrument on the other side, this is the so -called peace conference. in switzerland, which is in a month, should take place, in all surroundings around, clearly there is a feeling that the main thing, in general
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the most important task of the organizers, and the swiss, the west and ukraine, is for there to be a chinese representative, anyone, at least some kind, this is recognition in general of the importance of china, that it is its participation that legitimizes the process , but china has not yet spoken out, so...
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if a direct dialogue between russia and the west of ukraine really begins to resolve this conflict. it’s clear, well , i don’t think we ’ll see the back of the retreating west anytime soon, so we’ll probably put it off for now. thanks a lot. alexander lomanov was our guest. shortly before putin's visit to china, a remarkable pseudo-scientific discussion took place there. a fairly well-known specialist on russia, feng yun, published a commentary, the essence of which: china, of course, does not support the russian company in ukraine, does not believe in russia’s success and connects
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its future with relations with the west. the london editors edited the text to suit their propaganda style, but nothing is known about the author’s objections. a succinct answer came from the famous chinese commentator, gosunmin. it's naive to think. he writes that sino-russian relations can supposedly be changed at will, they are determined by the international political structure after the cold war. it does not depend on the desire of a person, until fundamental objective changes occur, there will be no fundamental changes in chinese-russian relations or in relations between china and russia, the united states and the west. the importance and... and relations with central asia, with russia, for china it is, well, one might say, historically suffered, it is excellent understands that this is not a relationship
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that can simply be abandoned, i because... let me remind you that in the history of china, the ussr had the most severe confrontation for decades, this is a threat, but from the north there from the west, this was for him very difficult, which is why chinese diplomats and experts say all the time: we value relations with russia, we value relations with central asia, well, because these relations, because you can see how bad it can be when these relations are not set up for conflict, and how good which ones succeed realized.
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it was only historical patterns that went too far. now the other extreme is to reduce everything to a confrontation of specific wills. it’s even difficult to communicate with some regions across the sea, for example, one of these traditional, historical, by the way, traditional partners there for thousands of years is the persian, yes, iranian, not even just a country, just as a civilization, and let’s say, the most understandable, the most important route. historical, this is exactly land route to iran, especially since in the middle east, especially transport routes, especially now we see, for example, the confrontation between the houthis of yemen and the united states of america with israel, and we see that shipping there has sharply become complicated, therefore, land routes, especially to energy-intensive regions, which include not only central asia, but also the middle east, face
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the same. rivalry, here china also has considerable reserves, and beijing also competes fiercely for deposits in africa and latin america, and the united states is seeking internal reserves. report by dmitry vershinin. this is the so -called mud pit. geyser, thermal spring, a place where gases and steam are heated
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by heat from the center. the earth has found a way out, the smell of rotten eggs, hydrogen sulfide in the air, a couple of hundred meters away is a geothermal energy processing plant, using heat from the planet’s core, it heats water and supplies it for heating. in this part of california, the kachela valley, there are dozens of such factories, and this a natural phenomenon will form the basis for lithium mining. we have one of the largest lithium deposits in the world. we can manufacture and supply batteries for electric vehicles that will take us into the future. under the salt lake salton, production is planned using geothermal energy, this is a new technology, on paper without harm to the environment. lithium mining can become a driving force for the economy of the entire region, high-paying jobs, especially
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given the... of the last century , the hollywood elite was restored at local resorts, lake became a magnet for luxury hotels and yachts, but the boom quickly ended. the town of the northern shore once flourished, here the streets are called coral reef, grapefruit avenue, pleasant weed avenue, celebrities loved to relax here, for whom they live'


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