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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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when achieving goals, this is the ability to work in a team, when i spoke about russian-chinese cooperation, including in the field of education, science, technology, this unification of international efforts, the ability to work in international teams, greatly increases the chances of achieving success, young people who are focused on the future, think about the future, work for...
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we will do everything to create such conditions for you, good luck to you, or maybe, excuse me, please, maybe we will act democratically, there are a lot of students here, all they raise their hands, i will just choose in a row, all this is all, this will be, i agree
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to transfer this right, yes, by the way, we not only have questions and answers, maybe you have some ideas, considerations, wishes, how organize educational processes of interaction between countries and between universities, this does not mean that i am not on the internet, i will not answer every question you have, but i will try to formulate my... opinion on the topics that concern you, please, i ask you, yes, please, please, give me the microphone, please, here, yes, gentlemen presidents, i greet you, my name is chubrevich vladimir vladimirovich, i, what a coincidence, and i am a student
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of harbin polytechnic university, second year, department of chinese language and literature, since we know that now there is a lot students from russia who want to have the opportunity to study in china at the moment, what do you think about this occasion, what is better for...
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already knows, i’m familiar with this thesis - now such forms of education, at least in in russia, we are introducing them, i don’t know how, here at the university, a student can choose certain courses at the st. petersburg university in moscow, this is this, this is being implemented, you can take part of the course in one educational institution, part of it can take courses in another educational institution, getting an education today should be. achievements of his life goals, that’s what the knowledge that he believes is needed for you chose, study here, this is a good choice, this is a good educational institution with traditions, with a very good one.
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it is very important, very important when a person passes on not only the knowledge obtained from books, which is important in itself, but it is also very important, of course, to have direct contact with those who practically work, in laboratories, in production, in modern, modern enterprises , all this should be combined when training highly qualified specialists, this is what you need to think about, what is your specialization? this is literature, well, where else if not in china to study chinese literature, the choice is right, i congratulate you on this choice, please, i ask, let's
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move to this sector, please, get up, get up! mr. president, hello, i am a first-year student. yes, yes, fine. mr. president, hello, i am a first-year student, my name is an. i know that you love music. in 1717 you were in beijing, when you participated in the one belt, one road forum. you played the royal. which symbolizes moscow and st. petersburg, art in relation to you, what influence it had on your formation as a person, and what kind of you opinion on cooperation between the two countries in this area? this is a very important area
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of ​​work, because well, culture reflects the entire people, their entire history, and as for... as for music, music is a universal art form, because it is not literary creativity, nothing is written there, it’s even no no mm uh no oral
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creativity, which is such types of creativity, yes, that are passed on from generation to generation. in oral, in oral, in oral, in oral form, those peoples who are representatives did not have of these cultures, writing, by the way, they say that this is the most accurate transmission, because written sources always change over the course of time, someone always makes some changes, and oral samples, they are transmitted with almost great accuracy, from generation to generation, well... it doesn’t matter, what matters is that music, there are no words, there is only soul, there is only a figurative perception of what the composer wanted to convey to the audience, it is a universal art form, and in this sense
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it, well, maybe , just like dance, he reaches, directly... to the depths of the soul of every person, and of course, shapes the personality, in this sense, the ability to listen and understand music is very important, in my opinion, for anyone, especially for a young person who is just being formed spiritually, and even for people who are involved in technical sciences, technical disciplines, in my opinion , it is very important to devote part of their lives to this type of creativity, such as music, it ennobles us, makes us kinder and
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creates opportunities to achieve our goals. other areas of activity, so i also wish you all the very best in this direction, and chinese folk art here is of great importance and the best examples of russian soviet. music schools, they are certainly works of world significance, they will undoubtedly play a positive role for any person, and i want to wish you every success in this field, no matter what you actually do as a university student, let's... please, there is a hand raised, yes please give me a microphone, hello,
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vladimir vladimirovich, my name is oksana, i am a student at kharmin university, i am also a representative of the russian students association, our association is engaged in uniting russian students in china, also maintaining russian traditions away from home and of course the development of russian -chinese relations. please tell me what actions the government plans to take to attract new russian students to chinese universities? well, i already said, 50,000 students from china studying in russia, 16.00, 16,000 of our compatriots in chinese universities, i repeat, this is not the limit, we will strive in every possible way to ensure that student exchanges expand - our chinese friends and partners are also committed to the same interaction,
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now i’m the only one speaking, in his opening speech he said that many partnerships between universities have been formed and will be formed further, this is the path we will follow, a large number of agreements on interaction have been signed, as i mentioned, a whole campus. to develop cooperation with st. petersburg state university , we are creating universities in branches of universities of russian universities in china, joint educational institutions are being created, a whole network of them has already been created by moscow university in southern china between moscow state university and beijing university.
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is developing very quickly, in all, and in all directions, i want to emphasize this, this immediately creates a need for specialists who could not only speak two languages, but understand each other and work in the relevant fields together, we are now interested in teaching chinese in russia.
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activities require the presence of specialists who have both knowledge and the appropriate languages, it’s just that life itself requires the presence of such specialists and... we, on the part of the state, will do everything to ensure that this process is supported, because without the presence of specialists, including with knowledge of the language, it is simply impossible to move in the development of all issues of a strategic nature, so this is a process without any doubt will be
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supported by states on both sides. good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is matveev lev, i am a student, a master’s student at harbin polytechnic university, in february of this year you announced that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the conclusion of diplomatic relations between russia and china, i simply stated so it happened 75 years ago... yes, also now these relations are at the highest level, you also expressed hope that this year the parties will organize cultural year and various humanitarian exchange events, so we would like to know whether cooperation in the field
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of culture will promote cooperation and exchange in the field. this means that exhibitions will be held, seminars will be held, performances will be held by our famous creative teams in both countries, this is a big event, filled with a large number of diverse events, of course this will be associated with direct communication between people, but above
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all with young people, i have already mentioned the brix summit, which... will take place in uh in russia in kazan and there will be a youth forum there, but at the end of this year, in sochi, more precisely on the federal territory of sirius, in the south of the country, on the black sea coast there will be another - another event of young scientists, and we were pleased to see if only you and representatives of chinese youth organizations would be there. these are, of course, primarily students, volunteers , and so on, so there will be a lot of events, i’m sure they will all benefit the development of our relations, but there’s a hand there, a girl raises her hand, yes, please, yes, well, the other one i had a girlfriend, it’s okay, good afternoon, dear vladimir vladimirovich, my name is
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uzya sin, i am a bachelor’s student at the institute of international education. please tell me, in the context of russia and china's efforts to strengthen cultural cadres and humanitarian cooperation, how all international students can more effectively become a bridge of cultural exchanges between the two countries, countries, and we are also interested in what unique role our russian students can play in promoting cultural exchanges between the two countries. thank you. you know, the fact that our students study here, chinese students study in russia, this is already good, but i am sure that young people, just as it has always been, at all times, they are full of desire to show their creative abilities in different, in different
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structures, take initiative, in contacts with their peers. show interest in - in participating in various educational courses not only in the host country, but in another country, in particular in russia, in all these areas we need to act, here i am, when we started this conversation, i said, if you noticed that - that i would like to hear from you not only questions, but also some proposals, if you have any proposals related to the creation of conditions. for additional exchanges, please do not hesitate to say so, and my colleagues and i, at the highest level, are here and representatives of high administrative structures of our chinese friends are present.
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we will hear, we will definitely try to react, there is a girl there, all the best, the girl stood up there, yes, give me, please, microphone, please stand up again, otherwise they won’t see you, yes,
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yes, yes, stand up, mr. president, hello, i am, yes, mr. president, hello, i am... a student from the faculty of social sciences and humanities khpu, in russia, russia is now paying a lot of attention to the development of the far eastern regions, and china is focusing on the northeast and china, what do you think about the possible future of such cooperation between these two regions. this, thank you for this question, this gives me the opportunity to simply say the importance directions, directions of development.
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partners and friends from any country, including china, could try their hand at developing cooperation and business in business development in the far eastern region of russia, but of course, first of all we are talking about our friends and neighbors, this is natural , a natural way of interaction, cooperation with those who are closer, with those who have been maintaining for decades... good friendly relations, i spoke with the consul yesterday, with ours, who is here works, he says: a very good situation here in china and in kharabin has been created
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for cooperation, and at the everyday level, with us, i assure you, in the far east everything is the same, of course, this and this is very important, this is extremely important , when such a friendly environment is created, i would say even in... in the far eastern region, a whole network has been created, a territory for moving development, preferences in the tax system, in customs,
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there is the free port of vladivostok, and a whole network of preferential regimes, but in china , here here in this province in harbin, our friends, your senior comrades, have been marching here for a long time. along the path of creating preferential regimes for the development of these territories, this province, and this is working out well, here we need to be very attentive to what we are doing and exchange experience, use each other’s experience in order to create the best conditions, this is the result for the future in the east of russia, i believe there is, we see this, but for example, the volume of investment in the far eastern region is three times greater than three times than in all other territories of the russian federation, yet this apparently
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indicates that the investor. respond to those proposals that we make, but we try to create conditions not only for business, for doing business, we try to create conditions for people’s lives, including creating there, well, this applies, of course, primarily to russian citizens , we create preferential conditions for obtaining housing, primarily for young families, and for those families who have children, we develop there medicine at an accelerated pace and... here is also one of the areas of cooperation, we have created, we are now creating a very large cultural cluster in vladivostok, where there will be a musical theater of opera and ballet, a decent, very good, world class one, a music school, a choreographic school, where there will be branches of the country's leading universities, the hermitage, the russian museum, and moscow museums.
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i really hope that this cluster will be an attraction for the entire asia-pacific region, and of course, first of all for our friends and neighbors, in including so that young people, girls, boys, could receive education in these disciplines, could speak to each other, exchange best practices and... in these very interesting areas that are important for people, so there are prospects for development cooperation, in my opinion, is very good, everything depends not only on us, on those who do it, but on our common efforts, including on interested young people like you. thank you.
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training of personnel in the field with the fact that such a powerful class has been created for aviation cosmonautics, a lot has really been done here, but the most... the main, most basic congratulations to the leadership of the country, the leadership of the communist party for being able to concentrate the efforts of the state on this most important area of ​​development and achieving noticeable, if not outstanding achievements in the field of space exploration, china has done a lot in this direction, now i won’t list everything, including the lunar program and the creation of its national station.
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structures for space applications, including including, bearing in mind the possibility of using nuclear technologies for deep space exploration, we have other things that we are proud of, we will certainly develop them, but these are all very capital-intensive programs, including, say, deep space exploration, lunar exploration, and here
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we have joint chinese friends... so on the other hand, they can work in teams, about which, joint teams, about which i already...


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