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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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in general, today we are really witnessing a very grandiose event, both from the point of view of diplomacy and from the point of view of politics, tomorrow in harbin, i am sure that these are the issues of both manzhori and the far east.
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but don’t, don’t, well , today is biden’s big holiday, he could have fallen, but he didn’t , look, he deceived, hey, look, so what can he be proud of himself, biden didn’t live this day in vain, huh? yes,
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perhaps because i didn’t read the news, well , yes, it seemed to him, with your permission, i will also speak on this matter, but i’ll start with the fact that, strictly speaking, and how the west perceives this whole thing, at least according to the general outline of the media everything else, i wouldn’t say that i’m just completely hysterical, everything has disappeared, there’s really no way to describe what’s happening, of course they are saying that russia and china are getting closer to each other...
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by the way, they’ll mumble something, and by the way , about europe, let’s talk about europe right away, dmitry, although this is not his topic , usually dmitry says let’s start by getting off the dollar needle i already said biden jr. must be president for a civil war to start and tells which reptilians are currently ruling america, especially if they are not there, but now there is a short pause in europe. over
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rough terrain, such an allabay can reach speeds of up to 120 km/h. this vehicle has very high maneuverability, a very powerful engine, we are now completely focused on helping the front. this cart, of course, is the most convenient, unfolds and folds in just a few seconds. this is for internal operational work.
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dmitry, roll up europe manually, but if manually, it would be. yes, it looks like there’s nothing to be done there, it’s just somehow unlucky, yes, nothing, no, unlucky, europe is unlucky, well, what should we do now, we’ve been lucky for 500 years, now we’re unlucky, so, but, when was this, why did dmitry gennadvich raise this very question about the fact that this is like a war for the european heritage, well, as if naturally, where did this come from, where does the analogue come from, so to speak, lexically, this is a war for the spanish heritage and let me remind you that here in spain itself also took part in that war for the spanish heritage, it was still there, moreover, it had strengthened in some way, but with europe it’s not at all like that, that is, apparently, the last screws and nuts, so to speak , it’s clear that they are still worth something, they are taking over, well, let’s say, to be precise, corporations with
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headquarters on the territory of the present-day united states, but in general there is nothing special there, culturally, apparently , yes, there is no one except russia to accept yourself. it’s clear, this is the cultural heritage of this whole thing, because for them they are clearly not valuable, that is, for the current generation of intellectual politicians, it is not valuable, which means there is nothing left there, in this sense, and what is there to fight for? , i don’t really understand, god forbid, i still have to feed, that’s how it is then, i didn’t get to the soup, europe, yes, that’s good, no matter what, what should i do, but well, that ’s a lot of experience yes, we can set up field kitchens, no, field kitchens are possible, yes. do in terms of maybe fighting really programs for, so to speak , for the leftovers, this is like a legacy in general of engineers, who are there first of all engineers, not engineers of human souls, this is the way they themselves and their elgebtshniks
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figure it out, but for engineers and other qualified people who do not want to live in this post-european european society, of course, must be accepted here and this program is needed, well, apparently, like the chinese... already in the know, for our two civilizations - this is truly a unique chance, a unique challenge, we have never been to in this situation, this is indeed the case, because for the first time in its history china is developing independently and not in self-isolation, a combination of two things, in fact, i think for china in a sense, well, absolutely for the first time, i don’t know, the first power, not the first power , i think they have 4.00 years of written history, 500 years, i have a feeling that they had everything in their lives. not out of exceptional love of peace, they slaughtered each other during civil wars,
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that’s not the point, they slaughtered everyone at that time each other, it’s as if you understand, the time was like that, yes the time was like that, that is, as if this is not an exclusively chinese trait, the point is that this is a completely new state.
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there’s no one, there’s no one to count on here, well, there’s a lot of things that i liked, in fact, that is, you ’re writing off biden’s spotkka, you know, well, i could now start a separate discussion about where america is going, but no, of course , but this is not serious, the point is that when america speaks, by the way, this is an interesting moment when america speaks, that let china choose, there seem to be two notes in this, so to speak, in this third, and the first note is like this, really like this...
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the statements were about such a technical thing, it already says that china has already chosen, for a long time he didn’t want to choose, i don’t know, he wanted, he didn’t want to be a global leader, i don’t... well, as it were, firstly, he ’s already in his last days, it’s most likely even these
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american specialists, like if only they knew their inside information, because it’s unlikely that it’s been there longer than ’26 in general, the dollar system in its current form will exist, and that means it is necessary, we need to work, and if the yuan is not accepted because people from there in washington say: let them, then you choose who you are with, well, this is simply unacceptable, because the world will break down and we need new finances, it was very good...
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well, now it’s easy for us, yes, i really hope, it seems to me that this is just a special task, that’s what it’s like to build a new sport, that’s what we’ll have to build , because, because everything that is happening now is different in the world, because if you include it, i was there in my twelfth year, i was just now remembering the year 1800, no, no, i’m not just an experienced political scientist, that’s it. there’s just nothing to look at, well, that is, it’s like
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american television, now it would be realistic that this is a broken, this is a broken machine, it’s like only a civil war will add dynamics, we’re waiting, that’s why, this one, but there is already a series on this topic, but it’s true, but so in the argument that the film will start showing earlier or the civil war itself, the film won, well, because he’s british... that’s why this is a very serious challenge, which of course needs to be met, it’s not just there, here’s a new state, so to speak, new achievements there and so on, or some new plans, this is a completely new state peace and a completely new responsibility, which neither of the two powers ever actually held on their shoulders, even when the soviet union led half the world, it seems, this is completely different, this is actually to explain.
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well, it’s like choosing between an empty cylinder and a cylinder with poisoned oxygen, that ’s what it was like, now there is hope that an oxygen cylinder with clean air will appear, which will actually be possible to breathe, that’s what’s laid down, it’s really laid down for a generation to come, and i’m literally so small at the end remark, in addition to what we discussed on the sidelines, this means that this is why westerners don’t write this, i really liked the discussion of what anthony blinken will write in his memoirs, well, he’ll write memoirs, but maybe not, that’s okay -that he is on the guitar and the end, i
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i think at the end of his biography, he will perform with us in three chords, i even know where to place him already, so to speak, what blues cafe to place him in, it will be interesting, but anthony come here, but most likely he will write that he was in beijing and he was in kiev, and he looked at the eyes there, said to the young people in the nightclub, to whom i played true american music and... i don’t believe that chimerica will just dissolve, i’m like, well this is a lot of work, so far, well , sorry, so far china is the first trading partner with america, we are in fourth place, i don’t think that europe is ready to carefully throw back its hooves, because, well, firstly, europe has been at war all its life,
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for the last decades europe has been doing something that is not in line with everything, and now it is returning. lack of fighting spirit, let me remind you where hitler held his first meetings, how all sexual perversions raised their head just in such transitional eras, that is , he also dabbled here, well, yes, that is, there simply should not be an illusion that degeneration means a loss of fighting spirit , that is morality. i just think that china understands very well how difficult the period of transformation is before it, which is why there is iron discipline within china, because america will obviously attack, obviously it will attack along the lines of islam, obviously it will attack along the line of pseudo-civil liberties, working with youth, then they know how to do it, and they do it perfectly, america is not
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going to lay down and give up, europe is not going to just die. we are dealing with civilizations of colonizers, civilizations of conquerors, civilizations slave owners, pirates, pirates, who in different situations knew how to get a knife to stick in the back at the last moment, so here you have to be extremely careful, there is no such meanness that they could not do, remember how recently it seemed to us that japan would bypass america , america broke japan, it’s just that it’s...
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by the way, maybe it’s just not necessary. well, in general, everything has already moved to southeast asia. this is a financial center, this is an economic center, this is a shopping center, this is an industrial center, this is a technological center, apparently, and even in diplomatic, so to speak, matters , a certain center of gravity shifts there, because china can now measure individual middle eastern countries against each other , including iran and saudi arabia, and of course. from the point of view of military threats and military military power , a new center is also being formed in southeast asia, since we are also a country of the asia-pacific region, this kind of brings us closer, unites us, of course, this is our new challenge, because the whole world is atlantic or even speaking north atlantic, which is completely rightly so, an excursion into history was
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appropriate after the discovery of america there, traditionally spain was there, holland for a short time, then great britain for a long time. murder, because five shots in the stomach is, so to speak, quite difficult to calculate in order to simply scare, but they obviously wanted to scare other people in europe, who also show courage, courage and... naturally, stand up for the interests of their countries, this is orban, this is vuci, by the way, they immediately wanted to visit him, but why am i saying this, it seems, it would seem, slovakia is not the most important country by the standards of a large
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european, so to speak, western civilization, country, but nevertheless, if it happens that he is intimidated or others are intimidated, well, this means europe for the next ten years. for us, it’s all, it’s such a cut-off piece, at the same time, as one of my friends says: europe is drained, well , that is, it can be generally drained, as many, so to speak, figuratively speaking, represent, probably, also a certain device in the toilet, so, in this sense, we should understand it as a certain strategy, to cling to them, well, probably, from the point of view of some narrow economic interests, it will be necessary, but to understand that everything has already gone to the east, obviously also... it is necessary, and to build institutionally these same contours of control, we need to do it now, because let’s be honest, in china,
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in russia, in many other countries, let’s say, asian, in this sense we are speaking out for kakazia, politics, of course, is very personalized, we need to do everything to ensure that this continues, continues , continued, continued, and developed into the direction we need, both for us and for the chinese, so as not to follow the example of... the bad ones from the west, well, we need to understand what they also want, because i completely agree with my respected colleagues that the main disadvantages of the americans and the west in general , they are not at all interested in what others think, but we should be interested in what they think, just in order to build their strategy correctly, for them today the task is, well, since they could not defeat china, precisely because it closed, he has his own independent information system, information circuit, technological, industrial and so on,
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they are not trying to catch on to this market, as before, yes, inertial europe remains a very important market for china, too, because it is still a high-tech
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economy, it will still be to remain so for some time, but the truth is less and less, so to speak, playing a role in the global economy, and in this connection we need to build these relationships with china that are important for us, i’m still here in brackets. country is taken out, i would mention india, because sooner or... later we will reach some kind of geo-economic or geopolitical triangle, where there will be, and these are different, it is clear that these are different civilizations, different countries, different economies, but precisely in their own differences, they will balance each other and give that stability not only in eurasia, but i think also wider, nevertheless, this russia-china framework, of course, is the first such basic, fundamental foundation in this very design, despite the fact that it is a two-part history this... year, since now vladimir putin is visiting china, and accordingly in the future we have a brix summit in a few months. and i would be interested to hear what they will offer, yes,
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what other countries will be asked, well, we are in the distant future, so to speak, i think we should look at the proposal of california, texas and scotland, well, we already discussed during the break, everyone can immediately call them there and give them some broad powers, well, we will divide them, so to speak. as they say, let's see how it turns out, the only thing is, california must, of course, behave decently, for starters, pass laws, pass laws that comply with civilizational norms, yes, yes, i believe that they can simply pass our legislation, get up two more times, and alaska at the same time, since , since there is little time, so we vote with a list, but by the way, the sweat has spoken, and such a bun is nothing. kener cannot play on both fronts; he cannot declare his desire to deepen and strengthen relations with europe, and at the same time continue to feed one of the biggest
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there are many threats to european security. he who? this is just another fool from the state department who has nothing to do with china, europe, or russia. what is he even talking about? "free the students, by the way, he left europe, and yes, i forgot to add, blinken sings and plays poorly, well, well, he says this, for one single purpose, europe should know that it should be offended, and now europe should repeat in different voices what he said in a little bit of
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an anecdote."
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this is exactly what is happening now, and russia in general, she made her choice, the choice in favor of partnership with china, and not with the united west. well, in our country, and not only in our country, there are a lot of people who believe that this is all some kind of strange historical operation, now we’ll change the leadership in the kremlin, stir up an agreement, so to speak, that's it, we'll put it all back.
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