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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 17, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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it’s easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to deceive a fake, change it.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on may 17, 1727 , the russian throne was occupied by the grandson of peter the great, who went down in history as peter ii. he was not even 12 then. and his fate was tragic. the boy became a toy in the hands of eminent dignitaries. fought for power. first, alexander menshikov, a former associate of peter i, took the top, after whose death he de facto ruled the state under his widow , empress catherine i. menshikov moved the young tsar to his palace in st. petersburg and was even going to marry his daughter. but the opposition, represented by the long-armed clan and vice-chancellor andrei osterman, had its own plans. osterman became peter's tutor, and the young prince ivan dolgoruky taught him to enjoy adult games. and openly got drunk. when
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menshikov fell ill, the long-armed asterman turned the boy against him. menshikov was arrested in exile, but in january 1730 in frost , peter ii hosted a parade in moscow and caught a cold died at the age of 14 years and 3 months. with his death, the mouth of the romanovs was cut short and the throne was taken by the niece of peter the great, anna ioanovna, the first of the russian empresses of the 18th century. on may 17... 918 , soldiers of the czechoslovak corps rebelled in russia, and this led to civil war engulfing the entire country. the corps was created during the first world war, even before the revolution, from czech slovak prisoners of war who decided to fight against germany and austria-hungary. they were hostile to soviet power, the bolsheviks allowed them to evacuate through vladivostok, but the evacuation was stopped. the germans did not want to appear on the western front. the trains with them
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stretched along the entire trans-siberian railway. discontent was brewing in the corps, and the starting point was the incident in chelyabinsk. there, the czechoslovaks had a clash with prisoners of war from germany and austria-hungary, who were also leaving russia, but were moving not to the east, but to the west. the red guards tried to restore order, but failed. and then the czechoslovaks captured chelyabinsk, and then other cities, the volga region, the urals, siberia and far east. where anti-soviet governments were created, but the red army quickly proved its superiority and czechoslovakia decided to leave russia so as not to share the fate of the entire white movement. on may 17, 1956, the soviet government called on young people to build their future, literally. on this day , the central committee of the cpsu and the council of ministers of the ussr adopted resolutions on measures to provide labor for the most important construction projects and enterprises located. eastern and northern regions
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of the country in donbass. then a slogan appeared: the party said it is necessary, the komsomol answered there is. they built ges, irkutsk, bratsk, kokhovskaya, metallurgical plants. the construction profession became the most popular among young people, they made films. today one can only admire the enthusiasm and dedication of millions of girls who were attracted by the romance of distant travels, the exploration of new lands and who... believed in the future of their country. on may 17, 1980 , the second film in the star wars saga, the empire strikes back - episode five, was released. for this premiere, the creator of the saga, george lucas , added the number five to the title, and the first film
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i designated it as the fourth because i decided that in the future i would definitely film the first three about what happened before. back in 1980, no one believed in the success of the film as a sequel. moreover, such star wars cannot be of interest to an adult educated audience, as film critics wrote. but episode five set the success for the entire saga. there are already nine films. composer john williams wrote the "imperial march" for it. according to the plot, the main character luke skylocker participates in a rebellion against the ominous all-powerful empire. but in real life george lucas himself stood up to hollywood. he invested in the project. his money, but the studio continued to set conditions for him. the directors guild of america, as with the first part, demanded that the introduction with text be replaced with traditional credits, threatening to ban the premiere altogether. lucas paid a huge fine and left the guild, that's what he said in an interview with rolling
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stone magazine about hollywood. they are quite mean, unscrupulous people, they make deals in the classic american corporate style, you can cheat and do anything to get more profit. they understand what filming is, for them cinema is a deal, i don’t want to have anything to do with them, this is such a backlash and such a day in history, we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch on the app or online .
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our safety depends on the organization of traffic, if you are sure. that a pedestrian crossing is necessary, it can be ensured that it appears. we will tell you how to do this in 5 minutes in the program. instructions. first of all, you need to understand that it’s just that they won’t put up a zebra crossing or install a traffic light according to your wishes, there must be
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a reason for this. well, let's start with unregulated crossings according to the state regulations, they are organized in places where pedestrians often cross the road at intersections, and more than fifty cars should pass there per hour and pass. more than 150 people, if at least three accidents involving collisions with pedestrians have occurred at the intersection in a year, it is considered that the crossing is necessary. the conditions for installing traffic lights are similar, but more complicated; if you need an adjustable crossing, we recommend study them in detail according to gost 52-289 in paragraph 7.2. the chances of getting a new crossing increase if the nearest one is further than 300 m, if there is a public transport stop or other facilities nearby. the attraction of pedestrians is the social objects that are located, but other situations can also be considered where the greatest number of people are walking, but at a certain hour, for example, this may be in large cities, for example, to a metro station or other public transport
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stop, not always this could be, let's say a school, a kindergarten, a hospital, a shopping center, or just a new residential complex, a large one, that has been built, can also be such a source of attraction for people, and... hand it over personally, put an incoming number there, and then the process will be launched. and
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another way is a simple postal item, and not necessarily registered, registered - this is if you need confirmation that it has arrived, that it has been accepted, or some authorities that consider such requests, yes, for example, if we take a center to moscow traffic organization, directly tells us that you can apply electronically. how to properly compose a written appeal? please provide full name. department, then your last name, first name, patronymic, address and telephone number, indicate in detail the address of the road section, then justify the need for the crossing, for example, there is a school nearby, add the wording: the absence of a pedestrian crossing on this section creates a threat to road users and increases the risk of an accident. this should attract attention. state your requirements. suitable wording: install pedestrian crossing corresponding to the intensity of pedestrian transport traffic.
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a letter with a notification of receipt can be handed over personally to the office, it’s even more reliable, the application should be made in two copies, on the second they will put the date of receipt and the signature of the person who received it, when should the new pedestrian crossing appear? if you contacted a state or local government body, there is a clear regulation that you must respond within 30 days, then here is exactly when the pedestrian walkway should appear... there are no specific deadlines for the transition, a lot here depends on technical capabilities, on
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inclusion in the program, yes, that is, they usually call it a targeted program for installing a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing. let's repeat, the most important thing: any citizen can make a demand to organize a pedestrian crossing, but only if there are enough grounds for this, consider the intensity of traffic of both people and cars, and also the number of accidents, but recent ones... of course, this is not a prerequisite, before the accident may not reach you, you need to contact the authority, who is responsible for a specific road at the traffic police, the response must be received within 30 days. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to protect your rights on the road, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we ’ll trouble the experts and be sure to tell you about it in one of the next episodes of the instruction program. the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts
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with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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on average, several million kilometers are traveled by all vehicles per year,
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fuel costs are significantly less than if. if we refueled with diesel or gasoline, this leads to the fact that delivery costs are reduced several times, and because of this we can afford to reduce the cost of bread production and delivery, and the final buyer will naturally have a slightly lower price, what could this price be? companies that own their own fleet of vehicles today are increasingly choosing natural gas motor fuel for their business. gas stations are installed directly at the enterprise, the price for purchasing methane at which is lower without that cheapest type of fuel. savings allow enterprises not only to maintain prices for consumers, but also enable the company itself to develop, invest in the expansion and modernization of production. the reduction in the burden on the budget is especially noticeable for both business and
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cities, where transport is being integrated into the life of municipalities. for example, in st. petersburg. here... public transport, over 3,000 buses , a large number of taxis and car sharing, are already actively using gas engine fuel, especially moreover, every year it becomes more convenient and comfortable, new gas stations appear. over the past 3 years, we have actually increased our network of gas stations by about 50 units, this is only gazprom, well, plus private enterprises that are building. also today there are about 70 stations, and every day we sell, i’m talking purely about gas motor fuel, from 2.5 to 3 million cubic meters of gas in the country. the network of gas stations in the central and southern regions, on federal highways from st. petersburg and, in fact, to
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there are no longer windows in krasnodar where it would be impossible to refuel, that is, the route as a whole is provided with access... to methane, this makes it possible to lay economically profitable logistics lines. this is one of the largest mills not only in russia, but also in europe. 1,400 tons of premium grade fly are ground here per day. special equipment, cameras filming in five different light ranges, examine each grain. the marriage is instantly eliminated. flour is sent from here every day.
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number of flights, power reserve cars running on gas engine fuel are no less than those of the diesel and gasoline versions, among the advantages is an increased maintenance interval, that is, it is cheaper not only to drive, but to monitor the transport, the refueling process is a little longer, but drivers have already come up with a use for this, refuel, you have enough to drink coffee, relax a little and continue on the road, we have been traveling for 6 years. our car has already covered more than a million kilometers, it drives without problems, we are not going to change it for now, until the management buys, gives new cars, and methane today popular in... cities and countryside. agricultural machinery, which is still not very capable, is also being actively converted to gas engines and is being released from the assembly line with gas engines. methane savings will help
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maintain prices for farm products, which is certainly important for the food basket of every russian. last year , more than 100 units totaling more than a billion rubles were provided to our agricultural producers through rosagroleasing. today, by the way, it should be noted that we are undergoing tests. tractor, which is already in including the transition to mass production using gas engine fuel, this should also stimulate the development of the active involvement of such equipment in general economic production. of course, benefits also stimulate. despite the change in the key rate, russian farmers can lease any agricultural equipment, including those using gas engine fuel, on special terms. for example, it works in belarus today.
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we will start a pilot project to convert part of the russian post vehicle fleet to gas engines fuel, this became possible after signing
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an agreement with gazprom gas motor fuel as part of the people's fuel program. you know, this is noticeable even in the numbers that we have now. last year in moscow, st. petersburg, samara, kazan, and yakutia on sakhalin, we transferred a total of more than 100 cars. transport using natural gas. since the beginning of this year, there are still the same number; in total, today the russian post has 190 kamaz long-haul tractors and 130 passenger cars that run on natural gas. this is a methane version of kamaz, comes straight from the factory. the difference from the diesel, traditional, let’s say, version, here, well, visually, there are no differences, the main thing is here, instead of tanks for diesel fuel, there are special cylinders. there are also converted versions, for example, the regular lada largus, a gasoline version, with the addition of some gas equipment, it was converted into a methane version, well, it’s clear why, because there is great
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economic benefit in all this. today in our country methane at a gas station costs 22 rubles 40 kopecks. diesel cheaper than 60 rubles per liter, you are unlikely to find it, and here the difference is actually three times. gasoline also continues to rise in price. in addition to optimizing costs... the transition to methane has another and probably the most important effect - environmental friendliness. the more cars running on gas engine fuel, the less environmental pollution. in the first quarter alone, we did not emit about 672,000 tons of co2 and almost 11 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere . this amount of greenhouse gas emissions could be offset by a forest area of about two. this can be compared with the territory of our northern capital, st. petersburg, and tons of pollutants that did not enter the atmosphere in less than six months are equivalent to 157 carloads of soot. behind all
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the advantages of methane there is the problem of investment and switching your transport, commercial or personal, truck or passenger, to this type of fuel is not so important, you will be able to buy the costs in the coming months, but for the costs, although one-time, but... for environmental well-being of the country. in different regions, authorities offer their own subsidy programs. there are also offers from gazprom-gazomotornoe fuel. there are more than twelve of them. everything is publicly available and presented on the company website. by summing up all the support measures, the cost of switching to methane can be reduced to nothing.
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your brother is there in the donbass, kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a ration or a weapon for you, get ready to blow on the moscow, i’ll kill your brother as a missing person, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, hope markina, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed, and... alexey shevchenkov, they went there on reconnaissance, there were three of them. and then, then i don’t know. anton shakin. this means there is still hope. there is always hope. passenger's call sign. a militiaman, a passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.
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on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing. ui appeared in the northeast not by chance, all this was planned in advance by the japanese, he was a real japanese puppet.
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after all, a german farmer came and handed over this medal to the consulate. the order came to germany and how it got to this merchant, we don’t know that anymore. when returning from the front, a suitcase with orders and a medal for military merit was stolen, and everything disappeared without a trace. i bought this medal, and then began to think about how to return it.
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well, the west is terrified. he will hide it with his teeth, they say,
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so you are given to someone else and you will be faithful to the century, he says, already allow it, dear chinese comrades, what are you choosing for him? putin or europe and america.


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