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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 29, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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traces of battles in full view, i didn’t think for a long time, that is, i called, they told me to come, i arrived, i didn’t even know where they would end up, a tor for salim at the reception, okay, we’ll wait another 3 minutes, we won’t end up like that, no we’ll get caught, the main thing is not to hit our own people, that’s it, then commander, i went to the front line, neither for money nor for coercion, a person will not perform a feat, now what was in our grandfathers is awakening in people. this is not a duty, it is a need and a right, the right to defend one’s homeland, they were ironed for a week, and we fulfilled the signed there was an agreement with them, what week, they haven’t been around since the fourteenth year, it was the week of aggravation that began.
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fell silent, this example immediately sobered him up, i was outraged when i was coming here for the program, i heard this macron with his new idea of ​​​​creating nuclear weapons, i saw his wife, but i don’t know, maybe she’s not his wife, when a person has such a wife , then the military war does not seem so terrible, but still france is a big country, a great country with great potential, but it still is.
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s-300, tell me, we have all sanctions against north korea in connection with the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, let's get out of these sanctions, i say for the tenth time here, and there is no need to be ashamed of this, to the extent that we are already threatened, europe is threatened with nuclear weapons, which they are ready to spread, i agree with you, let's do it the next step, either we withdraw from all the sanctions on north korea that were imposed on them for the proliferation of nuclear weapons, or we introduce the same sanctions against those...
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that this raptor reconnaissance aircraft flies along our border, aims these weapons at our people, well, let’s already announce, i say, announce that this no-fly zone is being pushed back, and let’s shoot down these reconnaissance officers, if we directly say that the americans are participating in targeting, why don’t we shoot down reconnaissance assets that are taking part in this guidance, we are afraid of some kind of escalation, the spill of comrade stalin cools down any escalation at the moment. well , i won’t take away bread from military experts here, and the last thing i would like to say is that we must draw and are already drawing conclusions, partly based on what happened here in ukraine, i i mean, of course, that we have not finalized the humanitarian delivery in ukraine, with the russian language, with journalists, with students who needed to be financed, now i recently met with a very large circle in the government, i said, here we are we are sitting here discussing the eurasian agenda, well, actually we speak russian, and... the state program for the russian
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language is funded, no, it is not funded, we must give mishustin his due, he found 500 million, they became insolent, they came to the government from the state program in russian language and zero rubles 0 kopecks, which means we turned directly to just imagine 0 rubles 0 kopestin made a decision, the government came, which means if we are ready to go further along this path and draw conclusions from these mistakes, then of course we need to go on the humanitarian agenda.
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relatives, who then arrange absolutely terrible, egregious events here ; it does not imply migration ; all examples of behavior that infuriate people living in russia, with all due respect, if someone wants to obtain citizenship, this is a completely separate road, but no, of course,
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this is completely, absolutely separate, this is the case, and different departments should deal with this, it cannot be brought into one department and given conditionally to the ministry of internal affairs. these should be different government agencies. the first moment, yes, the second moment, well, listen, the russian language is important when there is an example within the country, for this they learn the russian language, not to read pushkin, but because this is a country that is an example, when they tell us, we are in the nineties years, we lost everything in ukraine, but what could we win, we fled to the west faster than ukraine, which we have there was an attempt that we tried to offer ukraine which of us is faster similarity at a low price. the americans offered their way of life, what kind of life russia offered, russia didn’t have it, because if you don’t have an ideology, you have nothing to sell, you need language as a means to promote your way of life, your image of the future, your
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ideology, we completely abandoned this in the 1990s, they said at a high level that we don’t have our own special history, we don’t have anything, so why be surprised that...
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we will interact with china and others , but really the question of on what basis potential partner countries is a very big question. especially recently, i have to make complaints against the chinese, i must also directly admit, i periodically
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check in on this path, well, let’s put ourselves in the place of such a chinese political person, and a businessman too, but god bless him... with telegrams, with blogs , with these, but here he is reading, he brings him a sample, yes, media monitoring, here he is reading, and the president said one thing, the head. central bank - another, some minister has made his mark somewhere, in one place he says one thing, moves to another site in an ideological, in the sense of ideological overtones, says the exact opposite, he has all this on one sheet of a4, what should a chinese person think, here really only to be honest, chinese people, but there you can argue whether they plan for 100 years or 20, but these are rational people, these are people. as they say, they know how to count, what should he decide now? here he is, he really
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says, no, guys, these are the ones partners with whom we definitely need to conclude an agreement for a long time, but no, he will say, but let’s wait, 20 years, let’s see what they will have in 20 years, if things settle down somehow, well, yes, we’ll probably go for investment, but for now... it is not yet clear what mechanism of economic growth we are committed to, this is what kind of mechanism of economic growth we have, on the one hand , the president says that we have a mechanism, the basis of our economic growth - this is the real sector, yes , you start counting the central bank, well , again, all these financial macroeconomic recalculations.
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so that people can invest their, perhaps not very large, money in government programs for state development, and thus spend the money not on consumption, including personal consumption, on some large investment programs, this has been talked about for a very long time, and so that someone did something, but no, it’s coming from the highest stands, this is absolutely pro-western, forgive me, la. buddha. a set of words, and the further you go, the more
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it looks like a set of words, which has no macroeconomic content, behind which there is no economic strategy. in general, it’s a very complicated story, i’ll tell you, dear friends, when there are two governments in the country. we already had one like this. in the thirties, when we had two governments.
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it won’t be otherwise, but i can also tell the chinese that it would be a very big mistake on the part of our respected chinese partners to perceive blinkin’s visit as a defect in the performance? no, an absolutely systematic approach, because if it were a defect performer, blinkin would have been removed a year ago, but he is not only not removed from his position, he has traveled all over the world twice. everywhere he has, especially in relation to china, the same approach,
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to bully, put pressure, try to scare, try to drive a wedge, so i think they will bring gingerbread to china, but these gingerbreads will be very salty with a very large share, i would say, such a threat, in this sense, of course, the chinese... must understand very clearly that things are heading towards a very serious crisis, oh, i have the last such question, maybe i didn’t hear something, i wonder if any of... the leadership of the central bank has been to crimea and again in the regions reunited with russia over the past years, i can’t have missed something and of course the deputy chairmen of the central bank don’t come out of there, a branch of the central bank has opened a representative office, but it’s just that i haven’t even heard about crimea, and i haven’t heard about
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sanctions, against them, by the way, it’s interesting, sanctions have been introduced, i just don’t know, it’s interesting to see, yes it’s interesting. everything is clear here, there will be a lot of hysterics, there will be many attempts to raise the temperature, they have more where to raise the temperature, this is a fact, they still have the opportunity to put pressure on some of our partners, in particular in central asia, this is quite obvious, but it is approximately predictable, so i am interested in what will happen
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in 2025, this is what macron said, and this sentence, it reads very... simply, in reality only france has nuclear weapons in europe, because the uk has nuclear weapons, it’s not even british, it’s not european, but it’s not even british anymore, so the idea is that nuclear france's weapons, which will definitely be perfect, and they are national, were created entirely on a national basis, on french technologies, and france's nuclear infrastructure including... uranium enrichment structures, it is absolutely original, national. what did macron propose? did he offer to chip in for everyone? he proposed that france, while remaining a sovereign owner of nuclear weapons, would receive funding, assistance and everything else for it
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from all over europe. and we understand that this will be a slightly different europe. this won't be europe different speeds, it will be... europe, the eu, it will be a completely different europe with a completely different center and this is what interests me, under the cover of talk about a big european war, a very large redistribution of influence, and maybe space, has begun in europe, well, i think that of course we will interact with europe, of course, paris for sure. berlin, we will come to an agreement with them. the main thing for us is stability and firm power. absolutely right. and how the people of europe want and which putin will choose. this is already different question. but notice how interesting it is. even these idiots don't change the script. yes, that is, blinken comes and says: and china is interfering, we can see right away, china is trying to interfere with the elections, maybe
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the commentator, on the contrary, can revive it. these are the forces that speak.
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the states looked in comparison with the previous one, of course he was on horseback, money was allocated there, well, maybe not sixty.
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the americans, as it turned out back in march, as part of that last, as they said, package of 300 million dollars , supplied attack missiles with a range of 300 km. i don't know how much. they supplied , they say that about 100, i think that it is less, because, let’s say, well, if you use this vocabulary at pre-war prices, attacks cost one missile 2.5 million dollars, i don’t think that they spent this entire package on these missiles, but nevertheless, i must say that this is serious, these missiles, you don’t have to treat them, yes, we have learned to shoot them down, yes we shoot them down and... shoot them down, we will shoot down tauras, but there is no such thing yet defense system that would ensure 100%
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destruction of missiles, and salvo launches of these missiles in which, well, not hundreds, but dozens of these missiles are involved, the probability of missing one or two is very high, moreover, i... absolutely agree with you that the main goal in the current conditions, and even before that, i completely i agree that crimea was, so to speak, the main carrot that the americans from here, so to speak, always dreamed of eating, and there were ministry contracts, we were still sorting it out, i remember when we saw the contracts of the ministry of the navy for the construction of a number of buildings in... . crimea, while the ministry of the navy did not can engage in charity work according to american laws, but can only build
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facilities for the needs of the american navy. therefore, given that the crimean airfields are one of the main sites on which our army aviation is based, plus... because even we have been talking about this for 2 years , missing one missile in a cassette version can, so to speak, put it out of action
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well, a significant number of aircraft that are located in open areas just need time for this, i don’t know why this is has not been done before, but it doesn’t take that much time if you build a defense like khmim, whatever, yes, i think, i think our commanders. but it’s not all that complicated, i think our command understands this, and i think they will take action, you and i know how well the commander of the engineering troops, lieutenant general stovitsky, will carry out any instructions brilliantly and accurately in the shortest possible time, we will this is to be hoped for, because the defense line, which was built in the shortest possible time, is a clear confirmation of this, yes, well, for six months, i think that we still have time, we would like to hope for this, that this whole thing will happen... built in parallel, talk is intensifying that after all, uh, europe should send troops, so
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- an article appeared in the magazine foreing affairs, the authors there, they are not very well-known, one is a former military man, another is an active military man, the third is a military analyst, who describe the whole, so to speak, here are the options that troops need to be sent to carry out both non-combat missions, such as repairs, training, and combat missions, but combat they are the tasks must be carried out on the territory...
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if an atomic missile falls, you know, you know, no, but what will happen, that is , there will be an explosion, you know, vladimir rudolfovich, no, there may not be an explosion, but there will be radioactive fallout, i had a case, when the americans and i discussed the issue of missile defense, when we asked them the question, what would happen if the poles shot down a hypothetical iranian missile over there...
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let's see what happens next, they are standing there, who are they, newbies, this is a passenger with me, reporter, director, i came for my brother, i battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i’m adam, why adam and not adam, i’m a chechen, an artist, a white rose, you can, i can, you can sing it somehow, friends, lively, we don’t need names, don’t touch her, or what, no matter, not yours. well, you, little hand, god's light, homer to the machine gun, there is something to do, commander, shoot, call sign passenger, call sign passenger , i suggest changing it to the call sign rebin, no, this is my brother’s nickname, you remain a passenger, that’s right.


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