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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 28, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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those who wanted to have already left the dangerous areas. right now in russia the most difficult period for allergy sufferers continues. at the moment, the most pollen is in the north of the russian plain. the main cloud stretches in a strip from the vologda region to the trans-urals. the news is good for the central regions. in moscow, for example, despite a very warm spring, high concentrations of the allergen are not expected. about this season we can say that the moscow birch was washed away by rain. we are now threatened only by drift. everything north of moscow will... still gather dust for some time. further north, the longer, it’s difficult to say how much seasonal allergies cost the state. a year ago , scientists from japan tried to figure out the numbers and it turned out that in just a couple of months, just one type of allergy caused economic damage to the land of the rising sun of 400 billion, that’s about 200 billion rub. but there is hope for allergy sufferers; an international group of scientists promises to give the world a vaccine against polynosis caused by birch pollen when it becomes available. in
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hospitals and how it works, will it be possible with its help to completely rid humanity of such phenomena such as allergies? this is a question of science, i am pavel toropov, associate professor of the department of meteorology, climatology, faculty of geography, moscow state university. well, our guest is one of the creators of a promising drug, valery smirnov, head of the research and production complex of the institute of immunology of the federal medical-biological agency of russia. valery, good afternoon. good afternoon, pavel. so, valery, at what stage now? this miracle vaccine is being developed, i’m not afraid of this word. at this stage, we have completely completed preclinical research, that is , animal studies that evaluate the effectiveness and safety of this vaccine, today, together with our strategic industrial partner company, we are finishing the production of a pilot batch according to gnp standards, which will be the result.
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in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug, well, in the future, also continue to evaluate the next dusting season, in order to assess in principle how long the effect of this vaccine can last, of course, well, that’s also a question, maybe a little naive, but can we expect that this will not only be such a counter- counteraction against polynosis, maybe others.
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most likely this will also be a vaccine against pollen, but other plants, for example, if we take the southern regions, allergies to ragweed pollen are more typical there than to birch pollen, at least half of the birch also exists, so this can be called a whole platform for creating something similar kind of vaccine, the principle will be the same, the principle will be the same, the only minus, of course, for each vaccine of this kind according to ... current ones is
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regulatory and legislative requirements will require separate preclinical clinical trials, which will take several years in total. valery, please tell me, these are the approaches that existed, allergen-specific immunotherapy, yes, if i understand correctly, we administer a small dose to the patient, he adapts to it, then we increase the dose, this is what it was before the vaccine, that's what you... better, you know, in fact, what allergens were introduced, allergenic extracts and allergoids can also be call it a kind of allergen vaccine, everything here is built on the same principle, essentially globally, but it can be called a new generation vaccine, that is, an allergy is a hypersensitivity to some allergen, in this case, when a healthy person gets this allergen in the body, and
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this is an antigen too, it produces antibodies to it, class g antibodies, yeah, immunoglobulin g, so a person who suffers from... an allergy produces not immunoglobulin g, but immunoglobulin e. when before there were whole proteins contained in extract of pollen and birch, or even allergoids that received a little, so to speak, chemical transformation, they still remained allergenic, that is, i will explain, when they entered the body, and they could also cause the formation of immunoglobulin e. that is, an allergic response, even to anaphylactic shock. accordingly, our vaccine does not contain the whole protein, birch pollen, but its peptide parts, which are solely responsible for
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the production of immunoglobulin g, respectively, immunoglobulin e in any case, with use. or several sublingual visions during, well, before the dusting season, from seven to thirty such injections are needed, yes, yes, the whole course of treatment, we reduced it to
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five, yeah, uh, which is already good, well, yes, besides this it osits it is carried out, well, every year for the first 3 years, and then they support it.
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indications, they can even be recorded as contraindications, but not because they are contraindicated for them, but because there are no studies yet, of course, well , such a reinsurance measure, after all, of course, yes, again, if a person, for example , takes medications, immunosuppressants, yeah,
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which basically suppress one’s own immunity, for example, undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, a harsh thing, well, it doesn’t make sense in this case. in the country, it’s approximately at a glance, well , it depends on the region, in principle, we can say, it’s somewhere from 15 to 35%, this is very, very, very much, you know, as a meteorologist, i know that now even in weather forecasting technology, even when
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we go to any weather website, flowering is not predicted only birches, but there are also oaks and lindens, that is , there are even simple prognostic methods, they are certainly not complicated, but nevertheless, more or less work. this begs the question: has this always been the case, because it intuitively seems that such 15-35% did not exist before, of course now. everything is accepted in everything - global warming, i think, honestly, intuitively, as a scientist i think that it has nothing to do with it, but what do you think, like experts in immunology, has it always been like this, in the 18th century too was 30%, there 1.00 years ago, or is it still a relatively young disease and such a disaster has now happened there over the last 30-40 years, well, you know, let's start with the fact that allergies as a disease were described quite late, this is already the 20th century, the beginning of the 20th century .
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in the first years of life, very few people encounter various allergens, very little, because everything around him is, relatively speaking , sterile, in fact, yes, that is, in the villages of this, well, i conventionally call it a village, that is, yes, let’s call it that, there is no such thing, hygiene there, relatively speaking, is a little worse, but we see this research not only in russia, this is a general world research that
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the population, that is, people born in such, let’s call it rural areas, have much less allergic diseases, bronchial asthma in adulthood, than those who were born in the city, understandable, yes, this is very interesting, respectively, the second option
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is all banal with the amount of our favorite
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birch tree, yes, which grows very close by, this is already a natural area, we can pay attention to the red screen, 30-50 micrometers, this is generally the length of infrared and sound, some kind of tiny, in general substance, yes, yes, this is the so -called grain, pollen grain, it contains just the same proteins, and not just one, proteins, seven have been characterized allergenic proteins, but they are called bet v1, bet v2, and so on, bet v7, and
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both parents had allergies, then there is a fairly high probability that, uh, the child will also have an allergy, but it’s not a fact, it also happens that doesn't happen, uh-huh, mm, again, if - talk about predicting, uh, are you subject to this influence, are you not subject to it, well,
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perhaps, that, uh, most likely not, because the only thing i can offer here is... a certain test, but if not annually, then at some reasonable time, take tests , for example, skin tests for allergies, because if you take, for example, tests for total immunoglobulin e, if you have it in your body, you will, in fact, feel it in the form of symptoms, well, it happens that a person sensitized to some protein. but he doesn’t know it yet, then there is, he can, let’s say, not meet with it, it’s not pollen, it’s something else, we had a case, the patient was allergic to beef protein, but he didn’t know about it, he ate it calmly, and there was no allergy , naturally, he
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couldn’t even imagine, but it’s all very simple, it happened after he was injected with a drug containing... an extract from cattle, which means he got an allergic reaction, and what happens is that he digested this protein, his barriers were not broken, it was no longer protein that was absorbed into the blood, but directly amino acids, or maybe peptides, yeah, when it was injected, it turned out that he had an allergy, well, yes, here of course, it ’s called go guess, go guess,
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it even slowed down a little, we started developing a drug against covid-19, by the way, it was successfully registered, this is the drug mir 19, and the approaches here are of course different, because in the case of covid we are talking about a viral infection, but here is a non-infectious version of the immune response, this is an allergic reaction, but what i will say really helped is...
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it was essentially his idea, which we brought to the point where it was essentially a drug entering clinical trials. well, it’s great, yes, that in these conditions, international cooperation still does not disappear, there are reasonable people, this is wonderful, here is the socio-economic effect, this of course
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sounds a little strange, but if there are 30-40% of allergy sufferers there is a huge number , i know that many people leave when this flowering begins, so your development is, well, approximately, it can reduce the number of people getting sick as much as possible, that’s how you see positive socio-economic?
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moved to the side of a more, so to speak, older age. well, vareri, thank you very much, a very interesting conversation, humanity is one step away from victory over a seemingly
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invincible enemy, a disease more common than covid, more severe than seasonal colds, may join the list of forgotten eradicated ailments. the head of the research and production complex of the institute of immunology of the fmba, valery smirnov, answered scientific questions today. thank you very much again, thank you. love clients are the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don't create fashionable things, but... an opportunity to be in the spotlight. for each of you, this is not just a business, but a favorite thing that helps millions of people. sber also appreciates
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2:00 am
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