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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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were heard in the area of ​​the plant where aircraft are repaired; in nikolaevskaya , a warehouse with ammunition at the airfield came under attack. local media reports that this is the most massive attack in recent times. in the far east, spring snowstorms in the magadan region covered the roads with snow, there is an avalanche danger in kamchatka, and heavy snowfall in khabarovsk. when the weather gets better in the eastern regions. goes to mexico, the award for his contribution to world cinema remains in russia. the international film festival has ended in moscow. let's summarize. the wind that demolishes heavy trucks, powerful tornadoes swept through the american states of texas, iowa and nebraska. hundreds of houses were destroyed to the ground. well, let's start with the weather in moscow. a thunderstorm with
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a steamy wind hit the capital, the sky in the city is overcast with clouds, streams of water on the sidewalks and roadways, showers can barely cope, weather forecasters warned about bad weather the day before, according to them, the weather in the capital at the beginning of the day should form a warm sector of the cyclone, and about midday cold atmospheric front, their collision is inevitably accompanied by showers, during during the day, atmospheric pressure will also increase, by the evening the barometer will show 753 mm of mercury... this is above normal. now to the floods in russian regions. the most alarming situation now is in the tyumen region. the level of the ishim river in the village of obatskaya has almost reached 12 m. the federal highway is beginning to flood. an emergency evacuation of residents has been announced. near the village of afonkino, the road was washed out and the bridges were flooded. according to local residents, the water is coming in like a torrent, but the crossings are holding up so far. in some regions there is still ice on the rivers. just coming off.
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a sharp rise in water is occurring in the irkutsk region. rescuers discovered three jams amid freezing conditions. in the northern regions, the situation is monitored continuously. in the kurgan region, the load on dambus remains. authorities say that the water level in tobol is still above normal. in the orenburg region, the number of flooded houses decreased by another 3,000. now residential buildings need to be dried, garbage removed and disinfected. damage assessment is underway. according to the ministry of emergency situations, it is still in the water. almost 9,000 houses and 14,500 plots remain. in mordovia, all objects and territories were freed from water, including two bridges that remained flooded until recently . well, last night the east of our country was covered by a powerful cyclone, which brought snow, rain and gusty winds to kamchatka. an avalanche danger has been declared on the peninsula for the next few days. in khabarovsk, heavy snowfall, the airport operates according to actual weather conditions, one flight. canceled,
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a blizzard is raging in kolyma, the roads are covered in snow, visibility is almost zero, emergency services have been put on high alert. about lyudmila shchervakova will tell you about the consequences of the cyclone. snowfall and snow on the roads , zero visibility; wind gusts reach 20 m/s. a powerful snow cyclone has arrived in the magadan region. it especially seriously affects the coast of the region. it is now not safe to travel along the kolyma highway from magadan to the nearest suburban villages; traffic inspectors ask residents to observe the speed limit on the icy road. no avalanche danger has been declared in the region, but the snow is wet and sticky. so the rescuer recommended that residents not go to the mountain passes, avoid long-distance ski trips. try not to travel somewhere outside populated areas, because of the weather. does not allow
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the rather slippery roads to refrain from all kinds of travel, hunting trips, fishing trips, including, the ice on the bays of the sea of ​​okhotsk is also unstable, the forces of the main control system, the rschs systems are in enhanced mode for the coming weekend, in readiness readiness to respond to possible emergency situations. magadan airport operates as usual, the runway is cleared every hour, long-haul aircraft remain.
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in ukraine, attacks on military targets are reported, including in the western regions of the country. according to media reports, strikes were recorded in lviv, ivano-frankivsk, ternopil, and zhytomyr regions. khmelnitsky, kiev and other regions. they write that this is the most massive attack in recent times. reports of explosions also come from dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev and kharkov. they claim that in the kharkov region they were heard in the area of ​​the plant where they were repairing aircraft and fuel equipment. in nikolaevskaya, a warehouse with ammunition at the martynovka airfield was under attack, and in kherson, a railway station controlled by the ukrainian armed forces. according to some reports , four thermal power plants were also damaged. i would like to note that russia uses high-precision weapons to attack military targets, as well as infrastructure that is related to the military objectives of the kiev regime. powerful tornadoes are raging in three american states at once, by this moment three victims are known, cnn reports, thousands of people remain without electricity. the storm hit nebraska, and
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iowa and texas, and weather forecasters also reported a powerful... it is already known about several cars that were derailed due to storms, emergency services also report overturned trucks, the roof was torn off at one of the regional airports, the tornado actually destroyed the small towns of alcorn and benington were wiped off the face of the earth, dozens of houses there were destroyed, and today the weather service is forecasting baseball-sized hail. awards were handed out at the forty-sixth moscow international film festival to the winners. the grand prix competition goes to mexico, and the prize for contribution to world cinema is awarded to a russian director. the results of the review will be summed up by ivan kudryavtsev. during these
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8 days, the moscow international film festival was attended by 39. spectators, three dozen world premieres and more than 200 films in competitive out-of-competition programs. spain, about a young couple who decide to have dinner together, leaving the children at home, documentary, winner, film the rook from iran, exploring the fantasy world of dreams of a famous iranian artist. russian premieres are a new national competition at the moscow international film festival, evgeny telegin received a special mention from the jury, viktor tyakhomirov’s free interpretation of pushkinskaya’s plot. onegin, and the winner is yulia trofimova's liar. vorgomedy is about the grimaces of modern cancel culture and a girl who, under the pressure of sudden fame that has fallen on her, does not dare to tell the truth. about the fact that you need to listen to your voice and not listen to the majority, try to understand what
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exactly you want, and go your own way. it seems to me that for every person this is the most important. best actress - marieke baker, german film shlemazal, about a journalist who is looking for her ex.
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i believe that art, as such, can awaken some changes within us so that we become better people. finally, sergei ursulyak, creator of the films “righteous, liquidation, destiny of life,” receives the golden saint george for his contribution to the development of cinema. in his response speech, sergei vladimirovich symbolically returns the prize to soviet cinema, whose traditions. he follows his great masters too. film closing of the forty-sixth moscow international film festival major thunder game. new film by oleg trafim and babbl comics studio. a large-scale spectacle with a strong detective plot will definitely exceed the highest expectations of viewers. the film will be released at the box office from may 23. ivan kudryavtsev, janet
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arlet, pavel meer, alexander shestopalov. news: closings of the miff. it is profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners there is a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online or in a branch. copies are not your style. yours uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. one for all, all, all for one, there is a classic
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megamarket birthdays. sberbu smart speaker for only 8,990 rubles. it’s not easy to catch a pyro firebird, but anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on experts choose rosneft magnum oil. with rosneft magnum, oil consumption is one third less. 83% of buyers choose. again, it's 20% reduces deposit formation, growth-oil magnum motor oil, we are confident you will buy it again. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. what do you think? cool, but save up a cumulative vtb bet for a subscription. if you replenish regularly , you will save up 16% faster. russian lotto unites people; when we are together, our
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help is greater. charity easter drawing, 10 rubles for each ticket sold will be donated to charity. we will be giving away thousands of cash prizes, every second ticket wins. 100% originals from famous brands are now more accessible on avito premium. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities.
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to cnn following a visit to beijing. according to the official, washington allegedly has direct evidence of beijing's interference in the electoral processes in the united states. the white house hopes that such actions by china will stop as soon as possible. however, how the state department did not specify exactly which third countries could influence the outcome of the presidential race. at the same time, earlier sidinpin, according to the same cnn channel, had already assured joe biden that beijing did not intend to in any way influence the internal affairs. us, blaming other countries for interference is a favorite tactic of american democrats when they feel
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they may lose the race for the presidency . this happened, for example, in 2016, when supporters of hillary clinton accused the victorious donald trump of having ties with russia. moscow has repeatedly rejected any accusations of an aggressive foreign policy based on interference in the affairs of sovereign states. europol detained members of the crime. groups that stole rare editions of russian classics from european libraries, the gang operated in nine countries, where it was eventually caught, zinaida kurbatova will tell. 14 swindlers committed a quite large-scale theft, as we see, 150 rare books, but also a criminal group, large, however, as is the amount for which the rarities were sold - this is no less than 2.5 million euros. they stole from european libraries. it is clear why these are the first editions of pushkin and gogol; for us this is of great value, but not
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especially for europe. whether there was a russian customer in this story remains to be seen, but usually criminals don’t turn over... customers. the international investigation began after france sent a report on the siena platform to europol, after which other partners confirmed that they had identified similar cases on their territories. identified - this means that the library took the book and saw what it was fake. according to europol , it is an artificial fake. it is very interesting who made it, because in order to make such a fake you need not only the paper that was used at the beginning of the 19th century. but we don’t have 100% printing of fonts, at least with the cyrillic alphabet from the beginning of the 19th century, but because the bolsheviks, after the spelling reform , destroyed most of the fonts, well, then there’s the printing method, because if we consider the beginning of the 19th century, then printing was done on machines similar to
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butenberg’s machine, although it could also be digital a copy, but only a specialist can do this. recognizes, they sold stolen goods in auction houses in moscow and st. petersburg, we understand that library stamps usually, this is the seventeenth page, can be washed off, sometimes, uh, the stamps are removed, the sheets are replaced, and figure it out, this is still a circulation item, ah , to figure out whether this copy is genuine or whether some pages were replaced and the seals were erased, where it was taken from, were someone’s seals erased, or was it liquidated? some red youth club in the city of kalinin, or the warsaw library. books have always been stolen, and much more often than painting, because a painting is in one copy, books are an edition, they are easier to take out, you don’t need to cut them off the stretcher, just put them in your pocket. the thefts in our libraries were also stunning, we selected
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several from the library of the academy of sciences in st. petersburg, they were carried out more than once, this institution can be directly noted. system, in some, so to speak, social groups, book theft is not even considered a crime, it is considered rather some strange way of restoring justice, such first editions of pushkin, gogol is in great demand among collectors, it costs millions of rubles, of course, it depends on the condition of the book, there is also fashion,
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recently collectors have been chasing rare scientific publications. now the classics are in fashion. the biggest danger is when an academician or collector dies, and his collection of rare books is transferred to the library, but is not registered there for a very long time. big risk. in orenburg, the final tests of a drilling rig are being carried out, which has no analogues in russia. it allows you to drill any rocks from earth to granite. all components and assemblies domestic. the installation has not yet been put into production, but orders are already in place. there are, including abroad. vyacheslav kampe will tell you more. this is the zbo s50 drilling rig. engineers from the orenburg drilling equipment plant worked on its creation for a year and a half. index 50 means maximum load - 50 tons. the maximum diving depth is 3 km. in this case, the driller controls everything using
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a special computer. the control is much higher, all parameters are given out more accurately. more functional work. it can be said that on the one hand, the driller turns into a surgeon at work. unlike foreign analogues, which are structurally a modernization of older models, the zbo s-50 was developed from scratch, taking into account the tasks and challenges of modern geological exploration companies. the installation allows you to drill any rocks from standard earth and sand to hard basalt and granite. today this is the most modern bravo installation. and has a wide range of possibilities, for example, drilling is performed using direct drilling, with reverse drilling, with airlifting, it is also possible to use them for degassing today ... i would even say that it is superior to foreign analogues, during development special attention was paid to import substitution, components and assemblies as a map of russia, the power plant
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of the yaroslavl plant, the oil cooler originally from st. petersburg, omsk manifolt, the high-pressure hoses and winch are local from orenburg, even the metal here is especially durable, then we have a wide temperature range, from plus50 to -60, and the metal that we selected for this drilling rig. can be used without problems northern conditions and permafrost conditions. the installation has a wide range of applications. at the end of march , the pioneer mine was flooded in the amur region. 13 miners were locked underground. this tragedy showed that a modern drilling rig must still perform a rescue function. the maximum drilling diameter of this installation is 800 mm, almost 80 cm. this width allows you to lower the rescue capsule to depth and...
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sell, sell in africa, this is a very good machine for water, we see it being sold in saudi arabia, we see it being sold in dubai, there are already people interested there, now the first sample is undergoing final tests, then it will be taken to an exhibition in moscow, and after that the installation will go to novokuznetsk to work in a coal company. vyacheslav kampa, alexey petrov, lead the orenburg region. i've been waiting for you forever. “i was in such a hurry to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm,
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sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. now economic news, briefly. the ministry of economic development expects a slowdown in annual inflation in russia. according to the ministry's forecast, in june it will drop to 6.9%, in september to 5.8. inflation will reach the central bank's target of 4% only by december next year. let me remind you that yesterday the regulator kept the key rate at 16% for the third time in a row. inflation is gradually weakening, but remains high. therefore, the central bank will continue to maintain tight monetary policy. in may, the limit on transfers using the fast payments system between your own will increase. accounts. now you can send up to 30 million rubles per month without commission. for now,
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you can transfer up to rub 100,000 monthly between your accounts for free. if the limit is exceeded, a commission of half a percent of the amount is charged, but not more than 1,500 rubles. the japanese currency has fallen to its lowest level in 34 years. now they give more than 158 yen per dollar. since the beginning of the year, chickens have been on course. has already dropped by 9%. the fall accelerated after the bank of japan's march decision; the regulator abandoned negative rates for the first time in many years. market participants do not rule out imminent currency exchange interventions by the japanese central bank. in the twenty-second year they were resorted to three times. then they spent more than $60 billion to stabilize the exchange rate. and republic first bank went bankrupt in the usa. it came under the control of the federal deposit insurance corporation. assh writes about this. the collapse of the organization continued the series of ruins of american banks, which, it seemed, had been stopped in november last year; at the beginning of the twenty-fourth, the assets of the republic
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first bank were estimated at 6 billion dollars, 4 billion were in deposits, now all of them transferred to fulton bank, it will now be the responsibility of it to serve the bankrupt’s clients. it was economic news, briefly. copies are not your style, your uniqueness deserves more, choose avita premium, original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application, 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. start the path to your dream with sber, open a free business account and connect to the program.
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hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is a typical novorossiya program, our name everything is said, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical... with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the originality of its present day, find typical features, recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today, what it was like 70 years ago, khrushchev transferred crimea to the ukrainian ussr. how
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ukraine tried to... crimea from the history of novorossiya. conversation with a program expert. book renaissance in new regions. read fluently in russian. 70 years ago, in april 1954, the supreme soviet of the ussr adopted a law on the transfer of the crimean region from the rsfsr to the ukrainian ussr. and thus finally approved the decision of the party leadership of the cpsu, which was initiated by the then first secretary of the central committee, nikita khrushchev. the decision to transfer crimea to ukraine was at that time one of many, almost ordinary actions of the country's leadership to change the administrative borders of republics and regions within the ussr, and through.


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