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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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nature doesn’t have bad weather, as eldar rezanov wrote: it’s probably true for the soul, but unfortunately not for the heifers. in summer, for example, intestinal infections and fungal diseases traditionally raise their head, well, autumn is the time for the flu, acute respiratory infections, and in the spring allergic diseases come to the fore. it is difficult for people who have never suffered from allergies to understand what an allergy sufferer experiences when the air is filled with pollen, and by the way, some of them even leave the country while their least favorite plant is dusting. there are dozens of different allergens, but there is an undisputed leader among them, so say, the king is an allergen, birch finger, as far as everything seriously in our review. hide in a sealed bunker and wait until there is dust. sit down
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or run as far as possible without looking back, a choice that hundreds of thousands of russians have to make every year, at the turn of april and may birch pollen falls on the cities and the period of polynosis begins, this disease may not be fatal, but it is very unpleasant among the symptoms of edema mucous membranes, sneezing, eye irritation, in the most severe cases a person literally disappears from life for several weeks, can neither work nor study, it takes a lot of time to escape from polynosis to spend vacations to escape from the finger factor, you need to travel in a good way. for at least a month, because well, usually during this period, that is, we know, yes, it lasts a month, sometimes even a month and a half, someone goes to chernomorsko, someone goes further, yes, that is, they also use turkey , and egypt, and various options, both mediterranean and even more southern. we can only hope that everyone who wanted to has already left the dangerous areas. right now in russia the most difficult period for allergy sufferers continues. at the moment most pollen in the north of the russian plain. the main
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cloud stretches in a strip from the vologda region to the trans-urals. the news is good for the central regions. in moscow, for example, despite a very warm spring, high concentrations of the allergen are not expected. about this season we can say that the moscow birch was washed away by rain. we are now threatened only by drift. everything north of moscow will still gather dust for some time. the further north, the longer. how much does seasonal allergies cost the government? it’s hard to say, it’s difficult to estimate the numbers a year ago, scientists tried. from japan and it turned out that in just a couple of months, just one type of allergy caused economic damage to the land of the rising sun in the amount of 400 billion euros, which is about 200 billion rubles. but there is hope for allergy sufferers; an international group of scientists promises to give the world a vaccine against polynosis caused by birch pollen. when will it appear in hospitals and how will it work? will it be possible to completely rid humanity of such a phenomenon as allergies? this is a question of science, i'm pavel. toropov, associate professor, department of meteorology
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climatology, faculty of geography, moscow state university. well, our guest is one of the creators of a promising drug, valery smirnov, head of the research and production complex of the institute of immunology of the federal medical-biological agency of russia. valery, good afternoon. good afternoon, pavel. so, valery, at what stage is the development of this miracle vaccine now? i'm not afraid of this word. at this stage, we have completely completed preclinical studies, that is, they have been studied.
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it will go on sale there in a couple of years, or after all, a couple or three years is a good period, so to speak , because due to the fact that. that birch pollen, thank god, produces dust once a year, we must at least wait for one dusting season in order to evaluate the effectiveness of this drug, and then continue to evaluate the next dusting season in order to assess in principle how long the effect can last from this vaccine, of course, well, that’s also a question, maybe a little naive. is it possible to count that this will not only be such a counter-counteraction against polynosis, there may be other allergic reactions too, or still count on a miracle drug, a miracle elixir - this is a little naive, you know, in principle, based on those developments
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jointly with our austrian colleagues , which began in principle back in the eighteenth year here with us, we can... hope that birch will not be the only allergen against which a similar vaccine can be made, most likely it will also be a vaccine against pollen, but other plants, for example, if we take the southern regions, they are more likely to be allergic to ragweed pollen than to birch pollen, although birch pollen is also present, so this can be called a whole platform.
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this is hypersensitivity to some allergen, in this case, when a healthy person gets this allergen into the body, and this is also an antigen, he develops antibodies to it, antibodies of class g, yeah,
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immunoglobulin g, here in a person who suffers from allergies, it is not immunoglobulin g that is produced, but immunoglobulin e, when previously, there were whole... proteins contained in the extract of pollen and birch, or even allergoids, which received a little, so to speak, chemical transformation, they still remained allergenic, that is, i will explain, when they entered the body, they could also cause the formation immunoglobulin e, that is, an allergic response, up to anaphylactic shock, respectively, our vaccine does not contain whole... birch pollen protein, but its peptide parts, which are solely responsible for the production of immunoglobulin g, respectively, immunoglobulbulin e in any case, when
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using this vaccine, we do not expect to see, this was shown in the preclinic, well , now, in fact, this is a more progressive option, this one is also safer, or rather, yes, safer, and this is will it be, this is a one-time event, like a vaccination against measles or something, or every spring allergy sufferers will have to do it, after all, probably yes, well, firstly, if you take the classic ositis, then it’s several injections or several there sublingual visions, during, but before dust season.
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we expect that after the first, so to speak, course of administration, stable immunity will last for 3-5 years, and that is, yes, it’s really great, it’s not necessary every time. yes, but there is no need to talk about, so to speak, lifelong deliverance here yet, we still need to see what will happen to the volunteers, yes, to the volunteers, yes, this is a very good word, here valery, this just begs for tips of the pen, on the tips of the tongue, a question about contraindications, after all, any drug, it’s still the best, but not ideal, that’s how difficult it is in itself, there are vaccinations, but we know all of them are really serious, in principle, maybe,
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of course, something will change in the process of clinical trials, but at the moment it is obvious to us that there are absolute contraindications for the vaccine no, uh-huh, however, naturally, we will not first conduct research on children, because we will not conduct research on adults, on old age, so the first years of children will be...
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let's return to polynosis, yes, what is it, but really , what is approximately the percentage in general we are allergy sufferers in the country, so approximately , well, it depends on the region, in principle, we can say, it is somewhere from 15 to 35%, this is very, very, very much, you know, i know as a meteorologist, that now even in weather forecast technology, we even go to any weather website, it is forecast.
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then there was no such thing, that is, something, then there was a different infant mortality rate, to begin with, and a slightly completely different genetic composition of the population, but for example, there is a so-called hygienic the theory of the development of allergies, why it still grows year after year, it’s really not paradoxical, but... the use, excessive use of cleaning products,
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sterilizing devices of all kinds, windshield washers, any detergents, it leads to the fact that a baby, urban, let's call it that, but from the urban population in the first years of life, very few encounter various allergens, very few, because around. everything, relatively speaking, lives in a sterile environment, in fact, yes, that is, uh, in the village of such, well, i conventionally call it a village, that is, this is... such, let's call it a rural area , the population, that is, people born in
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adulthood , have much less allergic diseases, bronchial asthma. those who were born in the city, it’s clear, yes, this is very interesting, well, accordingly, the second option is still environmental pollution, that is, on the contrary, yes, that is, on the contrary, the presence of a large number of pollutants, and the most important thing is violation of the barrier function, that is, when a person’s barrier function of any its barriers, skin, mucous membrane, intestines, for example. but it turns out that - proteins, and allergens, i draw your attention, these are most often, well, you can assume that almost always, these are proteins, proteins, or something related to proteins, of course, yes, and as a result they end up into the systemic bloodstream, unchanged, undigested, large, because the barrier function
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is impaired, impaired, and as a result, the development of allergies, well, unfortunately, that’s all so far, allergic reactions from the famous birch tree from birch pollen, that’s why namely birch pollen, what is it, and well, yes, firstly, polynosis from all forms of allergies, which are common in our region, this is about, well, you can say 50% is occupied by this polynosis, and half of this 50%. this is birch pollen, everything else is other types of pollen, there is alha, oak and so on, but this is all explained by the banal amount of our favorite birch tree, yes, which grows all over the place, this is already a natural area, so we can reverse the red screen attention, 30-50 microns, this is generally the length of the infrared
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and the sound is kind of tiny, in general. substance, yes, well, yes, this is the so -called grain, pollen grain, uh, it contains proteins, and not just one protein, seven allergenic proteins have been characterized, but they are called bet v1, bet v2, and so on , bet v7, and bet v1 - this is considered a major allergen, that is , the allergen to which... 80% of those who are allergic to birch pollen are allergic, that is, this is the most common, the most common, these are the peptides from this squirrel, bet b1 were the basis for our vaccine, as i understand it, there are, of course , congenital allergies, but it happens that a person was living, living in peace, and suddenly it began, somehow
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people can predict this in themselves, or this is how it is like thunder falls from a clear sky and... you know, firstly, there is no such thing as a congenital allergy, it doesn’t happen, it can develop at an early age, just so, and so it’s congenital, well , it’s not, but it’s difficult to predict , in principle, there is a correlation between genetic characteristics, that is, if both parents had allergies, then there is a fairly high probability that the child will also have allergies, but this is not a fact.
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for example, skin tests for allergies, because if you take, for example, tests for general immunoglabulin e, if you have it in your body, you will actually feel it in the form of symptoms, well, it happens that a person is sensitized to some protein, but he doesn’t know it yet, that is, he can, let’s say, not meet with it, it’s not pollen, it’s some other protein, we had a case, the patient had an allergy to beef protein, but he didn’t know about it, he ate it calmly, and nothing. naturally, he couldn’t even imagine, it’s all very simple, it happened after he was injected with a drug containing an extract from
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cattle, which means he got an allergic reaction, and what happens is that he digested this protein, he had barriers not disturbed , it was no longer the protein that was absorbed into the blood, but the amino acids themselves, or peptides, yeah, when it was introduced. injection, it turned out that he had an allergy, well, yes, here of course, it’s called go guess, go ahead, guess, yes, let’s get back to the issue of the vaccine, the technology itself, i understand correctly that it is recombinant, yes , that’s right, here, well, i understand that covid is a completely different story, but here’s the experience of these numerous developments that took place in these hard years, he somehow helped here purely technologically or is this a completely different development.
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and as i understand it, despite all the difficulties with foreign colleagues now, austria is here, and the austrian colleagues play a significant role, i’m right in the middle collegium, this is the head of the group - this is
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professor valento, rudolf valento, professor at the university of vienna, he is a foreign member of the ras of our academy of sciences, our great friend is coming. here is the socio-economic effect - this of course sounds a little strange, but if there are 30-40% of allergy sufferers, a huge number, i know that many leave when
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this flowering begins, your development is so, well, approximately, it can reduce how much the number of people getting sick, that’s how you see the positive socio-economic the consequences of your development, it seems to me that they can be directly significant, yes, that is, in fact, the market for the sale... of this vaccine, it is very large, very large, there are a lot of patients who are interested in receiving this vaccine and receiving treatment of this vaccine, in addition, in addition, in our further studies, already at the third stage, even moving a little to the so -called post-registration study, we plan to look at the possibility of prevention. allergy to birch pollen with with the help of our vaccine, because it is impossible to use the whole protein, that is, an allergenic extract or allergoid, why?
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because if you introduce this very whole protein to a healthy person, you can potentially sensitize him, that is, he did not have allergies, but you made him allergic, so this is contraindicated, but due to the fact that when we prove that our the vaccine does not cause... humanity is one step away from victory over a seemingly invincible enemy: the disease is more widespread than covid, more severe, than seasonal colds may join
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the list of forgotten sparks. the head of the research and production complex of the institute of immunology of the fmba, valery smirnovich, answered scientific questions today . thank you very much again, thank you.
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contract military personnel receive regional support measures: combat veteran status, exemption from land tax, compensation for housing and communal services. vouchers
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to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract. attacks on ukrainian military targets in in the kharkov region, explosions occurred in the area of ​​a plant where aircraft are being repaired; in the nikolaev region, an ammunition warehouse at the airfield was under attack. local media report that this is the most massive attack yet.
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lately. in the far east, spring snowstorms in the magadan region covered the roads with snow, there is an avalanche danger in kamchatka, and heavy snowfall in khabarovsk. when the weather gets better in the eastern regions. the grand prix goes to mexico, the award for contribution to world cinema remains in russia. the international film festival. let's summarize. winds that blow away heavy trucks and powerful tornadoes swept through the american states of texas, iowa and nebraska. hundreds of houses were destroyed to the ground. well, let's start with the weather in moscow. a powerful thunderstorm with steamy winds hit the capital. the sky in the city is overcast.


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