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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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what are you waiting for? are you a metaphor? i am an example, i adapt, i change, i develop, and this has been the case for 110 million years, and what are you waiting for, change and change period, a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, my new invention for a clean toilet, with breath there is an easier way, bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bres is number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback bonuses. sportmaster has collected all sports in one application. sportmaster media is articles, videos and podcasts from experts about sports and outdoor activities. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. we take out loans, it’s easy
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to apply for them, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, you’re selfish, which means i already have heartburn from it, it’s burning, we’ll put it out, but i’m getting heartburn from your food , it’s easier with this, heartburn from eating, take it extinguishes, fight heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes heartburn, copies are not your style, your uniqueness deserves more, choose avita premium, original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application, one hundred percent originals are now more accessible on avita premium sber presents a loan with 2% cashback so that you even more opportunities have appeared, the opportunity not to be put off. get everything
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you've long dreamed of, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a barrage of new impressions, a storm new experiences, apply for a loan with sber and receive a monthly cashback of 2%, more profitable with sber prime. and now let's talk about the economy, morea russia can help nigeria complete the construction of a metallurgical plant, which began back in 1979, as local media report. tell us what investments are necessary for this? tatyana, investments will amount to about $2 billion. more on this a little later, but for now on to other topics. russian business of italian ariston the german bosch was transferred to the temporary management of the gazprom structure, gazprom household systems, according to the corresponding decree. wrote vladimir putin.
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the manufacturer of household appliances bosch announced the suspension of operations in russia 2 years ago, as a result of its revenue, which in 21 was about 50 billion rubles. in the twenty-third it dropped to almost two. the revenue of its competitor ariston in 23 was about 9.5 billion. however, net profit decreased over the year by 12 times to 33 million rubles. nigeria has begun negotiations with russia on reviving the metallurgical project. about this is reported by local media. the contractor should be tyazhprom-expert, which is part of rostec. to complete the work, it will take about $2 billion. construction of the plant began back in 1979; the work took 15 years and was 98% completed. stora tried to complete the project with other contractors, including from the united states, but without success. today, 3/4 of the enterprise's capacity is idle. government of south ossetia and rus. gas agreed on the exploration
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of an oil field, the agreement was signed on friday, well, they will begin in the near future geological exploration work in the tsenvalsky and dzaovsky regions. all stages can take from 3 to 5 years. the agreements signed today are of great socio-economic importance for the republic. we expect that today's event will be followed by positive steps in the development of our mining and oil industries. according to experts, we can provide for the republic. fuel, oil, diesel fuel. republic first bank was closed in the usa. its collapse led to serious expenses of approximately $667 million. he continued the series of ruin of american banks, which were suspended in november last year. in january , the credit institution's assets were estimated at $6 billion, with $4 billion in deposits. the federal deposit insurance corporation transferred all of these assets and liabilities to fulton bank. it is he who will now be responsible for customer service. the japanese currency
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has fallen to its lowest level in 34 years; it has now crossed the level of 158 yen per dollar. the main reason for the decrease is the accounting difference. rates in japan and the usa, for americans it is twice as high, because of this it is more profitable to invest in assets related to the dollar and euro. now market participants are waiting to see whether the japanese central bank will conduct currency interventions to stabilize the exchange rate? previously, the country's finance minister promised to take the necessary measures to combat excessive volatility, but since then the yen has fallen even more in price. and that's all i have for now. more news in the next hour. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you’ve long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who happen to
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it’s difficult to please the first time, there are opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, apply for a loan in sberbank and you get the same. monthly cashback 2% rate is more profitable with sberim. copies are not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands at attractive prices are waiting for you in the avito application. 100% originals are now more accessible on avita premium. if inflammation is complicated by fibrosis and the organ stops working normally, it can help smart enzyme. langidase breaks down fibrosis and helps restore organ functions. langidase simply against fibrosis, recommended course, two packages. oh, i'm pleased with that, because it's 4,900, but yes, of course.
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is panda for sale? yes, it's for sale. psb credit card double cashback. increased cashback on everyday purchases. my new invention for cleaning the toilet. there is an easier way. bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref is number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. charitable the easter draw of the russian lotto wins every second ticket, for every ticket sold 10 rubles. will be donated to charity. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need halva. you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to halva, divide them by... you can conveniently repay them in 24 months, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with halva. happy birthday, megamarket, you give joy, only on the megamarket’s birthday, household goods with cashback up to 70%. cheese, oh, they forgot the cheese, okay,
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that we have each other, and what will show us on tv, tell me what you caught? for as long as we can remember, we have always been together. magnit, 30 years by your side. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription. if you replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster. be brave about your expenses. with yota, your money will not fly away. we return rubles for remaining minutes and gigs.
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repairs at the expense of the management company, many have heard about this possibility, but you need to figure out in what cases and what work can be transferred to an organization that services your home. irina has all the information. repair instructions are expensive, but some things can be transferred to the management company, in which cases it should carry out repairs for free, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the instruction program. first, you need to make a reservation; in fact, the management company
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does nothing for free. the receipt for the apartment contains a line: maintenance and current repairs of common property. the money that is collected from the owners is saved in the general account of the house, from which they will... take funds for current repairs of common household property only. the deadlines themselves depend on the nature of the applications. for example, the service dispatcher is required to answer a resident’s phone call. within no more than 5 minutes, and if you were unable to meet this deadline, then call the tenant back yourself within the next 10 minutes. for example, fixing a roof leak should take no more than one day, and a fix in the lighting system of common areas should be fixed within seven days, there is no need to confuse the localization of the elimination, but that means look, we, as owners, have two terms, 30 minutes and 2 hours, 30 minutes for identification, 2 hours for localization, that’s all , which means, well, in the case of, say, windows in
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the entrance, an elevator or a garbage chute, everything is clear, this is definitely common property, but what to do in more complex situations what is considered the tenant's property? a government decree will help with this; it can be found on the official website for the publication of legal acts; it contains a minimum list of what the management company is responsible for and what types of repairs it is obliged to do? for repairs in the entrances of apartment buildings this includes work such as restoring plaster walls, ceilings, covering floor walls with ceramic and other tiles in certain places, and so on. such repairs are current and are carried out based on the results of scheduled technical inspections of an apartment building. the frequency of such repairs is once. within 3-5 years, depending on the classification of the building and actual physical wear and tear. in
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this case, current repairs must be carried out without interrupting the building’s services, including heat, water and energy supplies. in general it is possible say that the uca is responsible for water and gas pipes up to the first valve, including the ventilation and sewerage systems, it is also responsible for caring for the roof, attics, floors and... panel joints, for example, the management company did not maintain the house well, and let’s say, from - due to a leaky roof , the plaster of the residents on the top floor fell off, or due to the dampness that penetrated into the apartment through the gap between the slabs, the wallpaper came off. then you need to demand compensation for damages. first call the emergency dispatch service, the number can be found on the receipt or on the website of your management company and its pages on social networks. emergency dispatch services operate around the clock. seven days a week, if your management company does not have its own service, it is required by law to enter into
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an agreement with the ads of another management company. the dispatcher must answer the call within 5 minutes or call you back within 10 minutes. the operator must accept your request for a problem and provide its number. write it down or save it in your phone; you will need it when drawing up an act when a specialist will arrive. be sure to include all damage in the report. based on this document you will. demand free repairs from your management company or insist on reimbursement for repairs if you did them yourself or hired someone. of course, expenses will need to be confirmed by receipts or an agreement with the contractor. in accordance with the management agreement, it is the management organization that, for a fee, is obliged to provide services for the maintenance and repair of common property. therefore, it is the management company that should. for owners, specific proposals for routine repairs and their implementation,
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however, the legislation does not contain a direct ban on carrying out cosmetic repairs by the residents themselves, but in this case, when going to court with a claim to the management company for reimbursement of expenses, it will be necessary to confirm the fact of the need for such repairs, including through video and photography, drawing up various inspection reports, specialists, and so on. in addition, it will be necessary to confirm the fact that residents’ expenses for carrying out such repairs, which may entail additional financial and time costs for them. so, let us repeat, the main management company is responsible for the common property for damage to your property if it occurred through its fault. contact the emergency dispatch service, save the application number and draw up an act on... if you want to learn more about how you can hold general meetings of residents of apartment buildings online and jointly
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make decisions that affect you every day, watch the issue about government services.dom, and if you have questions about on how to effectively communicate with your management company, then write to us in telegram, we will pass them on to specialists and tell you everything in the next issues of our instructions. final tests are taking place in orenburg. which has no analogues in russia, it allows you to drill any rocks from earth to granite, all components and assemblies are domestic, the installation has not yet been put into production, but there are already orders, including from abroad. vyacheslav kampa will tell you all the details. this is the zbo s-50 drilling rig. engineers are working on its creation they worked at the orenburg drilling equipment plant for a year and a half. index 50 means maximum load. 50 t. maximum diving depth 3 km. in this case , the driller controls everything using a special
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computer. the control is much higher, all parameters are more accurate, and more functionality is provided. we can say that on the one hand the driller turns into a surgeon at work. unlike foreign analogues, which are structurally a modernization of old models, the zbo s50 was developed from scratch, taking into account the tasks and challenges of modern geological exploration companies. the installation allows you to drill any rocks from standard earth and sand to hard basalt and granite. today this is the most modern bravo installation and has a wide range. possibilities, for example, drilling with direct drilling, with reverse drilling, with airlifting, they can also be used for degassing. today, i would even say that they are superior to foreign analogues. during development, special attention was paid to import substitution. units and assemblies as a map of russia, yaroslavsky power plant plant, oil cooler from
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st. petersburg, omsk manifold, high-pressure hoses and winch from local orenburg. even the metal here is especially durable, we have a wide temperature range from +50 to -60, and the metal that we selected for this drilling installation can be used without problems in northern conditions and in permafrost conditions. wide range of installation applications. at the end of march , the pioner mine was flooded in the amur region. 13 miners were trapped underground. this tragedy showed that a modern drilling rig must still perform. rescue function. the maximum drilling diameter of this installation is 800 mm, almost 80 cm. this width allows the rescue capsule to be lowered to depth and trapped people to be retrieved from the ground. the drilling equipment plant is included in the list of the russian ministry of industry and trade as a significant enterprise in the field of import substitution. a non-repayable subsidy in the amount of 127
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million rubles was received for the development of the s-50 air defense system. the unit has not yet left the assembly line, but is already in use. in demand, management the enterprise says that a document has already been signed for the pre-order of seven zbo s50, we now see it for sale, sell it in africa, this is a very good machine for water, we see it for sale in saudi arabia, we see it for sale in dubai, there are already people there who are interested, now the first sample is undergoing final tests, then it will be taken to an exhibition in moscow, and after that the installation will be sent...
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the mms yemen said that they attacked a british oil ship in the red sea. the strike was carried out using missiles that hit the target exactly. the leader of the houthi movement talks about this wrote in the telegram channel. members of the paramilitary group also stressed that they would continue to carry out operations in support of the palestinians. spain confirmed arms supplies to kiev under pressure from nato and the european union. madrid will transfer the ukrainian armed forces, patriot air defense systems and leopard tanks. ukraine must receive the equipment within 4 days. heavy snowfall and blizzard in magadan, there is ice and zero visibility on the roads, rescuers have put the forces on high alert, the bad weather in the region will last until may 2. and now about the weather, showers have returned to moscow today forecasters promise ten-day normal precipitation in the capital when the rains end,
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vadim zavochenkov knows about this. as the long working week begins again, the rains will reach their peak, how much precipitation will fall in moscow and how soon the sun will begin to peek through the clouds again. current weather analytics on russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the fobs center. hello, the weather in the central regions has deteriorated, but only to improve for the holiday weekend. the harmful influence of the cyclone began to be felt the day before. friday wave the front of this whirlwind stretched from crimea to vyatka and precipitation. he brought relatively little, but they were very diverse, even within the same region. a vivid example of tauris, while in simferopol it was raining with a mixture of african... sand , sevastopol residents drove hail the size of cherries under the awnings, and this is footage from
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ukraine, this is where the elements played out in earnest, powerful downpours covered many cities, rushing through the streets streams of water, in kiev, more than twenty cars drowned right in the parking lot near the bus station, today. most of european russia will be at the mercy of the atlantic cyclone. only the southern latitudes of the volga region will remain outside the bad weather zone. the area of ​​this vortex contains quite warm air, so only in the arctic region will rain turn into snow, and the heaviest precipitation of about a third of the monthly norm is expected in places in the north and center of the region. the first echelon of rain clouds reached moscow last night, and by morning the capital was already there. about 15% of the monthly volume of moisture fell, before lunchtime thunderstorms will acquire a local short-term character, and then again sharply
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will increase in total at the end of the day at the weather stations of the capital, almost the full ten-day norm of precipitation will be collected, however, today's bad weather is a sign of an imminent change in the weather trend, tomorrow an anticyclone will begin to form on the russian plain, and this cloud will push aside the fields of frontal clouds in... european russia, as a result, on holidays the weather in the region will be quite contrasting, in the west it will be mostly sunny, but from the shores of the black sea to the urals there will be arrays of rain clouds. this development atmospheric processes explains the peculiarities of the temperature regime: if in the west of the russian plain by may 1 the air during the day can warm up to +18:23, then in the south, on the contrary, the heat will subside and the daytime temperature will not exceed +20-25. an even more serious cooling is expected in the middle volga, here at midday it is only +12-17.
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for example, in samara today and tomorrow it is abnormally hot, in the afternoon + 26-28, this is slightly higher than even the july norm, but from monday the city will be covered with fields of rain clouds from the atmospheric front, so the influx sunny. will decrease and the temperature regime will return to the climate during the day +15-17, in moscow on the contrary, today rain clouds will not allow the thermometer to rise above +15, and on sunday the clouds will clear and nothing will prevent the sun from warming up the air well, with the start of the new week in capital, as if in june during the day + 20-22. that's all for me, goodbye.
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in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted help the guy, she's digging valera for you in the most dangerous place for you, she's such a predator, it's going to hurt, they say that you people know how to look right into his head, it's a metaphor, look into his head, let's see, in the app or on the website .
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precision strikes with super-sonic fighters, russian su-34s hit strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, with fap-500 bombs. let's show footage from the ministry of defense. an american drone worth $30 million was destroyed by the yemeni houthis in the red sea, as the american media comment on the situation. grand prix goes to mexico
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reward for contribution. in world cinema remains in russia, the forty-sixth miff has been completed, we will summarize all the results of the film festival in our issue: the forces of the ministry of emergency situations are on high alert in the magadan region , the roads are covered with snow, a blizzard is raging, when the cyclone passes. in ukraine, they report attacks on military targets, including western ones. reports of explosions also come from dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev and kharkov. they claim that in the kharkov region they were heard in the area of ​​a plant where aircraft and fuel equipment are repaired. in nikolaevskaya came under attack from a warehouse with ammunition at the martynovka airfield,
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controlled by the ukrainian armed forces. according to some reports , four thermal power plants were also damaged. let me note that russia is using high-precision weapons to target military facilities, as well as infrastructure that is related to the military tasks of the kiev regime. and the russian su-34 hit a ukrainian armed forces stronghold with fap-500 bombs. the ministry of defense spoke about the work of supersonic fighters in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of forces. after reconnaissance confirms that the target is destroyed, the planes... this allows you to deliver precise strikes from a safe distance. and our fighters are destroying the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in the special operation zone, including those made by nato. so, in the avdeevsky direction, two american armored vehicles, schroeder and m88, were knocked out. trophies are promptly evacuated from the field.


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