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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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goering addressed the military, before you is a country where there is a lot of white bread, sour cream apples, take it all, take it, the ost master plan did not leave the slightest doubt about what they wanted to do with us, having exhausted all attempts to bring their western colleagues to the negotiating table and what- then sign the antige, we realized that we are alone, we must ensure our own safety.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump a century into the future and back, i see everything, they’re hunting us space pirates, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mothers, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and... now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow questions, suggestions, objections, etc. whatever you want, the light goes ahead.
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hello, the correspondents of the program will talk about the main legal events of the day , the duty department and i, maxim movchan. the helping hand of corruption in the ivanovo region , the head of the kinishema department was arrested. he is suspected of receiving a bribe, the money allegedly were intended for patronage of a local businessman, it is noteworthy that recently this is not the first scandal in which ivanovo police officers have found themselves. the topic will be continued by olga zhurinkova. an influential officer in kineshma, alexander makarychev, was detained on wednesday; he was officially on vacation. operatives conducted searches at several addresses at once, seized documents, memory cards, and everything that was of interest to the investigation. for a small town, the event is clearly not ordinary, as investigators believe. one at a time
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according to the data, the bribe amount was 4000 rubles. according to other information, there was much more money. employees of the internal security department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the ivanovo region, together with operatives from the fsb, discovered the fact that the deputy head of the intermunicipal department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, kinishensky, received a bribe. he received the specified monetary reward for providing illegal assistance to a local businessman. are not voiced, but a number of publications, citing their sources in law enforcement agencies, report that we may be talking about local businessman and deputy alexei kurtakov, here is his probable photo. the businessman himself is now in pre-trial detention, he is accused of giving bribes to other police officers, the head of the local department for combating economic crimes, alexander tuzhikov and senior detective artyom ovdeev, allegedly turned a blind eye to various violations of the introduction of their patron’s business. the entrepreneur thanked him generously and paid with new crossovers at a cost. almost 3 million rubles
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each, and in order not to attract attention, registered the cars for a controlled organization, but the security forces were unable to drive smoothly along the broken roads of ivanovo , the test drive ended quickly, they parked for a long time in a pre-trial detention center. judging by data from open sources, businessman alexey kurtakov is the head of several companies, engaged in the trade of machinery, equipment, tools for agriculture and construction. investigators have not yet reported whether these corruption cases of security forces are connected with each other. we suspect. acting chief kenisham police, using his official position, assisted the entrepreneur in considering his applications received by the police department headed by him. as for lieutenant colonel alexander makarychev, he has been serving in the ministry of internal affairs for more than 20 years; before his appointment to kineshma, he headed the zavolzhsky police department, owns a small house in the historical center of the city, rather uses it as a summer house, there are two greenhouses and an outdoor shower on the territory. he also owns a one-room apartment. now he lives there temporarily. his mother, the woman doesn't believe in
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the son’s guilt believes that he was framed, so he needs to give the police 30 years, for 40 thousand, and do you think he would go to that, his? they said, you think you did, but i don’t, because i know he’ll never take anything. this is not the first scandal with the security forces in kineshma; the city’s chief anti-corruption official, denis popov, was previously sent to prison. he provided patronage to the illegal alcohol business. lieutenant colonel alexander makarychev asked the court not to send him to a pre-trial detention center and to choose a preventive measure not related to restrictions freedom. i will elect makarovich alexander valerievich to impose prohibition measures for 2 months. so far he appears in a criminal case. one episode: it is possible that new ones will appear during the investigation. olga zhirenkova, anton fedotov, vladimir pablov, dmitry manyshev, lead the duty department. an attack on journalists in novosibirsk, a film crew from a regional tv channel was attacked by dealers in cheap junk, the reporters were invited by a man who was given a defective thermos in a store, but instead of
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simply returning the client’s money, the owners of the outlet attacked the media employees with their fists. the injured journalists contacted the police, and the case was referred to the regional investigative committee. investigative bodies of the investigative committee of the russian federation for the novosibirsk region have opened a criminal case against a fifty-year-old resident of the regional center. she is suspected of committing a crime under part three of article 144 of the criminal code of the russian federation, obstructing the legitimate activities of journalists. maybe perhaps it makes sense for the central apparatus to pay attention, the central apparatus of the investigative committee to pay attention to this story, and ultimately understand it. for attacking journalists, aggressive gentlemen can face up to 6 years in prison, but they could simply replace defective
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thermoses for a client; in primorye , the notorious billionaire oleg kan was sentenced in absentia, who was accused of organizing the murder of his competitor valery phidenka; he was shot by a killer 14 years ago. the fisherman was not present at any of the meetings on this case, the crab king has been on the international wanted list for several years, and now the court has decided to send him to a colony for 17 years, the time will begin to count from the moment of kahn’s arrest, but it is still unknown whether the crab king is even alive and where exactly he is basking on overseas beaches . after the initiation of a criminal case, kan fled from russia, and now the task of the security forces is to find out how the fate of the fishing merchant turned out. new details of attempts on the life of a reputable businessman in the tambov region. now doctors are fighting for life of andrei popov. he is known not only for having previously held high positions, but also for his friendship with crime bosses and even the leader of the odious tambov organized crime group. versions in the material by danilo sukharuchko. he was brutally beaten , including with rebar. this is how tambov journalists describe the attempt on the life of a man
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whom many called the eminence grise of the region, authoritative businessman andrei popov. the security forces do not confirm or deny this information, while all the details are secret in the investigation. for the second day, doctors are fighting for life. in intensive care, as our source, popov was attacked in his own home by one of his hired workers, a forty-nine-year-old citizen suspected of committing a crime was detained, and the court chose a preventive measure in the form of arrest against him. this attempt is far from the first in the bright, rich biography of mr. popov, but what is even more curious is that evil tongues also attributed to him a love of assassination attempts; here is a recording of a meeting of the tambov regional duma in 1997, deputy leonid novopavlovsky makes a very loud statement. "i received calls with ulros, they were attributed to popov, andrey vasilyevich, that he wanted to kill me, to inflame me, like this, deputy novopavlovsky even wore a bulletproof vest, it didn’t save him, a year later he was killed with three shots to the head, they found him, the customer remained unknown, as
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for mr. popov, in in the eighties he was an ordinary coach, in the nineties he became, so to speak, a reputable businessman, in the 2000s he reached the chair of vice-speaker of the tambov regional duma, which did not stop him from personally congratulating him. happy anniversary to the criminal authority and leader of the so-called tambov gangs vladimir barsukov-kumarin. here popov raises a glass to the health of the birthday boy. well, you know, to put it simply, they started to work together, maybe in business, there were a number of other issues that they dealt with, that is, how they built all these things. the guests also read the sneaky smile and everything said between the lines. after all, everyone understood what kind of things borsukov kumarin was rebuilding. he was called the night governor of st. petersburg. businessmen paid him tribute, and those undesirable were sent to the next world after assassination attempts, but the path was still crooked brought brysukov kumarin to jail. what exactly andrei popov did in stambov in the nineties is known only to a very limited circle of people. at the same time, local residents
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say that in those days one of the organized crime groups was headed by someone nicknamed pop; his people then allegedly controlled the central market of the city. criminal groups operating in the market have... a fairly extensive structure, this structure also includes a certain part of the law enforcement agencies, this structure also includes a certain part of the economic elite. have a connection with many cities, then the city administration decided to expel the racketeers from the market, who were taking extortion from traders, but the bandits seriously snapped, right at the market in the presence of police officers they attacked the head of one of the districts of tambov, i instinctively saw, i saw a wave of my hand, instinctively i offered my hand , the knife completely pierced my hand, my hand dropped and then the knife went and wounded me in the stomach, criminally. the history of tambov contains many secrets; the security forces, when investigating the assassination attempt on andrei popov, will apparently have to
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dive into them to understand whether it was a greeting distorted by a forgotten past or a sudden conflict in the house of an authoritative businessman. daniil sukharuyshch, alexander polivka, mikhail shirin 200, duty department. a ceremonial meeting organized by the cultural center of the investigative committee of russia on the eve of victory day was held in moscow, opened by the head of the department, alexander bostrykin. at the event were employees of the investigative committee, students and teachers of educational institutions of the department, and veterans. of our homeland they paid tribute to the memory at the meeting dead employees of the investigative committee
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of russia. alexander bastrykin also appreciated the active work of investigators who are studying declassified archival materials about the great patriotic war, looking for new facts proving the crimes of the nazis and their accomplices. he noted that the collected data formed the basis of nineteen trials; this work is very important for preserving historical truth. the meeting ended with a solemn festive concert. in the capital, by court decision, a traffic police officer was placed under arrest. who allowed the alleged murderers to escape for a bribe. according to investigators, policeman dmitry bovtunov stopped a car on the highway in which iskhan abbasov, a possible participant in the murder of a biker, was in a hurry to leave the capital. let me remind you that a man was stabbed to death because he made an illegal remark about an illegally parked car. ekaterina lekhamanova will continue. the story of the murder of a young biker in the southeast of moscow becomes. more unexpected turns. escape, connections with the criminal world and even a bribe. for the last bench, by the way
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state traffic inspector dmitry bovtunov turned out to be the defendants in the basmanovo district court. the alleged killers needed the protection of this policeman after the massacre of a biker in the capital's lyubleno district. twenty-four-year-old motorcyclist kirill kovalev paid with his life for daring to reprimand illegal immigrant shahin abasov. due to illegal parking. and the neighbors attacked kirill with the whole family, shahin himself also took out a knife. it was not possible to save kiril kovalev while the guy was dying entrance, abasa got into a tinted black bmw and rushed to bega with his two brothers, so as not to attract too much attention to themselves; after a few kilometers they moved to an inconspicuous lada, isakhan abasov got behind the wheel. taking into account all the circumstances, they managed to get all the way to the rostov region. the same inspector baftunov helped them with this. he had the opportunity to detain the criminals, but... without a driver’s license, in order to avoid detention , he offered a bribe to the traffic police inspector. boftunov,
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agreeing, indicated the account to which the driver should have transferred funds in the amount of 30,000 rubles. now shahin abasov, the main suspect in the murder, his brothers are accused of complicity. according to investigators, their father gave advice on how best to escape. among other things, during searches in the abasovs’ apartment they found almost fifty million rubles. there are versions that the family was not engaged in... cashing out funds or even kept a so -called thieves' society at home. the investigation later determined that an uncle and family friends were involved in the escape scheme. they are also in pre-trial detention now. state traffic inspector baftunov was seventh on the list of alleged criminals directly or indirectly connected with the murder of a twenty-four-year-old biker. tell me please, how much money did you take? as they write in the media, baftunov served in the police for 8 years. 3 years ago i went to work at the state traffic safety inspectorate. it is possible that an employee. more than once he used his official position for the sake of reward, since he so easily succumbed to temptation and released not
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just a driver without a license, but the main suspect in the murder along with his accomplices. during the investigation, the court sent dmitry bovtunov into custody. ekaterina lekhomanova to lead. duty department. a separate security battalion of the north caucasus district of the russian guard celebrated its 85th anniversary of guarding order. local residents were invited to the celebration. for the children, their parents staged a demonstration performance. colonel general sergei zakharov, the commander of the national guard troops district, congratulated his colleagues on the anniversary; he noted that the individual: the composition of the unit is faithful to traditions and worthily serves in maintaining order in the region.
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delivery of fine cuisine to prison in moscow sentenced to the scandalous lawyer gennady. who, during his long biography , not only defended notorious scoundrels, but himself more than once became the protagonist of very ugly stories, found himself under investigation, and the pofiosis was ordering oysters of alcohol to his cell through a prison guard, now the lawyer himself has become a convict, reporting by alena skachkova in presninsky court of the capital, an unusual pair of accused, lawyer gennady udunyan, a prisoner in the pre-trial detention center and a former guard of the same pre-trial detention center, denis fedorov, he was supposed to guard scandalous lawyer, but gave in. some temptation, and now a sentence awaits along with it, and the oysters are to blame for it all, please, all the fate of the trial is in the conditions, but about the shellfish later, in order to tell how the lawyer ended up behind bars in the first place, we need to dive into his stormy biography, and then what is not an adventure, then article uk, until 2011 udunyan worked with the investigator, then suddenly he tore off his shoulder straps, slammed the door and went to the bar, almost immediately there were rumors, he got into a dirty story,
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allegedly with the transfer of a bribe, here is a photograph, a born lawyer denied everything, the hype died down and his career flew to the heights, for him... where they paid a lot and many. one of the star clients is blogger edward bill, 3 years ago, who caused a massive accident in the garden ring in which a woman was injured. a very important point is that edward did not violate traffic rules, he was driving at the permitted speed, he was sober and of sound mind. then adunyan took on the affairs of the beaten manager from the leadership of the ministry of industry and trade denis pak. in the restaurant, whiskey was first splashed in the official’s face. and then a chair flew towards it. turned out to be brutes the infamous almost inseparable couple. football players kakorin and mamaev began to mock him regarding his race. that's his mockery addressed to him. after he asked whether these taunts were addressed to him? they said yes. he reprimanded them. this was followed by a blow to the head with a chair. a man has
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a concussion. so, first he caught lawbreakers, then he defended them, including then, according to investigators, he began to break them himself. october 2021 udunyan causes a drunken brawl in a capital restaurant, no worse kakorensk momeysky. the security forces the violent lawyer out onto the street, and he, gennady romanovich, naked and hot, takes out a pistol from his elite rolls-royce and points at the security guard. already in the morning the lawyer needed a lawyer. after six months of paper chihard, the dunyans, as a lawyer, had the status of a special subject, they finally opened a criminal case against him and released him under a certain ban. actions, but gennady romanovich decided to come to his former mistress; no one forbade him. so, while under investigation, he broke into the room of one of the moscow hotels, where the thief of his heart, daria glushakova, the ex-wife of the spartak football player, lived with her boyfriend. jealousy, a fight with glushakova, a concussion . udunyaan, who so zealously demanded that the indigenous drachnovka mamaeva be punished harshly, modestly
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denied his own massacres, but in the end he still ended up in pre-trial detention. there were many things he lacked in the cold cell, but specialness. vodka oysters investigators believe that the lawyer bribed the guard and on a dark night, somewhere in a corner , everyone peeled off in their own way. wu dunyang from oyster fedorov from a pack to the individual. true, the security service of the detention center prevented the ecstasy. the employees detained a corrupt colleague, and the lawyer was caught dead drunk in his cell. themis had no pity for either one or the other. security guard fedorov was sentenced to 3 years for bribery. but dunyan, who went to great lengths with a whole collection of articles of the criminal code behind his back, was sent to a general colony. regime for 5 years. alena skachkova, nikolay lomakin, sergey minin, lead the duty department. a party for high-ranking officials in the kirov region the police ended in a drunken drive, and also a test to see whether the shoulder straps and badges would save them from their vigilant colleagues. this is a video of the arrest of a security officer, and what kind of one? deputy head of the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs andrey voronov. according to media reports, he was allegedly driving drunk from his colleague’s birthday party. as
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a result, he caught the eye of ordinary road inspectors. as it turned out, they respect the law much more than drunken bosses. rumor has it that voronin tried to get away with it using his id, but no, it didn’t work out. a twice-convicted official who marked himself by attacking a journalist of our program; perhaps you won’t believe it, he became an official of a children’s karate tournament. this was the gift he received from the kyokushin karate federation of the krasnoyarsk territory and the republic of khakasi. the schoolchildren who are gathered to make peace on the tatami hardly know whose portrait is displayed behind the judge’s back. but this is an influential, unsinkable criminal, a former... the head of the shirinsky district of khakassia, sergei zaitsev, it was his court who found him responsible for the deaths of people during the terrible steppe fires in april 2015. officially, zaitsev then received a sentence, but in reality he remained in the chair.
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returned to power again, he is now the first deputy head of the same shirinsky district and holds championships in his honor, who decided to so cynically mock justice, all the details are in our final release on sunday at 18:15.
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the zaitsev cup could easily be given to the hero of our next story; he was honing his martial arts techniques on passers-by. now a sambist blogger from rostov, who shot down at least several dozen people he filmed the executions and is being interrogated by security forces. word to vladimir bazov. now seventeen-year-old bogdan stammers and repents. in all my sins, i confess with all my heart and soul that i did such things, justice found me, i was punished, and just yesterday the young sambo wrestler who was also a street brawler was confident in his impunity, so he sends a powerful, delivered blow a defenseless young man is knocked out, sleeping, for a fighter it’s something like a hobby, being attacked by a random passer-by, and then also post the video on his own telegram channel, of course, he chooses weaker opponents so that they don’t fight back, the guy, the so-called sportsman, according to rumors, he could allegedly at times carry out orders from drug dealers, beat up guilty pawnbrokers. please, in
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the gang of self-proclaimed punitive forces, according to some sources, in addition to shikhovtsev, there may be up to thirty more people, and everyone is sure that the law was not written for them. sports athletes even boast of their impunity; for example, in a drunken stupor, a sambist wrestles with a pistol in one of the nightclubs in rostov. how the young man was able to smuggle weapons into the club, perhaps he intimidated face control with a fake security officer’s id; he also sells crusts in his telegram channel. by the way, bogdan himself, a native of ukraine, only recently received russian citizenship, but has already managed to mark himself with a fascist greeting in the heart of the new motherland. the regional ministry of internal affairs has already become interested in the exploits of the neo-nazi, and the investigative committee has opened a criminal case. during the criminal investigation , the investigation will verify the involvement.
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luxury goods, residential commercial real estate. currently , real income has been established in expensive cars, a large number of such objects in
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the territory of moscow, moscow, leningrad, vologda regions, krasnodar territory. i will add that previously the battle with hydra was transnational, in particular, our police officers were helped by colleagues from germany, but the germans decided to break off cooperation and detain their compatriots themselves, and then reported to the united states. this is because some of the suspects are off the hook. them however, now a joint russian-belarusian investigative team continues to follow the trail of the remaining hydra heads. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe, also our investigation, daily releases on the “watch” platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective story. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i’m for my brother came, i have to find him.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. in ukraine , memory is being destroyed again. in the city , figures of soldiers erected in memory of soviet soldiers who died during the second world war were toppled from their pedestals. local media reported this. brazilian police are checking information about a bomb threat at the russian embassy, ​​and firefighters have arrived at the embassy.


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