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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 27, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the ssu. the center and south-west groups occupied more advantageous positions, zelensky’s formations lost over a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things, a destroyed train with western weapons and equipment in the udachny area, as well as personnel and equipment of the sixty-seventh brigade of the ukrainian armed forces at the loading station in the balakleya area. and a
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drone control center, in addition, 24 armored vehicles, 17 howitzers and other weapons, mostly american, were destroyed. air defense forces shot down 193 combat drones and three french guided ones hammer bombs. participants and veterans of the special operation must be nominated as candidates in elections at all levels. vladimir putin made this appeal to political parties in st. petersburg at a meeting with members of the council of legislators. also one of the main topics. we outlined the issues of demography, what else was discussed, salima zarif will tell you. the meeting of the council of legislators in the duma hall of the tauride palace is always timed to coincide with the day of russian parliamentarism, but its character is not solemn, but purely working. the task is to harmonize legislation between all branches of government. today's agenda follows the president's address to the federal assembly. less than two months have passed, and many of the social projects that the president announced then have already been launched and are working. for example,
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i very much hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such candidates during election campaigns at all levels, this is not some kind of campaign, i want it to be clear to everyone, it's just that environment, those people from whom we must draw personnel and from whom we must choose for future work, choose people who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, more than anything else?
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it's enough for a week, let's see how we can finally start producing domestic baby food for children from birth to one year. many departments are now dealing with family policy issues at once; legislators’ proposal is to concentrate everything in one hand. when we talk about the responsible minister, with last name, first name, patronymic, we must have an understanding that this person, together with his ministry, will purposefully achieve the implementation of the tasks set by the president in the field of
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demographic policy. today we have a family on the one hand... cared for by many, on the other, like a family with a nanny, a child without eyes. the president also says that legislation in sensitive areas for the country should be clear, understandable and effective. i ask you to consider federal and regional documents as quickly as possible, while carefully and professionally laws, actively use in the legislative process, modern technological capabilities, digital platforms for a wide range. discussing initiatives to obtain so-called feedback from citizens. such innovations are certainly beneficial, but they do not replace the painstaking, thoughtful work of the legislator. in this regard, let me remind you of the wordy domestic scientist, lawyer
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joseph alekseevich pokrovsky. more than 100 years ago, he said that the basic requirements for law are, first of all, its certainty and accuracy. these words sound special in the hall where the russian duma of the very first convocation also met more than 100 years ago, the one that existed for 72 days was dissolved due to a complete misunderstanding between the authorities and society. the president draws the attention of legislators to the issues that concern society today. i ask all legislators to pay special attention to issues of interethnic harmony, civil peace, diversity of ethnic groups, traditions, and cultures.
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csto, cis, sco, and of course, such a promising, growing association as brix. emphasizes in general work. three times the rate of industrial growth in the country, this is also good to show, today there are about 60 ships of high-class vessels, not just, but high- class, today in our shipyards, this has given a boost to the development of other industries, which in st. petersburg,
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thanks to your support, we have come out of such a crisis as car construction in our city. as a result of this meeting, news concerning the life of st. petersburg in the near future. the united states accused ukraine of misusing american abrams tanks. allegedly, erroneous tactics
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led to the destruction of expensive military vehicles, the british guardian reported. but in the end, kiev was forced to transfer the still living abrams to the rear. about the useless ones. which are several times smaller than american tanks, for washington this is anti-advertising. the logic
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is based on commercial logic, which means that the trade in these tanks, if they are destroyed by cheap fpv drones costing 400-500 dollars, is a kind of disclaimer, they do not want to lose the sales markets of other customers, so they decided that the apu will do without tanks on the front line, about the danger of lancets for... the foreign press warned last year, pointing precisely to the loss of expensive military equipment transferred to kiev by the west. moscow is increasing its use of low-cost suicide drones, which can destroy equipment many times its value that is not easy to defend against. lancet drones damage or destroy valuable equipment donated to ukraine by the west, such as the leopard-2 tank and caesar self-propelled howitzer. abrams, in addition to despite the fact that they burn well, they are also clumsy and constantly get stuck in the mud due to the heavy
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armor, and the ukrainians are also trying to install additional armor, which makes the tank even less maneuverable and turns it into an easy target. the 31 abrams tanks they sent to ukraine are nothing on a 2,000 km front, just like the 60 or 70 leopards that germany sent to ukraine, as well as two or three.
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they are fleeing, as it is said, from russian aggression, but this is not entirely true, people are fleeing from mobilization, from
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such a life, from the fact that it is impossible to live, this is the main thing, but the bbc will not say this, because it will never say it, this is an attempt to some extent to whitewash zelensky and his regime of all his assistants, to whitewash from the point of view in the eyes of european ordinary people that zelensky and his team are doing the maximum possible for mobilization, he did what he could, look. what kind of prison he built, re-fenced all the cordons, the ukrainians are still fleeing, which means that the european man in the street must come to the aid of the kiev regime. the bbc calls on people, european citizens to go into mercenaries. such advertisements appeared on western job search sites, it seems like a certain media company from the usa is looking for a videographer with experience in combat operations, offers to work in russia and promises to pay 700 dollars a day, that is, about 2 million rubles a month. it looks like another method for...
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the us law enforcement agencies, the us army. america provides weapons, ukraine pays for western tranches in blood. here the tskashniks staged a raid in kiev, and this young man seems to have no chance of getting out of such a trap. in in odessa, employees of territorial acquisition centers are actively checking minibuses and buses, stopping almost all vehicles. drivers have to
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block their car doors. so, who are they? i’m your mother showing you the documents of the trade center, who are the trade center? “here they are changing the stickers on their cars, the ukrainian trident for the american flag, has yellow-bladed patriotism really dissipated over the atlantic ocean. evgenia petrukhina, olga alvukhina, lead. poland is unlikely to achieve placement on its territory nuclear weapons of nato countries, no matter how much president duda asks for it. the fact that
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the issue is too sensitive in the program of alexander koreevsky was stated by the russian ambassador to poland, sergei andreev. the president of poland, duda and individual members of the government, and it was they who spoke out, again and again, in favor of american nuclear weapons being placed on the territory poland, so that poland joins the so-called joint nato nuclear missions, during which the possibility of involving the use of aircraft from nuclear-armed nato countries is being tested. nuclear weapons, but at the same time the americans have repeatedly said that they do not see the need to place nuclear weapons in poland at the moment, but for now that’s where it all ends. in the volgograd region
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, a series of terrorist attacks were prevented, including in an information service center and in public places. those who prepared them were arrested; these were teenagers, members of a neo-nazi group, leaders, ukrainian curators, anton potkovenko found out how the trail was discovered. from the neo-fascists who were captured in the city of volzhsky, this is the volgograd region, fsb operatives confiscated a whole arsenal, including very predatory-looking knives, an axe, a bone set, a pistol with cartridges, and most importantly , explosives synthesized with their own hands. these two seventeen-year-old residents of volzhsky, back in that year, joined in...
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undermining all kinds of government bodies such as military registration and enlistment offices, the police, once a friend cooked a bomb and went into the forest. homemade explosive device with striking elements and pyrotechnic mixture 4 kg. instructions on how to assemble a bomb were sent by a ukrainian curator under the nickname red laughter. i signed up with the red one laughing, he gave us instructions for making a bomb. we made it and tested it. also. later, he gave us a pistol to convert into a military weapon. the detainees tested bombs in the volga-akhtubenskaya poima - this is a huge natural park; they detonated them without being noticed, preparing for truly major terrorist attacks. at the direction of ukrainian curators, the accused carried out preparations for major terrorist attacks in the region, including in crowded places . to do this, they independently
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made an explosive and carried it out preliminary tests. we planned to blow it up. the third department of the police, the military registration and enlistment office and other government bodies, yeah, uh, what did you need the gun for? for killing, killing whom? persons of other nationalities and people representing government bodies. they were even sent a price list ranging from hundreds of dollars for reconnaissance of a strategic facility and setting a car on fire to the provision of valuable intelligence data, here the price is negotiable. in the russian criminal code there is article 205. five, part two, on this subject, and there are very serious sentences there. a this is who recruits nsvp terrorists, that same white power, that same red laugh, who gives instructions to underage nationalists. it has been established that one of... one of the leaders of the terrorist organization nsp, russian citizen roman aleksandrovich zheleznov, is luring minors into terrorist activities on the territory of the russian federation. namely, at the direction of the ukrainian
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special services via the internet, the specified person induces teenagers to commit direct action, attacks on persons of non-slavic nationality, law enforcement officers, zheleznov later supplied them with instructions, weapons and means of terror. zheleznov, a well -known character in certain circles, has now, apparently, been sentenced in absentia by a russian court to 4 years under the article of mercenaryism . opens in ukraine, while his puppets, detained in volzhsky, are charged with committing a crime under the article of participation in the activities of a terrorist organization, which means up to 20 years in prison. anton potkovenko, lead. in the stavropol territory in nevinomyssk, major fire. pavilions in the central shopping complex are burning, the roof has collapsed. the fire is contained to an area of ​​1.00 km, about 50 firefighters and 17 pieces of equipment are working on the site, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations,
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there are no fatalities. a bill on euthanasia is being discussed in france. opinion in society was divided. ekaterina radaeva found out how supporters and opponents of this law defend their position. death instead of life, emmanuel macron presented the french path to euthanasia. for the first time, the president took part in a committee meeting to find solutions for legal early death. i am deeply convinced, and this is consistent with the reform we are carrying out, of the importance and usefulness of this democratic innovation. i am confident that the project under discussion will contribute to peace in society. we developed the law solely as a document about the brotherhood of people, a speech about the solidarity of the nation. as economists have calculated, euthanasia can save money.
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support from the authorities is allowed in belgium. in europe, conscious suicide is allowed in the netherlands, luxembourg, spain and switzerland. cost from 4 to 800 euros. experts point out that often people who could live quite normally for many years also resort to the procedure. my colleagues and i have noticed a disturbing trend that is pushing people to seek death. of the 13,000 who chose euthanasia last year, about a third of these people reported feeling like a burden. and this was one of the reasons that forced them to look for the path to
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euthanasia. in canada, the authorities have put euthanasia on stream; often the poor are denied benefits and are directly advised to voluntarily leave this world. on this the canadian treasury saves about $140 million a year; in quibec, about 8% of registered deaths are already due to this procedure. bureaucrats are especially persistent in trying to get rid of people with disabilities, for example, when former soldier christina gauthier, who competes for the national team at the paralympic games, asked for a wheelchair ramp to be made in her house, she was refused, cynically suggesting that she not suffer anymore and accept death right now. ekaterina radaeva, anton dadykin, lead. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture.
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all fakes, from april 1, the rules for redevelopment of apartments have changed, and the concept of redevelopment itself has become broader, and we will explain the innovations in 5 minutes in the program instructions: amendments to the housing code to the law on state registration of real estate come into force, what will now be classified as redevelopment , everything that changes the boundaries of the area? premises, for example, combining or dividing rooms, arranging a pantry or vice versa, demolishing a built-in closet for redevelopment relocation of doorways and windows is covered, if this can be done without compromising the strength of the entire house; if there is a threat to the strength, of course, nothing can be done. the main change is that redevelopment now requires changes to
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the information. unified state register of real estate, that is, previously, based on the results of redevelopment, it was necessary to make changes only to the technical passport of the premises, which is drawn up by technical registration authorities, that is, these are, for example, bti authorities, now, based on the results redevelopment, authorities, well, carrying out approvals in the city of moscow, this can be an inspection. will send documents to the rosreestr to make changes precisely to the information in the real estate register, but in order to approve the redevelopment, you need to collect several documents, the most basic two: firstly, a redevelopment plan, and secondly, a special application, the form can be found on the portals , dedicated to this issue, it is standard. the minimum is enough if your house is not considered an architectural monument, the apartment you are in the property, not in social rent,
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plus the redevelopment itself does not affect you. common property in an apartment building, if there are similar issues, more documents will have to be collected, for example, if we are talking about connecting part of the common staircase landing to the apartment, then a protocol of the general meeting with a positive decision will be required, this is exactly the main innovation that will be the fact that when submitting an application for registration of the act, if redevelopment has been carried out, it will be necessary to attach... a technical plan prepared by a cadastral engineer, that is , we separate two documents: the first document is a redevelopment project, it can only be prepared by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are members of self-regulatory organizations in the field of design and construction, and the technical plan, it can only be prepared by cadastral engineers who they are also members of their self-regulatory organizations.
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municipalities still require title documents or a technical passport for an apartment, but in many in cities, the procedure should be simplified as much as possible, for example, in moscow, approval is handled by the moscow housing inspectorate, which itself will request documents from the necessary departments. the state services portal provides the opportunity to submit an electronic application or make an appointment; much here depends on the specific local authority that is responsible for redevelopment. according to the regulations, the authorities have 45 days to... agree with the plan or refuse and another 3 days to send the decision to the applicant, usually through the mfc or directly to the personal account on public services, if the municipality has such an opportunity, to find out whether it is possible to approve your redevelopment, since there are a lot of construction, sanitary and hygienic legal standards, it is very difficult to figure it out on your own, you should seek advice from the coordinating body in
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moscow, this is the housing inspection. or contact the specialists who deal with this, they will competently advise whether such a redevelopment can be agreed upon or not, they will tell you how to correct it and , accordingly, what to correct in order to so that you can get approval, if everything is fine, you can start work, after everything is ready, you need to notify the same body that gave permission that the redevelopment has been done, with the notification you will need to offer an updated technical plan of the apartment, or if it there was a small number of only those premises that... a maximum of a month after notification you should be visited by the acceptance committee, which will draw up a report stating that everything was done according to plan, then within five working days the municipality itself must send the necessary documents to rosreestra so that it makes the necessary changes to its database. it is from the day the data is entered into the real estate register that the redevelopment is considered completed. consequences


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