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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 8:30pm-8:56pm MSK

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it’s impossible to fly out to congress, so they are now going together to bow to trump, what will be the real actions of the one who ends up in the white dobe, whoever it is, is now difficult to predict, well, yes, andrei vladimorovich, politics is a complex matter, the art of the possible , as you know, it is clear that there will still be a lot of changes, but i’m just saying that it’s very sharp... politicians of such a level as trump are changing their positions to diametrically opposed ones, the most important thing is that nothing is permanent under the sun, everything changes in life, well, let's see, that's why we we are closely monitoring what is happening in your country, because after all, in spite of everything, the united states is a great power, and many things in this world, both good and bad, depend on its actions. thank you very much for the interview, for the very fact of the conversation, and we are always interested in talking with you, thank you very much.
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all the best, i will remind you that we talked with the professor, the political camera director, he said: my grandmother believes that you live in the kemlev star, he is a man of pushkin and dostoevsky, from the pushkin tradition he has this precision, this aristocracy, and from dostoevsky, of course, passion, let's go, bad form, dragging a weakened tiger by the whiskers, they will dilute it with water, add sugar and put it on the shelves. to hurt the people we will waste dima will not say anything in vain, believe me, his phrases, they are verified, let’s once again, on the maidan they gave a hero’s star for my body, simply because i am russian, that’s enough, i loved europe very much, now we have exchanged places, now in russia we are for freedom of opinion, but they are not, we are open to the world, but they are not, he is from the breed that made russia great, says: i wish you success, you are now mine...
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you dragged us into this war, i think they need to be taught a lesson, behind us are our families and the memory of our ancestors, we all don’t want...
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to let this war enter our country , to our people, we are all ideological here, we don’t have any non-ideological ones here, whoever is new comes, we train them, they catch on quickly, serve under a contract, business, thank you, get cashback with 10% bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions, savings business, but i myself didn’t think that i would become a driver, look back i haven’t had time for the third year already, the schedule is free, there are orders for the money , it turns out that if i hadn’t tried it then, i wouldn’t have realized that it was mine, just like that, dad, the journey of a taxi driver starts at 3900, but yeah , of course, oh, the panda is for sale, yes, it is for sale, psb credit card double cashback, increased cashback for everyday. purchase, this has never happened before,
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8:37 pm about the destruction of our projects in this area. well, while we are talking, of course, not about physical destruction, but about technological destruction, officials in the united states are directly talking about this, and europe plans to introduce a ban on the purchase of our lng in the fourteenth package of sanctions that is already being prepared. today we talked to a leading expert of the foundation about how dangerous this is. national energy security, financial university, and yet there was a lot of news this week, i mean sanctions on our carbohydrates. childbirth, oil ceilings, and as for gas, it is clear that this week information came out that supposedly europe is preparing a ban on the import of our gas already in the fourteenth package, well, it is clear that this is still apparently a development, there is some conditions, they
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are ready to allow or deny someone, or rather, they will buy it themselves, so far the information is kind of strange, but nevertheless, and of course, this is a statement. social persons of the united states that they will purposefully strive to destroy, so to speak, our gas projects, large ones, arctic spg2 there, and so on, that ’s how dangerous it is at the moment, it’s clear that nothing there is no good in this, and nevertheless, you need to understand that the americans have really set a course for large-scale, large-scale counteraction to russian energy interests in the oil sector. industry , american actions had little result, yes, russia sells oil at a discount, but in general supply volumes have remained the same and russia can still make money by redirecting its oil and oil product exports to a number of other countries. the situation with gas is more complicated. it is not possible to quickly replace pipeline exports;
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approximately 15% of the volume that russia used to supply to europe remains, but russian exports of liquefied natural gas to europe have increased, and the americans and their allies in europe are against it. now there is a fight going on, for several months now, like the european the commission announces that it is going to take measures to limit the ability of european union countries to purchase russian lng, there is a possibility that such restrictions will actually be adopted in the coming months, the european union will actually gain nothing from this in terms of economics, it will have to pay for lng from other sources will most likely lead to an increase in the cost of this gas and, accordingly, to less competitiveness.
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we sold to europe, this was absolutely recent data about what we sold there there has been a lot of lng lately, much more than even countries that formally refused any of our gas, they actually buy it, is there such an option that all this rhetoric, it will be more similar to - such , it is on rhetoric, yes, and nothing more , the situation will depend there - on the ukrainian front, here are the features of the election campaign in the united states and so on, there are examples. where europe really acts consistently and harshly, say, those pipeline gas supplies that
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took place, they really decreased sharply, in cases with lng supplies, there is more opportunity to act through intermediaries, well, relatively speaking, we have projects imal, in which the french company total energy is a co-shareholder, which the european union can introduce, but this is a question and lobbying of the totalg company, and the relationship of this company with macron, and what macron will do next. will be how he will negotiate with his other colleagues in the western world, in principle, now there are many examples of how, say, the european union as a whole talks about what reduces trade with russia, but at the same time, through belgium, say, russian liquefied gas reaches germany, so germany officially reports that russian gas, through the form of lng, reached belgium, was regasified and reached germany, in the end , it still gets it, spain buys quite a lot of russian gas in liquefied form, perhaps there will be some kind of discussion.
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their actions are visible, and yet, that is, to agree on this ban in the near future, do you think, this is how it is now is the situation developing? i still believe that the likelihood of a ban on the import of russian lng, at least directly delivering this gas, will be imported, relatively speaking, for novatek it will be prohibited to supply to europe, and for total an exception may be made, here’s the thing , the fact is that when the previous latest sanctions packages were taken, they did not contain any... large-scale steps, that is, those measures that were taken there, they covered a very small area of ​​interaction
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economic remaining between russia and europe, because all the main restrictive measures were taken a long time ago, and accordingly, european bureaucrats had a desire to at least show something that they are ready to do something, now the russians are advancing in ukraine, and that means we understand package after package, in which there is nothing serious, and accordingly there is a desire in the fourteenth package to touch something serious, something serious, this is just lng, so in my opinion there is still a possibility. from the fact that they will try it completely ban it, but in practice it’s possible that some loopholes will remain, but this anti-russian frenzy takes their common sense off a little, they are ready to harm themselves very much, and you know, nevertheless, gas in europe now costs much more than before , but nevertheless, he has moved away from these some kind of extreme values, now it is a little more than 300 dollars per cubic meter, and these are not extreme prices, it turns out that after all... the european authorities through great sacrifices, stopping large production and so further, we achieved a reduction, here mr.
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scholz said that that’s it, the era of hydrocarbons in his opinion is ending, right before our eyes tomorrow and so on, what do you think, after all, the european authorities, why am i asking, because in america it seems like let's say about this, they suddenly saw that internal combustion engine is not such a big infection, which, as they called it all the time, that it all harms the environment. now they say that this is not as true as you think, after all, in europe this energy realism can prevail, looking at its overseas partners, as they call them, will they still stop engaging in this energetic masochism? well, there really is a big difference between oil production and the production of petroleum products. in the usa, the leaders in the production of natural gas are generally a power in the carbohydrate sector. by the way, in terms of production volumes and exports, the usa is going to yes... build nuclear power plants, but in europe at against this backdrop, everything is going in the other direction,
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and the question arises of how europe is going to be sufficiently competitive in the world. in in europe, energy-intensive industries are closing, not completely closing, but very sharply reducing production volumes. if traditional economic sectors such as chemistry, metallurgy, and partly mechanical engineering, emerge from the leaders in europe, then what will europe bet on, just pharmacology or... it, well, for the chinese and americans it is have their own, that is, by giving up where they had a strong position in europe, they are not at all guaranteed to get something new, in this regard they will lose the competition it’s quite obvious, in this sense...
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will it continue to somehow collapse or expand? why am i asking the question? because, firstly, you probably know very well that not so long ago mr. biden banned the export of natural gas from america from new fields, from new ones, new contracts, old ones are allowed, so they supply them, new ones are not allowed, but what do you think, in -firstly, why did this decree arise at all, and while we see that this led to a sharp drop in gas prices in america, they are now at a thirty-year minimum there, which is not what they tell us. and demand has actually fallen, or as they say, they are producing a lot of associated gas, they are producing more than usual natural gas, hydrogas reservoirs and so on, that is , they have made an excess of gas, including investments to export to europe, after after the deal that was
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in congress regarding ukraine, what do you think, if the world is the first place in gas production, it... including using it on its territory for production, this is a reasonable strategy, unlike the fact that say the european union does negatively, looking at its traditional energy-intensive industries, biden’s decree on temporarily halting exports from some new projects, which means the nature is temporary, this is an election story, the biden administration is making a nod in favor of domestic gas consumers, so the cost of gas is low there and therefore helps its own industry to explore new opportunities, in the future this ban will be lifted and i still think that over the horizon of 2-3 years, the export of liquefied natural gas from the usa will increase, including to europe, namely for this purpose, including the struggle against the russian, remaining economic positions in europe, we need to take this into account, for us there is a strategic task of reorienting our exports to the countries of the global south and east, china, other countries, the usa and europe obviously have all
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the advantages on the us side. europe is definitely losing in this situation, unfortunately, this... in the sea region on the trans-siberian railway, the excavation of a new tunnel has been completed. both events are timed to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the start of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. our correspondent varvara nevskaya has details. a great highway for a great country. this date has been sacred for 50 years now. half a century later, bam continues to live and develop.
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this year is special for us, the year of fifty. anniversary of bama, for us this holiday is an occasion to make our contribution to the history of the great highway to show that the connection between times has not been lost. during this year we will complete the second stage. the edge is the eastern portal of one of the two new transib tunnels on the shkotovo-smolyaninov bypass section. today we complete the tunneling along the first path with a length of 1470 and we are ready. to carry out the repair, dear oleg valentinovich, i ask you to allow me to proceed with the repair of the tunnel, i give permission to carry out the repair. traffic on the bypass section will be opened this december, the length of each train will be reduced. modernization of the section will allow the passage of trains not only of increased length, but also of greater weight up to 7.1.
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tone instead of the previous 6.3. we are sure that it is taken into account. development of the eastern test site, especially at the third stage, this will allow to increase here locally in the ports of the far east, both cargo turnover and container traffic. a long beep in the sasarov region. i give permission to open traffic. bon voyage. the most important facility of the second stage of modernization of the eastern training ground, built on the legendary bama , almost the gateway to the pacific ocean. the new section will be able to carry almost twice as many trains, up to 39 pairs per day, which means the volume of transportation of coal and oil will increase, of course this will... improve the quality of life of residents of the vandene region in due to the fact that new jobs will appear . the new infrastructure will also help ensure northern delivery to sakhalin, the kuril islands, kamchatka and chukotka. by the end of this
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year, the general modernization of the baikal amur trans-siberian railway will increase the carrying capacity towards the pacific ports and border crossings to 180 million tons of cargo per year. varvar nevskaya alexander cherkassov, news. buy polaris equipment with up to 70% discount, such as a coffee machine, robot vacuum cleaner or portable vacuum cleaner with dust collector. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. maybe. to please those who are difficult to please the first time, opportunities and get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new
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