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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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this year the event is being held for the sixth time; a total of 27,000 sites have been opened in schools, universities, departments, centrally in the victory museum on poklonnaya hill in moscow. you can also write a dictation remotely by first registering on the official website of the campaign, dectantpobeda.rf. this year’s assignments are dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad, the entry of soviet troops onto the borders of the soviet union, the anniversary of the unsubscribers, front-line soldiers, as well as other memorable dates.
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russia and europe will no longer be able to build relations as before, said presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. according
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to him, moscow will take into account existing experience. one way or another, relations will have to be built, a special military operation will sooner or later end in success for us, and russia, as a country that does not pose a threat to anyone from europe, expects that no one in europe poses a threat to the russian federation. we will still have to agree on how we will live. it is clear that these will be agreements on new modalities relationships. relationships are the same as before. it will no longer be possible to build, and no one will want it, first of all, we, we have had a lot of experience in how europeans treat us, and we will always take this experience into account when building relations, but still, geographically, we will not get away from each other, so in any case, relations will have to be built on new foundations; the head of the russian ministry of construction, rek fayzulin, is today inspecting the dam in the city of ishim, tyumen region. which
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protects residential buildings and urban areas from flooding. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations and volunteers work on the dam in two shifts; more than 100 people form sandbags to strengthen the protective structure. vyshim is preparing to receive the second wave of floods. in those areas where the water has already subsided, restoration work begins. the minister previously visited the kurgan and orenburg regions, where he checked what kind of assistance residents receive from the state. there are already almost 6,000 houses, as of yesterday it was, well... today also, i think that about 500-600 houses there will be inspected and accepted decision on compensation, making decisions on those houses that will be rebuilt, issuing certificates, all those support measures that the president instructed us, they will be worked out for each territory, for each territory, i say, this is a dacha partnership, this means , residential buildings, these are all necessary actions for the future. in
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the vladimir region, a russian passport was presented to the famous composer and pianist from france nicolas cheloro. officially, he became a russian citizen. the man has been living in the region with his wife for more than a year. in his track record on the list of performances at leading concert venues in twenty countries, since moving to russia, nicolas has taken part in thirty concerts, including in the dpr. musician, author of a series of piano works the song of donbass is dedicated to the unconquered people. in addition, the composer conducts master classes for students of music educational institutions. now personnel from the government coordination center. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today we will discuss priority tasks for the development of eurasian integration.
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the president emphasized that it is important to more actively launch mechanisms for creating large spaces that are built on the interaction of neighboring countries. whose economy, social system, resource base, infrastructure complement each other. such large spaces are essentially the basis of a multipolar world order. now the conditions for participation in trade are becoming more and more stringent, pressure is increasing on countries of the global south that do not agree with the attempts of the collective west to maintain claims to dominance in the world economy, effective.
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8%, which is higher than the world average, and of course, significantly better than in the european union, where it was about half a percent, which is typical; the gdp growth rate of the five countries is higher than in the cis countries that do not participate in the in-depth integration format, which once again proves the benefits of uros interaction. mutual trade is constantly expanding. in 2023 in the eurasian union it reached. record 7.400 billion rubles. almost twice as much as at the time of creation, in the community of independent states exceeded the 10 trillion ruble mark. as for our union state, the trade turnover between russia and
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belarus, i just recently spoke about this at a meeting with the prime minister, belarus, has approached 4 trillion rubles. it is important to increase cooperation with friendly countries in all areas, it is necessary to develop an action strategy that will make the most efficient use of available resources, allocate the most important leading direction, to identify initiatives that can most effectively unlock the potential for the development of integration, and of course, to provide everything necessary for its implementation, another most important task is corridors for the accelerated delivery of goods, we are talking about international transport cargo, simplifying the logistics of convenient transportation
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of passengers, and we are also talking about the introduction of settlement systems that will allow businesses to fulfill contracts with minimal costs. efforts and cooperation on the humanitarian track are mandatory, this is the main condition for bringing our peoples closer together, mutual understanding between them, it is necessary to further expand joint projects in... healthcare, science, culture, sports, and, of course, in the field of education. dear colleagues, we have already begun to develop key integration national strategic documents. here i primarily mean the plan for implementing the declaration on the further development of economic processes within the framework of the eurasian economic union, which were approved by our president and other leaders of the five. last december , work was underway in st. petersburg.
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the concept of a large eurasian partnership, the idea of ​​​​the creation of which was put forward by the president of russia, is also being prepared on the decisions that are necessary to implement the russian strategy for foreign economic activity, designed to last until the thirtieth year. they should clearly reflect our vision of the priorities of cooperation with our closest neighbors and allies. today, during the strategic session, it is important to identify specific tasks and initiatives, and of course they will become... for further program of integration interaction, and we will continue russia’s active participation in the formation of a multi-polar international trade and economic architecture. mikhail mishustin took part in the strategic session on eurasian integration in a multipolar world. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. alfabank for business! connect overdraft with
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coped with it and especially noted that the ministry of construction and the ministry of energy have established and built a systematic work together with the regions. to provide uninterrupted progress of the heating season, in general, this would be impossible without the coordinated work of housing and communal services systems, the entire system is facing a large-scale transformation, because taking into account the large amount of new housing being introduced, and there will soon be a lot of it, housing and communal services systems will also be transformed in the next 10 years every new square meter, every fifth square meter in russia will be new, that is , this whole country must be updated by 20% in... built, we will need to rebuild the housing and communal services, because in order to update by 20%, plus we we want to develop production, as for
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the provision of fuel, then... there are no systemic violations here either, and moreover, gazprom noted a record volume of gas supplies to the russian market, so from october 2023 to march 2024, supplies through the gas transportation system increased by 5% compared to with the previous heating season, but there were still some accidents, and some of them were associated with unfavorable weather conditions, in this regard , the far east, siberia and dagestan are under special control. and here - the department demands from the regions increased pay attention to the progress of events? we are preparing for this heating season already taking into account the challenges that we had, but the most important thing is that we must enter the winter, most likely, be sure not only from
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the information of the subjects that they have prepared, but also check selectively how it was earlier. in the past autumn-winter season , electricity consumption increased by 3.5% compared to the previous period, and while the growth throughout the country is planned to increase, the department again requires increased attention from the authorities, including utmost attention to the repair of facilities, this is the data provided by rosseti. within thirty.
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facilities, including repair work on twelve power units of four tes; in the country as a whole, this year the commissioning of new generating facilities with a capacity of more than 3 gw is expected, as well as the construction and reconstruction of over 45 power grid facilities. colleagues, yes, maria, thank you, maria filipova spoke about the results of the heating season. ukrainians may soon lose their jobs if they hide it from their bosses. availability data relatives in russia, such actions will be interpreted as a quote: failure of employees to comply with the rules of conduct at an enterprise or institution. according to the judicial-legal newspaper, the verkhovna rada has already adopted the draft law in the second reading. and the document approval is still ahead. after signing, amendments will be made to the labor code. but it’s true that the main legal department of the rada stated that the initiative violates
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the country’s constitution. more than 5,000 people were evacuated in the tyumen region. from the zone of possible flooding, the worst is the river aishim spilled in the obat district. according to local authorities, there are more than twenty house plots and a bridge in the water. three settlements were cut off by floods. all the latest information from the region is provided by my colleague ksenia usoltseva. the water is rapidly rising, this road, which connects the obatsky district and the vikulovsky district, was dry yesterday, it was possible to drive through without hindrance. today, only highly capable vehicles are allowed through. so, according to measurements for. the water had risen another half meter at 8:00 am local time and the water had reached 11 m. 75 cm, and let me remind you that during the flood of 2017 the water rose to a maximum of... 11 m 48 cm, of course, the evacuation of the population from areas of probable flooding continues, so according to the russian ministry of emergency situations , more than 5,100 people have already been evacuated in the region, it is also noted
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that due to the flood, 180 residential buildings, more than 523 country houses, as well as 2,844 personal plots, as well as 19 sections of highways were drowned, and several settlements indeed continue to be cut off from road traffic and there for... omsk, a hydraulic structure there is now coping with the flood wave, of course, special control has been organized for this particular object. ksenia usoltseva, maxim marchenko, lead tyumen.
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now live broadcast. let's open up. thank you. thank you, please. dear colleagues, good afternoon. i am glad to welcome you. welcome and congratulate the legislative council of all your colleagues, senators, and deputies on the upcoming day of russian parliamentarism. by celebrating this holiday, we pay tribute to the traditions of our statehood and lawmaking, the history of the formation and development of institutions of democracy, at the very time of the events through which ... we are passing, prove the importance of such continuity, how important it is precisely on the basis of one’s original experience to strengthen
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parliament, parliamentarism and the socio-political system as a whole russia needs to ensure its stability and at the same time create conditions for openness and renewal, for fair competition between different political forces with an unconditional... and clear understanding of the priority of national interests and state security, and a general desire to work together to find the most effective solutions to issues that are vital for people. in this regard, i would like to note the constructive interaction of legislative bodies, party factions with the russian government, heads of federal subjects, and the business and expert community. this applies to everyone. directions of the economy, the social sphere, and regional development, and of course, a special unifying issue for all is the support
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of our heroes, families, veterans of participants in a special military operation, accepted the most important legislative acts, additional legal and social guarantees have been created, i ask them to continue to be constantly improved to us. education, mentoring in leading positions in all areas. i very much hope, dear colleagues, that political parties will actively nominate and support such
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candidates during election campaigns at all levels. what i would like to note is that this is not some company, i want this to be clear to everyone, this is just the environment, those people from whom we must draw personnel and from whom we should choose for future work. to choose people who are ready to serve russia and who serve russia now, without sparing themselves, their health and life, of course, of course, in such cases it is not even the fact itself that is important, what is important is a person’s readiness for some new type of activity, it is important not only readiness, but also desire, it is important what type of activity a person is suitable for, where he... sees himself, there are many components here, you just need to look at all this carefully, analyze and accept the appropriate ones solutions. dear colleagues,
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elections took place in march of this year. president, the most important stage of forming a new composition of the russian government lies ahead. parliament will have to exercise its constitutional powers, established in 2020 by amendments to the country’s basic law, and approved based on the results of a nationwide vote. i am confident that parliamentarians will justify such trust in the decision of citizens to increase the role of the legislative branch, show responsibility and
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budgets, key laws, everyone needs to act in the same logic, with understanding general objectives of the country, it is necessary to use the tools of parliamentary control to achieve the maximum target effect from each decision of the invested funds. i know that the council of legislators is already preparing recommendations on the content and priorities for financing our national projects in the coming years. i am sure that the government will definitely take these proposals into account. i also hope for the active participation of the council of legislators in summarizing the best regional practices, experimental legal regimes and pilot projects, including, this concerns a new model of remuneration for teachers, doctors, and other public sector specialists, which should be worked out at the subject level. in
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capital-intensive, but very important work and, of course, i ask all legislators to pay special attention to interethnic issues next year, this is a very complex, large, harmony, civil peace, diversity of ethnic groups, we always talk about this, diversity of ethnic groups, traditions, cultures of our country, this is certainly our common heritage and competitive advantage, why is it? empty words, because every people, every ethnic group complements each other and makes us all stronger, including helping us today to develop friendly relations with most countries on the planet, to participate in the formation of a fair multipolar world order, based on mutual trust, respect and the identity of our peoples, all this matters when building work in this area, i ask you to take into account such
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pragmatic... balanced approaches in parliamentary diplomacy, to increase efforts in this direction, including developing contacts with our friends and partners within the eu, csto, cis, sco, and of course, such a promising growing association as brix, especially since this year, within the framework of our chairmanship , the tenth anniversary is planned parliamentary forum prex. dear colleagues, friends. the amount of work ahead is very large, i ask you to consider federal and regional laws related to the implementation as quickly as possible, while carefully and professionally our priorities, achieving national development goals, actively using modern technological capabilities, digital platforms for...


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