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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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advertising agent, the main character brings herself even more problems and becomes a victim of full-scale stalking, the author of the film takahasha, winner of many film festivals, tickets and a full schedule of all screenings on the festival website, and in the evening at the moscow musical theater there will be an award ceremony that will close the forty-sixth moscow international film festival film by oleg trafim, major thunder game, sequel story about the most brutal investigator of st. petersburg. this time the thunder will collide with mysterious villains offering to play dangerous game. finally, the lives of ordinary people. tikhan zhiznevsky, alexander maklakov, alexander seteykin and lyubov oksyonova will return to their roles. the film will be released in wide release at the end of may. excellent fighter, hacker. demoman. how to catch him? igor,
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in order to defeat the ghost, you must fight it using its own methods. we are turning over the eighth, penultimate page of the diaries of the 46th moscow international film festival. tomorrow our journey will continue, and we will find out the winners and prize-winners of the miff. see you at the cinema.
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arce and the president of the russian federation , vladimir putin, maintain a close cooperative relationship that has helped us, including during the pandemic, for which we thank the russian federation. we have made progress in economics, education, science and technology.
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required for our countries to develop solidarity and in order for us to be able to adequately deal with the existing context that is developing in the world, we would like to protect the most vulnerable layers, and the women and children who die in result.
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we need to strengthen relations in economic, political and other spheres for the benefit of our countries. russia is very important for bolivia because it represents. and we also hope to become a part of this organization, this association, and if we are allowed to join this association, we would like to contribute to the overall
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economy, to the social sphere, and also to become part of the economic and friendly space.
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answer: naturally, brix works on the basis of consensus, meetings have recently been completed, regular meetings between sherpa and su sherpa, in early june a meeting of foreign ministers will take place in nizhny novgorod, where one
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of the key issues will be, firstly, the most smooth and natural integration into the association. brix, such as brazil, south africa and others. and we received support and interest
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for bolivia to become such a part of brix. and we hope that we will soon join this association. thank you. please agency joiner. good afternoon, kseniya shakalova, sputnik news agency, i have questions for the minister of foreign affairs of bolivia, and the first questions concern bilateral cooperation, at the end of march rusatom said that it does not exclude the possibility. construction of a plant for the production of lithium energy storage devices in bolivia, have any agreements already been reached with rusat on this issue, and what new possible projects do you see interesting for bolivia together with russia, in principle, what areas of bilateral cooperation do you consider potential for development . and a question regarding safety, how are you? consider the increased concentration of argentine troops on the border with bolivia, as well as the statement. president of argentina about argentina's desire to become a global partner of nato,
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how this might affect the situation in general in the region and in particular on bolivi, in your opinion. we see an important development in our cooperative relationship. with rossato, we believe that lite is a very important opportunity not only for bolivia, but for our entire world, for the production of clean energy, of course, this is an important opportunity for us, we would like to become allies with russia, thanks to this cooperation, we understand that this will be very useful for our country and for other countries in the world, what?
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we know that the united states is creating its own ba countries in latin america, and of course, this intention has always been present, so there was a military presence on the parana river in argentina, and we certainly would not want this to happen.
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of course, this organization does not produce or strive for peace, on the contrary, it provokes a lack of security, our intention is desire for peace, and we would like to eliminate conflicts that bolivia would not like to participate in and continues to do.
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solely on the defense of the territories of member countries, this is also a lie, because at the same time the same stoltenberg, nato secretary general, declares: yes, we are...
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the united states, and what directions would be the most promising? thank you. we have stable relations with the alba group, which was once created on the initiative of venezuela, and a number of areas of cooperation, first of all, it is a political theologian. because alba really opposes attempts to reproduce neo-colonial schemes in the region, advocates for regional countries to decide their own destiny, in this sense alba plays a very positive role in supporting regional interaction within the community of latin american and
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caribbean states, in its subregion alba promotes... the same principles, the same values ​​that underlie the village, which we support in every possible way, from practical directions i would like to note the political dialogue, which is very intense and useful, we together with alba, we are among those who advocate reform of the un, including its security council, so that the structures of the united nations... more objectively reflect the legitimate interests of the world majority countries, latin america, africa and asia. we have very close coordination here within the united nations, and in addition to this, close contacts in the areas of cultural exchanges,
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educational exchanges; in general, the humanitarian component occupies an important place. taking into account this aspect when building possible promising economic projects between us and this very important regional association.
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touches on the theme of integration and creating a strong defense bloc against the policies of other countries, so this is a space that we want to strengthen through the south african community within selak, through other organizations that we encourage to participate in these blocs, and we strive for unity. latin america, avoiding external interference in latin american countries, so this is an important space for discussion political decisions. thanks for that. this was a broadcast of a press conference between the foreign ministers of russia and bolivia following
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today's negotiations. vladimir putin will meet with the council of legislators today. the meeting will be held in st. petersburg at the tauride palace. the council meets annually. the date of the meeting is connected with the day of russian parliamentarism, which is celebrated on april 27. this year the main theme is supporting families with children, increasing the birth rate, as well. key on the agenda of the state duma when we talk about the responsible minister, with surname first name patronymic, we must have
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an understanding that this person, together with his ministry, will purposefully achieve the implementation of the tasks set by the president in the field of demographic policy, today we have a family on the one hand... cared for by many, on the other, like family nanny, child without an eye, guys, forward, russia, russia, russia, russia. russia should be quiet in the laboratory, but we still want to support our team at the international mendeleev olympiad in
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chemistry, mellechenko foundation, guys, go ahead, bank russia again kept the key rate at 16% per annum, the regulator also announced more... noted that the country's economy in the first quarter continues to grow significantly faster than predicted. russia does not and has never had plans to attack nato countries, defense minister sergei shaigu stated this in astana during a meeting of defense ministers of the sco member countries. the head of the russian military department emphasized that during the special operation our country protects the interests of people on historical grounds.
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the russian federation has never threatened we have neither geopolitical nor military interests to attack the state of the bloc, we simply protect our people in our historical territories, we have always proposed, made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world, the united states, on the contrary, first created and is now purposefully prolonging the conflict on... american secretary of state antony blinken said that washington is opposed to beijing providing any support to russia. the diplomat stated this at
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a press conference following his visit to china. earlier, blinken was received by his chinese counterpart wang. yi, as well as chinese president shizen ping. blinken emphasized that he brought to the attention of his interlocutors washington’s position, according to which china will not be able to improve relations with europe by continuing to support russia. i'll add, chinese mid. today already commented on such claims from the american side, saying that beijing is against outside states interfering in china’s relations with russia. alfa friday - supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday 26 april we give 30% cashback on fuel in our refueling service in the application, order. paid alpha card and get a supercake, not just profitable, alpha profitable, what do we bring from savita’s travels? a little sea,
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save up for a subscription on vtbet, replenish regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, guys, let’s go, russia, russia, russia, russia, it should be quiet in the laboratory, but we still want to support. our team at the international mendeleev chemistry olympiad, mellechenko foundation, guys, go ahead, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, the megamarket congratulates me, only on the megamarket’s birthday, goods for a home with a cashback of up to 70%,
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departments. this year’s assignments are dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad, the entry of soviet troops onto the borders of the soviet union, the anniversary of front-line writers, as well as other memorable dates.


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