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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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dear friends, dear friends, i am very happy about this meeting, thank you for continuing the theme of the great patriotic war, our history with you, i am a participant in the great patriotic war, a private in the guards, the son of the 328th guards regiment went through the whole thing. war, victory day is approaching, we all must meet it with dignity, preserve historical memory, thank you for honoring and remembering our victory, i wish you good luck and i give you a start to writing a dictation, with victory!
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it was a live broadcast from the central site of an international historical event victory dictation at the victory museum in moscow. and now briefly about the main events up to this hour. what legislative measures are needed to increase the birth rate, develop tourism and protect land, this is being discussed today in st. petersburg, where a meeting of the council of legislators is taking place, in the second half of the hour we will ask questions to the speaker of the upper house valentina matvienko. expanding the geography of military exercises, combating external threats , creating a new security architecture in eurasia. these topics are in the spotlight today in astana at the meeting of the countries' defense ministers highway will ukraine have new patriots?
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western media reports that spain, under pressure from nato, has allegedly already agreed to transfer an air defense system to kiev. what do they ask in return? thunderstorms and abnormal rains are approaching central russia, which regions will fall into the zone of bad weather and what the weather will be like for the may holidays. let's ask our meteorologists. less than two hours remain before the start of the meeting of the council of legislators; it will be held in st. petersburg, according to tradition, in the tauride palace. vladimir putin will also traditionally speak to the participants. and now my colleague anastasia efimova is joining the broadcast from st. petersburg. anastasia, greetings, what issues will the meeting be devoted to this year? yes, yes, hello, of course, the president’s speech at the council of legislators, this is its central point. event,
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the central event of today's meeting, and as expected, the head of state will touch upon a number of important issues, including increasing the birth rate and supporting large families, especially since in the year of the family, which was declared 2024, this has a huge significance, including in the context of the social policy that the state has been pursuing lately, but the work in the tauride palace these days is, of course, not limited to just the president’s speech; this morning a meeting of the presidium of the council was held. the use of agricultural land in different regions, and this issue is resolved in different ways, since the volume of agricultural land varies greatly from one subject to another. however, legislators are trying to take the most successful practices and scale them throughout country, the question has purely practical significance in the context of social issues, including because the rational use of agricultural land is an opportunity.
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recreation areas, medical centers and so on and so forth, accommodation, and family tourism is the best solution that can be offered today for the overall development of domestic tourism, which is very much expected. the work of the council of legislators traditionally has a purely practical significance, despite the fact that the bodies...
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they suddenly jumped unexpectedly, yes, then on chicken egg, which suddenly began to disappear and grow in price fabulously, then, if you watched, and you know this, everyone who is responsible for this has already been invited to parliament, and i am glad that today
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the leadership of our fuel the energy complex, without waiting for a call to the duma, began to work proactively. an important direction for the state today, and the head of the federation council, valentina matvienko, even proposed her own term “demographic spring,” referring to the need to increase the birth rate in the country. this term may not yet be legislative, but it is a very vivid figurative one, for sure. daria. yes, it sounds really
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nice. anastasia, thank you, together with my colleague anastasia efimova, we are waiting for the start of the meeting of the council of legislators, and we hope that you will be able to talk in more detail about its topics live. with speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko, we are waiting for you again in the second half of the hour. now a short advertisement, followed by a message from the fsb about a prevented terrorist attack in the volgograd region. alpha friday. supercake every week on alfa bank cards. on friday, april 26, we are giving 30% cashback on fuel in our.
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bonuses for purchases with a sberbusiness card and bonuses for account transactions. sberbusiness. in the volgograd region, a series of terrorist attacks were prevented, including at the military registration and enlistment office and public places. those who prepared them were detained and placed under arrest for 2 months. these are members of a neo-nazi group, the suspects are 17 years old. the joint operation was carried out by employees of the fsb, the investigative committee and the russian ministry of internal affairs. during interrogation, the suspects admitted that they were preparing terrorist attacks on the instructions of ukrainian curators. upon presentation by ukrainian curators, the accused carried out preparations for major terrorist attacks in the region, including in crowded places. to do this, they independently produced an explosive and... its preliminary tests. thanks to the well-coordinated work of the investigators of the investigative committee,
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operational officers of the fsb and the state ministry of internal affairs in the region, the defendants were detained. russia does not and never has had any plans to attack nato countries. this was stated by defense minister sergei shaigu in astana during a meeting of the defense ministers of the sco member countries. chapter the russian military department emphasized that during the special operation our country protects the interests of people. in historical territories. meanwhile, nato troops have moved closer to russian borders and created additional threats to military security. i want to emphasize that it was not us, but they who came to us, came to our borders. this once again shows that westerners cannot be trusted. now they are trying to harness us, reproaching us that if russia, russia is not stopped in ukraine, then allegedly we will attack. the russian federation has never threatened nato, we have neither geopolitical nor
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military interests to attack the state of the bloc, we simply protect our people in our historical territories, we have always offered, made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world. the united states, on the contrary, first created and now purposefully... remodels the security system in the asia-pacific region in order to ensure its dominance there. as for the asian-tean region, here too we observe systematic attempts reformatting the regional security system from sisian-centric to american-centric. will use the taiwan factor to increase pressure on china. against
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the backdrop of american deliveries of atakms missiles to ukraine, athens refused to send its patriot anti-aircraft missile systems to kiev. the greek prime minister said that his country would not send weapons at the request of its allies. the economist publication reports that, despite the new american aid package, ukraine should say goodbye to the lost territories. this us money will only help kyiv crumble right now - the article says. maria skorodilka will tell you the details. stun guns, rubber bullets , tear gas. this is how, democratically, the us police are trying to calm down those who do not want to sponsor wars in the world. a wave of protests from california to new york. people demand to stop military support for israel, and at the same time...
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50%, economists state, ugly numbers cannot be hidden, all this is shaking the country, and people see it, pumping the kiev regime with weapons and money, washington only increases the risk of a major conflict.
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dissatisfied with the allies and in kiev itself, in return for gratitude, the old song zelensky demands more, is jealous of the united states for israel. ukraine is offended, they were given less, but dissatisfaction with the help gives rise to doubts whether the independent states are real friends. this package of military support was already accepted in battle, and if the conversation comes up. about the money tranche to kiev, the squabble in congress will flare up with renewed vigor, newspapers write. the west must clearly understand that it is giving ukraine only a temporary respite, especially since this assistance may be the last, and this already tickles the nerves of all those who build a career in war. the german defense minister literally walks on the edge. you also think that if ukraine fired at
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the ministry in moscow today, it would be normal. i am familiar with international law, such actions are allowed, i am not familiar with international law, but he incites war with words, and this has long become the norm in scholz’s coalition, scholz himself is the hero of satire, he does not rule the country, he gave the topic of ukraine to his comrades, he personally conquers tiktok , this despite the fact that many in ukraine have long understood that money they do not make the west happy, the people of ukraine do not trust the verkhovna rada, the cabinet of ministers, the minister of defense, reports of independent ukrainian sociologists say, but...
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the south the air is filled with african dust. this is how the border was blurred this morning between sky and water in taganrog. local residents associated the deterioration in visibility with the penetration of dust and sand from africa into the atmosphere of the rostov region. similar photos and videos are now being posted on social networks by residents of the stavropol region. astrakhan regions of chechnya, dagestan and kuban. this video of a dusty sky, for example, was filmed in the vicinity of arkhiz. today the geography of rusty rains has expanded, stains on cars have appeared in mordovia, chuvashey, ryazan, penza regions. for the second day in a row, a raid on cars was celebrated in crimea, voronezh and tambov regions. today is the twenty -sixth. this is the situation. this is the second time we've had it for a little while. it's raining and there's such dirt on the car. the situation is developing in accordance with forecasts. the day before, we warned that today
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the dusty plume would reach the volga region, and on saturday it would reach the southern middle urals, where rain mixed with sand is also possible. on thursday , maximum temperature records were updated in 14 settlements of the rostov region, krasnodar region, korachay cherkessia, dpr and lpr, with temperatures above +30. thermometers rose in krasnaya polyana, the maximum of 1939 was updated there, in rostov-on- don it was so hot, april 25 was not the middle of the last century. together with the south wind, air masses of african origin make their way further and further to the north of the russian plain. but today the axis of distribution of warm air has shifted slightly to the east. a small portion of atlantic coolness made its way from the west. even in krasnodar the heat subsided a little, +28 during the day. it became cooler in the northwest. here in the volga region in the southern urals there is only warming is gaining momentum, the atmospheric situation contributes not only to warming up, but also to the absence of clouds. let's open the synoptic
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map. so, a vast anticyclone spreads over the urals, thanks to which partly cloudy weather is observed over a vast territory, from the caspian sea to the siberian plateau. only in north-eastern siberia does the anticyclone retain cold air; on the lower volga it allows the strong sun to warm the earth at full strength. the west of the country is on the periphery. cyclone at the junction with a cyclone, in the warm sector of which it continues to the russian plain african warmth arrives, well, in the rear there is a portion of atlantic coolness. under the influence of frontal sections in the western regions, thunderstorms will thunder in the central region of avyatka today and in some places the amount of precipitation may exceed 10 mm per day, that is , a bucket of water per meter of area. in moscow, the maximum temperature for today is +19, no precipitation in the first half of the day, after 15:00 it is no longer possible. light rain, by the end of the working day you can get caught in a thunderstorm, more than 5 mm will fall before dark, this is enough to deep puddles formed. in the first half
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of the night until... it weakens, and tomorrow by morning it will intensify again, the rains will bring down the temperature, tomorrow within the city limits it will not be warmer than 15°, from sunday the influence of the anticyclone will begin to intensify, the precipitation will stop and it will become warmer again, by monday +19, on tuesday +20°, so the weather this weekend will be almost summer-like.
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in russian regions and in sixty other countries today they write the dictation of victory. the international historical event is being held for the sixth time this year. in total, 27 thousand sites are open in schools, universities, departments,
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central. at the victory museum on poklonnaya hill in moscow. you can also write a dictation remotely by first registering on the official website of the dictantpobedy.rf campaign. this year’s assignments are dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the complete lifting of the siege of leningrad, the withdrawal of soviet troops on the border of the ussr, the anniversary of writers, front-line soldiers, as well as other memorable dates. today the flagship author accepts congratulations on his seventieth birthday. vktrk program, head of the russia today media group dmitry kiselev. so the president of belarus noted his contribution to the development of the information space of the union state and his friendly position towards the republic. the head of the russian foreign ministry, sergei lavrov, also congratulated the hero of the day. the minister noted that kiselyov, being the head of one of the largest media holdings in the country, continues. next, a quote. it is unsurpassed to make a great personal contribution to
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strengthening the position of our country with a creative approach. in the global information space. end of quote. and today dmitry kiselev was awarded the order of st. sergius of radonishsky first degrees. this was announced by patriarch of moscow all russia kirill. in his congratulations, he noted kiselyov’s contribution to the establishment of traditional spiritual and moral values. we were once joking in the studio, the director of photography said: “my grandmother thinks that you live in the kremlin star.” pushkin and dostoevsk from the pushkin tradition in it.


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