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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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which is regularly attacked by ukrainian militants. let me note that the russian military is using high-precision weapons to hit military installations in ukraine, as well as infrastructure facilities that are associated with the military goals of the kiev regime. why did negotiations with ukraine not lead to success, what is special about the new history textbooks when social studies is removed from the school curriculum? assistant to the president of russia vladimir midinsky spoke about this in an interview with natalia litovko. me too. i say goodbye to you, see you and good news. sber presents a loan with a 2% cashback, so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities, without delay, to get everything you have long dreamed of, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first , opportunity. and get new
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shortly before the battle of poltava, the swedish king , who invaded russian territory, showed rare impudence in a personal letter asking peter i to help the starving swedes with provisions, promising to pay. peter ii acted even more unexpectedly: he sent the enemy a convoy with food and medicine, and did not even take the money. how does this relate to? what is happening these days, about the lessons of history and parallels of modern times, we will talk with one of the most influential historians of our country, we are waiting for vladimir medinsky, vladimir rastistalovich, hello, first of all, thank you very much for taking the time to...
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the base of minds and history in this regard, of course, is a battlefield, unfortunately, but there is no escape from this, these are realities, some states behave in this regard in terms of historical policy, because each state has its own historical policy, there is social policy, military, cultural, and then there is historical policy, that is, how the state builds and sees itself in a historical perspective, how it interacts with the scientific community. how it
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funds or does not finance historical research, archeology, and the preparation of works of culture. about history, because history is not only artifacts and museums, history is cinema, literature, monumental sculpture, all means of conveying historical knowledge and immersing people in historical topics, which is why all states act differently, and of course great the temptation to become like you know how we have some historical cheers.
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and the third, by the way, is sweden, so it’s okay for us there is no need to invent, no need to fantasize, we need to study - popularize what we have, our own historical heritage. and how, in this sense, would it be correct to build interaction with young people, when
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we talk about how to teach history? in this regard , an honest conversation with young people is especially important, because when you start not saying something, or god forbid. distort something, then trust is lost immediately. and the main principle of conversation, and in general not only with young people, with any normal people, we need to make history interesting, we don’t need this stupidity, we don’t need to perceive history as something that needs to be memorized, forget about passing the unified state exam forever, less formalism, there are unnecessary dates, redundant numbers, the main thing is to instill a love of history.
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the goal is to awaken interest in historical knowledge and encourage the student to pursue it. make people think in history class, argue, that’s the ideal, learn to think for themselves, that is, history is a subject that should push you to reflection, and definitely not memorization,
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let's talk a little more about the history textbook, that was the main task, because the fact is that before there were a colossal number of history textbooks, well...
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we are a single state textbook, which is now only used in schools for the senior grades of the tenth and eleventh, but at the finish line the preparation of textbooks and for all grades, starting from the fifth, he is in this... the relations are more modern, written in a more lively language, there are a lot of all sorts of modern things, that is, there are qr codes, big list literature, in addition, which was not there before, and in connection with the school literature course, that is, every work that you study in literature, the russian language at school, both in the mandatory list and in the recommended one, is necessarily tied to the corresponding paragraph of the textbook, here you just don’t have anything. all this is connected, all this is studying the pugachev rebellion there,
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you are right there reading the captain’s daughter , you should compare this, and that is, the textbook is made like a window, a portal through which, with the help of course, the teacher an interested student can get any amount of additional information by going to the internet portals site.
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model, as it was before the revolution, and the approach was as follows: before the ascension , the course of history was taught according to the imperial throne, the emperor's sovereign - this is history, from the moment the current ruler came to power, this is already some other discipline, social studies.
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the origins, without explaining what happened at the beginning of the 2000s, without telling about
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the president’s munich speech there, about the expansion of nato, about gross violations by our western counterparties, counterparties, how they broke their word there at all stages about the bombing of yugoslavia, about the organized withdrawal of soviet troops from the countries. eastern europe, especially from germany, i remember my soviet textbook, in my opinion, before the helsinki act, it was before the seventy-fifth year, but maybe not, we need to delve into it, it’s right to stop at some points, the collapse of the ussr, let’s say , further, let it be in the course of social studies, but we also have a course so far, in its current form, social studies is completely unsatisfactory, and it needs a very serious rework.
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it’s monstrously boring, verbose and empty, we’re just stealing a schoolchild’s time, it would be better if he played football, honestly, or took a walk in the park as part of his botany lessons, children, sixth graders, well, honestly, it would be more useful than this we
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pestered in a dry, uninteresting manner. with the fact that later, when entering universities , they ask about knowledge society, not history, it ’s easier to memorize it and forget it forever, well, yes, after all, you still need to know history and preferably understand it, social studies was memorized, learned, guessed, forgotten forever and no one remembers what he taught there, i took social studies when i was admitted, when it was not yet, honestly no, because that
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after all, these are very formal, not thought-provoking, absolutely, otherwise... they only evoke in a schoolchild, well, it’s like such an internal disdain for everything that serious issues of society, politics, knowledge, it’s important for a child to know, only should be interesting and useful. returning to the history textbook about what is written in it today, does it mention russia’s attempts to peacefully resolve the situation in ukraine in 2022 and attempts at negotiations? mentioned? but mm details are not disclosed, because this is a difficult page in recent history, when you know, the draft peace treaty between russia and ukraine was prepared by delegations, even endorsed, so, but under pressure from the allies, the ukrainian leadership decided, under their
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numerous promises, to abandon prepared already the text of the peace treaty. try to defeat russia in a bullet fight together with all nato countries, we understand, yes, that ukraine is people, everything else, money, resources, weapons, ammunition, technology, communications, this is all necessary, this is all necessary, therefore, it’s a pity, this is a big tragedy for the ukrainian people.
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and is at the same time a party to a serious conflict. yes. about historical parallels, i watched one of your last public speeches on the day of military glory, about the victory of alexander nevsky in the battle of the ice, you spoke out, if you may, i will quote because this idea is very close to me, it really touched me, that as a result of the victory in the battle on the ice , the greatest power in history was created. what historical period can you compare what is happening now? can we say that this is also, in a sense , a struggle to be a sovereign big power, to remain one? and continue to be, you see, it is very easy to say that history repeats itself, such a common cliche, but this is not entirely accurate, history is not exactly never repeats itself, something happens differently,
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so it is important to know the lessons of history, you see, for a modern politician and statesman it is very important not only knowledge, but understanding, how, i would say, even feel history, at your fingertips, feel it this... wind of history, to feel the flow of the historical process, this is a trait of great statesmen of such a planetary scale, and the fact that our country is led by a person who feels the historical process, not only knows, knows this goes without saying, he is well versed, he is fluent , he can talk for hours on historical topics without preparation, everyone was a witness to this. during an interview with one famous american interviewer, most of all i read a lot of reviews on this subject from foreigners, and there basically the main
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review boiled down to the following: while ours can’t remember what he ate for lunch, this half an hour is pouring out facts , names and dates, without ever looking, which means without an earphone and without ever looking at the prompt, well, what can i say, we were lucky, therefore... thousand-year-old russophobia? no, well, this is, this is a question of absolutely ordinary economically competitive relations, tv channels are fighting for ratings, for a share
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of viewers, i don’t know, businesses are fighting for market share, on a macro scale on the planet they are fighting for zones of influence, for resources, and resources are money, this is influence, they will be natural, human, political resources. great-grandfathers, great-great-grandfathers, who built this country for generations, collected it bit by bit, who perhaps lived much worse than they could have lived, because
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they had a super idea, they had a super idea, they dedicated their lives to this, what right do we have to refuse this heritage, it means betraying them all, well, it shouldn’t be like this, this is our land, in a different direction about the future in a sense you... mentioned that you do not really approve of the unified state examination, and you have spoken about this many times, that this system needs to be somehow changed, somehow improved, especially when it comes to humanities areas of study, where of course there should be some - other evaluation criteria, the unified state exam has its advantages, it has its own the disadvantages are that this should not be the only criterion, this is obvious, something else is important here, for example, it is important that when entering...
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a good interesting product, the state finances and subsidizes culture, well , it is quite obvious that spending taxpayers’ money on support for culture, the state and government departments responsible for this should try to support what corresponds to the interests of the state of the overwhelming majority of society, that is, what corresponds to the public interest, not separate taste, not that it requires funding only because the creators think it means something, an ultra-modern manifestation, so you need a lot of money for it separately, but something that
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meets public demand and... this is great a work, and not an excuse, of white people, for this you need to have taste, i say again, and wisdom, when we sometimes lack this taste and wisdom, we get a completely unnecessary ban, and at the same time there is also an advertising campaign, for example, there doctor azhivaga or... pilaga
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gulak, they made mistakes there, but here they did the right thing, so this is not an easy and hard job and i can only wish success to the officials of the ministry of culture, believe me, i understand how it is not easy for them, yes indeed, but again here you return to that it is very important in this and in this work, in this activity to know, to return to history, historical.
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vladimir putin will meet with the council of legislators today; the meeting will be held in st. petersburg, according to tradition, at the tauride palace, with about 3 hours left before it starts. the council meets annually, the date of the meeting is connected with the day of russian parliamentarism, which is celebrated on april 27. the participation of the president is also already. his messages to the federal assembly will also discuss the implementation of the state program for the integrated development of rural areas, the speakers of both houses of parliament and the chairman of the council of legislators vyacheslav volodin and valentina matvienko will hold meetings. and we will talk in more detail about the topics of the upcoming meeting live with the speaker of the federation council valentina
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matvienko in... the next hour. current issues of international and regional security and cooperation between defense departments were discussed today in astana. a meeting of the defense ministers of the countries participating in the shanghai cooperation organization was held there. our correspondent yegor grigoriev observed his work. he is in direct contact with the studio. egor, greetings, what key topics were discussed and just now a message is coming with the latest statements by sergei shaigu made following the negotiations. what was said? "daria, hello, well, the most important question is of course, security in the space of the shanghai organization is cooperation, but also global challenges and conflicts. sergei shaigu in his speech, opening his speech, thanked kazakhstan as the host and chairing party of the shanghai cooperation organization, he congratulated the islamic republic of iran on its acceptance."


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