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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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he’s trying to catch a very big fish in the form of us, that’s why all the talk about zelensky, with his speeches, he ’s trying to mislead, everyone he can mislead with his speeches is the european man in the street, that’s why he’s chatting, even ukrainians cannot, no one believes him anymore, the west completely controls the entire situation in ukraine, none of zelensky’s conversations, this is all verbiage for the european man in the street, he is transferred to there in different countries. in order to explain these
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supplies, there are the long-suffering ukrainian people, suffering hard from this, so to speak, hated rus, that’s all, all the planning, all all the operations, arms supplies, we are all fine, not even nato, not even nato, but the united states, anglosak, first of all, the united states, secondly, secondly the british, the british more, as i understand it, mis6 works there, the americans work comprehensively, so to speak, this is with the military, with military planning. so i don't know what else the united states should do, now here they are confiscated, stole our money, and in order for us to simply understand that we are at war with america, we are at war with the united states, what else should they do from the entire ukrainian theater of military operations there, only this is cannon fodder, zelensky, everything what he can do is sign decrees under the dictation of the west that will allow even more of these unfortunate ukrainians to be sent into this meat grinder, that’s all, he has no influence on anything.
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i don’t know, if i had met him, i would have twisted his head in a second, it’s an abomination, i just can’t even calmly look at him, those american senators who come out, discussing what they will do with us, how they will do it, what fate awaits us, you know, god in the person of america, not fate, determines, you think about what will happen to you, you think about how you will end up, well, how will you end up with you, igor , fishing in a boat in the strait named after comrade stalin, well, if she seems to order it. oh, what is it clinging to, it’s
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a torch, it’s interfering with the statue of liberty, well, if the homeland orders it, we’ll go fishing there too, i i really hope that, so to speak, before that, well , figuratively, again before that, i don’t think that we will reach the strait of comrade stalin, but we will walk around europe freely, so i no longer have any doubts, and today i always leave people a choice, well, there is a choice, poseidon or sarmatian, well done, we have already discussed this, we are democrats, we always give people a choice. made a statement that, in his opinion, the svo will end in 1930, but i understand, so to speak, he meant the general svo, not in ukraine, but general, that is, i don’t know, so to speak, in the thirties, not in the thirties, but the fact that this process will not be quick, i absolutely agree with him here, that is, a difficult struggle awaits us, a difficult struggle, the west, it will not retreat , they’ve already, so to speak, that’s it, they ’ve burned all the bridges here...
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there ’s no visible platform either, so we need, you know, what you’re saying, yes we understand, agreements, well, at least for now they’re what they’re they are preparing terrorist attacks on may 7 and 9, what should we expect, maybe before that we need to destroy all the bridges and turn off all the lights in this ukraine, and then they just don’t care about these missiles, in order to shoot us 300 km, they need to get to this point, and there won’t be bridges like they do, well, they will direct pontoon crossings, they should be, plus destroy the eyes.
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a month ago, the russians, just for your information, dealt a serious blow to militant positions on ukrainian territory, killing dozens of poles, have you heard anything about this? poles, dozens died, not one, not two, not three people came under fire from the russian federation, coffins and corpses were transported to poland, why did the government poland, no...
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thank you, damn it, he’s back, it’s the priest who says, take it, we’re fighting so that we don’t have this, so that this doesn’t happen, it’s scary, but what’s happening in ukraine now is no different , when there are satanic rituals in orthodox churches, you can’t call it anything else, when your whole country...
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really shows courage, patience, heroism, yes, that’s what donbass has shown in these terrible 10 years.
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is already happening before our eyes, just look at your stories from mariupol, yes, that’s why yesterday i mentioned this, well, myself, on in my opinion, a very revealing article, a disgusting, but very revealing article in the new york times, when representatives of the ukrainian regime, representatives of the soros foundation, yes, rejoice at the destruction in donbass, the destruction of the economy, the closure of the gates, the closure and destruction.
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armed forces of ukraine in the territories, yes, you compare these two approaches, the approach of russia, which are still occupied by the president of russia, yes, and the approach of your authorities and the west, who dream of destroying the economy of those territories that they like they still consider it ukraine, well, formally , at least, many of them understand that it will never return to ukraine, but at the same time, yes... they make claims, how is this so, this is 20% of our gdp left there, so
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give russia bills for this, but is glad that it will never be restored, that is , you give us compensation, but you know that we will never rebuild anything, here you go, russia, yes, which is building now in these conditions, in difficult conditions, restores, repairs, just think about it, yes, now the german prosecutor's office has opened a case against the largest... them, that is, the construction company knauf, uh, for the fact that, here is the wording itself, yes, for the fact that it participated in the restoration of mariupol, imagine, a terrible crime, the restoration of the destroyed city, you accuse russia of allegedly destroying mariupol, you lament, scream, ah, the theater, the theater of mariupol, this is the property of the entire people, italy will definitely rebuild it someday, yes, but you are filing a case against... the german company for being i just supplied building materials for this holy cause, for the cause that
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you seem to be trying to achieve, well, again, formally on paper, so please compare the two approaches: our russian approach of the president of the russian federation, here is the approach of the collective west and these uh traitors , who have settled there in kiev and are already selling off ukrainian lands and are rejoicing that there will never be, in fact, these... enterprises polluting these fertile lands, which we have already sold to all sorts of monsants and all sorts of other figures there, that’s all, that’s the whole approach, when we now see how they are happy that some kind of weapons have come to ukraine, but this will also be used for further destruction, attempts to destroy whatever is possible, whatever they can reach, now they are happy, the atacams can fly 300 km. we’ve already secretly installed it, we’ve allegedly tested it in dzhankoy, remember, back in
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december they said they stopped cooking the magic pot, and then oh, then another half a billion was suddenly scraped from somewhere, we forgot, yes, we have it here, and then this year about another 300 million was lying around, but just imagine, what kind of money is going around there that can be easily appropriated somewhere, appropriated, and so on, so they are now proving that this. ..
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in krasnogorovka, the fifth brigade there is powerful now , and the krasnogorovsky fire brigade there is really a very serious fortification, if it works out, we won’t guess yes in any case. ukraine, the entire practically industrial potential of donbass that has happened since independence ended up in the hands of one
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an oligarch who simply exploited him mercilessly, who simply did not without without reconstruction of enterprises without nothing simply before... the soviet legacy became and today you know, there would not have been trouble, that is, as it was not with no yes there would have been no happiness before misfortune helped , now i understand that many enterprises already required modernization, so to speak, they will now destroy many, will be restored with new technologies, and it seems to me that the industry, the industrial potential of donbass will breathe new life, by the way, it all started, you won’t believe it, i ’ll tell you later when it comes time from the krasnogorod refractory plant.
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these are ukrainians, because it’s theirs, no, it’s ours, andrei franovich, well, you clearly noted that, by the way, the americans carried out an audit of all the wealth of ukraine, they said, somehow it turned out that all the most valuable things are located where there are russians, in general we believe that there are total reserves of 100 trillion dollars, for rare earth metals, for uranium ore and everything else, so they consider ukraine as conditionally speaking, blocks that can be grabbed, now they are talking in these categories, but the last one.
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that is, this is the real thing, well, amazing guys, well, this is an accumulation of experience that is constantly happening, that is, our troops are changing, and we really now, unlike this rotation that is happening, destroyed new ones, threw them into the attack, we the backbone is constantly overgrown with muscles, these are very muscular, serious teams, which themselves simply turn into a separate strike core that really it breaks through, but the second story is a certain propaganda of the west, and if you look at the main mainstream newspapers and magazines, they begin to underestimate the potential of the aid that america allocates for 60 billion, oh well, it won’t be enough, it won’t make it in time, it won’t get there, so the feeling that we ’re being put to sleep a little, we’re communicating with people, we don’t give a damn about our tongues, a dangerous illusion that we’ve already crushed the enemy, this aid package is all nonsense,
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no, it’s really not like that, it’s very serious history, and apparently westerners, having agreed, having found a consensus within democrats and republicans, we see how the rhetoric of trump, johnson, his representative in the house of representatives has changed, they are interested in stopping us, or even better, throwing us back, all forces are taking part in this, this package the assistance is quite serious, someone says, but 30 billion will remain in american warehouses, it will simply be pinned on ukraine, no, biden has passed on the so-called pda program more than 50 times, the presidential one. direct orders, he’s just from any army warehouse the usa, european, asian, whatever, removes, sends any weapons, there is no lower bar that says: “mr. president, there should be 100,000 missiles, you can’t go lower.” he makes a decision. and under the same program he sent atacamsa. and under the same program, it can also send more deadly missiles. we always say storm shadow is there,
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they’re killing the germans, there’s no other way to call it. scholz is still resisting taurs, and the advanced missile. the american one is called jassom. let me remind you that they have a special troika, three different types of missiles, whose task is to break through our air defenses and fly to moscow from the ukrainian side. this is the kharm missile, which is like a decoy, or rather, an anti-radar missile, which hits radars, this is a malt missile, a distraction, which should cover, conditionally, like a flying rap, then jassom breakthrough missiles, flying at 1.00 km, whether they transmit them or not, we we don’t know, we see that f-16 systems are now being prepared in large numbers. they said, romania, moreover, it turns out, exists like this called pmcs consisting of pilots in canada, there are two of them, one of them is called topas, who are retired, which means they are military pilots. f-16 professionals, who are ready to fly for ukraine for a more expensive price, will be given citizenship there, something else, and we see that, like bricks, all this converges to one
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point, we already said today the may holidays or a little later, because that europe is being screwed over, and this is very important, and there was a very resonant article in the foreign affairs newspaper, this is actually such a mouthpiece for white at home, which was not written by journalists, but by two retired colonels of north atlantic consulting centers.
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we observe round-the-clock reconnaissance of all types directed against our country, we record systematic provocative and demonstrative actions of kiev military personnel
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against employees of the belarusian law enforcement agencies located in the border areas, including violations of the state border of belarus. the likelihood of the emergence of a country of ukrainian units armed with...
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destructive weapons. americans within the concept multi-domain operations are also called big wars. they believe that war must be waged in all industries and areas. space, hyperspace, or rather, space.
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american ones will begin to fly along crimea after some time, we will see with you that drones and then the missiles that they are now accumulating will fly there, as well as unmanned boats, we always have this question as a society, what do we need in this situation, how to cross this line and how to act. will this help in some way?
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neither for money, nor for coercion, but a person will not perform a feat, now what was in our grandfathers is awakening in people, this is not a duty, this is a need and a right, the right to defend your homeland, your brother is there in the donbass, in short, it is necessary go there, call sign passenger. i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him.
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speredomich, well, judging by the reaction in the studio, as i understand it, two people love fishing, me and vladimir vladimirovich, and of course, we are not talking about kornilov, but i also think that igor gave an example with a worm quite correctly, you know, some special worm, he keeps tugging at the fishing line, shouting that the fish wanted to eat him, but not realizing that, in fact, for this he actually needs this very worm, but in general , speaking seriously, i want you say, you know me very much. putin's words regarding the fact that we are...


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