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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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one of the main tasks is to increase the production of russian goods that are made on our equipment and using our technologies. vladimir putin spoke about this at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. why won’t bringing in migrants help and should runaway foreign businesses be allowed back in? maria slobodyanskaya found out. the conversation between the president and representatives lasted more than two hours.
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at the end of last year, russia's gdp, as you know, increased by 3.6%. and statistics from the first months of this year show that he continues to show good momentum. one of the main factors supporting business is the creation of clear and transparent working conditions. this will allow entrepreneurs to plan projects in the long term. another important step to improve the investment climate should be. setting up the tax system. now
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the government and various business communities are discussing the parameters of changes and preparing appropriate proposals. the updated tax conditions need to be fixed for a long period. modernization of the fiscal system should ensure a more equitable distribution of tax burdens. at the same time, stimulate businesses that are developing and investing, including in infrastructure, social, and personnel projects. word. it is necessary to provide stable and predictable conditions for reliable, confident business operation. regarding the work of business, vladimir putin said that law enforcement agencies cannot make any claims against bona fide owners. seizure of a business is justified only in a situation where security is compromised countries. recently, law enforcement agencies have opened a number of cases to return certain assets to state ownership. i would like to emphasize that this is not about
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revising privatization, we talked about this at the previous meeting, but about cases when the actions or inaction of the owners of enterprises and property complexes cause direct damage to the country’s security and national interests, i would like to draw your attention once again to my colleagues in this room, in law enforcement agencies, the seizure of a business is justified only in that... also among the measures to support business , reduction of the administrative burden was discussed; the so-called regulatory gelatin works here. also, companies that implement individual projects, regardless of the region, can already use special support measures, such as an agreement on the protection of investment capital, special investment contracts, a cluster investment platform and much more. we will direct additional resources to the development of industrial mortgages. we will recapitalize such
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a significant, in-demand mechanism as a fund industrial development, its capital will almost double by 300 billion rubles. this resource will be aimed at supporting high-tech projects, and of course it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of these and other tools online, customize them, and make them more flexible and convenient. among the questions to vladimir putin , one concerned support for international carriers. chairman of the board of directors of the company fesko proposed creating a single body that would synchronize the construction of supply chains for businesses, which works with africa and latin america. vladimir putin supported the idea, and as first deputy prime minister andrei belousov said, new measures to support exporters are now being developed. in the designs of the new national export support project, we have provided for 12 such sites in different countries of the world, i will not name them now, and... we even propose a financing volume of 131
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billion rubles, including subsidies and transport costs, but for now here we are with the ministry of finance... .
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modern warfare, special attention to the protection of the battle tank is modernized to suit the realities. crew, who takes refuge in a turret module with multi-layer armor. when you go out while working, it is much easier for you to hit the enemy, destroy the target, there is a range finder, control, the commander
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can calmly give it if he finds the enemy, in terms of its combat characteristics, this vehicle is superior to nato models. our tank crews work along the so-called mounted trajectory, placing their shells precisely at the strong points of the ukrainian neo-nazis. fighters control the sky above the firing line enemy drones, shot! the enemy is actively using kamikaze drones; the best means of fighting them is an ordinary hunting rifle. i took the strobim for ducks, well, i’m focusing on the range of 30-70 m, mainly in the form of combat, you see the drone. you report via radio to the crew and gunners and fire at them; if it’s a reconnaissance drone, then we try to stand still, if we shoot it down, our tankers fire from closed firing positions, no
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heat or deep puddles interfere, that is, they can even run through a ford, if necessary, i would take it out more than once from bad situations when we were covered by artillery. four people, there may still be people under the rubble, rescuers are working on the spot. in addition, kiev militants using a drone attacked a bus in the bryansk region, four civilians were injured, including a teenager, and they were provided with all the necessary medical assistance. well, kiev troops will also
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be able to use long-range atakoms missiles to strike crimea. for this purpose, the united states , among other things, transferred them to the zelensky regime, the new york times reports. for supplies will be delivered to ukraine. and even more problems, the press secretary of the russian president , dmitry peskov, has already said to the host of the moscow kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin, for the last 24 hours everyone has been discussing that the united states. openly admit, openly admit that they secretly supply long-range missiles to kiev, and moreover, information appears that long-range missiles have already been used against russian territory, how can you comment on this? well, firstly, this is further confirmation of direct involvement the united states of america in the conflict around ukraine, secondly, this is a very interesting aspect of this...
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the united states continues to add fuel to the fire, possibly violating its own domestic legislation, and once again confirming its direct involvement in this conflict. the united states will today announce the contents of the next aid package for the armed forces of ukraine worth $6 billion. it will include air defense ammunition, projectiles, drones, and air-to-air missiles. this is reported by politics. however, most of all this kyiv will receive only through. a few years, when the factories will produce everything. how washington and the zelensky regime make money from the death of ukrainians,
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the head of our bureau in new york, valentin bogdanov, will tell you. we do not abandon our allies, we support them. biden’s ink on the laws on foreign military assistance, among which the heaviest ukrainian ones have not yet dried, in the white house they have already remembered the ravines along which to walk and deliver weapons to kiev. it will take us some time to pull ourselves out of the hole we fell into due to the six-month delays while congress agreed on aid. it's been too long and the effects of the delay are being felt in ukraine, so perhaps russia will achieve additional tactical gains in the coming weeks. however, in some ways the americans were ahead of themselves. the new billion-dollar package is still at a low start, being hastily packaged somewhere. in poland, but back in march , atak ms missiles
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with a range of 300 km were secretly transferred to ukraine, they were silent, allegedly at the request of zelensky, the information was confirmed by the state deb. the united states provided ukraine atacames at the direction of the president. we did not announce this from the beginning in order to ensure the operational security of ukraine at their request. the rest of the details are via the new york times leak. ukraine already has 100 atak ms missiles, along with the latest delivery worth $300 million. moreover, atak ms was even used against targets in russian berdyansk and russian dzhankoy on april 17. however, this american weapon, like any other , cannot be called invulnerable. obviously, due to the transfer of atacoms to the ssu, the a threat to the security of the russian federation , primarily to crimea, including sevastopol.
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this would be a good signal, a demonstration of the solidarity of the two governments, in this way we will show the unity of poland, where there is a mood for continued assistance to ukraine, in the humanitarian and military spheres. we understand how many ukrainians subject to conscription evade service, and there are high expectations from the ukrainian side regarding the solution to this problem. the polish defense minister even estimated that the ssu needs to recruit another 4,000 recruits, and warsaw. i don’t mind sending everyone he can catch to slaughter. previously, the ukrainian diplomatic missions stopped issuing passports per gram to men of military age, and many soon risk becoming illegal immigrants, which means they will be deported to their homeland and sent to the front line. polish border guards have already begun to detain ukrainian citizens who escaped conscription and hand them over to kiev.
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political games around the memory of the victims of nazism are unacceptable. diplomats recalled that the mauthausen concentration camp system was brutally tortured more than 32 thousand soviet citizens, it was there that general karbyshev died. the head of the us state department arrived in china and demanded that cooperation with russia be reduced. however, he only had to talk at the level of the shanghai
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city committee. alexander baletsky will tell you why this happened. he has been in china for 2 days already, but with whom? what exactly he was talking about is unclear, it seems that it was announced in advance by the state department, the pressure on beijing regarding ukraine, cheap chinese exports and the maneuvers of the chinese fleet in the south china sea, the protocol footage included something completely different. we have a commitment to our peoples and indeed to the entire world to take a responsible approach to the relationship between our two countries. this is a commitment we have that we take very seriously. a meeting with the secretary of the shanghai city committee, probably too. in a hotel with the symbolic name mir, let me remind you that it was in shanghai that the united states and china signed a historic communiqué, which marked the beginning of the normalization of relations after 52 years, they are worse than ever. even before
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blinken's visit, beijing expressed disagreement there were, are, and will not go away between the united states and china, but the goal of the negotiations is to make sure that there are fewer of them. just to begin with, they asked washington to decide whether beijing is its rival or its partner, until after each new portion of the us assurances of readiness. just not in china, the americans remembered and the dollars could have gone unnoticed, but her, and how washington puts pressure on her connections with moscow. on the one hand, the united states presented a large-scale bill on huge assistance to ukraine, on the other hand, it came up with unfounded accusations. against normal economic and trade relations between china and russia, such actions are extremely hypocritical and irresponsible, china strongly opposes
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this. the united states has long been persuading china to its side in the conflict with russia, but all to no avail, so the press writes that washington is not averse to carpet bombing the banking sector of the prc, which continues to transfer russian money, while, however, the americans decided to postpone this, they supposedly understood , neither china nor the entire world economy will forgive this, but it’s hard to believe and... klinkin became involved in drug trafficking. i came here to shanghai to work on issues that matter to the american people. one of them is fintanil, a synthetic opioid that is the leading killer of americans aged 18 to 49. apparently, that’s why i met with students, but also with american business. for him, china is money and a market. however, the american secretary of state could have found out about this from the united states itself, what he had been doing in shanghai all day the day before, accompanied by ambassador burns in the stands with a basketball.
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reads beijing to cut them off to prevent developments in the field of artificial intelligence, and this is understandable, are ironic in chinese blogs; biden himself lacks intelligence. alexander balsky, vin. kononov, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. the west is not yet considering the confiscation of frozen russian assets as the main way to continue financing ukraine. this was stated by us treasury secretary janit yelin. although congress is in violation.
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were able to fully deploy the small-sized radar. it was installed in october, but then it did not fully deploy. also took samples from the surface of the station to study the durability of materials. in addition, scientific equipment was installed. it will be used to study corrosion processes in space. this will make it possible to create structures in orbit that can unfold themselves. the astronauts were able to complete all the work within the 2-hour schedule. the football players of the capital cska and spartak played in a draw on the web arena 0:0 for the first time in 21 years and did not score any goals at all.
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daniel will tell you how this happened. spartak and cska approached the head-to-head confrontation with different moods. red and white defeated rostov away 5:1. the army team lost to akhmat at home, losing key defenders deveev, rossa, as well as attacking player feyzullaev. it would seem that there was wonderful, warm weather, an important derby, more than filled stands, an ideal situation for an exciting match and football in general, but the spectators saw the first blow in... which akinfeev easily coped with, as akinfeev tried to convey to the guys, that it’s unlikely that we can somehow score this with one shot, especially when there ’s not the last person to play on goal there either, so we have to there was more to shoot at the goal, somehow it puts pressure, today it worked, i hope that the next match will work out, the moment in the middle of the first half caused a lot of controversy, the ball bounced into chalov’s hand, but the referees working
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on the gain yes... a little later, spartak’s duarte was shown yellow, as it turned out later, referee kazartsev made a mistake, confusing him with chernov. now the paraguayan risks missing the next match due to too many cards. everyone on both sides is unhappy. so, well, i don’t know, there are bosses on both sides, on three sides, let them evaluate. ivan oblikov had a killer moment, watching for khluseevich's mistake, but shooting wide from close range. there were a couple of good moments.
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grozny arrived in sochi, according to the head coach of the guests roberto moreno, 14 football players , five members of his team’s staff were poisoned before the match, the sochi bus was late to the stadium, the game started with a delay of several minutes, ending with a score of 1:0 after sadulayev’s only goal. in other matches of the tour, it is worth highlighting the defeat of zenit, which lost 0:2 at home to rubin. rasnodar with baltika did not lose any points, dynamo and lokomotiv beat orenburg and pari nn, getting closer to the current leader of this season. daniil makhalin, konstantin morozov, andrey greshnev, umar tuskaev, news!
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, separate completely from moscow, an assembly has been created, which is not the church of christ, the ocu has nothing to do with religion, alone for jesus' sake, for others' sake bread taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, initially set the task here to tear the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is wonderful among his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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