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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 26, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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one of the main tasks is to increase the production of russian goods made on our equipment and using our technologies. vladimir putin spoke about this at the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. the topic will be continued by nika yankovaya. despite the unprecedented challenges our country has faced in recent years, positive ones are strengthening in the economy. trends,
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president vladimir putin announced about this congress of the rsp. gdp growth continues to show good rates. last year it gained 3.6%. in the first months of this year, the trend remains and business plays an important role in this. therefore, supporting entrepreneurs remains one of the government’s priorities. we will direct additional resources to the development of industrial mortgages. we will recapitalize such a significant and in-demand asset. mechanism as an industrial development fund, its capital will almost double by 300 billion rubles. this resource will be aimed at supporting high-tech projects, and of course, it is necessary to monitor the effectiveness of these and others online. tools, customize them, make them more flexible and convenient. the president outlined specific steps to support entrepreneurs, ensuring maximum support. conditions for running and developing
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business, it is also necessary to further simplify administrative requirements and significantly increase the volume of industrial production. in addition, all levels of education need to be developed to improve learning efficiency. as for the additional adjustment of the tax system, here, as the president noted, the most important thing is clear and predictable working conditions in the long term. now the government, together with business public associations and regions , is discussing the parameters of changes. and prepare appropriate proposals. the updated tax conditions need to be fixed for a long period. modernization of the fiscal system should ensure a more equitable distribution of tax burdens, while stimulating businesses that develop and invest, including in infrastructure, social, and personnel projects. in short, it is necessary to ensure stable and predictable conditions. for reliable, confident
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business operation. the government and business are faced with the acute issue of personnel ; it will not be possible to cover their shortage by attracting migrants, as vladimir putin noted. it is necessary to look for other approaches, including increasing labor productivity. according to deputy prime minister and head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov, there is currently a shortage of 220 thousand specialists in the manufacturing industries alone. by the thirtieth year it could be almost one and a half million. at the same time, now it’s not...
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there were a lot of topics for discussion with business, we were talking about the development of entrepreneurship in the regions, it is important to objectively assess their economic condition, for this a digital platform will be created, now the construction complex together with the ministry of economic development are identifying 2 thousand stronghold settlements, the development of which will be stimulated, while, as the deputy prime minister noted marat khusnulin, business should be more active in coming to new regions, especially since they are now being created there.
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it is up to the authorities and business to decide, but the main thing is what the president said at the congress, regardless of scale of business, success accompanies those who know how to correctly perceive dynamic market conditions and are ready for these... conditions change, in addition, it is important to invest in scientific developments of your own technological solutions. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the ssu. zelensky’s formation lost over a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers; among other things , four armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly american- made. in addition, four missile systems were eliminated, the czech vampire american hymers. air defense forces shot down two. bryansk region, four civilians were injured , including a teenager, they were provided with all
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the necessary medical assistance. well , kiev troops will also be able to use long-range missiles to strike the crimea. including transferring them to the zelensky regime, the new york times reports, but the supplies will cause even more problems for ukraine, the press secretary of the russian president , dmitry peskov, has already said to the host of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. last 24 hours everyone is discussing that the united states openly admits, openly admits that they secretly supply long-range missiles to kiev, and moreover, information appears that long-range missiles have already been used against them.
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they will not be able to change anything from the point of view of the outcome of a special military operation, the outcome is a foregone conclusion, and the current dynamics of the state of affairs on the fronts demonstrate this, we will win, but
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with such weapons, ukraine will become more painful in the end, and there will be more casualties in ukraine, there will be more destruction because as i said. poland will deport men of military age to ukraine in response to a request from kiev, this is what the head of the military department said in an interview with a local tv channel. if kiev asks warsaw to help with the deportation of those ukrainians who were left without
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a passport, and there may be many of them, to help with the allocation of transport to bring them to the border, will the polish authorities do this?
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specialists from
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the pirogovo research university worked for several years on the development of the drug together with the domestic company biocad. for rector sergei it was a personal challenge for lukyayanov. he fought the disease himself and last november he successfully tested the drug on himself. our drug very carefully destroys the cells that lead to the disease without affecting the immune system as a whole. therefore, it does not have such side effects. in addition, this drug is administered very rarely, relatively rarely, once every six months, once a year, so there is no addiction to the drug and loss of effectiveness. these are, perhaps, these properties, the main one of which is the ability to completely block the development of the disease, distinguishes it from those drugs that are already used today in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. it is difficult to determine ankylosing spondylitis; it can
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take several years from the first symptoms to the diagnosis; many turn to doctors at a late stage, for example, when the cervical spine is affected and the patient freezes in the pose of a supplicant. clinical studies have confirmed that after taking the drug blue rod, the development of the disease stops, and without reducing the activity of the immune system. for the first time in history scientists were able to eliminate the cause of ankylosing spondylitis, and not its symptoms. specialists blue prutuk is 10 years ahead of world science, and his research can serve to develop a whole class of drugs, including for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, for example, type 1 diabetes. and one more development: last week , the russian drug lantesens was successfully registered for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy, in which motor functions are gradually lost and the child may stop moving and... breathe. in russia there are already three drugs for the treatment of sma, foreign and unaffordable. for example,
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zalgensma, which is included in the guinness book of records as the most expensive medicine in the world. the cost of one injection is more than 150 million rubles. in 2020 , the whole country collected money for it for little ilya and stavropol. the injection gave us a huge effect, ilya lives an ordinary life, goes to a kindergarten for children with musculoskeletal disorders, here are six brides. we have in the garden, yes, the most beautiful ones, and here we have an active one, that is, we live an ordinary life, we work like ordinary people, without any devices, tubes or anything else, the domestic manufacturer claims that the drug will be produced in russia, and therefore it will be cheaper than the drug from spinraza, the cost of which in the country reaches 5 million rubles per package. sofia sergieva, sergey rubanov, andrey mashkarov, news. backers from the all-russian motorcycle club night wolves went on a motorcycle rally along the roads of victory from st. petersburg to
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kyrgyzstan. the action was dedicated to the memory of taktagon altinbasova, a resident from the ssul region, who during the great patriotic war accepted and raised 150 children from besieged leningrad. why mine also died, we have something else, we have brotherhood, we are not politicians, we have a conviction, you know, there is a big goal that is all about us. divided, we want to bring the russian world together, you see, this is what i think, this is the role of wolves, so here through our subculture, through our actions, through our actions, so it is logical, what we just said in kyrgyzstan, especially so that it was an initiative from the kyrgyz side, not to support our brothers there, ours there friends, relatives, who shared our convictions, this was simply unacceptable for us,
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but then the question is what to do with messengers, because in general... the volume is still large, fraud, here the central bank took the initiative to literally mine last week, that 's all. build one platform that would additionally work for anti-fraud. at the conference, the future of mobile communications and electronics in russia, promising technologies, as well as the development of artificial
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intelligence and key security priorities were discussed. what artificial intelligence now provides, what working with big data generally provides now, opens up some unique opportunities for telecoms, so i think that in the near future we, as consumers , will have a lot of interesting products and solutions, and that, of course, is the industry in russia, taking into account the limitations of opportunities, it will also develop very dynamically. russia and mongolia need to take cooperation to a new higher level. party deputies.
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what did such laboratories do on the territory of ukraine, and we already know in a commission was created in the state duma, we conducted a serious investigation, we would not like our friends in mongolia to end up experiencing the same difficulties, i think that someone in the west really wants to use mongolia to locate military facilities of the united states of america there, nato, transformation of territory. flagarm countries against russia and china. the most striking sports projects that inspire an active lifestyle at any age. an award ceremony took place at the russia exhibition participants of the all-russian competition "you're in the game". and the winners are alec komarov. in general, i would give them all a gold medal if i had the opportunity. 5.00 applications, 255
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semi-finalists, at least 25 socially significant sports projects. the best of the best. awarded at the ceremony, no words, just emotions, for their contribution to the sporting life of russia, the finalists received cash prizes, 3000 rubles. one of the special projects was adaptive twirling, a new dance and sports direction of gymnastics. i really want to cry, thank you big. twirling develops fine gross motor skills, and irina specializes in working with children with special needs, so with the help of sports it is possible to influence not only...
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and new, let's say, equipment and inventory, creative ideas, we really need them in order to these are the remaining most complex interest rates. still, achieve the goal that the president set for us all. over the past 4 years , government investment in the sports sector has increased by 190%. particular attention is paid
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family, corporate and adaptive initiatives, these are the nominations this year that were the most important for the project you are in the game. alek komarova, denis kuznetsov, mikhail devyatkin, lead. let's take it. monthly cashback 2% rates are more profitable with sber prime with yota your money will not fly away we return
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rubles for the remaining ibigo minutes you can yota start the path to your dream with sber open a free account for business and connect to the sberbusiness loyalty program thank you receive cashback 10% bonuses for purchases with sberbusiness -card and bonuses for transactions on account. sberbusiness. selfish, that is. it already gives me heartburn. it's burning, we'll put it out. and your food gives me heartburn. this makes heartburn from eating easier. accept, extinguishes. fights heartburn, pain and heaviness due to increased acidity in the stomach. active from the first minutes. it extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes it. grandfather, do you prefer fishing or tinkering? pension in the postal bank, of course, because there are benefits there, transfer your pension to the postal bank and receive 2,000 rubles. and a chance to win a car, receive a profitable pension at the post
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for example, you can invest money in... infrastructure or transport, and not only to make money, but to influence the development of the country’s economy, and these are just some of the decisions, due to the fact that structured bonds have appeared, now we are launching not just one house at a time, but six houses at once, bonds, government securities, shares in the medium and long term are always more profitable. than investing in a bank deposit, if it had not been possible to borrow money on the market in this way, the project would have progressed more slowly, i think that the project might not have taken place. long-term savings program, this is also a new a tool that helps citizens invest, they will receive additional income, and the economy is another very important source of long-term resources. based on the results of
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the first quarter of this year of this...
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year, and this npf was the first to join the new program, more than 350 thousand people have already been saving money in the long-term savings market since 1997. and what changes for npfs when a long-term savings program appeared. now he opens about 60-7 clients a month. program, of which there are already about 10 thousand are doing it digitally. there is a well-known joke that the second most difficult thing after the firm theorem is the method for calculating your pension rights. we have already solved this complex mathematical problem. i can transfer this funded pension to my personal long-term savings program, apply online and sign the application through the state key application. why does he so
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actively encourage people to invest in the state? this is a good opportunity to save up for your dream, which can be realized in 15 years. the state provides additional financial support for participants, this is not much, not less than 3,600 rubles per year for the first years, but what’s not cool is how such co-financing works, it all depends on your income.
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there is a profitability calculator, you can indicate how much you plan to invest, for how many years and get a forecast of income, and further away, how far away is 15 years, there is a downside, there is a business that receives this money, for example, there are infrastructure bonds, and why is this an important tool for business and for the regions? business is looking for long-term money, banks give short and medium-term loans, but for such a serious investment ... money is needed, well, 5, 10 years, we create, not only for investors, not only for people, and a good tool, but an opportunity for business , have good financial resources for its development. what is important for passengers is that the tram is modern, environmentally friendly and comfortable, runs quickly with...


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