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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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russian troops center, the attack was monitored for 3 days, the enemy was constantly changing firing points, the operation of the drones was interfered with by installing electronic warfare, during the attack, all data were taken into account, the time of day, the direction of the wind, the result is that the lanset drone hits the target. the transfer of atacoms missiles to ukraine increases the threat to the security of crimea and other regions of russia. this was stated by the russian ambassador to the united states anatoriy antonov. the diplomat called the promises a lie. kiev not to use them for attacks on our territories. he assured that the russian the military has already shot down several such missiles. in most russian regions, the peak of the spring flood has passed. in orenburg , more than 80 houses were freed from water within 24 hours. gas and electricity supplies are being restored in orsk. on average, the level of the tobol river in the trans-ural region is decreasing by 20 cm per day. they have already begun to calculate the damage and pay compensation to residents. so, today
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the congress of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs is taking place in moscow. vladimir putin is expected to speak there. what issues will be discussed by government and business representatives? we’ll find out from my colleague maria slobodyanskaya. she joins us. masha, good morning. tell us about the composition of the participants? sasha, greetings. well, the composition is indeed very extensive; heads of federal government bodies have been invited to participate. management, for example, of the bank of russia, of course, members of the rsp management bureau and many others, but if we talk about business stress, it is really very broad, of course, there will be representatives, for example, of metallurgy, the nuclear industry, fintech companies, also companies, who are working towards transport and logistics, of course, the banking sector is also expected here, so there are really a lot of issues that will be discussed, if we talk about the main event of today, this is... of course, a conversation
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between business and the head of state, then as expected, traditionally it will be about the interaction between business and the state, what aspects of this moment will be touched upon will become clear only at the meeting itself, the announcement of the event also states that we will also talk about goals and objectives national economy until 2030 and what role business should play in this process, in general the structure of the event itself will consist of several blocks, officially: the opening of the congress will take place at 11:00 here at the moscow international house of music, but then a large plenary session is planned , at which , of course, representatives of the russian government, the executive branch, federal authorities, the eurasian economic commission will also speak, this session will last approximately 2 hours, now, as i said, the main event is expected, this is the speech of the head of state, but i must say that this event is in...
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restrictions need to be further lifted in order for this process to proceed more actively and faster, digitalization, infrastructure development , and many other topics, as i already said, and of course, all the details will be known later, the president’s speech will be broadcast on our tv channel, well , within the framework of this congress, including the summing up of the national leader awards.
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they brought out and detained a group of people who had installed dummy explosives under the supports of road bridges. then they reported by phone about the alleged threat of a terrorist attack. according to information. the fsb public relations center detained employees of a private company that provides transport security at critical facilities. another defendant was charged in absentia. now footage from the government house. dear alexey evgenievich, the state corporation that you head has it is of strategic importance for the country, it actually participates in all areas of economic and technological development,
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it is the largest producer of electricity in general in russia. rusatom makes a very big contribution to strengthening our scientific and technological sovereignty, this is research. research work, technological research, many innovative areas, we can also talk about a number of industries where rosatom has such key foundations, these are, of course, the space industries, this is medicine, and the most modern medicine, this also includes a whole series of very important digital solutions, you have been working on them for a long time, and there are a number of effective solutions, but here i would also say about promising materials: including composite materials, this is also part of rosatom’s work, and tests are being implemented various types of equipment, rosatom works in all areas of key industries and the country's economy, this includes petrochemicals, oil and gas, aircraft manufacturing,
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the rocket and space industry, metallurgy and many, many others. would like you to they talked about the results of the state corporation’s work over the past year, well, in general, how are things going? please have the floor. thank you very much, mikhala. vladimirovich, thank you for your kind words addressed to the industries for their constant support, i will try to touch on all the topics you outlined. based on the results of last year, in terms of numbers and financial and economic indicators, we have records everywhere, the total revenue in the open part without state defense orders exceeded 2 trillion 640 billion rubles, average annual growth over the last 3 years is about 34%. in terms of revenue, the same the situation with revenue from foreign activities and would especially emphasize the growth of revenue in new areas of technological sovereignty projects of more than 80% per year. the investment program is great, and we exceeded a trillion 200 billion rubles last
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year. the vast majority of our investments are related to projects of technological sovereignty, average wage growth is about 13%, and labor productivity growth. more than seventeen. regarding the most important events of the past year, of course, i would like to start with our international projects, this the delivery of the belarusian nuclear power plant to our belarusian partners is the delivery of nuclear fuel to bangladesh, the turkish republic, in this sense, these countries have already become nuclear powers, and a record of mechanical engineering in nuclear engineering, five reactor vessels, 18 steam generators, both for modern and...
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the roles that you said, the largest electricity producer is at the level of 20% in the country’s electricity balance and the president has set the task of moving to 25% by the forties, we are launching a number of construction projects in russian federation, primarily the leningrad npp, we plan to obtain a license for a small station, for the construction of a small station in yakutia, and fispusk kurskaes is the first contribution to the movement towards 25%. mikhailovich. another task of the year is to maintain our international leadership, we are absolute leaders here in terms of export nuclear power plants, 22 units in seven countries, we plan to expand our portfolio, well, in the overall fuel cycle, we are in leading positions everywhere, you separately
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settled on digital solutions, we are working on your instructions, firstly, to transform the logos product into a digital platform into a national... digital platform , leveraging the competencies of other companies and achieving complete import substitution, and i would like to thank you for the life cycle management tutorial, where you have set tasks for... the needs of petrochemicals, shipbuilding, the military-industrial complex for
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composites, we begin to replicate, scale up those plants that you visited in allabuga, the pan-precursor plant and respectively, a carbon fiber production plant. dear michal, vladimirovich, we are moving forward in space issues, we are actively participating in updating the strategy of the roscosmos state corporation, behind us are power plants for both orbital and alien systems, transport vehicles, research vehicles, today we are paying serious attention to the integration of new regions into a single economic and
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legal space of russia, and the president sets this task so that we do everything necessary so that life there does not differ from life in any other subject of the russian federation and providing electricity to these regions is the most important task. in addition, the issues that arise there regarding zaporozhye khas are in the area of ​​constant attention, including. rusatom corporation and the government, and here i would like you to say how things are there and what is being done in the new regions of your company? the task is extremely urgent, for more than a year and a half we have been actively working in new regions, to the agenda that you are talking about related to the energy gift of the zaporozhye npp, another one has been added environmental big agenda, we are working in the dpr, lpr, we are now planning conclusions. we are with zaporozhye and kherson, these are industrial burial grounds, these are household
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waste dumps, a huge heritage with great damage. as for the supply of electricity , in accordance with the instructions of the government , an enterprise was created in october last year, a single purchaser of electricity last year purchased more than 4 billion kw, this year more than 15 will be purchased, we purchase electricity, supply it to them, put things in order in accounting systems, control systems we implement. russian rules for the circulation of electricity, as regards the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, a lot of work has been carried out, first of all, on the safety of the plant, we have no doubts about its stable condition, well, firstly, all units are in cold shutdown mode, and secondly, the systems have been completely restored physical protection, fortifications and defensive structures around the fuel storage facility were created, the required number of backup diesel generators and diesel fuel were delivered.
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new sites, was engaged in scientific development and scaling of those industries that exist there, training new scientific personnel, it is very important for them to appear there. additional jobs so that the production of necessary goods can be established, but their well-being will depend on the solution of these very issues. mikhail mishustin met with the head of the state corporation rosatom alexei likhachev. the world's first drug against ankylosing spondylitis has been registered in russia. this is a systemic disease that can lead to decreased mobility. by
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information from the ministry of health, innovative solutions were developed by scientists from the pirogovo medical university, as well as the institute of bioorganic chemistry. the research results were published in an international scientific journal. according to the developers, the medicine is not addictive and can completely stop the development of the disease. it is expected that industrial production will be carried out by a domestic company. the drug sineprotuk, which was developed by biocad company together with scientists, russian scientists from the russian national research medical university named after nikolai ivanovich pirogov, this is, of course, a drug of a new class. the world's first drug that acts on the cause, on the etiology of ankylasing spondylosis of ankylosing spondylitis, so we have high hopes. the new drug, sineprutuk, is based on a fundamentally new mechanism of action. it destroys specifically, specifically, those
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cells that cause the disease, autoimmune lymphocytes. other drugs, usually. the immune system as a whole, and this action does not lead to a complete stop of the disease, and also has a number of side effects effects. today begins the official part of the visit to china of us secretary of state antony blinken. washington has complaints against beijing, allegedly china is providing assistance to the russian military-industrial complex. the chinese foreign ministry has already responded to these words, calling on the states to change their approach to the situation. it is extremely hypocritical for the united states to irresponsibly introduce a massive relief bill for ukraine while simultaneously making baseless accusations about normal economic and trade exchanges between china and russia. china is determined opposes this. china's right to carry out normal economic and trade exchanges with all countries of the world,
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including russia, on the basis of equality of mutual benefit does not allow any disruption or sabotage. and we will not tolerate our legitimate rights and interests being infringed upon, we call on the united states to recognize that neither inciting conflict nor avoiding responsibility is the right way to resolve the ukrainian issue, the only way out is to take into account the legitimate security interests of all parties to create a balanced, effective, sustainable european security structure through dialogue and negotiation. how ’s that for you, but save up your vtb savings account for a subscription, replenish it regularly and you’ll save up 16% faster, sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you’ve long dreamed of without delay,
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anyone can get a fire rate on a deposit at gazprom bank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on copies are not your style. your uniqueness deserves more. choose avita premium. original items from famous brands. under sanctions, big business in russia is increasingly choosing domestic jurisdiction.
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many parent companies from unfriendly countries transfer subsidiaries in our market to local management. some take this step on their own, but in relation to economically significant organizations the matter can be resolved in court. alexandra nazarova has all the details. large businesses in russia are moving to domestic jurisdiction. many western companies independently transfer assets to russian management or find buyers. moreover, the european union complicates work with subsidiaries, for example, through speculation with tax benefits, they are deprived of the opportunity to provide them with professional services such as accounting, management consulting and legal advice. it is obvious that the trend towards a new economic policy will be long-term.
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it’s not just retailers who are transferring business; a few days ago, the world’s largest manufacturer of building materials, the german knauf , announced that it was going to cede its russian business to local management, but the deal has yet to be agreed upon. in our market the company has been operating for more than 30 years and has over 400 employees. these jobs are planned to be preserved. last year , four enterprises registered in st. petersburg and the leningrad region received more than 30 billion rubles in revenue and almost 4.5 billion in net profit, and enterprises in krasnogorsk near moscow received almost 22 billion and 6 billion,
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respectively. it is expected that after the transfer of business, the russian division will continue to operate as normal. from the standpoint of common sense, in place of new owners, change established business processes probably don't make sense. another thing is that it probably makes sense now to switch to new trading businesses. the chain is preparing to sell its business in russia and the lithuanian vichunoy group, which is famous for its vici crab sticks. as the kommersant newspaper wrote earlier, the company has already received government consent. another recent example of the sale of the russian division of xyuga boss to stockman. the german clothing manufacturer suspended store operations back in 2020. according to spark, as a result, at the end of the twenty-third year, he received a net loss of almost half a billion rubles. a government subcommittee approved the deal to sell the russian division of huss to stockman joint stock company, a chain of department stores with 25 locations throughout russia and
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an online store. the issue is being resolved separately with economically significant organizations. they are allowed through the courts to exclude foreign participants from unfriendly countries. you can fall into this category based on one of the following criteria: revenue more than 75 billion rubles assets more than 150 billion. employees over 4. work in critical industries , participation of russian beneficiaries, more than 50%. there are now six companies on the list. the ministry of industry and trade's claim against the dutch x5 retail group nv is being considered. we are talking about one of the largest retailers in russia, the perekrestok, pyaterochka and chizhek chains. in the first quarter of this year, the group’s revenue increased by a quarter to almost 900 billion rubles, and net profit doubled to 24 billion. also, the ministry does not rule out a similar lawsuit from the parent company of abc taste of cypriot demonor investments. a lawsuit for
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a forced change of jurisdiction was filed by the beneficiaries of the company razrez arshanovsky, also economically significant; it produces about 4.5 million tons of coal per year in khakassia. the trial is due to begin today. in turn, the ministry of finance appealed to the arbitration court to deprive two cypriot companies of their corporate rights, as they interfere with their activities.
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affect dividend payments.
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fmba provides medical care in new regions and what developments are leading it today specialists, the head of the agency, veronika skvortsova, spoke about this in an interview with russia-24. watch the conversation right now, with this i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, see you, good news. hello, veronika igorevna.


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