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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of petrol pumps, we can take russian digital solutions to new heights, there are prospects, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more, how exactly does digital help? compared to the original in its questions, what is in general with production, raw materials and exports, what is our product?
3:31 am
we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. i will move on to the issue of terror, what vladimir vladimirovich putin spoke about today, this is an interesting question, because today in germany, seven people who were in pre-trial detention under investigation on charges that they took part in a terrorist organization, there is a very interesting point here, this is exactly what we talked about after the terrorist attack in crocus, this is exactly this group of ... seven people, five
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citizens of tajikistan, one kyrgyz and one turkmen. this is now completely official, the german prosecutor general’s office has admitted, and this has already appeared on the internet today, that these are people who were part of this group, kharasan and gil, but what’s interesting is not that where they entered, and where they got to germany from and how all this happened in general, they got to germany from ukraine. they were in ukraine, since i understood, starting in 2019, what they were doing there, one can only imagine, but it is known, and this already follows from the text, that at the beginning of a special military operation, they fought on the side of ukrainian units, and some time after all this began to develop, it doesn’t indicate which month, well, judging by the text, well understanding german, this one...
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this is invented, it is absolutely clearly confirmed, this is the same group that was on the territory of ukraine, which was most likely used by the ukrainian special services to prepare such terrorist acts, why did this group split, why did some stay on the territory of germany, and others then went , moved to russia and committed their terrorist act, i don’t know the terrorist act, this still needs to be dealt with, but the fact that cosvin... not directly, but indirectly
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, the german prosecutor general’s office confirmed, that there was such a group, it exists, they have now been charged, this means that they will be tried, i assume that part of the trial will be closed, so of course we won’t know much, but this is confirmation of what putin said today , this is terror that is spreading throughout the world, and the german word ursprung, that is , the beginning of all this we see now, unfortunately in ukraine, that’s where it came from... it came from there they were, either there they tested themselves, or there they prepared, or there they collected weapons and some kind of funds, that they needed, received instructions, that’s all, all this needs to be done, all this needs to be understood, this part of terror, and it’s also not new, but well, you can say, now it’s all gone, no, i ’ll remind you again about khangashvili, zelimkhan khangashvili, a man whom the german authorities keep saying all the time: that this is
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a refugee who was killed, i want to remind you once again, probably for the tenth time, this is a man who was next to shamel basayev, who was next to khattab, who was next to maskhadov. who took part in their various raids in their operations, there are photographs, this is a man who changed his citizenship three times, he received georgian citizenship, he had, he had ukrainian citizenship, then he received a residence permit in germany, which after some time time was taken away from him, allegedly, but nevertheless he then returned to germany again, was in germany, everyone knew perfectly well who he was and what he was and what he was doing, now we can only ask ourselves questions, and... was he there, as a refugee , did he receive social assistance while in germany? so i’m interested, i know very well all these structures, the so-called foreign chechen underground, how they worked and how they work and what they do, i, of course, understand that this is
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a fighting man who took part in these raids, that he was in germany, well, he just went there to the bronden gate and went out and received it. social assistance, every time he came to the social department, received his 200-300 euros and lived calm down, but no, of course, it ’s clear that he worked with these same structures, in these structures, and prepared something, and was doing something, this is the duplicity of the authorities, which on the one hand, let’s give it a look for residence, it can lead to tsugundor, i don’t want to say that today’s liberal youth who fled from russia and gathered in germany, among other things, that they will be future terrorists, i don’t blame them for this at all, but then that they can get into these networks, they can be used in this or that in a different form, but i doubt that mr. milov or anyone else there can be used as a terrorist, but as a transmission link, as those nodes on which
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you can make, put a support with which you can then develop these terrorist networks, let even under false flags, but theoretically. this can be, this, of course, can happen, and this is something that is very important for germany today, but a couple more words, today rishisonok was in berlin, they met with scholz, well , rishisonok didn’t get love, he didn’t get love with scholtz, although they are so very beautiful, scholz is a racist, well, in general, yes, i think that is approximately how they assessed it all, they of course made such a big statement, there are a large number of points, a pure declaration, and schulz did the same?
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it is the starting point for understanding what the uk and germany agreed to today in berlin. this morning a big article appeared, well, there is already information that everything is already in ukraine, it’s clear, but when i read in the german press from german large specialists, that well, guys, it’s clear, of course, you think we were joking here, the american army knew a long time ago that all this would happen, all this was there for a long time, this is important here, it was in poland in germany. that is, the deliveries were there, that is , it is clear that they knew in berlin, it is clear that they knew in warsaw, and they knew in moscow, don’t worry, well, they knew, i think, in moscow too, and they even knew at vladimir solovyov’s program, because we talked about this more than once, please, joking before the broadcast, i
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i told my colleagues that in greece there is such a movement among social networks that actively support such a column,
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the people of this continent, well, of course, there are different approaches in different countries, likes, dislikes, and so on, but this is very clearly manifested in front of. ..
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there are a lot of military, political, and other circles that are trying to prevent
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the transfer of our latest anti-aircraft systems and weapons to ukraine, because in reality this is how it was published in the western press - they are putting pressure on our government to absolutely everything, both russian and soviet, that remains, there are 300 patriots there, everything should be transferred to ukraine, because in the end there are already many of us.
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god forbid that such initiatives will be supported by russian public opinion and by the activists and organizations that
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are responsible for this, because there are many of them, to the point that greek engineers want to participate in this unique process of renovation and that is, the reconstruction of mariupol, because that this is also huge for us, such great proof that this the war that took place on the territory...
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of the century and what role russia played in preserving the salvation of the armenian people and now the armenian diaspora and the armenians living on the territory of russia know the relationship very well.
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who will be elected by him, but like any person living in the country, i certainly have the right to remember both the terrible tragedy that occurred in the history of the armenian people, and the role that the russian people played in order to save the armenians and for many of provide them with asylum on the territory of what was once the russian empire, then the soviet union, now the russian federation, now advertising. we will continue with the new composition, democracy glasnost, in general, in a word , perestroika, they went to visit these people, went out and talked to me, wow, what are you telling us, that everyone is equal, the speed with which this reorganization took place showed that soviet society, in principle , was a capitalist society, democracy,
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it was a sign that this was freedom, this was liberalism, i remember a great sense of freedom among the people. if you are a creative, ambitious, young professional who is ready to prove your actions, that you are the best in the profession, then quickly take part in the national open championship of creative competencies. artmasters, your path to the pinnacle of mastery.
3:48 am
it’s interesting, of course, what’s happening now. popular uprising on the territory of europe in the ukrainian consulates checkmate restart blocking 300 spartans in half a battle and besieged warsaw and are holding it right there , tsar leonid is missing somehow zelensky played such a role in his time, they are right now we will stand until the end until you complete it they say. that is, fun, fun, well, with on the other hand, why be surprised that the ukrainian authorities with their own hands are destroying their country with a general mobilization of attempts to send those who fled abroad to the front, leading to the fact that now a generation of ukrainians can part with their passports,
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for how many years, for 10, a passport, yes, well for 10 years, i think the ukrainians have... absolutely such satanic rituals, everyone falls to their knees, smoke, smoke, that is, it’s just amazing, they turned the country into some kind of giant funeral home, bezenchuk and partners, they made some kind of tragedy out of a tragedy. that constant absolutely shameful at the same time, having nothing to do with orthodoxy, nothing at all, so betrayed, orthodoxy, betrayed.
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they live only for one thing, whether they will have grandmothers or not, well, then the grandfather spoke out, addressed the american people, that rejoice, americans, i sent your money so that the little stupid drug addict would send as many ukrainians to the next world as possible, and they say that i have mastered everyone, i say, now i’ll sign the paper and in a few hours the weapon will already be there, that is, my grandfather simply violated all... temporary laws, that is, the speed of movement of american weapons in space has achieved phenomenal results, well, we understood that in fact it was already there, therefore, but the fact itself, just think about it. an american president addressing the american people to happily inform them that their money will be sent to a ukrainian drug addict, well, well, so be it, but
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zelensky right now has him as ivan, the british once told him that you at least thank you, well, at least then there was another minister of defense, who, unlike from today's cretins, at least he served in the army. and volos told him that at least say thank you, now zelensky is saying, just in case, and thank you to biden, and thank you to your woman, to the cats and mice, they say thank you to everyone, you’ll see jane psaki, at least she’s not working, thank her too, say, say thank you to everyone, thank you to the drunken penguin miller, thank you to everyone from the senator you see, thank you, congress, you see trump, pass by, that is, i’ll tell him right then. thank you, and another one too question, the americans already said that this was a type of loan, but as soon as they started reading it, it suddenly became clear that it wasn’t really a loan, i also
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really liked the articles, they immediately appeared, they say, in general, you ukrainians are behaving incorrectly, they owe you, otherwise , what they want, don’t want, they owe you, ukrainians, why, but because... there was a pesh memorandum, that’s why the americans are, that’s why you ’re tougher than them, tougher with them, grab them by the chest, say: a well, i gave it quickly, i gave it quickly, i gave it quickly, then, well, then everything is fine, then everything ok, here we have, when questions arise, the deputy minister of defense is under investigation, he is arrested, and, moreover, regardless of his past merits, he is asked a tough question. in ukraine, what is happening? and in ukraine, the minister of defense immediately goes to america , the stolen money is spent on a grand scale,
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smiling, happy, right there, but it’s a loan, no criminality, well, why be surprised, they have such a cultural culture, there’s only one question, even if it’s a loan, which the americans gave it away, right? who will pay it? in ukraine there will remain people who are physically will they be able to earn money? will they write it off? you know, they’ll just write off america so easily, well, that’s what they say in ukraine, they can do anything, will there be anyone to even talk about this? after all, you are faced with the phenomenon that happened in one of the countries of south america, when as a result of the war the male population disappeared, the paraguayan war,
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absolutely right, this is what is going on, there will be no men left, only those who left for europe will remain, went to russia, all these unfortunate widows, they didn’t go to they will come to us, they will ask zelensky,
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because what’s interesting is, yes, it’s all with the money of american taxpayers, like the afghans, like reznikov, like zaluzhny, ukraine doesn’t have its own money, it’s all paid for by a simple american farmer, an entrepreneur, so he pays that's all, biden's theft, theft.
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the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, yes, which separated the church, it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow, a meeting has been created that
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is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the states, the west, and initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. even the lord is with his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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4:00 am
if this addition is accepted within a few hours, as i expect, then we will increase production from approximately 550 interceptor missiles.


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