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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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[000:01:51;00] we will discuss the unification of new people with the party of growth and other issues with the leader of the new people faction in the state duma
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, alexei nichaev. hello, i welcome you, thank you for taking the time and coming to our studio, well, first of all, of course, last week new people united with the party of growth, tell us what will change in connection with this in life, specifically in your party, in general in your work, in what areas might you want to strengthen your work in this way? well, the unification went very well, because the party is growing and new people are friends complement, we have a lot of young people, we have environmental activists, we have entrepreneurs, but the party of growth is like... a party of entrepreneurs, it has been gathering very active, strong people for many years, and now these people are in a common party, we are a parliamentary party , so we don’t need to collect signatures to participate in regional elections, we received about twenty- odd chairmen of regional branches, thanks to people from the growth party, hundreds of candidate deputies, party organizers of such experienced people, this is a big
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value for us too. and for people from the party of growth an opportunity to manifest themselves in a different way, plus boris yuryevich titov, a very famous entrepreneur and regional leader, headed the federal council of our common party new people, we have a central council, such a governing body and the federal political council, now in the charter, which is the body for such strategic consulting, content development, together with the stalypin club, that is, we have acquired many partnerships, which we are very pleased with. and at the same time , you know, in russia it’s easier not just to create party, i’ll tell you this, like those who did it, the unification of the party, this is an even more complicated story, more and more people in russia like to disengage, quarrel, this is our custom, uniting is not just something that has taken us a year , in order to participate together in the autumn elections of last year, to nominate a single candidate for the elections to the presidency of the russian federation, colleagues wrote a large
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piece of... the president’s order was taken very seriously, only 3 months have passed, and already the work is very active, and we are focused on the future is a party, and this also unites us with the rosto party, of course, all the more so we will have to deal with these issues absolutely precisely, artificial intelligence, because
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life itself dictates this necessity, and what plans do new people have for the autumn elections, maybe you will put forward some candidates from affiliated parties, as it will be here, we now no longer divide who is from which party, that’s all. in st. petersburg, 1,500 municipal deputies are elected, in a number of regions there are gubernatorial elections, 16 legislative assemblies in this year, more than twelve regional administrative capitals, plus huge municipal ones, there are many elections near moscow, in
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the lenno region, that is, this year is very rich in elections, so we are glad that we have such a replenishment, in tatarstan there are also very big elections, there are 100 a person was elected by the state council and the growth party was very strong. great, but we know that trust in the new people party has grown significantly recently, including the presidential elections showed a good result for the party for your candidate, do you plan somehow to expand its representation in general, as in connection with the growth of trust, it will now work in seventy-seven regions as a branch, in the rest it works... as such groups of activists, we, firstly, are increasing the number of regions where party branches are officially opened, we are saturating assets, in fact, both in quality and in quantity, and for us this spring, summer, autumn is, of course, an opportunity to continue
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working so that people trust us, now it’s a very interesting situation, now there is a united russia, which has a big lead and new people, the ldpr and the communists, who are side by side , about 8-9%, that is, such a group has now formed. well, then there’s only a tail of the rest, so we need to continue to interact, especially to be in dialogue and discussions with our counterparties, yes, especially since there is still a request for updating, including in this structure, in the party, in the state duma , yes, we now understand that the state duma remains the same, but the government is waiting for an update, so it is assumed law after the seventh, in mid-march there was a government report in... in the state duma on the work for the past year, what are the main results you summarize? well, life has summed up the results, we see in the twenty-third year everyone predicted that there would be a fall in the economy,
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a fall in gdp, uvallov’s domestic product, mishustin told us in march twenty-third , he says: we will aim for 2% growth and even more, that was then he met us with the leader of the faction, it was like... we, of course, did not believe in him, we tried help, but they made 3.6% growth, these are the results of the government, so we have some questions for the government, there are things that we don’t like, there are things that we think should be done, yes, but there are two positions, more so cheap, i would say, this is to criticize, you don’t do this, you don’t do this, without us such parties already exist, here our function is not additional, well, added value, but
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there is an opportunity to offer different solutions . we have this funny form, when we introduce some kind of bill and understand that, probably, it won’t pass from us now, but we see that in 2-3-4 months another party, we won’t say which one, is introducing this on its own, but with amendments, there are improvements with mother-of-pearl publics, this is already a good form, the job is being done, who is there, well... has already done minor things, this is a very important, interesting approach that you voice, but also with a report to the state duma, and a life hack, by the way, it is in business, i think it is applicable on television as well , well , we know, the head of the state duma gave a report central bank elvira nabiulina, what decisions of the central bank in this difficult situation, economic, including pressure from the west, which continues and even intensifies in some aspects, what decisions do you consider the most effective, well,
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there are exact solutions, for example, a person who understands, what is a loan at 16%,
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the rate is 16, which means in business they will give at 20, i don’t really support this decision, but i understand what caused it, yes, so that we need to curb inflation, because inflation is a tax on the poor , yes, from inflation people who have little money suffer more, because their basket of goods grows more than that of rich people, so, of course, i understand why this is bad, but i understand what led to what the basis for the central bank’s rate was. raise, while the central bank is also in the mood to lower the rate as the inflation rate decreases, so we will be here - not this month, hardly in april, but then i think this matter will gradually decline, of course the whole country is waiting for this, yeah, yet the government recently supported a new bill people regarding tax incentives for venture investors, why do you think this is important, why is this important right now, we meet a lot with young people,
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there... very innovative, knowledge-intensive companies, now almost a third of at least the people, they are now they leave either the arab emirates or israel, because well , no one goes to the states that much anymore, but people go to some more neutral countries because they don’t see an opportunity here to get investment in their science-intensive stories. in general, if we look, for example, in the usa, the largest companies, there are all those who are more than a billion, new companies formed over the last 15 years, you will see that half of them are not americans, they were made by indigenous people, but by visitors, half of this half are immigrants from russia, yes, because there is money there, money that is heated up for the project to take off, if we had not once invested huge amounts of money in space, and the country had not invested huge amounts of money in the development of the atom there, military and peaceful, then y...wouldn't have it if there had been none of this, if huge amounts of money had not been invested in industrialization in
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the thirties, we would have been destroyed by the nazis, so investing in new things is, well , the law of life, if we are a market economy, then we can invest only with market tools, and then, that the state is not always an effective player, remember our yotafon, well, not a single private company yotafon would have been able to get 700 there for a lot of money, how many devices were there, that ’s why invest in... investments in the last year or two have been especially strong since investments in such new projects began to fall, so we came up with a slightly increased tax benefit
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for... what is it, what does it mean, well, what is the ideology, first and the project, our people like to get treatment when they are already sick , it’s too late to drink borjomi, as we know, when the kidneys have fallen off, this is the basic principle, people begin to be treated when something hurts, we believe that prevention is much cheaper, and this leads to health, but we don’t the goal is for people to be treated and
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pay a lot, our goal is for people not to get sick, and this money was left with them for other expenses, which are more needed to educate their children, so... to get an education themselves, that is, for more important things, not for treatment, and a new healthy generation, that’s what it’s all about that we begin prevention from early childhood, the first of the large projects in this program is vitamin d3, we found an industrial partner who produces and finances the production and distribution of vitamin d3 for children from 0 to 3 years old, because
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we recommend . the first year they drank, the bottle ran out, they threw it away, they didn’t buy new ones, so we released this story with our partners, and we also made it oil-based, not alcohol-based, because it’s nothing good, what is given to a child from zero to three is given alcohol there in microdoses, nevertheless, why is it necessary to teach this to children, we are not alcohol dealers, you are right, we need healthy children, that’s why this is a project once, twice - this is, for example, breastfeeding, we have 60% of mothers. after a year after six months no longer breastfeeding, but this is immunity, vitamin is immunity, this is immunity, so it remains forever, but it’s better there for children under one and a half years old, and we have sellers of dry baby food formulas, which are not immediately available, let’s feed them, that’s good, that’s all ,
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of course, it’s a scam, it’s ugly, so it’s starting to be promoted; in june they’ll start distributing vitamins. earned it, we announced it, it was very important for us to involve, of course, firstly, the ministry of health, so that we could be very precise in our recommendations, the relevant ones - those who deal with certification, doctors, entire research institutes that do this, yes, people with names, firstly, to do what is needed themselves, and not some kind of gag, god forbid, yes, here is the third project in the same area - this is the health of mothers after the birth of a child, because well, the mother, and of course, the body gives away during childbirth. and feeding, a lot of strength, it is very important to take care of yourself, because when we want mothers to give birth to a second, third, or even a child, we need the mother to be healthy, because if she is all, how will she give it all away, well, how can she then live on her own, give birth to a second child, so it’s very important to take care, and there are very simple training programs, so that
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i myself have five children, then i understand how important it is for a woman to feel, for a woman to feel herself, well, not only the beloved, but also...
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new ones are added to them, very interesting so that plus these people remain in the system, history, because artificial intelligence, it sounds beautiful, but what is it like to say which socket, which plug to plug into, yes conditionally, which plug should be plugged into which socket, this is the question, and people learn the basics for free, how to work in a new way, how to design. there are 10 there are 5 fates, how to work in a new way, but not only, how to live in general in this new coordinate system, alexey gennovich, i thank you, thank you very much for coming to our studio, answering our questions, thank you, thank you, let me remind you that in our studio there was the head of the duma faction, new people, alexey gennadievich nichaev, who told us about important projects. customers' love is the main reward for anyone entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other.
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of 2% interest rate, more profitable: traces of battles in full view, but i haven’t for a long time...
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the right to defend your homeland. i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty -four, 2124, this is the situation,
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now i can jump to a century in the future and back, that’s all. space pirates are hunting us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mothers, what a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow questions, proposal, objection, yes there is no other, what do you want, light? so
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go ahead. today the president held a meeting on
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liquidation of the consequences of the flood in the orenburg, kurgan and tyumen regions. during a conversation with regional leadership, vladimir putin explained what the approach should be to solving the problems of affected citizens and called on local authorities to be more attentive to their requests? yes.


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