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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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spoke at the all-belarusian people's assembly. anastasia sokhovskaya knows what else was said. minsk sees all attempts to drag the country into war. critical issues of defense and security. most of the president's keynote speech was in the audience for the entire military-power bloc. alexander lukashenko called on the west not to push belarus towards asymmetric measures in response to a threat to the country's security, for example, the modernization of american tactical nuclear weapons at european military bases. what questions do we have then? why did you get so excited when? "we posted weapons with similar functionality at our bases, our love of peace is not pacifism, i ask you not to be confused, as threats grow, we will take symmetrical measures to increase combat power. face to face with nato , 300,000 foreign troops are training on the perimeter of belarus, which the west hypocritically calls a containment belt, the baltic states are making only plans for the bunker line." and germany
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is transferring a five-thousandth tank brigade to lithuania. the west has imposed the image of an enemy in the face of our countries on ukraine. here is footage of a ukrainian trying to sail to moldova. a fugitive on an air mattress was recently detained in belarus. he crossed the dnieper against the current, just to avoid ending up in the ukrainian armed forces. the kiev regime is exchanging the lives of soldiers for weapons, this is a deal with the west, according to alexander lukashenko, the work of not only the last president zelensky. from the work of the first president of ukraine.
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delegates vote on the composition of the presidium, alexander lukashenko is elected chairman of the supreme national assembly , according to the updated constitution, the assembly has exclusive powers up to the decision on the legitimacy of the elections and the introduction of military provisions. more than 100 delegates from all over the country . in the words of society, this is belarus in miniature, the first meeting in a new constitutional status. if previously the decisions of the supreme council were of a recommendatory nature, now they are mandatory. tomorrow , the national assembly will present an updated military doctrine and national security concept for consideration . anastasia sakhovskaya alexander alexandrovitsa oleg peretsky ekaterina bobkova lead minsk. russia and iran will develop cooperation in the field of security in st. petersburg, sobez secretary nikolai patrushev and his iranian colleague. further
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increasing tensions in the region. so, in st. petersburg there is an international meeting of representatives in charge of security issues. leaders from 106 countries arrived. nikolai patrushev and his colleagues visited an exhibition of security developments. these include, for example, telecommunications and radio monitoring systems. in addition, the secretary of sabez of russia and his colleagues visited the petskaryovskoye memorial cemetery to pay tribute to the memory of the fallen siege survivors. after a minute of silence they laid the tribute.
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flowers at the foot of the motherland monument. canada lifted sanctions from the russian company vsmpo avisma, because without russian titanium, the production of airbuses is simply impossible. about the state of health of the western aviation industry under conditions of restrictions. to use russian titanium despite sanctions, the canadian government allowed the aircraft manufacturing corporation airbus to use raw materials from vsmpo avisma in the production of aircraft, reuters reported. titanium is used primarily in aircraft engines and landing gear for large aircraft. the timing for which the ban was lifted was not specified; airbus kenneda confirmed that it had received the necessary permission. visma has a significant market share. aircraft
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titanium about 30%. the company has a good competitive cost compared to japanese competitors, for example. and a well-developed network of international offices. titanium is used in the most technologically important components in the aviation industry. canada imposed sanctions against vsmpo arisma in february this year. on the us blacklist, which implies strict export controls, the company has been listed since september twenty -third. airbus expected to abandon russian titanium 2 years ago, but it didn’t work out. air in canada. the manufacturer assembles a-220 airliners, the number of employees exceeds 4,00, and if we count related industries, then 23,000. the canadian government's approval will help support production at local factories and also allay fears that airbus's operations could be harmed by a ban on
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imports into canada and its european- made aircraft, which also depends on titanium supplies. airbus is the company that. consumes quite a lot of russian titanium, yes, that is, until 2022, approximately 2/3 of purchases of titanium airbass accounted for russian metal, and this is the volume that is difficult to replace, and for boeing this share was approximately two times lower, so therefore, despite the fact that the company sought to notice the russian thetan, it is still extremely difficult to do this. ural vsmpo avisma is the world's largest producer of titanium and titanium alloys. metal with full technological cycle from processing to production of finished products. at the beginning of the twenty-second year , its partners included more than 450 companies in 50 countries. as for titan prices, they jumped sharply in the first half of 22, then fell in price over the course of two years.
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now the price of the metal has begun to gradually recover. the titan's price is approaching $53.00. currently . the real cost is 52,500 dollars, all previously accumulated reserves have already been used up in titanium consuming countries, and accordingly, the possibility of supplying titanium only our country has an additional one. the past year has been very successful for airbus corporation, it received a record volume of aircraft orders and confirmed an 11% increase in deliveries, maintaining first place in... related to the technical condition of aircraft. against this background, now is a good time for airbus to increase production, and for this, russian titanium is also needed. nika yankovaya,
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maria basova, lead. the yemeni houthis announced an attack on american shifts, and there were also. strikes on a commercial container ship in gulf of adon. according to a representative of the movement, an israeli cargo ship also came under fire. the american military has not yet commented on the situation, but the houthis have previously stated that they will attack israeli american ships until the bombing of the gas sector stops. next, after a short advertisement about the escape of war horses in london. alpha friday. superke every week using alfabank cards. on friday, april 26 , we are giving 30% cashback on fuel in our
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in-app refueling service. order free alpha card and get a superkick. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. this is not necessary. it should be like this. so it’s clear, i understand, that ’s how the megamarket offers discounts on the tony moll brand up to 50%. at the bigfest you definitely choose a double cheeseburger for 99 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price, and even more profitable with cashback of 50% from the alpha bank in a delicious period. attention, in honor of the anniversary. magnit returns 30% bonuses for purchases. choose your favorite categories all april in the magnit app. 30 years by your side. anywhere. well, there are debts on credit cards interest is accruing, you need money, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to money, divide it
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there are classics that you like more and more every time, classic grand burgers and a new one, grand savory with spicy tomato sauce that you really want to repeat, the classics are already waiting in... delicious period. in washington, the police were put on
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alert. in chinatown, an unknown person has taken up residence the roof throws bricks at the villagers. the area is blocked off, no casualties have been reported, but the police are negotiating with this troublemaker. well, in the middle of london , five war horses from the lep guards regiment escaped, alexander khabarov found out how they were caught, and who suffered in the process. the clatter of horses racing at full speed has added to the traffic on london streets today. it later turned out that during a routine morning outing, the animals were frightened by the roar of falling concrete.
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hit by a horse. the riders who were caught suffered various injuries. in the armed forces
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it is believed that there is no serious damage involved. the horses were caught and their condition is now being assessed. it is reported that the horses could not be kept by the soldiers of the royal life guards and the elite blues & royals regiment, where representatives of the royal family and bearers of aristocratic surnames served at different times. horse guards participate in various ceremonial events. and conduct constant training. during one of them everything happened. what added particular attention to this incident was the fact that the runaway horses must take part in a ceremonial parade in honor of the official.
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september last year. work also continues through the intergovernmental commission. as a result of the meeting in november 2023 , specific steps were outlined to strengthen partnership in the agricultural sector. the collection of applications for participation in the artmas creative industries championship has been extended until may 5. the reason is a significant increase in applications; there are 3 and a half times
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more of them. the prize fund also increased to 36 million rubles. for us, the anniversary year is certainly not only a holiday, this is an even greater responsibility, because we want, of course, to collect as many applications as possible, we set a certain bar, 25,000 applications, but we have already overcome it, you can already see that there are 35 of them. artmasters is more than 100,000 participants from 60 countries, with the help of the project about 100 projects have already been created in education, culture and other areas. in 8 months. pack guys acquire not only competence skills, they absorb into themselves like a bubble and thanks to our partner project, and tavrida and other projects, on the other hand there is such a very good creative connection, because the guys, they not only work, not only compete, they build team
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connections, network connections, in the house of the russian diaspora named after...
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about the three directions of such art related to the sacred and mystical mystical experience of all many generations of russian artists and writers, we consider the artists who created in moscow, who created in paris and who created in the very russian diaspora where our greats were, as i said. in belgrade european boxing championship, in which more than 400 boxers from thirty- three countries participate. stas ridikultsev found out how russian athletes perform. european boxing championship, unity and the fight of opposites. four hundred elite athletes compete for the title of the best in the old
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world. russians also perform on equal terms with other european boxers. russia. the international boxing association iba, headed by russian umar kremlev, has returned to the russian and belarusian teams the right to compete with their national symbols at major tournaments, such as the world championship or the european championship. russia, which missed the previous boxing euro, here in belgrade performs as if it is also making up for the missed opportunity of last year. judge for yourself, the women from... the semi-final in boxing is already a guaranteed medal, at least bronze, but in the russian team... no one hides, except for gold, there are no other awards for us, for me the minimum task is gold, this minimum, maximum, we don’t see anything other than first place, as if i could now
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say, oh, self-confident, this is not self-confidence, it’s just self-confidence , we came for gold, so think, god forbid we get to the semi-finals, no, this is not about us, the greater motivation is that our flag is here, if there was a neutral status, it probably wasn’t so important to win this tournament, in belgrade the russians feel at home, but the closer they decide... according to the principle of frostbitten ears to spite their mother. there are no englishmen in belgrade, but representatives of other countries of the kingdom from scotland and in ireland, the participants are far from being tourists.
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ksevolot shumkov only went forward, his opponent from scotland was even given a knockdown, which is something you don’t often see in amateur boxing. that’s what you see at the european championships, it’s a colorful kaleidoscope of boxing styles, which is why the tournament is valuable. just. now a montenegrin and a frenchman are fighting, two completely different styles, one is a puncher, the other is a player, let's see who wins, then i will fight to show that we are better. the russian team at the european championships in belgrade demonstrates not only outstanding skill, but an incredible will to win. since boxers have a rare opportunity to raise the russian flag on the international sports arena, they want to do this as many times as possible. you can’t imagine how nice it is when... your anthem is playing, when your flag is not just something white background there with some olympic signs, that’s exactly russia and the anthem, you’re standing there and you get goosebumps, it’s
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an immense thrill , just to actually feel this right in another country, yes, when there are 40 different countries around you, you are standing on pedestal in the first place we play, you get goosebumps, it’s just a thrill, i hope we’ll listen together, of course we’ll listen, all the other 40 countries will listen to this anthem with us, men with... account for business. alfabank is the best bank for business. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more
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sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition.
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i got it right, the future, yeah, uh, twenty fourth year 2124, this is the situation, now i can jump to the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting us, well, they were already there when i came here, we need to find mom, what
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a meeting, maybe we can put the children to bed? and now is the time to somehow fix everything and it’s time to act somehow, questions, suggestions, objections, but no, something else, what do you want, give light to that forward. there are enough resources to eliminate the consequences of the flood, but the protection of populated areas and the effectiveness of targeted assistance to people raises a question.


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