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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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the now former official did not even have time to carry out repairs for long. ccrf, i am seizing your property, specifically your apartment. currently, at the request of the investigator of the investigation department, the court has chosen a preventive measure in the form of detention in relation to the former official. now kuandykov will most likely have to live in other, more modest apartments. he will spend the next few months in pre-trial detention. he will get it for an apartment. but illegal by way of arrest. employees of the investigative committee, together with operatives of the regional department of the fsb, continue to investigate this case. all the most interesting, after a short advertisement, do not switch.
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judicial procedures, in this direction, of course, we have the opportunity to make changes to procedural legislation. the supreme court, taking advantage of the opportunity for legislative initiative, proposed a bill that would make it possible for a large number of cases to be considered using a simplified procedure. now they do this with claims amounting to up to 100,000 rubles. the judges propose raising the threshold to half a million, and also classifying some bankruptcy cases into the same category. there are up to 2 of them being considered in the country million annually. the bill has already passed.
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“after a massive flood in vorsk, people are returning to their homes to restore the damage, there is still a lot of work to be done, the residents are being helped by employees of the ministry of emergency situations, but those whose houses ended up in water up to their roofs while they live in temporary accommodation centers, alexander mostovay from the orenburg region, i when with i start playing with the guys, i say: guys, choose any color, i want to distract those guys too. her house was flooded, but despite the blow of the elements, the elderly woman continues to study with her students, telling how a pawn turns into a queen. i have
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a student, anya shukhman, who is a multiple world and european champion. i have such a technique to generally fall in love. a child in chess, chess kings and queens, this is so cool, now valentina borisova lives in a temporary accommodation center that has been opened. 300 people, many were housed in the school’s gym; now people are gradually leaving
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the tap, as large amounts of water are leaving orenburg; those affected by the flood are beginning to return to their homes. and this is the dining room, three hot meals a day were provided here. did you have to calm people down? of course, definitely, our function is not only to feed people, but of course to support them. the high water brought a lot of problems to the residents of the orenburg region; the ural river washed out roads. in some areas you still have to travel either by swimming or wearing a wading suit like this. to get to those houses, you need to walk 100 meters, and the depth here is up to my knee, then even deeper, the residents of orenburg to their homes.
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humanitarian cargo from kyrgyzstan. minister thanked his kyrgyz colleagues by calling the head of the rescue department of the republic, baobbek ozhekeev. i wish you good health. kurenkov, alexander, hello. i am in orenburg, the second half of the humanitarian cargo from the kyrgyz people was always received in a friendly manner and always on time. thanks a lot. the orenburg region is now recovering from the disaster. water is being pumped out in flooded areas. residents are already beginning to restore order to houses destroyed by the elements. they say there is still a lot of work to be done. alexander mostova and vladimir shabalin, lead the duty unit from
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the orenburg region. now there is urgent news that our editorial team receives directly from the news agency's feed. so, former high-ranking official svetlana strigunkova was detained in moscow. this was reported by the honest detective telegram channel. previously, strigunkova was the first deputy chairman of the government of the moscow region. it is reported that she is suspected of receiving a bribe in the amount of 150 million rubles. this was the so-called rollback. from a company that repairs hospitals near moscow. according to our according to the data, the investigation is being conducted by employees of the investigative committee. during a search of the strigunkovs' mansion, a large sum of cash and many luxury items and valuables were seized. new details on the high-profile case of an attack on police officers in circassia; a car of probable militants was discovered. the blue fret was found broken by the enemy. the car was carefully examined by forensic experts and the necessary examinations were taken, including genetic and fingerprint testing. let me remind you that on monday night there was a group in the city of karachaevsk. bandits opened fire on police, two mia officers died on the spot, a third was hospitalized, the attackers
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took the law enforcement officers’ weapons certificate, two makarov pistols, a kalashnikov assault rifle, and the ammunition fled. as a result of a complex of investigative actions and operational search activities, a passenger car was found on the territory of the republic, in which the defendants fled the scene. investigators and criminologists of the investigative department for the karachay-cherkess republic. the vehicle was inspected and seized. in the near future all necessary forensic examinations will be ordered. the collection of evidence in the criminal case continues. five possible militants have been put on the federal wanted list. earlier it became known that two of them were members of bioslan gachiyaev’s gang. road patrols have been stepped up in the region. results of the work and new challenges. prosecutor general of russia igor krasnov made a report at the federation council. what were the main priorities of the supervisor's work? the causes of the terrible flood immediately
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now prosecutors are scrupulously investigating in several regions of the country, thousands of victims, property destroyed, damage that is yet to be calculated, igor krasnov spoke for the first time about what mistakes led to the disaster. natural resources and the head of roshydromet in january of this year, i demanded that the violations be eliminated, but the measures they took turned out to be ineffective and insufficient. the lack of reliable information about water inflow indicators at a crucial moment did not prevent global flooding of the territories of several regions. not work on bugs stops after
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the horrific terrorist attack in kroku city hall. the prosecutor general demanded tougher penalties for companies that do not renew their passports on time. the scale of the terrorist attack showed the need to review the safety regulations at all such facilities, we are already doing this, appropriate checks have been organized, and we are not limited to studying paper reports. prosecutors do not stop monitoring the network of 95 thousand sites ; information that encouraged sabotage on the territory of our country has been removed; several terrorist groups. the level of terrorist threats remains high. migration also requires decisive action from the prosecutor’s office, believes igor krasnov. tougher measures are necessary against
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officials who, contrary to the law , issue patents, residence permits, and knowledge certificates to migrants. the report of the prosecutor general covered almost all areas from environmental problems to the growth of crime, including with the prefix cyber, but the overall motive was the need to support various groups of citizens, legal and, of course, financial. alena skachkova, duty officer. in the ivanovo region, the head of one of the police departments, alexander makarychev, was detained. journalists from the region report this. apparently, he risks becoming involved in a criminal case of bribery, which already involves two of his former subordinates from the intermunicipal department. the police allegedly received a bribe from a local deputy for patronage in the form of two cars with a total value of almost 7 million rubles. there have been no comments yet from law enforcement regarding makarychev’s detention. now operational news, which our editors receive directly from the
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news agency’s feed. so, in the sverdlovsk region , a nurse was fired who was unable to perform an mri on a child because he turned out to be dead. drunk. the scandalous footage in the city of kamensk-uralsky was filmed by the parents of a ten-year-old boy. they brought their son to the hospital with a suspected concussion. but in the end, help had to be provided not to the student, but to the doctor. he stretched out in a deranged state on the floor of the treatment room. let us remind you that we monitor the entire information feed and suggest that you do it's with us. spontaneous combustion of an electric bicycle battery could cause a fire in the north-east of moscow. the balcony, part of the room, was on fire. it was a miracle that no one was hurt. experts believe that the owners of the bicycle violated the rules for storing it.
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i found it, well, if it was all smoked, then from above and even in my opinion these frames jumped out, rescue vehicles, ambulances, police arrived at the scene, the residents of the house managed to be brought out into the street in time and no one was hurt, well, of course it’s scary when there’s a fire , so we all ran away, stood, watched, of course with horror, in the apartment where the fire happened, an elderly woman, her daughter and grandson live, they don’t want to talk to journalists, the family doesn’t want to, i can’t talk, i really can’t, i’m in a terrible state after yesterday. spontaneous combustion of the battery and electric bicycle. it was not charging; the electric bicycle was stored on the balcony in violation of the manufacturer's instructions. fires in apartments caused by electric scooters or bicycles have become increasingly common lately. one of them happened here on yaroslavl highway. a woman died. the husband and children managed to escape. they managed to break out
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this grate, the son handed over the children. in this house in khamovniki, a hoverboard exploded on the balcony. and in krasnoarmeysk, an entire floor burned out from an electric scooter, one person died. burns 70% of the body. an electric scooter exploded in the apartment; they say the battery overheated. previously , bicycles and scooters burned due to poor quality assembly; the market was saturated with cheap fakes. now, experts say, the quality of the equipment has improved, but it is not being used correctly. no instructions read, for example, owners of electric vehicles do not know that it is prohibited to leave them on the balcony. cannot be stored. equipment in direct sunlight. it takes a few hours to charge the batteries, not all day or all night. if your scooter or bicycle gets very wet outside, then after some time it may spontaneously burst into flames in the apartment. a very common problem with batteries is the so-called flooding, when the user violates operating conditions, rides an unprepared scooter in the rain,
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they drive into puddles, some ride, as they say, for fun, so that their legs, as they say, are in the water; the ministry of emergency situations believes that it was the ingress of moisture that caused the fire of the electric bicycle on the yaroslavl highway. dmitry blinnikov, oleg ivanov, veronika tarasova, oleg dobin and tatyana popova. vesti is the duty unit. businessman rauf gabdulin was arrested and considered the instigator of the mass beating of teenagers. the businessman , along with his retinue, allegedly gave the boys an execution after cutting them off car. and then the victims were put in a car and taken to another place to continue the abuse. details from alexander polivka. successful businessman rauf gabdulin is escorted into the iglinsky interdistrict court and passes by journalists in silence. apparently, he had already gotten drunk when he beat teenagers and allegedly threatened them with violence.
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he came at me, i tell him, asked him to get into the car, that he was not in adequate condition, he began to beat me, the conflict began with a verbal altercation, then the car cut off a walking group in the car it was gabdulin’s retinue, the businessman himself was driving, the footage of the attack was filmed by yegor’s girlfriend, are you okay, man, are you, get into the car, are you, after exchanging insults, the businessman went from words to assault, you’re telling me, go away, po according to yegor, raov did not limit himself to one blow, the teenager was thrown to the ground, beaten by the crowd, and then dragged into the car. we were asked if we wanted to go to the police? we answered that we wanted to,
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they pushed us into a car, but we didn’t get to the police. the teenagers were taken to the central square, where the crowd continued to mock while gabdulov’s friend nadyrov hit yegor in the face, the businessman himself allegedly slapped his girlfriend. after that , the two of us were put in front of the car; there were a large group of people standing here. they tried to humiliate us, they beat us in front of everyone, and rauf said that there would be no mercy for him, it was very scary to stand here in front of everyone, when an adult man humiliates and beats you in public, the story seriously agitated the local residents, because gabdulin is a well-known person in the village, many were afraid that he would succeed to avoid punishment because of his connections, but law enforcement officers became interested in this story, and after our report on gabdulin’s adventures, the head of the investigation took control of the investigation...
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an unusual exhibition has opened in russia, it is dedicated to the history of prisoners’ clothing over the past 130 years. glamorous mannequins are dressed in prisoners' costumes; a wide variety of outfits are presented, from wooden kaftans, to soviet quilted jackets, to modern prison uniforms. a separate area is dedicated to the future of prison clothing. experts fina has studied the experience of other countries and is trying to make the developments as close as possible to the design of civilian clothing. the form has really become more psychologically positive. with all this, maintaining very clear and correct qualities of practicality, that is, as a wearable it is accordingly quite durable, but at the same time it
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has changed in appearance. together with social activists , the exhibition was inspected by the minister of justice of russia konstantin chuychenko and the director of vsin arkady gostiev. as social activists noted, the new uniform has become more practical and convenient in everyday wear. a scarf for the cold season, which the prisoners had long been asking for, also appeared. the royal marathon you... continues, the court refused to release elena blinovskaya into pre-trial detention and transfer her to house arrest; even the offer to return 900 million rubles to the state did not help, perhaps partly because even such a huge amount is just a part. according to investigators, the lady managed to avoid paying almost 15 billion rubles in taxes. andrey romanov will continue the topic. the other day elena blinovskaya celebrated her sad anniversary a year ago. on april 27, she was detained at the russian-belarusian border. the marathon queen tried to flee the country, but ended up being interrogated by an investigator, where she was charged with
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tax evasion. on a particularly large scale. the current court hearing is also notable for the fact that for elena blinovskaya this is the first public appearance in the last 3 months. their accused spent in the capital's season number six. the queen of marathons has not been in business circles for a long time, but in front of television cameras she once again tried on the image business lady: blue fitted jacket, light jeans, white t-shirt; blinovskaya did not make a statement for the press. in elena blinovskaya's pre-trial detention center since the end of february , the queen of marathons was initially placed under house arrest, but her luxurious castle in istra near moscow became a golden cage for the accused, accustomed to public attention and social events. blinovskaya grossly violated the rules of house arrest several times. i went online, used my phone, threw a grand party on new year’s eve and invited visiting a witness in their criminal case , victoria osmolova, despite the fact that they will see each other
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while the investigation is ongoing. into custody. blinovskaya walked to this meeting with a confident gait, as if she didn’t notice the journalists. realization dawned only during the hearing ; the equanimity on the face of the accused gave way first to confusion, and then to fear. take the accused blinovskaya into custody in the courtroom. the investigation into the case of elena blinovskaya has officially been completed. the final charge is non-payment. legalization is also mentioned property obtained by criminal means, allegedly worth another 700 million. blinovskaya became widely known in 2018, then the enterprising lady announced that she had a way to get rich quickly and was ready to share information with everyone who bought a ticket to her author’s personal growth training marathon of desires. almost 5 million
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people have subscribed to the marathon queen’s social network page. i simply pull out the necessary, let’s say , resources from a person. apparently it was about material resources that attracted blinovskaya, people gave their last in hope to get rich when the number of dissatisfied people became indecent, the investigative committee announced the initiation of a criminal case, the husband of the marathon queen alexey blinovsky is also accused. data on how much the blinovsky spouses have already managed to pay off their tax debts vary. but we are not talking about full fulfillment of obligations, that the accused are ready to do this, elena blenovskaya’s lawyers stated at the current court hearing, her interests were represented by three defenders at once, they asked for house arrest for client, but the position of the investigation seemed more convincing in court, the queen of marathons will continue to get acquainted with the materials of her criminal case in the detention center, she was left in custody until july 26. andrey romanov, alexey fedotov, lead the duty department.
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and now there are hundreds of shots of birds and smuggling that customs officers stopped at the capital’s uzhukovsky airport. colorful parrots flew from kyrgyzstan to the moskvich zoologist, but when inspecting the cages, customs officers suspected that not all travelers crossed the border legally. suspicions customs officers were confirmed. the party included four pied razelas and 15 red-fronted jumping parrots, new zealand kakarikis. these species are endangered and require special permission from rosprirodnadzor. rare birds were transferred to the siege of father frost in veliky ustyug, and
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the rest of the parrots went back. in kyrgyzstan, the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is kept by the duty department and an honest detective; also subscribe to our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the tab broadcast, turn on an honest detective story, our episode is over, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda: either to the landing force or to prison, and the marines, and those mobilized right on the front line, refuse to sail in the boat, what sentences are passed on the armed forces of ukraine by those who are clearly not on the same page with them.


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