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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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well, right now on channel russia-24, again the main facts of this day: the president ordered to pay compensation for any lost property in an emergency, vladimir putin announced this at a meeting whose main topic was eliminating the consequences of large-scale floods in the orenburg, tyumen and... regions, what other tasks have been set by the head of state and what is the situation with floods now, anastasia efimova will tell you. enough resources have been mobilized; rescuers, together with local colleagues, as well as volunteers, act professionally harmoniously. the president's assessment, which he gave at a meeting on liquidation of the consequences of floods. however, despite the coherence of the work, it is obvious that there are systemic, organizational and management problems, and as noted. the head of state has yet to
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clarify to what extent the existing hydraulic structures, the same dams, for example, comply with the established requirements, but the most important thing now is to assess in detail the amount of compensation payments to ensure a unified , fair approach to this issue. i ask the federal regional and local authorities will continue to provide victims with all necessary support, including cash payments, and respond to every complaint and appeal. citizens, it is also important to constantly monitor the epidemiological and sanitary situation, to prevent speculative jumps in prices for essential goods, to provide timely medical and legal assistance to victims, for citizens it does not matter, it is absolutely indifferent what level of government there is, what problem they are responsible for, where whose powers are , the main thing that the problems that people face, including... emergency ones, were effectively
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resolved, so that people listened to their appeals in a timely manner and responded to the point, so that the entire system of public power in the country worked smoothly and clearly. the situation in the orenburg region remains the most difficult. the water level is falling slowly, and a number of settlements are still flooded. more than 600 people remain in temporary accommodation centers, including children. as the head of the ministry of emergency situations assured at the meeting, they were sent to help the victims.
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who got caught, they consider accordingly in connection with the introduction of a federal emergency and they serve the entire city, and not the area that was flooded, well, that is, they serve people who did not fall into the flood zone, or what? yes, yes, yes, no, well, it’s clear, but then it’s not clear why you are accepting these applications, it’s written in my certificate, more than 4,000 applications have been accepted, and 46,000 have been issued based on these applications. well, let's understand this properly, that a person submitted an application, it was accepted, which means he is waiting for an appropriate reaction, well, this is necessary to establish work so that people understand who has the right to what, work to assess the damage continues, in recent days , river levels, as the head of the orenburg region specified in the region, have been declining, they are already starting to restore the damaged facilities, including road surfaces and infrastructure , private houses are being reconnected to the power grid, gas supply is returning, but
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with country children's recreation centers, everything is not simple: out of 46, half were flooded. of great concern is the damage to the suburban infrastructure of children's health camps. the region is steppe, arid, people have always been drawn to water, to shade, so children's camps were built historically in picturesque shady floodplains of rivers; half of the forty-six objects fell into the zone.
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include the possibility of providing payments for the restoration of houses to citizens who have a second home, in at least three cases, this is when the second home is under a mortgage, the first, or when it was purchased with maternity capital, the second, or when the shares in
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another home are less than the social norm 18 km , this the problem affects many orchan residents, whose houses are flooded, sent messages to the phone, posted reminders on social networks, under special control, the families of participants in the special military operation. in total, 136 families were caught in the flood zone, 75 of these families, where 117 people live, had their houses flooded, and each family was contacted daily by government employees and
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the fund’s coordinators, defenders of the fatherland. for such families, additional financial aid will be provided according to a special procedure. an agreement was reached to exclude the case of collection funds received. shumkov very much thanked the federal officials who have been working in the region in recent weeks, including the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of construction. the president reacted instantly: we will reward everyone, we will celebrate everyone, but first we need to do the work, quote, then we will distribute the rugs. as a result of the discussion, the head of state drew attention to a number of fundamental decisions that must be made, one of them is related to the cost of major repairs per square meter of housing, which. the amount of payments has been established, it was established in 2008, now 2024, and this size was also not indexed, i
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ask the relevant federal departments, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of finance, the ministry of construction. and social departments will return to this and resolve the issue of indexation, let me remind you that today it is 1000, 50,000 and 100,000 rubles. they need to be indexed. at the same time, the head of state recalled that there is no such support system in the event of natural disasters as in russia in any country in the world, the maximum that insurance can count on abroad, if it has been issued, nothing more, so existing programs work, but they are needed. improve, and most importantly, the president emphasized, approach solving issues without formalism, there is a transfer of property for the loss of which compensation is paid, well, accordingly there are 100,000 or 50,000 rubles.
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this means, depending on whether this property is on this list or not, the appropriate funds are paid , there is a proposal to modify this list, add to it, and so on, it generally needs to be canceled, this list, lost property, everything needs to be paid appropriate compensation, well, what can we count, whether a washing machine is included in this list or not, well , some kind of nonsense, this list needs to be cancelled. and no less attentively than with the relatives of the participants in the special military operation, the president asked to treat large families and separately insisted: all the issues mentioned at the meeting need to be worked out, promising to solve them. do you still have to come back? the russian judicial system has already
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gone through reforms and does not require fundamental changes. now the main the task is to improve the work of the courts, this is primarily concerned. distribution of the workload on judges, the new chairman of the supreme court of russia, irina podnosova, spoke about this and more in an interview with our channel. good afternoon, irina lenievna, good afternoon. the main tasks for the judicial system, the direction of development of the judicial system was determined in its final document by the tenth all-russian congress of judges, which was held in december another 202 years, it seems necessary to consistently implement these tasks. protecting the rights of legitimate interests of citizens and organizations through
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timely and correct consideration of cases. there is an increase in the number of incoming appeals to the court every year, this number is an increase in appeals, it certainly indicates that both citizens and organizations feel a sense of security and... trust in the judicial system, increasing this trust in the judicial system is one of the main tasks of both the entire judicial system and the supreme court in particular. an important criterion for increasing the effectiveness of judicial proceedings is the quality of the justice administered, which is ensured by the uniformity of judicial practice. the supreme court pays a lot of attention to this work; this work is a priority. in addition to these areas, the supreme court, of course, also pays great attention to such areas
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of improving justice as the use of modern technologies in legal proceedings, avoiding redundant judicial procedures, the latter is optimizing the judicial workload, taking into account the fact that you they said, i understand correctly that we should not expect any global changes in the judicial system, you understand everything correctly, because there have been, are and will be changes in the judicial system, but...
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consideration of cases by courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts , this contributed to legal certainty in the economic sphere and the formation of a positive investment climate and stable operation of business entities. on october 1, 2019 , appellate and constitutional courts of general jurisdiction, which were created by... the principle of extraterritoriality, which ensured their independence, they work on the principle
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of continuous cassation, questions about the work of these courts were also discussed at the tenth all-russian congress of judges, the work already done by these courts was assessed, and of course new tasks were set for them, and measures are being taken to improve their work these courts, by the way, i’m continuing this topic, you’ve already... if we talk about the judicial workload over the past year, then, probably, even the total number
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of cases considered by the courts is over 39 million, this is probably already indicative in order to estimate how many cases are considered by judges annually, if we talk about the workload in the courts of first instance, and this is the instance where the case is considered on the merits, and these are the busiest courts, also for the past year. if you take the numbers, then magistrates considered approximately 60 cases per month, each magistrate judge considered 500 cases, in district courts, each judge... considered approximately 60 cases, in arbitration courts, arbitration courts considered somewhere around 170 cases per month, and if we talk about the workload, it is uneven between the courts, but as the chairman of the judicial panel for economic disputes, these figures are closer to me, i
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can tell you that with an average workload of 170 cases, somewhere there are such courts.
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when making changes to the civil procedure code, one of the proposals was to increase the threshold of cases that are considered in simplified procedures; previously, simplified procedures considered cases where the amount of the claim was up to 100.00 rubles. we contributed proposal to increase this amount to 500,000 rubles. we hope that our proposals will be adopted in the second reading, which will put a very heavy burden on the arbitration courts. give cases of insolvency and bankruptcy so that you understand that there are such isolated disputes, they are simple - in terms of their plot and in nature, they are not difficult for the courts to consider, but their number, last year there were 2,600 such cases, is exactly what is required , probably more
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simplified approaches, we proposed such approaches in the bill that was submitted to the state...
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interaction with colleagues, for example, in the sco, brix and other organizations, there have already been good traditions of interaction with the highest judicial authorities of other countries, so you were right in saying that this work will simply continue, the chairman of the supreme court of the russian federation has laid very good foundations for this work federation vyacheslav mikhailovich lebedev, he devoted this work. a lot of attention, a lot of international events were held on the initiative of the supreme court of the russian federation, i will not go far into history, i’ll probably only remember those events that took place last year, within the framework of international cooperation. we participated in the sixth international forum of the court of the eurasian
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economic union, which took place in minsk, earlier, a little earlier in october. on the initiative of the supreme court, under the chairmanship of the supreme court of the russian federation, a legal forum of the countries of the asia-pacific region was held, in which 16 countries participated, before which in march 2023 a delegation of the supreme court participated in a meeting of the chairmen of the supreme courts of the sco member countries, which was held. in india this year in may is already planned and we will definitely take part in a similar meeting that will be held in tashkent in...
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well, at the end of our conversation, i can’t help but ask you, irina lyaginovna, reading your biography, when i was preparing for interview, i asked one question: could you yourself imagine that you would become the head of the supreme court of russia? of course, i couldn’t imagine this, i never aspired to this i never thought about such a career. coincidentally, april of this year marked exactly 34 years since the start of my judicial work. in the district court, and this was the luga city court of the leningrad region, it was a fourteen-member court, i tried criminal cases, then for 10 years i headed this
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court and continued to consider criminal cases, because i liked this work, then i was offered a position, and i agreed, because the second term of office as chairman of the district court was expiring, it must... deputy chairman of the leningrad regional court, a few years later i became chairman of the leningrad regional court, and i cannot help but note this stage of my life, this is the eighteenth to twentieth year, it seems like only 2 years, because in the twentieth year i was already appointed to the position of deputy chairman supreme court, chairman of the judicial collegium for economic disputes, but these 2 years from the eighteenth to the twentieth were the years of the creation of the courts of appeal and cassation, and of course, when this the work is not only the management of the court, when you
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start from the fact that you have neither a table nor a chair, that is, it is when you organize a court from scratch, gather a team, also, when you are alone and there is no one else, you had to gather a court team, then it was necessary to provide conditions for...
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the brix forum on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism opened in nizhny novgorod. about 400 participants from more than 20 countries attended the event. the main goal is to develop joint measures to combating corruption, the use of cryptocurrency for criminal purposes and drug trafficking. this terrorist act is really more than just a blow. was carried out across russia, against the citizens of russia, and you heard at the forum, almost all the participants expressed condolences, we received a lot of telegrams of condolences, many countries are offering their help, this suggests that they are interested in preventing terrorism as a phenomenon has developed, the practice of our work shows that following the money always you can find the criminals because it is
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an international organization. participants i can say unequivocally both controlled and regulated from abroad. the current ukrainian government acts exactly like the bolshevik government, which separated the church. it is best in these conditions to unite into one orthodox ukrainian church, to separate completely from moscow; a meeting has been created that is not the church of christ. the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there are monasteries around inside there is a spiritual battle going on.
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