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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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organization of work at food production enterprises, are all standards observed, international cooperation is successfully developing, a unified response system has been formed in the eurasian space, within the framework of the coordinating council on the problems of sanitary protection of territories in seven cis countries, work is underway at 26 mobile laboratories, training has already been completed 3,500 people. maria valieva and tatyana klepcha.
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evgeniy, welcome, tell us how many vehicles have already been delivered, and we see that there is also some kind of armored vehicle behind you, what specific model it is, where it was found, under what circumstances it happened. georgy natalya, hello, now six vehicles have been delivered here to poklonnaya hill, at the moment the azovets is behind me, this is an armored vehicle based on the t-64, it was developed specifically for azov terrorists in 2016, there are a lot of scandals associated with it, for example, in as surveillance devices , cameras from intercoms were installed on it, well , this is the level of the ukrainian military-industrial complex. 10
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years ago, you can also see the title here terrorist organization banned in russia, well, it should be noted enough, it is quite heavily armored, yes, but very heavy, more than 40, to be precise, 48 tons, it should support tanks, but what is its fate, it was simply buried, that is, to participate in combat, it was very much taken care of by our... the soldiers found it literally buried, i suggest looking at a few more samples, the m-113 can be seen there, but we are now going to one of the german models of armored vehicles, it is known that here on the leopard-2 tank will also be delivered to poklonnaya gora for the exhibition, which is organized by the ministry of defense and the victory museum. it will be delivered on may 1 at the beginning of the opening of the exhibition, and of course the audience is really looking forward to seeing it, we talked about this a little later, and this
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will be one of the most powerfully armored, armored examples of german equipment, this is the bmp marder, just as in 1900 in moscow there were captured german equipment, nazi equipment with crosses on the sides, so now german equipment with crosses on the sides stands in moscow, german equipment captured by our valiant fighters, about forty of these infantry fighting vehicles were delivered , many were destroyed, many were captured, i repeat, it should be noted that this exhibition is now just... being formed, but the people who pass by on poklonnaya hill and they see these armored vehicles, everyone is talking about one thing, that they are proud of our soldiers, who managed not only to destroy, but to capture these samples, they belong here, there will probably be
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many more of them, and all this would sooner it’s over, i think that we are going to victory, there is knowledge that this is the work of our heroic... guys are very proud of them, you can’t defeat us, the feeling is that i want to spit on this equipment at those who supply it, among those who supplies, 12 countries will be exhibited, equipment from twelve countries, 30 samples, for example, this m113 armored personnel carrier, you can see the designs of additional protection against, in particular, fpv drones and... also next to the m-113 is its modernized version, it was modernized by the dutch, here this armored personnel carrier burned like that back in the days the vietnam war and are now burning on the fronts of donbass and on the fronts of other regions. it is also
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clear that this sample belonged to the 110th separate mechanized brigade, this is the same brigade that left avdeevka . this settlement is located nearby, i will also show you now, one of the samples is a turkish bp, bricks, and damage is visible in the dormer windows, and here you can also see damage from various hits, well, in particular from small arms, and there you can see a bmp bradly, about 190 of them were delivered, but it is known that they were destroyed about seventy. georgy, natalya, i give you the floor to remind you that the exhibition will open on may 1, where you can see , among other things, trophy leopard 2. zhen, thank you, it will actually be very interesting to visit and look at that exhibition, which is about that equipment, which was captured in our own zone, which was actually put up against
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our army from the very beginning. evgeniy nipot was with us, spoke about captured weapons and equipment, which in a week will open an exhibition for everyone on poklonnaya hill, we can see her. state, union state, yes, hello, colleagues, there really were a lot of bright statements today, but first i’ll briefly explain what’s happening, right now, you see, the voting procedure is underway on key issues, delegates, about 1,200 of whom are now voting
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for the candidate chairman of the supreme council, his deputies and also select the composition of the presidium, which will work throughout the next year; a candidate has been proposed for the post of chairman of the supreme council. current president alexander lukashenko, that's how i i have already said, approximately 1,200 delegates (1167), to be precise, representing all regions, all professions, all layers of society, this is really belarus in miniature for the first time , the all-belarusian people's assembly is sitting in a new constitutional status, that is , the powers of all deputies are now enshrined in the basic law of the country , they can make all the key decisions in the country from the most important personnel issues to the legitimacy of elections, the introduction of a state of emergency and martial law... the slogan of this meeting is the motto time has chosen us and it is taking place on against the backdrop of the most acute geopolitical situation of strong turbulence, therefore , defense security issues naturally became key, and most of
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alexander lukashenko’s keynote speech was devoted to them, he said that on the western borders of belarus now stands face to face with nato, a three-hundred-thousand-strong group is stationed there foreign military, and minsk really sees... all attempts to drag the republic into war, and alexander lukashenko called on the west not to push belarus to asymmetric measures in response to threats to the country's security, for example, the modernization of the american tactical... so what questions do we have then, that they were so excited when we deployed weapons with similar functionality, while they provoke us, dig trenches, modernize military infrastructure, weapons, as i already said, we are on the other side of the border. here we are building a peaceful life, we are not building walls,
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we are not digging trenches, but our love of peace is not pacifism, i ask you not to be confused, as threats grow, we will take symmetrical measures to increase our combat power. the fight with belarus and russia is too costs the closest neighbors of the baltics dearly, this is the loss of history, the loss of a third of the population in a year.
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united arab emirates, ali al shamsi. the meeting took place on the sidelines of the international forum of high security representatives in st. petersburg. other topics of conversation included cooperation between moscow and abu dhabi in the economic sphere through law enforcement agencies. argentina vs. more than a million people took to the streets of the country to protest the reform. university education, which is being promoted by the government of the new president argentina javier meley. on april 23 , may square in buenos aires was filled with disgruntled residents. these are primarily students, teachers, trade union members and ordinary citizens. all those for whom education issues are especially important. all of them demand the right to public and free higher education against the backdrop of miley’s reforms, which involve reducing state funding in this area. as local media report, the number of students enrolled in...
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universities for argentines, a state university is sacred. the most unexpected thing for miley it was that not only trade unions took to the streets, he could have brushed them off, not only former presidential candidate and minister of economy sergio massa, who, in general, was the first to begin cutting back, or at least imposing restrictions on spending universities, but also people, well, essentially from his camp, according to the same newspaper lanación, among the protesters were also deputies, legislators from let me remind you that javier miley took office as
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president of argentina on december 10 last year, in his first speech he announced that the situation in the country is critical and requires shock measures. that’s why he immediately announced his intention to repeal or change more than 300 laws of argentina, one way or another relating to the country’s economy. the scandalous politician advocates minimal government intervention, considers it necessary to abolish the central bank of argentina for...
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the leadership of article 108 of the criminal procedure code of the russian federation decided to elect the accused sergei vladimirovich borodin into custody, to establish a period of detention for 2 months 0 days, that is, until june 23 , twenty-four. us secretary of state antony blinken arrived on a three-day visit to china. one of the goals of the trip is to force beijing to refuse. from too close cooperation with moscow, what exactly is the state department unhappy with, does dmitry morocco know? antony blinken's trip to china is not a courtesy visit, but a clear attempt by the united states to put pressure on its main economic competitor. the secretary of state intends to raise a number of problematic topics at the negotiations, including cooperation between beijing and
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moscow, as well as high volumes of exports of cheap chinese products to the american market, notes the new york times. the united states is one of china's three largest trading partners. in the twenty-third year, trade turnover between the two countries amounted to 664 billion dollars, while chinese exports to the united states amounted to 500 billion, which significantly exceeded imports. this imbalance does not suit the us authorities, who seek to protect their own producers. despite the fact that the usa and china are competitors today day. nevertheless, they have very close trade and investment ties, so if... we’re talking about trade, then their total trade turnover consistently amounts to more than $600 billion, and naturally, this turnover is mostly positive for the trade balance positive for china, not for the states, and naturally this situation does not suit the states, because it turns out that the story is that the united states is dependent on supplies from china, so far neither negotiations nor
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protectionist measures have helped the united states achieve the level of trade parity that exists. for example, between china and russia. the volumes of exports and imports between our countries are almost equal, and the total trade turnover last year set a record, increasing by 26% to $240 billion. such close cooperation does not suit the americans. according to the wall street journal, american authorities are preparing very serious measures against chinese banks, which washington considers to be involved in trading sanctioned goods from russia. as stated, we are talking about cutting off such banks. from the global economic system, which the publication calls one of the strongest instruments of financial coercion in the us arsenal. this is an ongoing problem in washington and especially in europe, who are very concerned about china's support for russia's actions in ukraine. chinese banks, the use of the yuan as a means of payment to pay for military imports, all this raises
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objections from the united states and europe. they believe that this helps russia achieve success in... another hot topic is rivalry in the field of high technology. usa continue to impose trade restrictions against chinese technology companies. and just a few hours before antony blinken’s trip, the senate passed a law that could lead to a complete blocking of tiktok in the states. the revenue of bits, which owns the service, last year amounted to $120 billion, of which $16 was earned in the united states. the social network's american audience is 170.
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washington certainly has tools to put pressure on beijing; formally, the united states is leading in the race for the title of the world's first economy. in last year, american gdp grew by 6.3% in nominal terms, and china's by only 4.6. well, in terms of purchasing power parity, the chinese are ahead, leadership is also noticeable in certain sectors of the economy. well , if you look at the volume of gdp, then... here, while the united states retains leadership, china's lag is quite significant, but in another indicator, such as gdp by...
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measures against the people's republic, just last week the white house announced biden's plans to raise tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum from china, as well as initiate investigation into beijing's unfair practices in the shipbuilding and logistics industries. bloggers elena blinovskaya were left under arrest in pre-trial detention for another 3 months, the decision was made by the moscow city court. blinovskaya is accused of laundering funds and not paying taxes amounting to more than 900 million rubles. her husband is also involved in the case. his preventive measure in the form of a ban on certain actions actually limits his ability to use communications and the internet. in april it became known that blinovsky had signed a contract for military service in the zone
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carrying out a special military operation. rlcip is a bank for business, and we work on an all or nothing principle. everything for entrepreneurs and nothing more. we give free service for 3 months when opening a business account. bank ural sip. nothing extra.
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moscow enterprises are expanding their export geography and producing unique products for various industries. steel plant spetskabel, there is an example, this is... a leading developer and manufacturer of cable and wire products, which are known for their high quality both in russia and abroad. today sergei sobyanin visited the enterprise. the mayor of moscow inspected the modernized optical cable workshop; he noted that the plant in golyanovo is a good example of a modern, modern high-tech enterprise. here they produce products that the space nuclear, oil , industrial complex, energy and other systemically important sectors of the russian economy cannot do without. the largest federal customers are the state corporations rosatom, roscosmos and transpolding companies. moslovskaya the industry is experiencing a new birth, in
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recent years the volume of industry in moscow has doubled and only since the beginning of the year the growth of processing industries has been 17%, which of course is high due to the fact that you have already recruited a fairly large department. the enterprise, which is developing actively, has been developing new products in recent years, supplying them to such leading industries as space, nuclear, transport and a number of other industries, providing and placement of products. the capital's special cable plant was founded in ninety-seven, created from scratch, today the area of ​​the production complex is 20,000 km. the people working at the enterprise are decent. human. the plant was the first in the world to develop a series of fire-resistant cables for fire protection systems, as well as cables with low toxicity of combustion products. last year, cable production was optimized.
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industrial automation, which is used to transmit data signals. this year we developed a line of cables with increased heat and frost resistance that can withstand extreme temperatures. the company is included in the list systemically important organizations of russia and the consolidated register of defense industry organizations. at the end of last year, production revenue amounted to almost 6.5 billion rubles. the plant has shipped an impressive 39,000 km of cables. it is reported that a third of the production. the third special cable enters the moscow market, it is used by moskgor trans, the moscow metro, almas antey, the khrunichevo space research and production center, and the company’s products are also supplied to 68 regions of russia and abroad, to countries such as belarus, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, türkiye and uzbekistan. the st. george's ribbon campaign started today. every year it unites millions of people in russia abroad. how will the promotion work
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this year and where can i get it? which gives us strength today, reminds us, on the one hand, of the feat of our fathers and grandfathers, on the other hand, of the challenges that russia faces; this year more than 30,000 volunteers, 7,000 points even beyond the arctic circle and millions of ribbons, you can see the distribution points on the volunteers’ website
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victories. with the exception of new and border regions, they did not indicate where the ribbons would be distributed, it is now unsafe, but the meaning of the st. george’s ribbon in today’s turbulent times has become special, it is not only a symbol of past victories, but a symbol of the desire for a new victory. my grandfather went to the front as a volunteer in the forty-first year, died in the year 43 during the liberation of the kharkov region, even before the start of all the events in ukraine, a year before i... go to the grave of my grandfather, but i believe that my children, his great-grandchildren, i i'll definitely bring it there. abroad, volunteers will distribute st. george ribbons in thirty countries. among them, for example, cyprus, turkey, congo, morocco,
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uzbekistan, peru and others. i’m like this, happy or successful, well , but somehow, either someone is there, or at least, as you can see, i’ve been at war for one year, 2 months and one day, the st. george’s ribbon campaign always starts in 2 weeks until
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victory day, that is... today you can begin the countdown to the great holiday. this year in several regions the program is may 9 forced to reduce for safety reasons. there will be no military parade in crimea. it was canceled in novocherkassk. in rostov-on -don, the parade will probably take place, but without spectators. in the saratov region, they decided to abandon the fireworks and parade of troops of the saratov garrison. in chuvash, the victory parade and fireworks were also cancelled. however, online protests are being planned across the country. and holiday events that do not involve large gatherings of people. by the way, all these formats performed well in...


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