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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 24, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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the ocu has nothing to do with religion, some for the sake of jesus, others for the sake of the bread of taste. and today there is a spiritual battle going on inside the lavra. the united states, the west, yes, initially set the task of tearing the ukrainian people away from the russian people. the lord is with his saints. let's see what will happen next.
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now economic news, briefly. russia has sharply increased grain supplies to china. according to rusagrotrans, barley has been shipped since the beginning of the farming season. immediately five times to
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a record 750 thousand tons, at the maximum level of wheat purchases of 220 thousand tons. also kanr produces noticeable volumes of corn, oats and buckwheat. at the end of the quarter, our country increased revenue from grain supplies by 70% to $125 million. russian exports to eu countries fell by half over the year; in january-february, they dropped to $9 billion. gazette writes about this with reference to... federal customs service, total supplies from russia also decreased, but not so significantly, by 8%. goods worth $58.5 billion were sent abroad. at the same time, the central bank reports that exports are beginning to recover; in march they were at level of 40 billion. russia will sell gas to china at a discount of up to 28%. according to bloomberg, this year the price for kanr will be $257 per thousand cubic meters. at the same time the cost for europe and turkey. will be above
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320. the discount will remain at least until the twenty- seventh year. now russia supplies gas to china using the power of siberia. at the end of the year , more than 22 billion cubic meters were pumped through the gas pipeline, while by the twenty-fifth year the volumes should already reach 38 billion. and canada allowed airbus to use russian titanium in the production of aircraft, writes about this reuters. the french company promised back in december of '22 to refuse to supply this. however, in the same year, airbus purchased $24 million worth of avisma titan from the russian vsmpo, and already in 2023 volumes soared 14 times to 345 million. this was economic news, in short. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is. regardless
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the state border cover group operate at the training ground in the belgorod region. russian attack aircraft are honing their skills in clearing enemy fortified areas. despite the fact that every military man has vast combat experience behind him, training never stops. day, stopped, stopped, waiting for a command from the reconnaissance group, at the beginning grenade launchers hit the enemy positions, the fire should be so dense that suppress any resistance, then, under the cover of large-caliber machine guns , attack aircraft penetrate the enemy trenches, meter by meter they examine the trenches, the soldiers walk, covering each other, all their actions must be coordinated and fast, training at the training ground does not stop for a single day, the instructors say , thanks to the professionalism of the fighters in the ssu, even... in the presence of foreign mercenaries, they cannot turn the situation around at the front, i haven’t seen anything supernatural about them doing anything there, the same thing, they they’re just not afraid, all people are afraid, they haven’t seen anything just now, it’s just played on camera, or just for show,
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there’s no such thing as them being super cast, our attack aircraft work with the support of an aerial reconnaissance aircraft. drones are their eyes in the sky, squads of drone operators have been created in each unit, fighters with a technical education are recruited here, each specialist must be able to not only control the uav, but equip it with combat charges and, if necessary, upgrade it. i had the copter flew for some time, maybe a year , but not often like that. the difference is colossal; in general, the awards work differently there. control, well, satellites are everything all the time. in addition, operators. was teaching attack aircraft a method of countering enemy drones: the troops receive anti-drone scanner guns, while the enemy tries to deceive our defense, switches to other frequencies of the copters, so the equipment in the units of the ministry of defense is regularly updated and reflashed. now the biggest
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the danger at the front is enemy drones, they can carry combat charges, so soldiers go on missions with special scanners that detect drones, for example, such a scanner can detect a drone at... at a great distance, every fighter in the unit is a real professional, many were awarded departmental and state awards, igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. in ukraine, weapons in accordance with the bill adopted by the us senate could begin as early as this week, this is stated in a statement by american president joe biden, which was published by the white house. i note that despite the fact that legislators supported this bill with a majority of votes, many senators still believe that this was not worth doing and that allocating any funds to support kiev is a mistake. the topic will be continued by our own correspondent in the usa, dmitry melnikov. having flown through the ward without delay. representatives of the law on military assistance to ukraine in the senate noticeably slowed down, but after six months
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failures, the twelve-hour debate no longer seems long, although democratic majority leader chuck schumer demands that everything be accepted urgently without discussion. the time has come to finish what we started, to help our friends abroad once and for all. i ask my colleagues to come together to make a decision as quickly as possible and send our friends abroad the help they have been waiting for. "let's not put this off, let's not drag this hour out, let's not force our friends around the world wait not a minute longer. the ukrainian package of 61 billion returned to the upper house of congress 6 months later as a separate law with almost no changes, non-military aid was lent, and the administration must now present the us strategy in ukraine, but six months of delays have changed a lot on the battlefield, and the public in..." including the congressmen themselves, during this time learned that kiev had a real chance for peace, but the west then
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swore to give weapons and ordered to fight. the agreement was signed 18 months ago, and what happened to him? the biden administration pushed zelensky to scrap the peace agreement and launch a failed counteroffensive. republicans accuse democrats of blocking the amendments and voting on the law has been postponed several times. senator mike lee talks about deception. they forgot about the southern border and millions of illegal immigrants on the capitalist hill, although until recently this was an indispensable condition for the allocation of money to kiev. not long ago, republicans made a promise to themselves to the american people that before we send another dollar, one more a dime, another nickel, another penny to ukraine, we'll make sure that our own house is in order, that our own country is safe, that our... own border is secure, still, a few months later we are preparing to send nearly
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$100 billion to foreign countries while the security of our own homeland weakens. house republicans broke their promise, they betrayed the american people. 79 for, 18 against. foreign aid package from the senate goes to biden for signing. the pentagon is at a low start, the first shipments of ammunition are still worth $1 billion. will be made in the coming days, as cnn reports, american weapons are already at the airfield in poland, ready to be sent to the ukrainian armed forces. i think it would be reasonable to assume that this would include air defense capabilities as well as artillery ammunition, but we are going to continue what we have done from the beginning, maintain close contact with ukraine with our international allies and partners. the supply of heavy weapons worth billions of dollars, including missile attacks from...
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was also appointed by trump, who now has no time for ukraine. in criminal court in new york in the case of his relationship with porn star stormy daniels, trump was threatened with months in prison for violating the court's non-disclosure order. even posts on social networks are prohibited; keeping your mouth shut is a special punishment for a presidential candidate in the midst of an election campaign. i'm not allowed to defend myself yet other people are allowed to say whatever they want about me want. very, very unfair. as for closing schools, it is biden's fault and, by the way, at the trial , only biden is to blame, you know, it's all biden,
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just in case anyone has any questions. meanwhile, biden himself is trying to pretend to be cheerful during his election tour and defends the rights of american women to abortions from trump. it was donald trump who took away women's freedom in america, it is we who will restore rights for american women. a few minutes after the end of the vote in the senate, the white house hastened to publish statement from president biden. already today, joe biden has promised to return to the white house to sign the bills. on military assistance to america’s allies, after which he is expected to make a special address to the nation, perhaps at the same time biden will voice the us strategy for ukraine, which now has weapons, but has no choice but to follow the instructions of the white house. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. journalist agent mikhail kozarev
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admitted that he knows nothing about life outside the russian capitals, apologized for involvement in... the creation of the film brother-2 and even agreed to a concert in support of the ukrainian army and all this in one communication session. kozyrev thought that he was communicating with a high-ranking representative of the kiev regime; in fact, his interlocutors were russian pranksters. anton dadykin has all the details of this conversation. this is very difficult for me to live with. mikhail kozarev, an inagent journalist, was ready to burst into tears in order to please, as he thought, the head of the administration.
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creative problems. the interlocutor immediately made the foreign agent repent for literally everything. at the same time, kozyrev dodged as best he could. for example, he is being torn apart for his involvement in the creation of the film brother-2. i have gone back and forth many times over the years about whether i did it right or wrong. well, it’s clear that this is satire. and it was all in this spirit, and it reminds me of this meme that you pay and repent. and even something else, when you see news from the usa, a movement when supposedly as a sign of some kind of commitment to african americans they start kissing their shoes, this is what i associate with it, unlike the majority.
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he realizes that he chose the wrong side that he could have chosen, but he has to live up to his choice by declaring that he does not love russia, wishes her defeat, during the great patriotic war , kozyrev’s grandfather and father were taken out of zhitomir, saved from bandera executions, despite this
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, samyn’s agent willingly responded to the greetings of the ukrainian neo-nazis, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, another supporter of the kiev regime who left russia, musician alexey lebedinsky, was also ready, they discussed the pro-ukrainian festival in baltics. lebedinsky immediately latched on to this idea, admitted that no one needed him abroad and was a beggar, and asked for more than 20 million dollars. i have a project of festivals that simply need to be held now, either in lithuania or latvia, these festivals are dedicated to ukraine, but it costs around 20-23 million dollars there. investment, i’m lying here, it’s clear that my income is meager, i’m getting by on what my friends give me, and lebedinsky was ready to humiliate himself completely, he agreed to contact the supposed patron of the arts solely as your wisdom, which you won’t do for the sake of 20 million dollars. anton dadykin, olga alvukhina, host. the moldovan prosecutor's office transferred to the court
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the materials of the criminal case against the head of the gagausian autonomy, evgenia gutsul, as well. in relation to the secretary of the central office of the former shor political party. they are accused of receiving campaign funds from an organized crime group. they are involved in the case as accomplices. evgeniy gutsul faces a fine or up to 7 years in prison with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions. according to gutsu herself, the criminal case brought against him against her is nothing more than political persecution. and the opposition pobeda bloc said that fabricated cases against politicians could be brought against them. large investments, domestic equipment and a bet on white wine exhibition started in krasnodar, yulia makarova studied the trends. this season in the industry, our congratulations to the winery, raevskaya ura. an exciting moment for every winemaker. presentation of awards based on
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the results of the tasting competition. it's already 25 for years, the vinorus exhibition in krasnodar gathers the industry at the beginning of the season and selects the best samples. this year, 265 wines from 35 estates were evaluated. an unexpected trend for the jury, an increase in the quality of white wines. i was very pleased that there were white wines. which previously were always somehow on the margins, ah, not of particularly high quality, they have now become the most vibrant and interesting and, in fact, the assortment that was presented, well, that is, the contestants were presented, they showed really very good results , that is, i mean that if before we found a lot of flaws and problems, but now these are only a few, participation in the competition is especially important for new farms, so they can... make themselves known in the industry in russia, now there is a boom in farm winemaking, according to roskachestvo, the number of such farms has tripled over the past 3 years, today there are already more than 50. we have a small farm, 5 hectares of vineyard,
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but we produce 26 varieties of wines, if we talk about the wine list of the twenty-third year, 26 technical varieties are presented here, all the wines are in our collection, we have a large collection of don selection. at the same time, it will also be a tourist complex with walking and cycling routes and co-working space, the volume of investments exceeds a billion rubles. samlyansky black is our answer to pinonoir, so i want them
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to meet, and we will make a red blend, pinonoir with emlyansky black, and a rose, a blend of noar, that is, we will show how, how close they are to each other and ready to be friends. we want to make this platform. accessible for people who love to travel and lead an active lifestyle, we provide along the perimeter our tervara section of ours, thirincourt, which will be accessible both on foot and by bicycle. here, in the krasnodar territory , a federal viticulture center has just been launched, in which winemakers, together with institutes, will engage in science and train students. it’s interesting that new ones appear in russia every year. not only wine, but wine-related projects, for example, this is a wine capping and bottling line, and if previously such installations could only be bought abroad, today they are here in veliky novgorod. julia
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makarova, vitaly voronkov, news from krasnodar. it is now 200,124. i'm just amazed, i'm amazed, it's very cool, it really hits me, it's simple. i like kids. this is real, unreal cinema, this is straight. this is a childhood story, this is a guest from the future, a film from the future, from the future to the past, from the past to the future, once again, i understood correctly, the future, yes, and the music, graphics, i liked the humor, i’m not from the parent committee, and i don’t have any change of shoes, the main thing remains love, i see how he looks at you, and how he looks, well, how they do they look, they look like that, there are so many different things, a surprise, well, of course, like that, 10 out of 10, a brilliant choice, it will be interesting for everyone, we will meet in the future, tell me,
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when 100 years from now, it is clear to everyone that russia is not the country of gas stations, taking russian digital solutions to new heights, there is a prospect, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does the number help? you are incomparably original in your questions. and what about production, raw materials and exports in general? what is our product? i, i, i, i solemnly swear to loyalty to one's fatherland, the russian federation. i'm fading! i swear, i swear, to sacredly observe the constitution of the russian federation, to strictly comply with the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders. i swear,
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i swear, i swear. fulfill your military duty with dignity, courageously defend the freedom, independence and constitutional system of russia, the people of the fatherland, thanks to those who are true to these words, become a warrior, service under the contract of the russian federation.
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arrested for 2 months will be held in sesol fortova bosmanian court held a meeting he suspects defense minister timur ivanov in the case.
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issues of security, arms control and strategic stability are discussed in st. petersburg, where representatives of more than 100 countries have gathered. nikolai patrushev held a meeting in the russia osian format. more than 100 countries are participating in the security conference, which takes place in st. petersburg under the auspices of the russian security council. from the situation in ukraine to cooperation with african states and arms control. delivered a video message to the forum participants vladimir putin. our own correspondent in st. petersburg, dmitry akimov, will tell you what the president spoke about and what statements have already been made during the discussion. more than 100 representatives of various countries, as well as international organizations, participate in this international meeting of high representatives in charge of security issues.


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