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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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sleepy, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you. at the exhibition russia. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. blinovskaya’s husband turned to bastrykin, asking that his contract of service in the northern military district zone not be terminated, but what dictated the attack of patriotism, who is trying to use it and how? front to
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whiten the murky past. a video about a russian soldier in a lviv apartment was shot by ukrainian creatives. did you want to to intimidate or inspire the westerners to fight, but they played against the independent. how did this happen? long-range stormshadow and more, london is collecting the largest package of military aid to ukraine. why did sunok wait for washington’s decision, why won’t he give anything new to ukraine? or marathon, that's it. and not only him, what kind of critical equipment was on the kharkov television tower, and was it possible to use it to launch attacks on belgorod? the gospel in ukrainian, in the refectory icons with bandera, all this in russia. a ukrainian priest was detained in omsk greek catholic church. to whom did i read it in mov? to unite, such a difficult
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time for our country, to become one and with joint efforts to overcome the external enemy, the words with which private alexey blinovsky, the husband of the so-called marathon queen, addressed the head of the investigative committee, suddenly decided to remind the chairman of the investigative committee about the tasks that are facing throughout russia, all because the person involved in a criminal case for tax evasion recently went to the northern military district zone and is now striving to carry out these very tasks. the country's armed forces, however, as bolinovsky stated, his service is in jeopardy; in fact, this is precisely what the public complaint is connected with. the husband, the creator of the marathon of desire and her business partner assures that in fact he can be very useful to the country, but such an ardent sudden manifestation of patriotism raises logical questions: what exactly will anton podkovenko voice, anton, greetings, but it seems that before the criminal case, we haven’t heard anything like that from the blinovsky family, greetings, that’s absolutely right, so that’s exactly... this is what worries me
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most of all. blinovsky wants to stay at the front, the same one, alexey blinovsky, the husband of the one whose name and surname have become synonymous with information gypsyism and a fierce money scam, elena blinovskaya. she is now in pre-trial detention on a tax evasion case involving a sum with nine zeros, and her husband is having a fit of patriotism. he signed an annual contract for service, about service in the northern military district zone, and now he fears that this contract... will be terminated, in this video he introduces himself as a private, emphasizes that his family has been arrested all the assets of the account, which are sufficient to fulfill the obligations, that they are ready to pay the remaining amount of unpaid taxes, he has a direct request to alexander bastyrkin, i want to appeal to you so that you give instructions to the head of the investigative committee for the city of moscow to suspend actions aimed at terminating my contract, which are illegal. that
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is, alexey blinovsky wants to continue serving in his zone, and why? this person, he just wants to make sure that his wife and his whole business, as we have according to the law, that’s right, if you win back, yes, your criminal record is expunged, that is, there’s a criminal record, well, everything in full, if he goes there, then he should be a svo to the end, i i think so, even if he decided to show it to us there. that he is a citizen of russia, let him go to the front, let him go to the front , always, just always to the front, and then he will open up. blinovsky emphasizes that his skills, abilities and competencies are necessary to save the lives of our soldiers. at the same time, let me remind you, he is accused of aiding and abetting, tax evasion and money laundering, so should we believe his patriotism? the svo zone is a zone for working off
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one’s selfish interests and one’s own interests, this is a zone for protecting the country, the country’s interests, and not one’s personal ones. bleunovskaya’s husband suddenly remembered that there is a zone from... and you can go there, concluding a contract only after he started having problems, in his interest, he is also hype because he publicly addresses bastrykin, the army does not tolerate such publicity if he says that he is so the right person, so why is your contract terminated? blinovsky says that he is ready to prove the authenticity of his words, to demonstrate, for example, to the responsible persons from the investigative committee, what he did during... his stay in the northern military district zone, what is on social networks on this topic, here are drones from blinovsky, or maybe he so he is trying to rehabilitate himself, to avoid the final loss of business, and so that the fact of his service in the zone of a special military operation from a legal point of view helps to ensure that his wife, the queen
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marafonov was released from pre-trial detention, let's say, under house arrest, there are rumors and very confident ones, of course, not paying taxes is bad. worse from my point of view, this is what they did, they deceived people in plain sight, they simply sold them something that was not there, in fact, in connection with this the question arises, is mr. blinovsky now not cheating, the same for us, he touched on very sensitive topics, that he saves the lives of our soldiers, he knows how to deceive, you know, he knows what to say, he knows how they say, what comes to people, assures that he did not and will not agree to any legal tricks. his appeal was published on the youtube channel of ex-lawyer pashayev, former defender mikhail efremov. after a high- profile case, he was disbarred. pashayev himself has been in the northern military district for some time, here is a video of them sitting at the same table with
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blinovsky, maybe he advised him to leave so that all his sins would be written off, maybe they, and maybe they, he is also there to clear his reputation. these people, i believe that they go there when their roast rooster pecked, then they went there, and of course, i don’t want this operation, yes, well, everything is already, as they say, a war, yes, against the west, so that it doesn’t turn out to be some kind of laundress, when they start having problems, they immediately go where, but they there are advisers, let's go to the front, go to the front, hide somewhere there, stay somewhere in the rear, and when you come you will be a hero. it’s a shame when such people come later, they will then take the banner and talk, but i also fought, yes, and he will also do the same things as he did. and here's another one character, blogger, business coach, or whatever he
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introduced himself to be, dmitry portnyagin, suspected together with his wife of tax evasion on an especially large scale , money laundering, illegally obtained money , was recently detained in rostov on... well , or on the way out of zone of the northern military district, either behind the ribbon, or at the border they write, went on a humanitarian mission, now under house arrest portnyagin, according to media reports, literally in march opened a fund to help participants of the northern military district, immediately after the initiation of a criminal case, the portnyagins’ spouses repaid 64 million rub debt, it also looks like an attempt to clear himself through the svo, the investigation into his case continues, the blogging community asks not to call portnyagin a blogger, because ... he doesn’t believe him, look at the background in the photo, he plays on religion, well, in my opinion somewhere in kamenshakhtinsky, before reaching rostov -on-don, he took down some tent, hung a banner there, a flag with a salvation not made by
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hands, he probably bought it from someone, but such a staging, but this is clowning, this is introducing people into delusion, some kind of show circus, but this show is actually for... people, and vlinovsky, if he plays, then on what, on our respect for the participants in a special military operation, it is too big to fall for attempts to turn the north military district zone into a laundromat for dubious reputations . antom potkovenko, and the purgatory of the northern military district. russia is ready to respond to new sources of military-political tension that have appeared near the borders of our country, in connection with the accession of two scandinavian states to nato, and to increase attempts at the alliance.
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action is moving closer and closer to kyiv, the russian army, although not very extensive, is still making daily progress, including in the liberation of new territories. allows you to constantly exert fire on the enemy, preventing him from holding the line of defense. air superiority over the special military operation zone allows the support of domestic air defense systems, such as the armor. capable of simultaneously hitting four targets from drones to enemy fighters. deliveries of these systems to troops in 2024 are expected to double and are expected.
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a unique installation, which has shown in tests that it can shoot down hypersonic missiles and even objects flying in low-earth orbit in space, now we have to test it in combat conditions. this year, the troops will receive the first samples of the new generation s-500 anti-aircraft missile system in two modifications, long -range missile systems and missile defense systems.
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more than 250 measures have been completed, including the formation of the 44th army corps,
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three motorized rifle brigades, and motorized rifle divisions will be reorganized. a participants of the special operation in ukraine have been invited to train troops in the russian north-west. they also have tactical experience and practice in using the latest weapons, such as, for example, combat drones. andrey grigoriev, maxim shchepilov, lead. the ukrainian army fled. thousands of people, we are not talking about conscripts, draft dodgers, but about those who have already been caught, given weapons in their hands and sent to a military unit. the real number of deserters was revealed on ukrainian tv by a specialized lawyer. moreover, as it turned out, crimes there are so many related to service in the armed forces of ukraine that the ukrainian security forces simply cannot cope with them. this is not only awol, it is also a failure to follow orders. in order to somehow solve the problem, some leaders even propose creating a separate special police unit. but in order to systematically engage in catching. draft dodgers and deserters, against the backdrop of such news, military officials are trying with all their might to convince the population
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to go die for the kiev regime, the lvov trade center, for example, did not come up with anything better than to scare them with the thirty-ninth year, when the city from polish became soviet, but they say, it is necessary to defend ukraine so that this history does not repeat itself, this is written by the local military registration and enlistment office on social networks, and not only writes, but also shows, with creative attempts, evgeniy nipot got acquainted, evgeniy, hello, well, we wanted play propaganda? but it turned out as always. alexey, hello, they either wanted to inspire or intimidate the zapoden team, but in the end they played against nezalezhnaya. this is what happens when creatives have hominy in their heads. propaganda content paid for by ukraine suddenly starts playing against ukraine. this video , filmed by order of the lvov authorities, local military commissars, probably should have caused rage, prompted men to get up with a girlfriend, carefully sent by nato countries, because how can you tolerate this in a nice family nest, the kind that only exists in vanilla advertisements?
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occupied someone else's hut, what a scoundrel, these susushniks, who simply occupy the houses of ukrainians, and not only private ones, but even apartment buildings, often using their own fellow citizens as a living count, these susushniks, they are predators, after which only ruins remain, here the ukrainians show themselves a completely intact city, with a hint that the defenders have ticked. the window opens, and what we see is the central square of lviv, market square, where, in general, ordinary citizens
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practically cannot live because of incredible things. real estate prices in the center of lviv, that is , those same ukrainian litharians who, in theory, are earning the most from this war in ukraine, have fled. the comment under the video is almost more original than the creation of the lviv content makers itself. spectators they write that the man is painfully similar to tatsekashnik, who in time went over to the side of the russians. i’m glad that they didn’t start a song about stolen toilets, which even makes ukrainians sick. and notes that the so-called elites will be the first to escape, and the city, i repeat, will survive, in lviv itself they are proud of the video created, they promise to create new and new masterpieces in quotes, in the donbass there is such an expression as mulyak, this is some kind of incomprehensible slurry , which you take in your black hands and squeeze, it somehow spreads out, so
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during the rains, front-line roads turn into such a mess. it seems to me that the brain of the authors who ordered it is already somewhere at the level of this front-line mural, that is, it’s just some kind of inarticulate slurry, it’s not clear what it’s about, all these creations appear against the backdrop of widespread desertion, there may be no prisons for those fleeing from the front enough, there are 100 special institutions in the country, more than half of the places are already occupied by prisoners, there are a little more than 30,000, let’s say, free, and given the scale of the problem, there really won’t be enough places, as the ukrainian media reported, that in the vdeevsky direction, one of the brigades simply left their positions without an order, and two deserters, father and son, stole from a position of weapons, including grenades, shot the police who stopped them at one of the checkpoints, those caught are now being tried,
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deserters and draft dodgers, lvov authorities this is not the first time they’ve tried to reason with us, they’ve already released a video in which... in every possible way, as they say, they excused themselves from being drafted, and then, they say , they marched on berlin as part of the russian army, he speaks about the level of approval of the video among the locals the fact is that comments are disabled, and frankly speaking there are not enough views, although other videos are much more popular among the people, for example about szch, this is translated into russian as unauthorized abandonment of positions, there is a gurilochka pm. they will hit with videos on draft dodgers and deserters, but even the authors are not sure whether lvov will be ukrainian, they write that such a thing as russian troops being in the city will never happen, and they put a question mark, the authors wanted to inspire a fight, but they played against the square , and
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they will play more than once, because they are already at the subcortical level realize that the ukrainians do not love... evgeniy nipot and the cinema of the kiev regime. during the day, units of the central, southern and eastern groupings of russian troops again improved their tactical position along the front line and occupied more advantageous positions in the battles for the liberation of the dpr. the total enemy losses in various sectors exceeded 950 manpower, among the destroyed equipment there were also three tanks, although it is not so rare that even heavy armored vehicles can be captured so that... the leopard tank 2a5, shot down in the avdeevsky direction , shamefully leaves the front line. our soldiers are being taken to the rear for repairs. if we compare
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this model with some of our specific models of military equipment, the t-90 is much more convenient both when landing and when leaving the vehicle, in some critical situation, you can leave faster, and save your life. leopard of the ukrainian armed forces. the center, as soon as it rolled out to the firing line, first ran over an anti-tank mine with its right track, and then several of our attack drones completed the rout. this a modified version of the german leopard, reinforced armor and huge dimensions. in fact, they are the ones that get in the way in a modern war. the gromoz tank is terribly slow. the crew abandoned their combat vehicle as soon as the first explosion occurred. there may be a lack of experience or some other issues in terms of training
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in the use of equipment for its intended purpose, and the sixty-five-ton leopard 2a5 is considered the main battle tank of the german armed forces; these combat vehicles are imported to ukraine, according to the command of the armed forces of ukraine they started arriving about a year ago. there is very little space in the tank. now i’m going out to the commander’s place, through this hatch our fp vidron flew into the leopard, which led to a fire here in the turret interior, well, this is the barrel, the leopard’s 120-mm gun, right there is the gunner’s operator’s place, you can’t turn around. the tank was evacuated in two stages: first, reconnaissance of the area, then lightning speed. an operation by the fighters of the repair regiment of the center group to transport it to the rear. full ammunition of the german leopard. caliber 120 mm, already inferior to any of ours
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tank, we have 125 mm. shells, armor-piercing, high-explosive fragmentation and cumulative projectiles. also a set of smoke bombs, 762 caliber cartridges for a heavy machine gun, and a set of dry rations. military assistance to the ukrainian armed forces. obviously, the biden administration has no doubt that the corresponding bill will be approved by the senate in a few hours without failure, and then signed by the president. so the armored vehicles
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can be said to be at a low start, but the truth is that for some reason there is no smell of victory in the ukrainian comments to the video. well, for example, some recall how similar videos were played before the disastrous summer counter-offensive, while others are sure that armored vehicles will be of no use in principle, since the russians retain air superiority. well, in general, the estimates say mildly... after the well-known events , it has clearly decreased, but on the other hand , perhaps there is still hope for london, because it, following washington, also promised kiev new supplies of weapons and equipment, and in barely or in record volumes, an amount of about half a billion pounds sterling, which they will give it specifically and most importantly, will it help the khuntia, we will figure it out together with evgeniy petrukhin, evgeniy, greetings, well, they will send missiles again for terrorist attacks, alexey, hello, it looks like 1600 pieces. this is only the london tranche. sunok became generous, great britain will send ukraine what seems to be its largest supply of military aid. imagine, 1,600 missiles from sunak,
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including long-range stormshadows. this is what they look like, modern rockets, you can’t say anything, they are the newest of those that sunok is going to transfer to ukraine, but these missiles are independent and london will be able to give at most two, three dozen, 1,600 pieces. by the way, britain has not increased their production, they are using the capacities that they had before, and in addition to
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stormshadow, london will supply cancer to kiev. what else does the uk public sector website write that the aid package also includes 160 protected mobile husky vehicles. yes, they, of course, will allow some part of the ukrainian armed forces units to move more and more actively, but how to go on the offensive? these vehicles, as opposed to, for example, the t-90 tank, have a capacity of only six people. not in britain, in the united states of america, it has minimal armor, that is , the armor of this vehicle is pierced by a large-caliber machine gun, our systems, for example, such as bmd or bmp, they are armed with cannons.
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in addition, they promised kiev 60 landing boats to cross the dnieper estuaries. apparently, we are talking about gliders and some kind of auxiliary watercraft. on the one hand, this seems to be, well, nonsense, with on the other hand, if we assume that the enemy is constantly working across the dnieper, well, for example, in the kherson region, and any number of watercraft, it strengthens
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the capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces to... ferry the dnieper to our side, but what if the vsushniki still risk using these by boats, they will cross straight to bandera, and, well , kiev will receive almost 4 million rounds of small arms ammunition from foggy albion, how many days will this be enough or how many hours? let’s assume that on the apu side, let’s say 250 are working at the same time... thousand soldiers, right now, and that is , accordingly, 4 million rounds of ammunition is 16 rounds per soldier, and 16 rounds per soldier, that is, well, these are small quantities, in general, the uk does not supply anything new to ukraine, because london doesn’t have anything particularly new, except, perhaps, two aircraft carriers, elizabeth the prince
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of wales, here they are. in london, they know and think about the problems of their frozen defense industry, and that’s why they are working to restore their defense-industrial complex. sunok today in poland announced the strengthening great britain's national defense and noted that it will become the largest defense power in europe, is there a long-term plan? the west does not supply anything radically new in anything, not in armored vehicles, not in weapons, nothing, nothing like that to... ukraine, because, well, the point, the point is to drive something new and expensive, which is so far in a single copy , if you can supply something cheap, yes, and something that was produced en masse, something that is easiest to remove from the balance sheet, to write off, or rather in three times, then it’s not for the ukrainian account british soldiers, relatively speaking, are burning in these infantry fighting vehicles, yes, but ukrainian ones.
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now a short advertisement, here’s what will happen next on our air: the telethon, everything, and not only that, what kind of critical equipment was on the kharkov tv tower, and was it possible to use it to launch attacks on belgorod?


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