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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:26pm MSK

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spreads chips, the enemy is afraid of us, because we work quickly, it’s very difficult to find us, yeah, that is, we arrived, shot and left. the fire is carried out with high-explosive fragmentation and guided projectiles; the artillery unit effectively fights both military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, fortified positions and enemy manpower. thanks to the coordinated work of the russian military, the enemy retreated. another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to strike at front-line settlements near kharkov was thwarted. westerners are regularly destroyed samples of weapons are foreign mercenaries, but the equipment is destroyed, exactly the same, that’s it, there’s nothing supernatural in it, the most important thing is to identify it; the machine will cope with the task, i didn’t see anything new, they worked the same way as before, everyone has behind them the crew of self-propelled guns has extensive combat experience; the unit’s fighters have state and departmental awards for their courage and professionalism. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, lead. the captured modification
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is undoubtedly the most powerful of all those presented, provided, or rather ukraine, so foreign media, including the authoritative military magazine military watch, are today commenting on footage of the leopard 2 a6. previously, the tank was removed from the svo zone and prepared for shipment to the patriot park near moscow, another valuable trophy obtained by our military personnel will appear, and it will, of course, become another, very serious, irritating factor for those who have been painting german for years, and in in general, nato technology has the image of a wunderwaffe. well, by the way, in contrast, interesting footage of another evacuation, which major western media are diligently hushing it up, although hiding it turned out to be unrealistic. at the harrisburg airport in the american state of pennsylvania, the launcher of the patriot anti-aircraft missile system was illuminated, and it was unloaded. it came from the ukrainian
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transport ship antonov, well, that is, it’s immediately clear where it was delivered from, why, obviously repairs were required, and what conclusions arise here, we’ll figure it out with the help of boris ivanin, boris, hello, but it turns out that repairing it in europe is not an option. good evening, alexey, well, it turns out that if you repair it in europe, then they will have to quickly send him back to the ukrainian front again, and at home overseas in the states, well, he’s somehow safe. a shameful return to the homeland, the petriot complex destroyed in ukraine. at first they hid it. here are the shots from the harrisburg airport - this is the state of pennsylvania, they were filmed on april 5, but published only now. a battered and sometimes burnt semi-trailer of the patriot release unit is being unloaded from the ukrainian an-124 transporter, and this is not even the entire anti-aircraft missile system, but judging by everything, only what was left after the high-precision strikes of the russian army. the launcher itself, which was pulled, is essentially half-thrust.
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electronic filling inside that guides missiles, so there’s nothing of this in the footage from pennsylvania, yes, the trailer itself can track targets and the control station can be restored, it’s just a platform for the container where the radar is located, but replacing the rest is much more difficult and expensive, moreover, in march , three patrio launchers and rls, the americans clearly don’t want to take any more risks, so they even take the leftovers overseas.
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technical first aid kit, spare parts, that is , rather, it is reluctance, reluctance to admit the quite obvious that their equipment is not a miracle technology, in may, twenty-third, we already covered the patri system with direct hits and since then we have destroyed these batteries several times and every time we were informed that they were being sent for repairs, but zelensky’s appetites were only growing; back in march he asked the united states for 5-7 batteries, supposedly for protection of ukrainian enterprises, like the usa, but
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even within its framework. notes irish journalist chey bowes. according to him, the united states and europe will never agree to defend ukraine to the detriment of themselves. now all the weapons are sent there from warehouses from existing stocks, but russia is destroying patriots much faster than the united states produces them; it will take years to compensate for the losses. the company's output is about three or four batteries per year, the batteries are theirs. up to eight launchers together with control systems guidance, that is, with radars and other things, that is, this is a very small volume in fact, and now, according to various indirect estimates, we can handle up to a battery per week, that is, in any case, we now exceed their
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production capabilities, and by multiples, that’s actually and leads to the fact that from the point of view of air defense , a dead end is already very obvious for kiev in the near future. ukraine’s closest neighbors are also in no hurry to help it. polish prime minister donald tusk threw up his hands ; warsaw has no extra patriots. and the one in rzeszwa not far from the ukrainian border is needed and in general, at the disposal of the americans, it covers the military transport hub through which western weapons are supplied to kiev. here is a short answer to the head of the ukrainian midoculebi, who threatened the west with tough diplomacy. what did you get in the end? romania rejected kiev’s requests, spain too, germany. just one complex stated that the resources have all been exhausted, and the united states is taking away its broken remains, only exposing the ukrainian sky, while repairs are underway, it will be without closure for a week, if not a month. ukrainians have a non-challenged system air defense, focal, that is,
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they are trying to cover cities, specifically banking, there is the kiev region, if the shoulder is supply, logistics, then a repair base. it is increasing, which means that sections of the front are naturally exposed that require as many anti-aircraft missile systems as possible, this will mean that our, our attack, our strategic bomber aircraft will practically not meet the threat. what is important is that american equipment was delivered to their homeland not by the us air force, not by nato aircraft, the an-124 antonov transport aircraft, our soviet development, is like another proof. whose weapon is actually stronger, so the broken patriot essentially symbolizes the broken american dream of self-superiority. maris ivanina and unprofitable maintenance. the fighters of the russian group of forces-center again improved the tactical position along the front line in
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the avdeevsky section of the special operation, repelled nine enemy counterattacks, as a result of which more than 360 militants of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed, as well as a lot of equipment, including the mardor infantry fighting vehicle (german production). meanwhile, on... on the donetsk front, where the southern group of armed forces operates, the settlement of novamikhailovka has been completely liberated, eduard punigov will tell you what this means for the situation in the northern military district zone. center of the village of novomikhailovka, south of the donetsk people's republic. after 2.5 months of fierce fighting, our military managed to completely take control of the settlement on the roof of the tallest building, now the russian tricolor. russia, 155 marine infantry brigade.
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fortified point. the soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces are wonderful navigated the terrain and actively used passages between buildings. the village was essentially turned into a large engineering-prepared settlement, it was completely dug up, dugouts were dug out under the houses and several loopholes were built, that is, it was made like an anthill, due to which we managed to get around and still turn the tide? well, probably due to our arrogance, firstly, and secondly, due to our pressure, and we adjusted to the enemy. the attack aircraft received heavy fire, cannon artillery, tanks, kamikaze drones, snipers and marines had to gnaw out meter by meter, break through powerful defensive structures and suppress firing points, helped by the artillery of the eastern group. they run away
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at the end, they simply left their positions, that is, they tried somehow at night, well, we caught them anyway, you can’t run away from us, that’s their motivation, as i say, as prisoners say, but they there is no motivation, that is, they are driven there, that’s it, they can’t go back, that’s it, as if they can only move forward, people who give up they understand that... it is better to give up. all actions of the attack aircraft were corrected by aerial reconnaissance. plus, fpv drones were actively used, which carried out targeted strikes on trenches and dugouts. during the assault on novomikhailovka, our soldiers took many trophies, the famous givelins, grenade launchers, machine guns, and all kinds of ammunition. but all these western weapons turned out to be useless. the enemy was unable to hold mikhailovka. and now all these samples will be transferred to military specialists for further study. this is the so-called braunin machine gun. round-caliber 12.7 caliber, well, the weapon is very powerful, here are anti-slavery weapons
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, too, there are swedish weapons, well , anyway, we have the most effective ones - these are our guys, our heroes, who are not afraid of these weapons, because even i say , the truth is behind us, we are moving forward, we know what we are fighting for, here is another interesting find - phosphorus ammunition, a phosphorus grenade, burning temperature is 2.400 °, burns for 45 seconds, in general it is a prohibited ammunition, it can penetrate a tank, that is if you throw it on the tower tank, he will fall out of poverty with him, the commander of the detachment with the call sign artist is from astrakhan, graduated from the nakhimov school in sevastopol, was assigned to the pacific fleet, and then volunteered for a special operation, they say there were injuries, maybe, yes, there were one wound, shrapnel in the hip, well, a slight wound, then continued to carry out the task, i didn’t even feel it, it turns out, yes, well, it arrived like it was burned. just a hip, then i just felt some kind of wet spot, the doctor looked at my bandage there
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applied it, then continued the task. the capture of novomikhailovka is of strategic importance; its liberation will allow our armed forces to reach konstantinovka and, in the future , encircle the ugledar group of the ukrainian armed forces. the soldiers immediately after the successful assault began to prepare for the next offensive operation, where we are, there is victory, we took novomikhailovka, we will continue to beat the enemy, victory will be ours. eduard pungov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. a long piece of pipe, several plastic eggplants, broken plywood slats and a picture of bart simpson, crookedly glued to something like a closet door, all this could easily be mistaken for the random contents of some trash heap or flea market, if it had not turned out to be a ukrainian drone. according to mash, the russian military shot down such a unit in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation, of course, there were quite a few. they were surprised when they examined the prey up close, but it’s true that it has still not been possible to establish the purpose of the homemade drone. on the one hand,
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there are several video cameras, but they seem to indicate for the reconnaissance function, on the other hand, the hull was attached with some kind of ammunition dumping system, but that’s not the point, because the main design itself is made from improvised means, which is not at all similar to the notorious nato standards, and even for the so-called savvy it turned out, perhaps, too much, but what made the dry land workers collect and use boplaa of such dubious quality - evgeniy found out. tishkavets, evgeniy, greetings, well, is this the million modern drones that the kiev regime promised to produce? kind evening, alexey, quite possibly, while promising vysushniki such a number of drones, the kiev junta said nothing about their quality. what's next, paper airplanes? the ukrainian military industry is reaching new heights. the network is discussing another homemade product from the naughty kulibins. drone made from sewer pipes and bottles.
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you can laugh at the device as much as you like, but seriously, what we have in front of us is some kind of aircraft-type uav, one and a half meters long, the wingspan is also about that, it’s probably a drone... a kazzek that carried a couple of kilograms explosives. the gasoline engine could supposedly provide an impressive flight range of about 500 km, but calling it a weapon, much less a high-precision weapon, is hard to come by. its characteristics are disgusting, uh, it can’t be used either as a strike weapon or for any other purpose, the drone has poor aerodynamics, due to poor aerodynamics, it is very difficult to aim it at the target accurately, that is, it can hit, well, for example, there about a building, about a square, like a komikaze it is extremely ineffective. this is not the first time this has happened
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a device that fell into the hands of russian fighters. we have seen such shocking primitive drones before, or, as experts call them, pipe planes. they are created solely for quantity and the best they can do is force air defense systems to waste an extra missile. the only advantage of such a uav is that it can be assembled according to a template. any fool, there is a serial pipe plane, if you didn’t know, firstly, there is an american pipe plane, we dismantled it, and more than a year ago, there is a pipe from the american company uninis. there are servos made in usa, all the stuffing is inside american, that is, it is clear that it was made in the usa, and then we also assumed that in general this concept of tube aircraft was being developed by the usa for its proxies, which these proxies could produce themselves. here, of course, the question immediately arises:
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is the state of ukraine itself capable of creating something better, and what about the promoted ukrainians? so there is no need to look for some hidden meaning in the appearance of handicraft monsters, this does not only concern drones, they sawed out dryers from pipes and grenade launchers, made ammunition on our knees, and not so long ago we
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got our hands on a homemade tank, the creation of this machine, called an azov man, but how could it be otherwise, kiev... somehow we managed to spend 5 million dollars, but it’s quite obvious that it’s just armor plates crudely welded to the t-64 chassis. the sub-tank turned out to be so useless that it was simply abandoned by the retreating unit. and it is quite obvious that such monsters in vysu’s arsenal do not appear because of a good life. ukraine is not capable of creating its own equipment, and the west is not able to feed the insatiable parasite ... the west does not currently have a large amount of production capacity for the production of military drones, because the west is now, as it says, in its own industrial era, and where the post-industrial era is, there is no industry, there is no production, so the enemy has to to maneuver, he literally has to
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create his own drones from sticks of leaves, well, like the isis. and indeed, we kept wondering what the design of this strange drone resembles, it’s almost one in one, like the drones used by syrian militants, and the terrorists there had even more imagination than their ukrainian colleagues; the bodies were made not only from pipes, but also, for example, from fittings. in any case, no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to make a lancet out of a sewer pipe. eugene. and waste-free production. hungary will block the allocation of 2 billion euros to ukraine from the eu. this statement was made by the country's minister of foreign affairs after a meeting of the heads of foreign affairs and the ministry of defense of the european union. the meeting took place at luxembourg. among the new issues are anti-russian sanctions and support for the kiev regime. and why the head of european diplomacy, after many hours of discussions, remained
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disappointed - evgeniy reshitnev will explain. judging by the persistence with which the leaders of the eu and nato are trying to push it. voters' heads with this primitive thought: things are really bad with further support for kiev, it is necessary to convince them that russia is preparing to attack europe. i will advocate that we provide many more millions of euros, because what is most important now is to strengthen it military system to prevent russia from advancing and moving closer to europe. that is, the european bourgeoisie should think something like this: it’s better to let the ukrainians fight than we do. the nato secretary general says exactly the same thing: we need to calm down and then cheer up. yes, kiev is stuffed with military advisers, but not with soldiers yet? there are no plans for nato combat forces to be present in ukraine. but, of course, a number of nato countries have their own people in uniform in their embassies in kiev who give advice. we must remember that arms supplies to ukraine for the united states and nato is not charity, but
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an investment in one's own security. the same narrative is being pushed in the united states. it’s strange that they haven’t started installing it in lyaska yet. the americans have returned to the game, but american billions will end up in the american defense industry, and the european union is desperately looking for...
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but the thing is that europe has very few of their patriots, according to the estimates of the eu's chief diplomat, joseppe barel, all european armies have about 100 batteries patriot, according to nato secretary general stoltenberg, there are much less than 100 of them in europe, they will still have to be given away, it was decided that the eastern flank of poland and romania needs them more, let the southern flank, greece and spain, give them. the leaders of two countries whose armed forces have more than a dozen patriot systems, as well as other systems such as the s-300. it was said that their needs are not as great as those of ukraine. to spite moscow, germany is abandoning its status as the industrial center of europe. scholz thanks norway for
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now becoming the main supplier of lng to germany. but if we talk about the entire european union in the first 2 months of this year, moscow became one of main suppliers of liquefied gas to the countries of the association. only the states exported more. the largest consignments from moscow were purchased by france, the netherlands and spain, for a total amount.
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duda said that the country is already ready for this. evgeny reshitnev and anna lvova, lead. hematomas, swelling of the leg, severe groin injury, hospital, operation, consequences of communication with classmates of one of the kiev school students, the mother complained about the brutal beating of her son on social networks. this story could have stayed that way. statistics on ordinary child bullying, if not for the reasons for the attack, it turned out that other children attacked a thirteen-year-old schoolboy because it seemed to them that he was watching a cartoon in russian. moreover, the management of the educational institution also intimidated the child so that he would not complain to his parents. as a result, they found out about the serious injury by chance 10 days later. after the spying , the police took up the case, the topic is actively discussed in the ukrainian press, and some even began to think about what such inclinations could lead to. summer monsters, because if now they are attacking in crowds for an allegedly incorrect cartoon, then later they will be able to kill them completely just because a person speaks russian, but however,
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this is exactly what the kiev regime needs, children fueled by hatred will be more willing to enroll in the ranks of the ssu, especially since the training of schoolchildren-militants is already not only ideological, anastasia ivanova took a closer look at how this process is implemented in practice, anastasia, greetings, it turns out that children with weapons are no longer like... hello alexey, well, specifically in ukraine, so far with wooden ones machine guns, but what prevents the terrorist kiev regime from giving a real pistol or machine gun? involve the kiev regime in the group already from school, but of course, they will not say this directly, so the committee on youth and sports of ukraine begins with sacred formulations. they say they should devote more time to the military-patriotic education of young people, but in fact they ask people’s deputies to drive children to the field in bertsy and... train them at training grounds, not just to hate russians, but to kill them. ukraine has long been turned into a meat processing plant in uh-huh washington. and everything that is actually
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in their language is realized even in a harsher and worse form. and the fact that there is no direct general military training for children now does not mean that it is absent a priori. the organization plast has been operating in ukraine for a very long time; it’s such a children’s organization. camp, an analogue of american scouts, where, in principle , they are taught the duty of armed defense of ukraine, so they say, the school course should be called, but they are unlikely to teach only defense if they are already georgian mercenaries give demonstration lessons in kiev schools on how to hold a weapon correctly, how to aim, it’s easy to guess at whom, and even though the machine guns are wooden, but with the same ones, let me remind you that the terrorist defense participants ran around a couple of years ago, and then they began to be thrown into the thick of front.
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