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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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well, let's start the issue with the flood situation in the tyumen region, all attention there is focused on the ishim river, its level continues to rise in the city of the same name, having already surpassed the 10 m mark. evacuation has been announced in several settlements. our correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is monitoring the development of the situation on the ground, he is now in direct contact. stanislav, greetings, to what levels is the river predicted to rise and when is the peak of the flood expected? hello! per day, now there is a decline, which means that the peak of the flood situation in city, but this wave, which was actually in the city of ishim, is now going to...
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the next one downstream is the obatsky district, they are also preparing there, they are preparing seriously, but first things first, let’s see the general situation, let’s listen to how he commented governor of the region alexander moor. the water is slowly leaving, but it is moving along the ishim river to the city of ishim. over the past 24 hours there was a slight increase, but today at 8 am the water level is 10 m 64 cm and this is by 8.
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in the city, but in general these are the measures that were taken here, they are, of course, they worked, they saved the city from the entry of high water, now we are going just to the obatsky district, where they are waiting for water, dams are also being built there, the difficulty there is that the moscow-vladivostok federal highway passes directly through the village of obadskoye, now they are also going there very serious fortifications, tell us how obadskaya is preparing for big water. in the region , nine temporary temporary accommodation centers have been prepared for reception, five are actually already in use, the number of places used is 1,100, today 78 people live in temporary temporary accommodation centers, of which 36 are children, our people are brought to the temporary temporary detention center every day, the number is increasing, in addition to this , we are evacuating the property of citizens of about 200 households today, and let’s say,
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due to floods in the tyumen region. a siren plan has been introduced in karachay-cherkessia. the republic is looking for four suspects in the attack on police officers. this morning , unknown persons shot a police squad, after which they stole a service weapon with ammunition and fled. two employees of the ministry of internal affairs died on the spot from their wounds. another was taken to the hospital. his condition doctors now assess it as stable-severe. a criminal case was initiated under two articles: assault on the life of a law enforcement officer and theft. plant
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in voronezh, where an equipment production workshop caught fire this morning , more than 60 firefighters and 20 pieces of equipment fought the fire, the flames were extinguished an hour later, oxygen and several gas cylinders were taken out of the building, the cause of the fire will be determined by the investigator, they are already working at the scene . the ukraine project in the usa has completely failed, but they keep it afloat for the sake of the domestic american agenda. this opinion was expressed on our tv channel by an official representative of the russian foreign ministry. maria zakharova explained why this state of affairs is beneficial to the main political forces in washington? liberal democrats, that is, the biden regime, need to prolong this situation until the elections, not allow it.
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the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine by the end of this week and they will include missiles from takms, said the head of the senate intelligence committee mark warne. despite this, the situation in the ussr continues to deteriorate, because most of the money that washington is now allocating to kiev still remains in the united states, leading american media write about this. maria skrodilka will tell you the details. they begged, they humiliated themselves, they cried, they gave money, they still gave american dollars in
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kiev, happy as children, sending noboi ukrainians, zelensky is proud of this. but they themselves, money doesn’t fight on the battlefield, it’s pieces of paper, the military is needed, but nato won’t send its soldiers to ukraine, let’s talk about that directly said an agent of the secalliance, and we also need weapons, but the west simply does not have them, leading newspapers write. in the eurozone they are afraid that the united states is making europe extreme in the issue of supporting ukraine. assistance to kiev approved by the house of representatives may be the last american assistance before a long pause, the bundestag said. local politicians believe that by helping ukraine, germany is killing itself.
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what is happening on the battlefield or the air combat that russian troops are waging against ukraine, then i meant that if you look at the former win, and since the united states and its european allies are inextricably linked with ukraine, we are actually fighting against moscow, therefore we are losing along with them, the inhabitants of europe openly declare that they are tired of ukraine, but also not... because ukraine has never been a normal state, russia is now trying to prove this to you, but the banal horror story about russia being dangerous for the garden of eden is needed by the european elites to justify their own failures, japanese journalists write. and if the west supports a dying ukraine, there is a possibility
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the authors write that most americans completely despise the fact that this will end in the collapse of the european union itself. losers.
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u.s.a. if such measures are implemented, of course, many countries, many investors, will think 10 times before making any investments in the american economy or storing their holdings there. russia has every reason to take symmetrical measures towards the west. the speaker of the state duma commented on washington’s position on the issue of confiscation of russian assets. in his telegram channel vyacheslav
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volodin outlined three main conclusions. thus, the head of the lower house of the russian parliament called the decision taken in the usa a theft. he believes that by these actions the states are trying to provoke europe to take the same step. vyacheslav volodin noted that it is there that the bulk of russian assets are frozen, more than 200 billion, while in the united states there are only 5 billion. the state duma speaker also emphasized that it turns out that... he finally stopped believing in the victory of the kiev regime, since helping ready either on credit or from others, more precisely, russian money. now a short advertisement, and then to the latest statements by the polish president about the deployment of american nuclear weapons in the republic. pintalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is. regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pintelgin, we can do without pain.
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the head of the committee on international affairs, grigory karasin, said about the possibilities in an interview for our channel. duda's striking statement can bring a lot of harm, tears and problems to poland itself. the united states and the philippines today began joint military exercises. abc news emphasizes that the maneuvers are taking place against the backdrop of growing tensions in the south china sea. in total , about 16
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thousand military personnel take part in them. the philippine military noted that the exercise is taking place for the first time in... maneuvers will work out the reaction to the armed seizure of the island in the province by affairs of the country's territorial waters. during the half-day the chinese foreign ministry responded to the teaching earlier; beijing called on manila to stop provocations in the south china sea, and washington to stop supporting confrontational actions in the region. how to make the work of local governments more efficient and thereby improve the standard of living in the regions, participants of the round table of the municipal society reload are discussing today. he takes place at the international multimedia press center russia today. recently, interaction between the federal center and representatives of municipalities has strengthened significantly. the school of mayors was launched, and other specialized educational programs of the higher school of public administration and the presidential academy are operating, which are already producing results. there are so many instructions being poured in at the municipal level that they all need to be brought into
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line, they need to be carried out in this sense, somehow regulated. indicators the efficiency of local self-government bodies is regulated by a decree of 2013, and there i would say that the key indicator is based on economic parameters, roads, housing, and then energy consumption, that is, such specific metric things, as for trust, there is no such indicator at all, which now it is generally a key parameter, all my colleagues talked about it. every success begins with a dream, to do something of your own, the desire to stand out, the desire to act and
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now about the weather, warming is coming to the center of the country, and the residents of the urals and western siberia they warn, on the contrary, about a sharp cold snap. we'll talk about everything in more detail with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, good afternoon, in the capital it’s already really warm like summer outside, should we expect some heat? not hot, but warm. summer will return to the european territory of russia, and early spring will return to western siberia. the week in yaroslavskaya began with a thunderstorm. areas of lightning were observed at the airport's weather stations for an hour and a half, a thunderstorm occurred in the ivanovo region, and rain was accompanied at times hail. it was raining like summer and
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there was a thunderstorm in the capital region the night before. before the storm began , an unusual cloud appeared in the sky. before the eyes of observers , a roll began to twist at the lower edge of the cloud mass. clouds of this type always foreshadow a squall; they are formed as follows: a powerful updraft acts on the periphery of the cloud. warm air from the ground rises upward into a thick cloud, and when precipitation begins to fall, a downdraft is formed. at sufficient speeds at the lower edge of the cloud, these flows pick each other up and a squall storm or roll cloud is formed. well, this is only possible in very powerful clouds; it is with such clouds that intense downpours and stormy winds are associated. in the voronezh region, gusts reached 21 m/s. in the capital region, the maximum wind speed was 18 m/s. and in such a strong wind, trees fell from the building and tore off fragments of the cladding. the deterioration of the weather in crimea was also preceded by the appearance of spectacular clouds. these shots were filmed on the western coast of the peninsula in the black sea
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region of the republic, the clouds creeping in from the sea on the southern coast were impressive. but beautiful unusual clouds over the mountains are also harbingers of a storm. wind gusts on the peninsula reached 24 m/s. there were people who, in the midst of bad weather, went ashore for spectacular shots. the girl wave. knocked off his feet from the path under a rock, a man in the vicinity of the pike perch almost paid for his carelessness; he, too, was almost washed away into the water. this is how the heat breaks through the russian plain with thunderstorms and squalls. and about the processes that contribute to this we’ll talk a little later, but thanks to them , the temperature distribution has already noticeably changed today. the south, middle zone, the shores of the baltic and the southern urals are painted in warm colors. warm in the south of eastern siberia and the far east. well, to the central regions of western siberia. cold air rushed from behind the polar region. several factors contribute to this temperature distribution: powerful advection of heat or cold is the result
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of the interaction of different boric formations. above the urals, as we will now see, there is a vast anticyclone, on the periphery of the high-pressure source, the air moves clockwise, as a result , on the western periphery, the anticyclone strengthens the effect of the warm sector of the atlantic cyclone, in addition, it accelerates the warming process due to solar heating; on the eastern periphery, the anticyclone promotes the movement of cold in the rear of a large cyclonic system centered on over baikal and amur. in the kurgan region , it was necessary to eliminate the consequences of flooding over the weekend in conditions of extreme heat. thermometers in the city rose for two days in a row above +28. maximum temperature records were updated. on sunday , meteorological statistics were also rewritten in dozens of cities in the southern part of russia, the urals, western siberia, and maximums were updated even in yakutia. it is no longer so hot in kurgan today, but the temperature is still significantly higher than
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the april norm. +20, tomorrow the sky will become cloudy and there will be rain, which will bring the temperature down to +13. on wednesday, partly cloudy, light rain possible, only +7, the peak temperature will be on thursday, even at the height of the day the thermometers will not rise above +4, it will be even colder in the morning, precipitation may turn into sleet, the warmth will return closer to the weekend. in moscow, today it will be partly cloudy, short-term rain is possible, the air will warm up to 15°. tuesday there will be a chance of light rain, with thermometers showing +12, and then the temperature will begin to rise again, on wednesday at the height of the day up to 15° without precipitation, on thursday in the capital there is a possibility of short-term rain, a thunderstorm, well, the air will warm up to 19°. are these the predictions?
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now economic news, briefly: eu plans to include a ban on liquefied gas supplies from russia in the fourteenth package of sanctions, swedish foreign minister tobias billström announced. according to him. the union will also fight the so-called shadow fleet,


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