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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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the united states recommended that the united states prepare for a simultaneous war with russia and china, and the option of nuclear war is being considered. i don’t think that these are some healthy thoughts that come to the minds of healthy people, because to say that the united states is preparing for war with russia, well, we are all preparing for war, because we follow a well-known ancient principle. if you want peace, prepare for war, but - but we proceed from the fact that we want peace, and if we talk about a war between great nuclear powers, this is a completely different story, i don’t think that people in in a sane mind, this thought should or can come to mind, but if it comes, it only makes us wary. the united states is now declaring the asian dimension of nato, destabilizing this vast region too, as has already happened with all of europe.
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let's say that nato expands, new members are accepted into this organization, whose security this will improve, which country in europe will become safer, which country in the world will feel better, and the citizens of which country in the world will feel better after this security, on the contrary, this is a seriously provoking factor that reduces the level of mutual trust, and we have a fair right to ask frankly, against whom is this expansion? and what happened to the assurances given by western partners after the dissolution of the warsaw pact? where are these statements now? no one even remembers about them. us withdrawal from the anti-ballistic missile treaty, creation of a new missile defense system in europe. putin repeated over and over again in an unusually emotional manner what all this would lead to. we have withdrawn all our heavy weapons from the european part of russia beyond the urals.
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you know, don’t be afraid, we promise you that nothing will happen, in the modern world this is clearly not enough, this is a kindergarten, we need guarantees, the first tests about the usa were recently carried out in europe, what does this mean? this means that when we argued with our american partners, we were right; they tried to mislead us, and the whole world, once again, simply. to say it’s quite simpler
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to deceive, imagine the city of our russian-ukrainian military naval glory sevastopol and there is a nato base there, how emotionally this will be perceived in ukraine in russia, you are aware of this, not only to say, it’s scary to think. that russia, in response to such a deployment, the possible deployment of such position areas, and theoretically this cannot be ruled out on ukrainian territory, will aim its own strike missile systems at ukraine, well , just imagine for a second, that’s what worries us, nevertheless, the leadership , the leadership of ukraine took and signed a piece of paper on...
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and i believe that i am obliged to talk about this today to say directly and honestly, so that we don’t later digest responsibility for such a development of events, we don’t want such a development of events, but we speak honestly and clearly about where we see the problems, they carried out a coup d’etat, don’t talk to us they want, what are our thoughts, the next step, ukraine in nato. we are never asked about this, and
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dialogue with us, the practice of the last two decades shows, no dialogue, they say, it’s none of your business, it doesn’t concern you, we say, military infrastructure is approaching to our borders, don’t worry, it’s not against you,
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i was going to implement it, kamon, i needed these minsk agreements to get at least 4.5 years to form the ukrainian armed forces, build the ukrainian economy and train the ukrainian military together with nato, to create the best armed forces in eastern europe, which were formed according to nato standards. participation in the war in ukraine is presented by western society as protection. western values, but what these values ​​have become scares many europeans, as the results show elections in different countries, what russia talked about years ago, these statements were often perceived as an exaggeration, has now finally become a reality of western life. in some countries of the world, by the
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way, the question of legalizing pedophilia is already being raised. yes, yes, yes, well, why should we follow them like bops, towards the unknown. consequences, we have our own traditions, our own culture, we agree with you that same-sex marriages of children do not produce light, in some countries, well, for example, in european ones, here in finland they believe that there is no need to limit children from this, do not limit them, we are not going to interfere in your issues, but we will limit them as the deputies of the state duma decided, we ask you not to interfere with our regulations, while i am the president, we will not have parents, there will be a dad and a mom, that’s evil. then, for the first time after the second world war
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, the west began to reconsider the borders in europe out of supposed concern for the serbs and residents of kosovo and let’s not decide for them how they will arrange their lives. you have to make fun of yourself lord god and solve all their problems for all peoples, why continue to shake the foundations of international law, pushing and developing separatism in europe, and in the post-soviet space too. i think that running around like crazy with a razor and swinging it in different directions is not the best way to solve problems of this kind. otherwise, we will come to chaos, when we hear that in one region...
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is more important than the principle of the territorial integrity of the state, then we will have to be guided by these principles in all regions of the world, and not just there... where some of our partners like, let’s somehow agree on what rules we will live by, because we talked about this many times, we warned, asked not to do it, not to create a precedent for kosovo, no, they still insisted on their own, no one listened, not international law, they forgot about the un resolutions, they forgot everything, the west proposes to live in a world based on their rules, the independence of kosovo is good, the restoration of historical justice with crimea and novorussia are very bad. on the last straight line, putin was asked what he would have warned himself about in
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2000? i would warn against excessive naivety and excessive gullibility in relation to our so-called partners. could you really be called a naive person in the 2000s? yes , there was a certain naivety , after all, you know, i ’ll tell you absolutely sincerely, even looking back, despite the fact that i worked for almost 20 years in the security agencies and foreign intelligence soviet union, despite the fact that i was later deputy mayor of st. petersburg, director of the fsb, secretary of the security council and even chairman of the government at some initial stage , i still had a naive idea that... the whole world, and first of all, the so-called, now i speak with absolute
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conviction, the so-called civilized, understands what happened to russia, that it has completely become a different country, that there is no longer ideological confrontation, which means there is no basis for confrontation, and if something negative is happening in the policies of western countries towards russia. but in particular, support for separatism and terrorism on russian territory was obvious, i, as the director of the fsb, saw this, but i, in my naivety, believed that this was simply the inertia of thinking and action, so they got used to fighting the soviet union and continue, they have specialists in the fight against the soviet union, they have nowhere to go, they are all well-practiced, so i thought that this had something to do with the inertia of movement, it was a naive idea. and about the realities, and the reality is that later, i was absolutely
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100% convinced of this, that after the collapse of the soviet union they thought that we had to be patient a little, now we’ll collapse russia too, subjugate these parts separately to use resources, but based on the fact that everything individually will not have independent weight, independent voice and will not have the opportunity to defend their own. national interests the way a united russian state does, only later did this realization come to me, and the initial approach, it was quite naive, and how to find common ground when there are accusations from all sides, they will have to find common ground with us, because they will have to reckon with us. pavel, what is known about the president’s plans for the next week? important events will begin in the coming hours. i’ve often heard very much, well, it’s more reliable there, but now a meeting
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of russian industrialists and entrepreneurs is always bright and important, the president usually participates in it, the plenary session of the rsp congress will be held next week, of course, special attention this week again to the situation with floods, we will definitely return to this, we certainly must keep it under control, on monday, as the presidential press service announced, the president of azerbaijan will come to moscow for a visit, relations. everything here is familiar to me with baku, they have a special partnership character. putin and aliy will meet with veterans of bam, 50 years since the beginning of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. of course, we should properly celebrate bam’s 50th anniversary. veteran bama putin will present state awards, but for president aliyev the construction of the baikal-amur mainline is a family story. his father heydar aliyev oversaw the grandiose construction project in soviet times. the next working week in russia is long, saturday is possible. there will be a meeting on economic issues, well, on sunday our program, as always, will show you more than
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delicious traditions, cashback bonuses for your next trip. avito trip will go as it should booked with cashback bonuses. and now, to the news from voronezh, three people died and two were injured during a fire at an electrical repair plant. the equipment production workshop there caught fire. the fire has already been put out, now we have contacted us by phone. correspondent daniela zaitseva. daniela, greetings, what is the current situation locally? good afternoon, daria, now the fire has already been extinguished, the fire was extinguished for about an hour, and the fire was reported at 9:00 in the morning from the alarm in voronezh, the street was filled with smoke. as it turned out, the soft roof was also on fire, it was from her that the black acrid smoke spread, which looked so scary in the video. the total area of ​​the fire was 500 m2; the workshop for
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the production of electrical equipment was burning. more than 70 people and 20 units worked on site. technicians removed four propane and one oxygen cylinders from the building, three people died, two were injured. the cause of the fire is currently being determined, and investigators are working at the scene. daniela, thank you, daniela zaitseva from the scene of a fire at an electrical repair plant in voronezh. 60th venice biinal of contemporary art opened in italy. the show will last until november 24. for the last 2 years, russia has not participated in the biennale. this year our country provided its exhibition space to artists from bolivia and other latin american countries. zinaida kurbatova has all the details. bienali is a show that takes place every 2 years. venice bianali mid -20th century is the most important and prestigious competition in art. there is a main program, national pavilions and a parallel
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program. the vector is changing, now the artistic, now the architectural has become intertwined. in the time of its implementation. artists, art critics and simply fashionable people are eager to come to netia. artists are trying, if not to participate, then to exhibit at least in a small gallery, to come and talk about art. russia participated and was successful. since the beginning of the 20th century, we have had our own national pavilion, created by the great shchusiv. semyon mikhailovsky was the commissioner of our pavilion from 2014 to 2019, inclusive. the main exhibition, for me , is of course an exhibition.
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say that the presented objects correspond to the topic, everything is conditional, at the end prizes, grand prix, gold and silver lions, this is to a lesser extent a competition, but the festival, the celebration of the russian pavilion has always been of interest, it was included in the list of top pavilions, the financial times, figaro, new york times wrote about it. we had a meeting where we gathered the commissioners of the pavilions, and there , according to the alphabet, here is such and such, such and such, such and such, such and such, they reached russia, i always said, well, you of course you're waiting. what russia will show this year intrigues and interests you all, well, that’s how it will be. in the 21st century there is more and more interest to zodiacism. architect ilya utkin was awarded.
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there is a bold ulterior motive here. israeli artist ruth patir announced at the last minute that she would open the exhibition once a ceasefire agreement was reached between israel and hamas. been this year is as politicized as possible. it’s not that this didn’t happen in previous biennales, but this year it ’s just off the charts, because at the entrance, actually. part of the main project unfolds, you are greeted by a huge number of carabeniers, without russian
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it was not possible to get by with art, in the parallel program ilya and emilia kabakov, they are known here, at one time they received a grand prize for their red carriage, now a version of this object has been donated to the hermitage, the recycle group is also exhibited, they participated in the parallel program in 2015 , and 2 years later on... this is a family tree spanning 2,400 generations of the moore family. this tree does not look artistic at all, but it explains the trends in modern contemporary art. the form is not so important, what is important is the narrative, the idea, which must be clearly explained, touch the viewer, encourage him to think. this is why contemporary art is often associated with social issues and politics. what are you
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12:00 pm
covered 500 km, to this. the fire was extinguished. the tyumen region is experiencing the peak of the flood. the water level in the tabol river has risen by 80 cm over the past 24 hours. in the kurgan region, the water is already receding. about the situation on the ground in the live broadcast of our correspondent. attack on police in krachaevo-cherkessia. the man opened fire on police officers. two died on the spot. doctors are fighting for the life of another. they are looking for the attacker, and a criminal case has been opened. multipolarity, new centers of growth, as well as social development of the state, the business program of the st. petersburg economic forum has been published, it will be held from june 5 to 8. three people died, two were injured during an electrical fire.


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