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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in the capital 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, here is what we have learned by this hour: the united states can resume military supplies to ukraine, including atacoms tactical missiles, said the head of the senate intelligence committee mark warner. he suggested that senators would approve and submit the bill on the allocation of kievusti to biden for signature.
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$1 billion, which was previously passed by the house of representatives. a little less than 15 thousand residential buildings in russian regions remain flooded by spring floods. in sebenskaya region, the water level in the ishim river continues to rise; near the village of obatskoye, one of these days it may rise to a critical level. in neighboring kurgan, the peak of the flood has passed, but there are still two dozen settlements in the water. the crews of russian t-72 tanks destroyed the positions of the ukrainian armed forces on the borders of the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine. according to the ministry of defense, the enemy tried to gain a foothold on the demarcation line. this was discovered during aerial reconnaissance. in the kupinsky direction of the special operation, a blow to a concentration of ukrainian military personnel was carried out by our jets hurricane systems. the kiev regime is trying to replenish its ranks on the front line. is hunting
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for recruits; according to media reports, subpoenas are even sent to the dead. in kiev, employees of the territorial recruitment center , which acts as a military registration and enlistment office, admitted such cases are not uncommon. but all because people allegedly do not transfer personal data. an updated law on total mobilization will soon come into force in the country. a criminal case has been opened in karachaevo-cherok regarding an attack by police officers. this morning. famous the man shot a squad of police officers while they were on duty, after which he stole his service weapon with ammunition and disappeared. as a result , two employees of the ministry of internal affairs died on the spot from their wounds, another was taken to the hospital in serious condition, doctors are fighting for his life. the attacker is wanted. a criminal case was initiated under two articles: encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer and theft of weapons and ammunition. at the electromechanical plant.
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elmash in voronezh is currently stewing a large fire. according to preliminary data, the fire covered 3,000 m2. the ministry of emergency situations reported a fire in an electrical equipment production workshop. 13 units of equipment, firefighters and rescuers are working at the site. now to the situation with wildfires. according to the ministry of emergency situations, a special fire regime is already in effect in 23 regions. the weather there is now dry. this. the lack of greenery poses a threat to fire migration. during the period of the special regime, visiting forests is prohibited. you should also not burn dry grass, garbage or make fires. thermal points reveal using a special monitoring system from space. information is immediately passed on to local managers. the us house of representatives approved the allocation of $61 billion in military aid to ukraine. now.
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the senate must approve this bill, after which the process of supplying new weapons to the ussr will begin. at the same time, more and more western experts believe that another aid to ukraine is unlikely to help. let's discuss the situation with the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova. she is joining us, maria vladimirovna, hello. yes, good morning, we are communicating in moscow, it is now 10 am. hello, the only thing i would like to clarify is that this assistance
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is being implemented by so many extremist and terrorist attacks, killing civilians, and ticking off people, public figures, politicians who they manage to eliminate, striking directly at civilians infrastructure, and talk about how they will do it in the future, that is, this is sponsoring a terrorist, extremist regime, terrorist activities on the part of the united states of america. let's look at ta taiwan, military assistance to taiwan is a direct interference in the internal affairs of china, but will this bring more stability to the region, which the united states walks through as if it were its home, which causes a large number
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of crisis phenomena, including, of course, will not bring any greater security, the trends will be exactly the opposite. but as for arms supplies. to israel, everything, the whole world, the entire world community, i mean, of course, the world majority demands an end to the escalation, demands a stop to the bloodshed, against this background the united states is only adding weapons to the region, which will, of course, unfortunately lead to a worsening of the situation, but this is if we talk about the global, about global trends, now let's look directly,
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they continue to call this the so-called peace formula has nothing to do with peace, and why were these conversations needed then, if military assistance to the kiev regime is provided in such volumes, and for in order to divert attention, in order to create in the world community an impression, a feeling, a false emotion that supposedly everyone in the west is just waiting for, so to speak, peaceful things. resolution of this situation and only russia alone, with the supply of the collective west, as the name is given, does not want this, the situation is exactly the opposite, russia has never refused to negotiate at the request of the same kiev regime in the twenty-second year, consent to these
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negotiations was given . russia really realistically assesses the situation, understands what is hidden behind these conversations about pseudo-formulas of the world, and does not allow... himself, you know, to be drawn into these productions, dramatizations and these intrigues, so these conversations are from the united states, its political scientists, from those who they recruited on the international, on the international platform in support of the so-called zelensky formula, all this was intended to divert attention from the next tranche to support the tourism activities of these criminals.
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shared his piece with the liberal democrats, then there is a biden regime, it needs to prolong, stretch out this situation until the elections, not to allow the internal external audience, by the way, to also understand that the ukraine project has completely collapsed, on the other hand, the other camp is interested in financial support for the military-industrial complex, this is their sharing we are busy with these internal squabbles within the united states, in principle, and...
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marya vladimirovna, what do you think, will europe follow the united states and should we expect new serious military supplies to ukraine from the europeans. unfortunately, when you, yes i i would like to clarify that when you say europe, we are still talking about the european union, not all of europe is part of the european union, in this case we are talking about those who, unfortunately.
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russian foreign minister maria zakharova. now let's start with a short advertisement, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this monday. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, environment, this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphaglive help not only restore liver cells, but the reasons for their destruction are inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. what do we bring back from
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that continues to rise. in twelve villages an urgent evacuation has been announced. collected all the latest information. if we talk about the city of eshim, the ishim gauging station today showed an increase in water in the ishim river of + 13 cm. a noticeable difference compared to previous days, then there was an increase of 2 m, somewhere even 2.5 m. now only +13 cm, this says that the peak of the flood here has been directly passed by the highest levels , and now large amounts of water are moving downstream. the next point in two or three days is expected in the village of obatskoye, where the rise is quite significant compared to the previous days, plus 20 i think centimeters today at 8 am, the strengthening of the existing dams there is currently ongoing, the increase in the crest of these dams, well , it’s worth saying that all the dams here are now strengthened, where there was a breakthrough, it
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has been eliminated, now several areas of the city remain under water, nevertheless, work continues. to strengthen these dumps, on lev tolstoy lane, where there was never any flooding, not even in the seventeenth year, nothing was a protective structure, here is the bank of the ishim river, then in the twenty-fourth year it was necessary to build a temporary structure in order to don’t let it in, don’t flood it, it’s literally on the left side of the house, there’s a lot of work going on, everyone is working, and of course i would like for at least the water level to stop, we’ve never had such a flood, in the seventeenth year these are the territories that we are protecting now, they have never been in the flood zone, there are no caring residents, everyone is trying, helping, leaving their territory, protecting, coming, especially where we have a site where bags are filled with sand, people generally come there, they bring everything, tea, and the food is hot and so on, that is , he is worried that the city of isim was not flooded, yesterday we were on the ishim highway,
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the flow over the highway occurs there, that is, the river flood... is quite sensitive, and there are several such points, and as experts say, most likely there will still be such overflows in the lowlands, in klepikovo the situation is more or less calm, we are in a place where the road crossed into other settlements of the klepkovo rural settlement, there is a low-level bridge, which is currently flooded and several villages we are left on the other side, cut off from the mainland, so to speak, so we set off together. with colleagues in order to take away water, bags, film, in order to keep water there, because the water, unfortunately, is still rising, and our ishim river does not calm down, we evacuated more than a thousand of our fellow countrymen, many of them now they are with their relatives, loved ones, acquaintances, friends, and the other part is in
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the temporary stay centers we have deployed, now the highway is organizing reverse traffic on... sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so that you have even more opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time. opportunities to get new impressions, a flurry of new impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan at sbery and receive monthly cashback at a 2% rate, more profitable. to order food from a restaurant, use jandex go, food from the store, jandex go. household goods, yandex go, and if
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footage of the combat work of russian t-72 tanks in the special operation zone. from closed positions, our crews hit enemy targets on ukrainian territory. in border areas belgogorod region, the distance to the target is approximately one and a half dozen kilometers, coordinates are transmitted by air reconnaissance. this time our tankers destroyed positions in the ssu. the ukrainian military tried to gain a foothold on the combat demarcation line. we work both directly and from closed firing positions, support our infantry, and systematically push back the enemy. armored vehicles were destroyed. armored personnel carriers, also transporting armored personnel carriers. the presidents of russia and azerbaijan will hold talks in moscow today. according to
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the kremlin press service, the focus is on development of bilateral relations and regional issues. in addition, vladimir putin and ilham aliyev will meet with bam veterans on the occasion of the anniversary. this year marks the 50th anniversary of the start of construction of the highway. construction of baikal. heydar aliyev made an invaluable contribution to the implementation of this grandiose project. he headed the commission for the construction of bam, holding at that time the post of first deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the ussr. heydar aliyev was the first soviet leader to travel along the highway to see everything with your own eyes. he was interested not only in workers.
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it was heydar aliyev who scored the goal. in 2008, the station at the angoy station of the baikal-amur mainline was named after the national leader of the azerbaijani people.
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i understood correctly, the future, yes, yeah, twenty-four, 2124. this is the situation, now i can jump to a century in the future and back, i see everything, space pirates are hunting for us, well, they were already there when i came here, we we need to find moms, what a meeting, maybe we can put the kids to bed now it’s time to fix everything and it’s time to act somehow. questions,
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suggestions, objections, giving something else, what do you want, come on, 100 years from now. in the capital 10:28 and further briefly about the main thing. the united states may resume military supplies to ukraine, including atacoms tactical missiles, said the head of the senate intelligence committee, mark orner. he assumed that the senators would approve and
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introduce it. biden's signature on the bill to allocate $61 billion to kiev, which was previously adopted by the house representatives. a little less than 15 thousand residential buildings in russian regions remain drowned by spring floods. in the tyumen region, the water level in the ishim river continues to rise. near the village of abatskaya, one of these days it may rise to a critical level. in neighboring kurgan, the peak of the flood has passed, but there is still water. the crews of russian t-72 tanks destroyed positions in the ssu near the borders of the belgorod region on the territory of ukraine. according to the ministry of defense, the enemy tried to gain a foothold on the demarcation line. this was discovered during aerial reconnaissance. in the kupinsky direction our uragan rocket systems struck a special operation against a concentration of ukrainian military personnel. the kyiv regime is trying to replenish.
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its ranks on the front line are hunting for recruits; according to media reports , even the dead are being sent summonses. in kiev, employees of the territorial recruitment centers, which act as a military registration and enlistment office, admitted such cases are not uncommon. but all because people allegedly do not transfer personal data. an updated law on total mobilization will soon come into force in the country. i say goodbye to you with this, see you tomorrow, then on the air "fifth studio" program. my colleague joins me. anastasia efimova, nastya, good morning, what will we talk about today? yes, sash, hello, as always, today we are talking about the main news in the spotlight, the allocation of $61 billion to ukraine, as part of the decision made last weekend by the united states. let me remind you that the us house of representatives passed a bill on providing military assistance to ukraine. $61 billion will mainly be spent on new orders in...


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