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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

4:30 am
brothers of britain, france, jordan, that is , this several hours cost 3 billion dollars for all these figures. so much for the amount of money, that is, we are talking about rational use of a strategically important point. so, for the sake of excuse me, i’ll now say the most important things, that what is important for iran is that in the middle east, this is the post-soviet space for us, excuse me for being frank, yes, first of all, they are not just there either counteract then, they counteract around, creating a security zone in the south. for this is why these proxies were created, this is all a cheesecake and so on, this is why drones and missiles were created, the corresponding ones are aimed at bodily places, they now have a problem in the north that arises in the southern caucasus, believe me, they will also solve this issue with very similar topics so that we, too , are ready for this and will not look at anyone, someone will advise them on something, and so on, we have this post-soviet space, and now we must think about how to counteract this, yes, that means the congress of moldova.
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what to do with central asia, why isn’t there a scheme emerging to separate us in central asia by creating logistics through the south caucasus, bypassing us, how to counteract this?
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now there will be an exercise in july, which means on the shores of the caspian sea, where three csto countries are participating, right, no, yes, well, they forgot about us, why are we a caspian country or not, no one argues, no, he says, we will to participate means teaching, why, this is the defense of logistics, which will pass us by, we are resisting something.
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this is the position of the military-political leadership of israel, that is, they say, if we can bake here, it means we defeated them, very peculiar, of course, i agree here, so to speak, especially, let’s be honest, the question is that for the next... few months at most, the israeli army will hold out there, they are already talking about leaving there, only they don’t know who to replace them, they are hostile to hamas and other structures of the palestinian alliance that are participating in this war, there are not only hamas, hostile clans, it turns out one clan found then the declination, we don’t want you, we don’t need you, but the arab is flying, i say, the israeli defense minister once told the states, blinky says, let the arab countries take over, they say, we don’t need 100 years, that means they are already leaving, because in fact this is also a lost war, based on this logic.
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moreover, no matter what we call it, to sum it all up, here is an important question for us, this is it, in this regard, we need to learn, we don’t need to get involved with someone, we need to learn from everyone, well, as the classics say, bribery, blackmail, death threats, there is nothing new, but when you say, that’s who is responsible, fortunately we don’t know who is responsible for what,
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well, this is very bad, of course, fortunately for those who theoretically should be responsible for these areas, vadim franz, i completely agree, one of the tasks of this is to draw russia further... this vortex of confrontation, so that attention is completely focused only on ukraine, to withdraw from other regions, this can be directly traced in the policy of the west, but in principle, yes, saturday became such a significant stage, it’s not just accepting aid there for 61 billion, andrei anatolyevich said that 11 billion are allocated for some political operations, i counted for us military operations, for operations in the region, it says there for operations in the region , there are now different interpretations going on.
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mix, it completely failed, now biden has made a statement, they say that this is a victory for democracy, that is, they are completely winning over to their side, the democratic party won here, this the defeat of the republicans, the defeat of trump, obviously, of course, this will affect the situation with the stabilization of the kiev regime, frankly speaking, because it was in a state, it continues, this is a state of crisis, demoralization, they are already in it now. who are coming stoltenberg, ursula fonderlein, there is delight in everything with us, look at the statements, all this comedy of deliart, as i call them, these, everyone says, democracy has restored unity, us leadership, our heart, hearts beat in uneson, stoltenberg
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agreed before, what can already be applied strikes on russian territory, if this is in the interests of military operations, surely this money that is allocated will lead to the fact that...
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for example, at the end of last year it moved to third place in the supply of military equipment, but it is obvious to everyone that is this because weapons and military equipment are supplied to the north military district zone, what is written back? buy politicians, he will put pressure, promote his interests, and this
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is such a fairly significant factor, but money with money, after all, there is ideology, there is understanding, there is culture, somehow not it may seem strange in the current circumstances of the abolition of universal culture, tomorrow marks the 200th anniversary of emmanuel kant, 300, and 300, but 300 is to blame, yes kant really said that... i’m good with mathematics, i’m still a humanist, i’m good at mathematics not very good, yes, he was born in 1724 , by the way, for more than four years he was, by the way, a great russian scientist, of course, yes, no, but he was undoubtedly friends with russian officers, he even read military architecture there, pyrotechnics, from him the passport was ours, buried in russia, yes, absolutely true, and lived his whole life, and moreover, he wrote about russia from time to time and even thought about russia, and i fortified, eh?
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russia and china, although he there in the 18th century came to the conclusion that at that time it was impossible, but as we see, many ideas turn out to be implemented over time, which previously seemed unrealistic, there he has a lot of nonsense, he is clearly guided by some rumors, speculation, anecdotes are retold there, but there are very important points that are also useful to current politicians, although i’m not sure that they cant read, if you read, you probably forgot. a long time ago, and he writes about the difference, for example,
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between russians and germans, considering russians less civilized, according to this principle: russians are devoted, well then, to their empress and their land, and the germans are more mobile, so they become colonists, he considers this a sign greater civilization of the germans, that is, even then this cosmopolitanism, a certain criticism of patriotic sentiments, it was considered part of this... and he uses some russian words, there is kvass, he has cabbage soup, and he writes that
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these are people of the same breed, they can see it in their foxes, and he saw the russian army, he understood what it was, he saw the russian army that took kuniksberg, took berlin at that time, and i think that the germans love to see the russian army, which berlin takes, they have such a hobby, and generations. does not change, and kant appreciated this, by the way, and i think that it is appropriate for many western politicians to re-read their great philosophers, whom they have forgotten, because the current generation, it does not have the attitude of european politicians, to that great europe that created the prosperity of the present west, they have no relation there to hegel, to kant, to german classical philosophy, this is something else, this is something -
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based on knowledge of the english language, he thinks what a funny surname they have there’s some kind of criticism, can you imagine, they still criticize him, so they say he wrote a treatise on the eternal.
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kiev regime, they will be able to defeat russia in a conventional way. they believe it. and why? because a priori they are better, they are the center of civilization and so far they were not dealt painful blows that
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would knock down this arrogance, as russian armies were knocked down for many centuries, these brave guys i saw. they will not change their opinion, and it must be understood that the escalation will continue, relying on a diplomatic settlement can only lead to the nullification of the results of a special military operation, as was the case, by the way, under kant, when the success of russian weapons in taking berlin and kinexberg was then reset by peter ii, who handed it all over. these are the lessons of history that we must remember, even if our western partners forget their history, their philosophy. agree. very accurately, very accurately, for some reason the west generally thinks that we don’t see all the cunning, when macron was given a reason, a reason was given often, well , yes, when macron says that the french troops, by the way, are sitting there now, the arrival of the french in odessa, so we’ll wait for the flow of coffins back, but they say, we
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need a truce for the olympics, there’s a drop-off, we’re ready to invite the russian delegation back to normal. am i satisfied with what the german does? the government and how it behaves, and how do i feel about it? well, it’s clear that i’m critical, to put it mildly, of many issues that relate to the actions of the german government, i
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’m not at all alone, and it’s not like i come here, i’m here alone... standing and saying something somewhere, there are such people, not even thousands, there are millions of them, there are a lot of them, the situation is quite complicated, because here we are discussing it, and we think that someone there will hear it, and there someone will react to it , of course, some will hear they will hear and some will probably react, but those who need to will not hear, those who would like to receive support will instead receive something completely different. and this will, of course, create a certain swamp state in which, on the one hand, those who do not want to hear, they will continue their policy, and those who would like to hear, they will be largely disappointed that you, vladimir rudolfovich speak on your program, because it’s clear that i’m not at all happy with annalena berbock, i’m practically
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not satisfied with the way the current german government works, there is a lot that can be done... the union of sarah wagenknech, that is, this is a person who has certain knowledge, very good knowledge about germany, about the german people, about german society, he says, well, to scholz of course you can. sympathize, but berbok she exceeds all our expectations, of course, in a negative sense, because berbok, as everyone here says correctly and everyone expresses correctly, well,
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the word sovereignty, she’s not that he’s not knows, she won’t be able to pronounce it, she wanted to say unprecedented attack, instead she said unprecedented attack, talking about iran’s attack on israel, but besides that, in one interview she managed to distort everything there five times... she distorted everything she could , everyone laughs at her, but she is the minister of foreign affairs, she conducts her policy and conducts her policy in this way, well, i’ll give you an example, you said here that biden won everything over trump, so i’m very afraid that something a similar thing will happen in germany, when burback and the greens win everything today against scholz, who seems to be trying to slightly modify germany’s policy and generally modify that one.”
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a famous writer whom today's german elite calls a conspiracy theorist, this is in continuation of what margarita said, that is, a person who speaks absolutely clearly and tells the truth about what is happening, he has several wonderful books, he called and said, well the celebration won't take place, no maybe we can drive there, we don’t have such a possibility, we don’t know how we’ll get there, in general, we decided so, we ’re going in several cars, but of course he says köniksberg, we’re going köniksberg. on several cars, and i wanted to read my speech there in the central square of konexburg, i will definitely read it, they are on their way now, i don’t know whether they got there or not, just
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a few days ago willie wiemer, whom you called me, called me you know everything well, and says, i don’t understand what happened, i don’t i can watch artie, i can’t watch artie, because the last thing i watched on the internet was cut off by my provider, and now i can’t watch what i watched, but how will i find out without this? 23% is approximately the rating today, if we talk about the rating in thuringia, where exactly this same björn höcke, who is called right-wing radicals,
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is being tried, and who held a rather unknown, but in germany very famous television duel here with a representative of the christian party democrats and won this duel, so after he was given the opportunity to go on television, he spoke about his position...
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she won’t succeed there, so far, according to polls, she’s calmly overcoming the five percent barrier, it’s quite likely that she’ll be able to score some 7 or 8%. the union of values, which did not exist just a few months ago, now it already exists, it is already between 3 and 5%, and this is the union of values, this is the right, the former right wing of the christian democrats, that is, this too part of this very party, if we sum it all up, and we look at it all, then of course it will be clear... that germany is completely heterogeneous, and germany, i’m not saying that all these parties are russophile, they are certainly not russophile , they first of all think about the interests of germany and their
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society, and this is understandable, but... from the point of view of the global situation today, if we talk about ukraine, about the war, about the middle east, then their position is in many ways close to that which is being considered here, at least in this circle. i'm not saying that they are they must and will definitely pursue russian or russian interests, no, but these are the people who speak and express the correct position, from my point of view, you will, despite the fact that they are under pressure. if we roughly calculate what i said, those together are 30% of the 85 million german population, then we will get a very large number of people who are absolutely not interested in a war with russia, who are absolutely not interested in the united states of america maintaining its your own, were, continued to remain the hegemon, and was not at all interested in
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developing policy towards russia and its eastern neighbors. that's exactly the case today.
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hello, i am boris akiv, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers?
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all resources must be mobilized. could you give me a recipe on how to achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
5:00 am
i would probably be the last scoundrel and coward if i agreed with what you said before, let them say all this, i don’t agree with this, i can explain it very simply, you shouldn’t be,


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