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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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yes, they, it even survived the fall, the refusal of the united states from fixed rates, one troy ounce was 35 dollars on august 15 , seventy-one, and the dollar retained its position, but now, if you keep your money in dollars, then here you go, russia is showing that there really is nothing special here for the americans, so they passed these two bills, in fact, well, in one package, how much will go to ukraine? if we consider that 23 billion is to replenish the reserves of the american 13-14 weapons, it turns out somewhere, if you count in general, it turns out to be about 23, this is immediate, this is what they are emptying warehouses now, but there is another 11 billion to finance the policy of the united states in the region, that is, for at the expense of the ukrainians, they are still going to finance their own policies.
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russians for the fact that we are depleting russia, that ’s what we pay for, and this is a very common, widespread thesis among republicans, you understand that they are not for us at all, so to speak, the republicans are a party, which, by and large, always advocated a military solution even more than the democrats, mccain was never a democrat, yes, macain was never a democrat, i’m not talking about great women like them.
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we have nothing to catch there in the spectrum, trump, not trump, although now, really, i agree with you, well, it’s unpleasant, unpleasant, very unpleasant for the republicans that they could not defend the border, now on what issue will they fight about the border, it’s very difficult, especially that part of the republican faction in congress, well, exactly absolutely on these issues he supports the democrats, although maga too, you know, trump well...
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it’s amazing how europeans buy into this, this is how europeans buy into this, you can talk as much as you like, but there’s ursula fonder, she’s a transatlantic person, many those in power now, even at the national level, are also transatlanticists, but in itself, what the americans now actually clearly indicate, because nato does not have nuclear weapons, nato has only one left. great britain has 280, the main thing is that, the main thing is that the main thing is that for the dean 570 charges are in the united states, and the united states is already making it quite clear. about the fact
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that if someone in your national plan fights with russia, we will not defend it, it will be your business, that’s your business, if you send here... yes, troops will hit you, these troops will destroy , then you want to do whatever you want, of course, here you need to say clearly, i won’t give any advice to our leadership here either, but what will happen if it’s really at the front, now these f16s are getting closer and closer, who will pilot them there, where will they take off from, another question is, if from foreign territory, it is clear that it becomes a legitimate target, but even if they... fly there from ukrainian territory, let’s say , in any way, this is how we will react to this, because they can, no, we will shoot them down, but in itself they can carry anything, it’s like a platform, i don’t know, combat the qualities are also said to be quite good, but in principle, most of all,
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this is a platform for nuclear weapons, and here the question arises, what will they be armed with and how will we react to this, this is exactly what our leadership was talking about, so... i think that we will have to regard this as a threat, as a threat, a nuclear strike , therefore , therefore, therefore, in fact, now, first of all , the answer is, of course, today the americans would have accepted, for me it would have been so, i would have thought that if ours reacted faster now, at least the state duma would have adopted a resolution regarding assets, we already have about 500 billion. united the states are now taking some actions , of course. syulanov cannot exist, because
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syulanov does not write laws. that is, the ministry can rely on laws that have been adopted ; the legislative framework must be developed. what the americans accepted, they are creating a legal basis, i completely agree, the legal basis is not even for themselves, well , there are 5 billion, after all, on a national scale - small things, approximately, they have five, four, eight, i know, well not much, but the bulk of it is in belgium 190, and throughout europe another 200, in total 260, if you knew russian tsars, why did they create this state, yes, so that they would then try to take money from russia for belgium. in what should be, they must clearly, now on the cats, as they say, on the americans, they need to show what will happen, so at least the american congress always passes resolutions, which in general mean little, but it positions himself, he positions his state and attitude towards
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this or that act of foreign states, thereby, in fact, showing that can happen, so it seems to me that now it doesn’t... suit us, well, these are basic things, but what to come up with, this is history and the course of its development, you can worry, you can be nervous, you can write wonderful poems, you can visit each other, but the inexorable millstone of history, but unfortunately, they grind humanity in a certain direction, that’s all, the mincemeat cannot
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be turned back, well, there is a controversial thesis here, because why am i controversial, because i think everything, but war always drags on, but war its own logic, of course, there is the logic that appeared in the war, in military military science in connection with the appearance of these weapons, but the fact of the matter is that it is becoming here, we and they, in general, are not disputed, now the worst thing has just happened, this is what this conflict showed, that nuclear weapons have ceased to be a factor of deterrence, this is the main problem, they are no longer a factor of deterrence, because at the same time there is a de facto full-scale war in europe. where on the one hand there is a nuclear state, nuclear states are fighting against it through a proxy of the largest the european army, which supplies manpower, everyone understands this, well, well, but they released the first front, why do i say that their task is now to destroy or cause
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some damage to our nuclear account, after which nato will happily fuck with nuclear weapons, which they have it written down in the doctrine of preventive nuclear and officials constantly constantly. the states need to decide to abandon the concept of unacceptable damage, stop it, they are deeply convinced that they are now doing the right thing if you look at other documents, but look at the realities, not at the documents, in reality they are trying to damage our nuclear power at the expense of ukraine.
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are convinced that they will eliminate this, but come on, now for now, while they have this -
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advantages from the 24th, the twenty-second of february, all the time, they won’t give goodness, then they won’t give it until we blow it to hell so that german, french, american, british cities would burn in general, these bastards will rejoice at the attacks on belgorod, rejoice.
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these bastards said at least a word about it, and didn’t they will say, and they will not say, and they will not say, therefore life is very cruel, they must experience it for themselves. evgeniyevich, yes, vladimirovich, but they will not destroy our shield, they do not have enough means to completely destroy our nuclear shield, the fact that they are trying it is another matter, but in our doctrine it is written that this is one thing of the reasons for launching a nuclear strike, of course, of course, but i want to. in general, to continue what oleg viktorovich began to talk about, in recent weeks
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there has been hysteria in the west, in all the press, there are politics, the new york times, fox news, a british economist, everyone published articles: ukraine is losing, what will happen if ukraine loses, the meaninglessness of the war, the meaninglessness of the conflict, what we will do next and the like, all these, well, it’s clear what this is for .
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in short, you know, but in all these articles, in general, there is a rational grain, in principle , everyone writes about one thing: the three problems that ukraine faces, they will not go away, of course, the collective west, when it, it will solve these problems , if he decides, so to speak, has already... probably decided that he will increase production, mobilize industry, another thing is that this will take time, but we need to keep this in mind. to use the time that we have to achieve a radical change, so to speak, what are the problems? the first is people, people are, well, in general in the west and in ukraine they think that this is the main problem, of course, they adopted legalization, they canceled demobilization, there they will still recruit 100-200, the problem is
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different, the problem is preparation, as they they throw people to the front while we find... slowly but surely, liberate, advance, prepare, so to speak, that offensive, which they also never tire of repeating, that in the summer the russians will launch a decisive offensive, the second is shells, well oleg viktorovich, the czechs collected it there. 500, the ukrainians demand a million, but you understand, there are nuances, these 155 mm projectiles, the american three-seven howitzer projectile , it is not suitable for the 50-15 mm artillery system french caesar, just as the french 155 mm projectile is not suitable for
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italian howitzers, they all have, so to speak, their own small, but peculiarities. yes, they are all standardized, but the french are especially different in this regard, who try to make all their systems for french ammunition, shells, and so on, for a baguette, and for a baguette, and - the third problem is the problem of air defense, this is the most difficult problem, which the west will have to solve, they will probably solve it, because voices are already being heard, let’s say so, don’t be greedy, we’ll throw everything we have at ukraine, yes, that’s how it is there will be, you understand, this is an excellent opportunity to strike those territories that are now unprotected, israel, israel, so i say, is the only state, well, by virtue of its territory, which has managed to create an air defense, missile defense of the country, that is, the territory, because that there are
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two types of anti-aircraft, either object or territory, so they managed to do it. the swedes promised something else, well, maybe, but in any case, in order for the ukrainians now, even when they get it, they have an alternative: either pull up these patriots and
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airist is closer to the line of combat contact, in order, so to speak, to protect himself from our people there... to teach such, such smart guys, yes, especially, especially, this is returning to artillery, for example, the ukrainians say, to compensate for the lack artillery and drones is impossible, because drones, unlike drones, artillery are not subject to either weather conditions or weapons, and in general drones can destroy
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armored vehicles, equipment, whatever, but destroy long-term fortifications. drones can’t, well, unless it falls into a trench, but again, well, the mass of the delivered substance is not comparable, yes, well , we destroy personnel, we mean a drone projectile, well, incomparable mass, but that’s why, don’t underestimate drones, but and there is no need to deify, i think that only drones, well , returning to air defense , it is impossible to cover, so to speak, all major cities with these seven batteries, as zelensky dreams of, because well, if we talk about petrovit, he, so to speak, protects the sector.
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stations that operate on the base are the main element, because hydroelectric power plants operate at their peak, nuclear power plants do not have the ability to maneuver power, that is , the destruction of a thermal power plant is to knock out the main element of supply not only to the population, but primarily to industry, therefore i repeat once again, all these problems can be solved, but now, in my opinion, and what our troops are already beginning to demonstrate, it is necessary to move on to the stage: we need to cut off the grouping on the line of combat contact
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ukrainian from the rear, that is, to hit bridges at locomotive depots at generating enterprises for this purpose, well, i’m not even talking about the logic of the control center and the decision-making center itself.
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well, trump and biden expressed condolences to the families of the dead drones, yes, yes, yes, yes, that means when the drone was shot down, the americans demanded, give it back, it’s ours, it’s also somewhere around 300 million, the iranians sent them somewhere- then further away, dismantled, created a whole series of suicide bombers, so to speak, so to speak, nothing, it means how i behave like this called a proxy, i don’t really like this name, but boxing with him, which means the same ansar allah, shoot down american, the most sophisticated drones. and do not turn around, strikes not only at commercial ships, but at warships of britain and the united states, and that there are some answers, so to speak, yes, that means
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they behave in a way that is commensurate, this is our area of ​​​​responsibility , this is our zone of influence, if you invade here, that’s it, that means you fall under our attack, i’m no longer i’m talking about the seizure of commercial ships, it’s captured by the bad guy and nothing there, so to speak, reacts to it, so to speak, everything seems to be normal, now, what happened now? this means that there was no israeli missile attack on iran, no matter what anyone writes, yes, it means that when they say that supposedly, look at the geography, where ours is a complete waste, this is the center of iran, a little to the south, closer to there, there to the persian , a little faster, tabris is generally in the north of iran, two cities where supposedly some explosions were heard, which means that those who say that there are some kind of missiles, they flew over iraq, they were shot down. according to iraq, this is bullshit, which means the fact is that israel simultaneously attacked several objects to the north. western syria and on the territory of iraq, which means the location of haash shabi, something was shot down there, something fell, they didn’t even intersect on the territory of iran, so what happened there, and the following happened there, the
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same thing, so that.. . isfahan plant for the production of drones, tabrian plant there and so on, that is, this is an action with small mini-drones that cost 10-15. km, when they were launched, it was the work of an opposition structure inside iran, which takes place and which was not suppressed, this is the organization for the liberation of the iranian united khalk, i ’ll say it briefly, and also various separatist kurds and balochis, and, by the way, literally in a couple hours when the so-called strikes took place, this organization... published a cartoon of israeli drones, israeli drones are designated as carrying pizza, that is, they themselves made fun of it, yes, that is there was no strike, so these are really mini drones, by the way, then the iranian foreign minister confirmed this with a smile, they simulated this strike, now let's see if israel could have carried out strikes on their own without the americans, of course yes, they have there is erichon 2 and erichon 3, these are missiles that
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can reach ballistic missiles. on the territory of israel, but there are few of them, irikhon 2 - 90 pieces, irikhon 3, well, maybe the same number, but how many iranians have, they have only one line of shahebs three, shahab 3, shehab 3d, shahab 3b, 600 pieces, 600 pieces, and there are eight more of these rulers , just in case, so that someone understands, yes, so here, as netanyahu said, with all that, it is necessary not to make an emotional decision, but to think, so they thought, now he said, with interview with cnn, if i'm not mistaken, he was asked, three countries that you consider your enemy, iran, iran, and iran again, iran will become strong, yes, that is, this is all and it kind of ended with the understanding that , that this could turn out to be very painful, because now the israeli press writes, but what it cost, no one mentions any 99% anymore, everyone writes that it turns out that on the eve of this iranian missile attack there was a powerful cyber attack on the
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israeli energy supply system, after which it means there... there is something to think about, so to speak, yes look , iran with less money doesn’t always play a significant role, which means a positive role of comparison, in fact, over a period of time, well , in 20, i actually created a little more of a system of strategic deterrence between israel and the united states, and as a result, a whole series
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so. allies, who just yesterday said, we are allies of the united states, do not want to get involved in a war, and israel has shown its inability to solve certain problems in relation to these same, which means proxies, or in relation to iran, there is a lot to learn here, including learn, excuse me, at the tactical level, like these, excuse me people, as you say sandals, yes, this is the same thing, but they manage to counter the technological army at minimal penny costs after this army... carries heavy loads, now in the us congress spoke the minister, like he of their navy, yes, said the navy, said, give me money, what’s the matter, but here, he says, we spent a billion on shooting down missiles and drones, rolls, with us there are no missiles in the red sea, give me money, listen, they spent a billion, but sarlau doesn’t ask anyone for anything, but it turns out that israel spent at least 1.5 billion dollars in a few hours, and also the costs of britain,
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france, and jordan , that is, this several hours cost 3 billion dollars for all these figures, that’s the amount of money, then we are talking about the rational use of a strategically important point, for which, excuse me, i ’ll say quick things now, what is important for iran is that in the middle east this is the post-soviet space for us, excuse me for being frank, yes , first of all, they, too, are not just counteracting there, they are counteracting around, creating a security zone in the south, these proxies were created for this, for this... all this is cheese and so on, for this, drones, missiles were created, the corresponding ones are aimed at bodily places, they now have a problem in the north that arises in the southern caucasus, believe me, they will also solve this issue with very similar topics, so that we too are ready for this and will not look at anyone, someone is telling them something will advise and so on, this is a post-soviet space for us, and now we have to think about how to counteract this, and that means a moldovan congress.


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