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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 22, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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there is no longer any ideological confrontation, which means there is no basis for confrontation, and if something negative happens in the policies of western countries towards russia, but in particular, there was obviously support for separatism and, well, terrorism on russian territory, i, as director of the fsb, saw this, but i, in my naivety, believed that this was simply the inertia of thinking and action... they got used to fighting the soviet union and continue, they have specialists in the fight against the soviet union, they have nowhere to go, they act all the time, so i thought, what this is connected with this with the inertia of movement, it was a naive idea of ​​​​realities, and the realities are like this, later, i was absolutely 100% convinced of this, that after the collapse of the soviet union they thought that well, we need to be patient a little, now we will ruin russia too, these parts are separate. subjugate
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the use of resources, but based on the fact that everything separately will not have independent weight, independent voice and will not have the opportunity to defend its national interests in the same way as a single russian state does, only later did this realization come to me, and the initial approach was quite naive, how can we find common ground when there are accusations from all sides? from the point of contact they will have to find us, because they will have to take us into account. pavel, what is known about the president’s plans for the next week? important events will begin in the coming hours. i’ve often heard that it’s more reliable there. and now the meeting of russian industrialists and entrepreneurs is always bright and important, and it’s also usually the president is participating. the plenary session of the rsp congress will be held at the upcoming one. week,
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of course, special attention this week again to the situation with floods, we will definitely return to this, of course, we must keep it under control. on monday, as the presidential press service announced, the president of azerbaijan will come to moscow for a visit, relations with baku. for me, everything here is familiar, putin and aliyev have a special partnership character, meeting with bam veterans, 50 years since the beginning of construction of the baikal-amur mainline. 50 years bama we certainly have to like it should be noted. bama veteran. putin will present state awards, but for president aliyev , the construction of the baikal-amur mainline is a family story. his father heydar aliyev oversaw the grandiose construction project in soviet times. the next working week in russia is long, on saturday there may be a meeting on economic issues, but on sunday our program, as always, will show you more than others. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for a week, and we will meet again with the audience, after a short pause, i’m waiting for you in sunday evening studios.
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i kept thinking, good evening, how are you today?
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and that’s right, so our fighters are handsome, they can do everything, they know everything, they can do everything, the engineers now , of course, will fully study everything and look into it, but for us this is a useful topic, because we will fight, as we are fighting now, seriously for a long time, until... we won’t kill the reptile,
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including in its lair, because this is very symbolic, think about it, the americans voted to allocate money. the comment on network x goes like this: if you vote to send our money abroad while waving a foreign flag, you will be called an american patriot, if you vote to keep our money at home to fund domestic
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priorities like the border, you will be called a foreign agent, weird world, i kept thinking that biden, a survivor of... doom, an angry old man, and then i realized that no, he didn’t make a reservation, he just , unlike most american politicians, began to tell the truth straight to the forehead, listen, are you ready to choose unity over division, dignity over destruction, truth over lies? .
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in general, we must clearly understand that we are dealing with an insidious, systemic, very tough enemy, and this is not about us coming to an agreement, or us or them, of course, excuse me, in this situation, this is probably absolute selfishness, i somehow we prefer, and any deceitful
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phrases that you don’t understand, this is humanism, you want the whole world to disappear in a nuclear flame, the answer is simple, and you...
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this is a clear, brutal victory for biden, why? and because he gave the republicans nothing in return, nothing.
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today we are told that the most important thing is that we can we do, no, not cut spending, not
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reduce inflation, oh no, we can't do that for the american people, we can't protect our own border that people from over 160 different countries cross every single day, no, don't protect the american border, let everyone come to us. russia to protect ukraine, but at the same time you all don’t want to protect the american citizens who pay your salary, pay the electricity bills in this building, pay for all this from the federal government, for what? not for what? ukraine is not even a member of nato. ukraine is not a nato member. but the most important thing is what you
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hear in washington. oh, we'll have to spend americans' hard-earned dollars on ukraine to keep sending money. to continue to kill ukrainians, to destroy an entire generation of ukrainian men, so that women are widowed, so that orphans are deprived of their fathers, so that there are not enough men who could work in their industry. o. how do you support ukraine? wow, this is support. well, of course, it was immediately announced to russian agents and articles were published with the inscription no. my answer is very simple. i believe that everything that belongs to americans here should be confiscated, just everything. and we need to completely exit the dollar. completely abandon the dollar k'. calculation, and to my dear chinese comrades, please note that they do not have any illusions, their assets
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are as follows: i said in the studio several years ago, a man who then held the position of deputy prime minister, now he is the minister of finance, i said that our assets will be confiscated, yes, this happened in the studio in front of many witnesses, i confirm. to me it was said, no, this is impossible, this would be an act of financial terrorism, if this act of financial terrorism took place, then we must treat this country as a terrorist, and we must, at the level of the state duma, the government, declare america a country, a financial terrorist, with all the ensuing consequences, and completely take and break the entire system of relations.
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to the nuclear account, we must shoot down the nato infrastructure, which, before every strike on crimea, sticks out to see where we are and what we are, therefore...
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one of the few members of the us congress who tries to look like a person in the old-fashioned sense of the word, the blonde walks around in a white coat with a funny collar, demonstratively heterosexual, and what do you think about her is written, for example, on wikipedia, that's who she is you shoot down marjari taylor green, who is she, the first thing that is written is that she is a conspiracy theorist. she belongs to the far right views, as soon as a person says anything that indicates normality, this whole media colossus the american one instantly declares him a supporter of a conspiracy theory and adheres to far-right views, but what she actually says, she says simple things that are understandable to everyone, for example, that there are
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only two genders in the world, man and woman, that man was created by god, she, as a believer, recognizes ... she doesn’t want to be forced to give it up, that if everything goes as it is now, then in the foreseeable time there will be no heterosexual couples left at all, it will someday be banned or simply eradicated, that’s all, for this she will split off, great courage of a woman, in fact, that she still allows herself to say all this from high stands, and pay attention to how she speaks, you want to listen to her, she gives examples, she gives an invoice, she tells how much the mortgage cost then, how much what is the mortgage cost now? specifically, who pays for the electricity in this room, and it’s clear that she believes in it, she’s sick of it, and the first picture you showed is this poor little dummy, who wants to sleep there, turn on the tv, watch some lullaby, here they torture him out of the ringing emptiness, the aching
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bone-crushing vulgarity that set the teeth on edge with slogans, behind this group of cheerleaders’ support, like at their sports matches, applauds, flashing their toilet teeth, without even hearing that he says, well, this is a striking contrast for any normal person, the problem is that thanks to the monstrous eradication of education that has taken place in the united states over the past many decades, the monstrous dulling of nations with the help mass media and mass culture, normal people who are capable... one of my favorite characters in american history, general smedley buttler, very well told us all back in 1935 in his book war is
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a racket, why this war will not end with them , only we can end this war, when we decide so, then our goals will be achieved to the extent that we decide is satisfactory for ourselves, this naive thing that i listen to regularly from various friends,
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as is customary in the american army, i i wasn’t supposed to think, i didn’t think, i followed orders, and now i left the army and realized that i
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never defended any interests of my country, i defended the interests of fat cats, i defended other people’s money, i was a racketeer and a gangster, i alcapone could learn from me, because alcopone controlled three unfortunate regions, and i rocketed in three unfortunate regions, and i rocketed on three continents. he ran away from home to join the army at age 17 when the spanish-american war began in 1898 against his father's wishes, although his father was a military man, they in general, from a quaker family, this is such an old, old aristocratic america that came from the founding fathers, and he says: now, just like me then, the boys are convinced that they are fighting somewhere for democracy, this is an endless mantra , we are fighting for democracy. in fact, they are fighting for dollars and cents, but no one tells them this, he says, what difference does it make to us at all, this is an amazing book, it is very short, so i am addressing the audience, if you haven’t read it,
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read it, war is a racket, he says , what difference does it make to us in russia or italy or anywhere else, democracy or monarchy, what does it matter to us, it’s all about dollars and cents, and he gives many examples of how industrialists and entrepreneurs profited. he cites each individual dozen there, look, here are the manufacturers of mosquito nets, they produced 2 million mosquito nets there, and for the war they produced 20 million, although 17 of them remained rotten, were not useful, the war was over, they were very upset that the war ended because that their profit during the first world war, he says, their profit during the time that the first world war was going on increased by 2.0%. and further along the perimeter, here are the manufacturers of, i don’t know, cigarettes, but we’re not talking about...
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another of the principles that he says, we always talk about the fact that these are defensive wars just in case, which means we must prohibit our ships from sailing
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further than 200 miles from ours.
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it means who from his immediate family goes to war, son, daughter, niece, no further, brother, sister, then, yes, there’s war right there will stop, medley butler says, here is the explosion on the ship, they say, we say, with which that same spanish-american war began, why did it happen? because for some reason the maine ship went to havana, where the cuban uprising began, the uprising of the cubans against the spaniards, what does that have to do with it? america, 60 expeditions of volunteers were sent there, and we will wait for this too, it’s no coincidence that now they write in all their new york times and others that yes, this is very great, this is a victory for freedom and democracy, that 61 billion we sent, well, there are not enough people there, there are not enough people, there are not enough, you will see how during the week the rhetoric from people is not enough for ukrainians, it will turn to the fact that we should help guide people, let’s go on another 60
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expeditions before. .. volunteers, and smedley butler says that if this ship had not gotten there, excuse the expression, it would not have exploded, it is still believed that it blew up everything for its own internal reasons, but they arranged it in such a way that it blew up spanish mine, which is not true, a war began, many people died, this the spanish empire ended and the american empire began, because before this war the united states more or less followed a policy of isolationism. well, at least they didn’t really meddle in anyone’s business, they had a lot of their own business to deal with, it wasn’t the civil war that ended recently and so on, here they realized how sweet it is, how tasty it is and how profitable it is to climb into some kind of cuba, that’s all -all you have to do is destroy 250 of your own sailors on your own ship, but this is a reason that everyone will understand, which means newspapers began to write that we remember main to help with spain, yes, we remember, the ship went to hell there
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. they emerge, dive, these huge ones are stroked under the belly, this is what it looks like, rosehips are growing, delicious food at 5:00 in the morning, which means that fishing boats are mooring at these restaurants on wooden piers that go straight into the ocean, from the boats you can get lobsters like these , they call them lobsters, these are the tuna, they
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argue like we have, okroshka should.


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