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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am MSK

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allowed the house of representatives to do this , i expect that the senate will make the same decision. the united states tied the adoption of the bill on financing the war in ukraine to the mobilization announced by kiev. ukraine supplies people, america provides weapons. opening the meeting, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee , makol, came to the podium with a poster, the language of comics, understandable to any american since childhood, this is the very axis of evil that the united states is fighting against. president of russia, heads. russia in the sights of american weapons, china, are intended to fight not only iran and north korea. supporters of funding.
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russia is not our friend, the chinese communist party is not our friend, iran is not our friend, we can choose freedom or tyrony, we can choose zelensky or putin, this is the time. one of the main arguments of those who campaigned for the allocation of money, the victory of russia will show the weakness of america, and the russian army will go further to europe, phantom fears of the cold war, all these years have not left the walls of congress. a russian victory would seriously undermine america's credibility and leave our allies defenseless. russia's victory will inspire kim xi to take control of taiwan, south korea and ultimately the united states. i'm afraid. that putin
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will use the victory in ukraine to invade eastern europe, we cannot allow that. as a result, israel will receive 26 billion (8 billion, us allies), in the indo-pacific region, including taiwan. the largest piece of the american military pie, almost 61 billion for ukraine. moreover, more than a third, that is, 23 billion dollars, will go to replenish the arsenals of the us army, that is, what kiev has already been transferred. 13.8 billion will be spent on...
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trump has also insisted on this in recent weeks. 2 months after the law comes into force, washington will have to enter into an agreement with the ukrainian government on the return of these funds. however, the law separately states that 50% of debts can be written off after the november elections; in 26, the law allows for forgiveness of everything, however, out of more than 60 billion.
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that is, how official washington sees victory over russia. this strategy should span several years, set specific and achievable goals, identify and prioritize national security interests. usa, and also include indicators that will be used to measure progress towards such goals. the strategy must include a fiscal year-by-fiscal year assessment of the resources needed by the united states to achieve such goals, including accelerating ukraine's victory over russia in a manner most favorable to the united states. they have already rushed to announce their readiness to support the package of financial assistance to kiev adopted by congress declare at the white house. this 6- month battle for the biden administration turned out to be a long-awaited one. victory. back in october, when we proposed the original draft national security supplement, it was clear how important it was for ukraine to receive assistance. we want this bill to go to the president's desk after passing the house of representatives and the senate, and he will sign it immediately. already next
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week on monday, at the latest on tuesday, the aid package for ukraine is going to be approved in the senate, after which it will be on signatures in the white house. however, as assured, supplies. the pentagon began preparing weapons for kiev in advance, without waiting for a vote in congress. weapons began to be collected from warehouses for shipment to ukraine a few weeks ago. according to the washington post, the first shipments of weapons could be sent to kiev within a week after joe biden signs the law. exclamations of joy can be heard from kiev; it seems they have already begun to celebrate. yes, especially. thank you america, thank you mike johnson. who will fight on in ukraine, american weapons were not discussed in congress, and data on the losses of the armed forces of ukraine were almost never heard there. now washington is again waiting for results from kiev, preferably before the presidential elections in november. biden will be able
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to say, we continue because we are great defenders of our values ​​in the western world. he needs the opportunity to say this until november; the allocation of money is completely against the interests of ukraine. the fourth law, which is called peace through strength in the 20th century, and congress also approved by a majority vote, it concerns the confiscation of russian assets frozen in the west; out of $300 billion, about 5 billion are blocked in the united states, but the signal that washington is sending to europe is quite clear; it was voiced by us treasury secretary janet yelin this week. we are focused on finding a way to unlock and economically value the flow of resources from russian sovereign assets, about 285 billion that have been frozen, the g7 leaders have asked us to present them with a range of options. we are considering a number of possibilities that
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range from actual confiscation of assets to using them as collateral. the united states is allowing russia to retaliate these days. who is not the chairman of the european central bank , christina lagarde, admitted that all the proposed options for confiscating russian assets violate international law, but the united states is ready to steal from china, the same law requires chinese owners to sell the social network tiktok to americans, otherwise the popular internet platform joe biden can simply block. and these are american voters who are at war with biden. in their social networks, this is how the president was greeted by residents of his hometown of scranton; for some reason, biden is not welcome in his small homeland, however, according to him, this is not the first time this has happened to him. a seven year old gave me the middle finger, this happens all the time. and this is
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pittsburgh, also in biden’s home state of pennsylvania. fellow countrymen are unhappy with the dubious successes of bidenomics, but the president proposes. this is an attack on america. nothing like this has ever happened. any lawyer this political persecution will tell you. i'm very proud to be here. trump faces 34 charges in new york. they concern the falsification of documents in the payment of 130
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thousand dollars to porn actress stormy daniels for silence about an alleged intimate relationship with the former president. the court spent the week selecting jurors for new york, where the majority was over 80%. voters in the last election voted against trump, a delicate task to put it mildly, since he could face up to 130 years in prison based on the totality of his sentences. trump supporters remember other. that if trump ends up behind bars, his life could be in danger. however , while florida native maxwell azzarella sacrificed himself outside the courthouse where trump's trial is taking place, he doused himself with gasoline and burst into flames live on local tv channels. about motives. the unfortunate man wrote about the burning in his blog, he wanted to draw attention to the victims of some totalitarian scam, what
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exactly azarrell wanted to warn about will no longer be possible to find out; he died from the burns he received in the hospital. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news for the week from washington. this week, german chancellor olaf scholz paid a three-day visit to china. he was accompanied on the trip by about 10 top managers and presenters. german companies, including mercedes, bmw and basf. in general , scholz looked downright pitiful in all the chinese footage. on the one hand, he was overwhelmed by chinese technologies, which the chinese did not skimp on showing, and the germans , frankly speaking, had nothing to offer, they just opened their mouths. on the other hand, the order from the west was too heavy for scholz to change china's attitude towards russia. beijing has not moved any further... to begin with, so that scholz would not think much about himself, the german chancellor was let down by the fact
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that only the deputy mayor came to meet him at the chongqing airport, not even the mayor or an official from the chinese foreign ministry, but the deputy mayor of a provincial city. when the meeting with siy zenpin did take place, scholz heard wise advice, including on the topic of ukraine. explore your own interests, cool the situation and do not add fuel to the fire, create conditions for recovery peace, there is no need to further aggravate this conflict, reduce the negative impact on the global economy, china is not a country in the ukrainian crisis, but in its own way it is seeking peace and promoting negotiations. china supports all efforts that promote a peaceful settlement and advocates the convening of an international peace conference at which ... russia and ukraine recognize the need for a peaceful settlement and will honestly discuss all
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options. with that, shols returned back to europe, where everything is familiar, familiar, where almost in the family circle, the foreign ministers of the g7 were again looking for a way to steal frozen russian money. our european correspondent mikhail antonov will continue the topic. this week in europe there was a brainstorming session on how to save ukraine. we met. ukraine is crying out for help, ukraine is heading towards defeat. britain's chief publicist, also its former prime minister, johnson, prophesies terrible things. if ukraine falls, it will be a disaster for the west, it will put an end to the hegemony of the west, we will have no one to blame for this but ourselves.
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ukraine is fulfilling its part of the deal; it is ready for history to repeat itself over and over again in the form of minced meat until the last ukrainian. ukraine must provide itself with soldiers; ukraine has adopted a new law on mobilization. it’s not for me to go into details, but i expect, i’m sure, ukraine. will make the necessary decisions to mobilize the required number of men, then we must help financially, they will help, blinken promises, that’s who is talking about, about the security of europe, about the protection of democracy, about a rules-based world order, well, apparently that’s bad a democrat, simply no good, who sooner or later will not say that this war is beneficial to the united states. military supplies to ukraine mean investments in the united states, in defense products, in our own industry, and these mean good jobs in the united states. in relation to the current moment, the best positions are expected in the reid company, which produces
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patriо anti-aircraft missile systems. now they are the most important thing, because the russian army is knocking out the ukrainian infrastructure. it is especially painful that energy, such as, for example, will work without electricity drone production plant, which was opened by german vice-chancellor habeck in the middle of the week. did he go to kiev in vain and spend an hour and a half in a bomb shelter there? it needs to be fixed. 7 batteries are 7 billion euros, not counting the cost of ammunition from 3 to 8 million euros per missile, depending on the modification. mark ryta, who, due to the difficulty of forming a new government in the netherlands, has greatly moved to the post of prime minister, is very eager to take the place of nato secretary general, finally decided to show unprecedented generosity for
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state account. there is - he says we have money for patriot for ukraine - 4 billion euros. just need it. find complexes. they immediately showed their willingness to help with the search in berlin. the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of berbuk-epistorius sent a letter to all parts of nato asking them to delve into iron reserves. suddenly it will be found. but so far there is no result. only one german battery. polish prime minister tusk does not give, he says little, and this is a common story. but french president macron explained the lack of surplus air defense in a very original way. france has no need to protect its skies. since france has nuclear weapons, it has far fewer systems at its disposal that it can borrow. does this mean that france, in any incomprehensible situation, is ready to wipe the world into dust? but that seems to be the point. macron remains within the framework of a policy of his own invention, the same strategic uncertainty that makes enemies and allies doubt
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whether he is sane. the berliner newspaper, meanwhile, directly points out the double game of paris. it turns out that france has left.
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they have a lot on the table, only one of them can withdraw income. during the week, there was information that the g7 countries would keep russian assets frozen until they obtain payment from moscow for the damage caused to ukraine during military operations. but in parallel with this, the united states and great britain are pushing europe to immediately use the 260 billion russian euros that are in the belgian euroclear depository, to use them as collateral for ukrainian loan bonds. it's not the same for everybody? and european the monetary institution, represented by the head of the central bank, christina lagarde, does not like such creativity. lagarde poured cold water on the us-backed proposal to use frozen russian assets amounting to more than 260 billion euros. the move from freezing assets to confiscating them to disposing of them is something that needs to be viewed with
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great caution, lagarthe said, warning that it could disrupt international order. which you want to protect, which you would like to russia respected. the robbery of russia would not be such an urgent task for europe if europe itself were not robbed by the united states. on this occasion, even the undisputed leader of the american clientele on the continent, fondern, shows displeasure. they say that the outflow of european capital, mainly to north america, amounts to 300 billion euros annually. disorder. however, this concern about her own people is pre-election in nature.
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new leaders are needed, the breath of the big european elections is getting closer, the right eurosceptics claim victory in nine countries, and in another nine they should be among the top three, the liberal mainstream is in panic, the conference of european conservatives , held in brussels in parallel with the eu summit, changed its venue three times due to the fact that the owners of the premises in the last moment they gave in to pressure from the authorities and refused to rent. the police and electricians came for the third time. they said, let's turn off the lights, listen, i came here to speak, i see that the mayor, the burgomaster, as they say here, is using the police as private militia to stop...
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kills 4,000 people a day. the only thing is tell this to vladimir putin, whoever i can say, glory to ukraine. mrs. astrak zimmerman is a prominent representative of the german political power, elected to a key post in the bundestag from the free democrats party, which today will not get even 5% to enter parliament. but it is precisely such people who claim to determine germany’s military course. specifically, she, in general.
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public, politicians for whom 20% of voters in the country and about 30% in its east bear the label of kremlin agents. on wednesday in lower saxony , searches were carried out at the regional headquarters of the adg, all documentation and hard drives were taken away, and russian funding was sought. in connection with the same suspicions, maximilian krach, a member of the european parliament from the alternative, was pulled out for questioning for a second by the fbi. against the backdrop of such news, exceptions.
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according to official data , about 2.5 million russian-speaking immigrants from the former ussr live in germany. on april 18 , the russian ambassador sergei nichaev was summoned to the german foreign ministry, to protest the detention in bayreuth. allied forces in normandy, our embassy in paris reported that they had not received any invitations, but our diplomats in berlin definitely received something, namely a notification
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that the presence of russian representatives at events on the day of remembrance of the victims of national socialism is absolutely undesirable. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, denis lesitsin and andrey putra. news of the week, germany. this is to lead. weeks. next in the program. why and how we drove to russia's anniversary of alla pugacheva? who congratulated? both life and agency in the investigation of arkady mamontov? the journalist was killed on purpose. our colleague, izvestia military correspondent semyon eremin, was killed by a ukrainian drone strike. the donbass republics are approaching theirs. big anniversary, as in the lugansk region, they are already building a peaceful life at the front line with might and main.
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on monday, the people's artist of the ussr, once the prima donna of our variety, ali pugacheva , turned 75. the figure itself is a 100% anniversary, but in russia they somehow didn’t notice it; they passed by almost in silence. walla had a bright past, nationwide love and gratitude for this slightly... breathless voice for musical flight and new, previously unthinkable, reckless words about love, devotion, partings, the warmest, feminine, remains in people of the older generation to this day, of course, my dove is closed, a sad question mark, my dove
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is closed, pecks at someone else's millet, my dove is all closed, does everything inappropriately, my dove is everything closed, does not know about the reckoning, now, passing this anniversary, the country seems to have lowered its eyes, because at such a difficult moment for everyone, from somewhere far away, alla is watering us like...


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