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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 20, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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believe that in conditions of hardly surmountable contradictions and under extremely unfavorable external circumstances, fierce fighting, the parties were closer to a compromise than one might imagine. perhaps someday we will learn the details of the crisis management of that time. for now, the abstract idea of ​​negotiations is in the air, although even their subject is unclear. we invited our friend to speculate on the phenomenon of diplomacy in modern conflicts.
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the fact is that they have already tried both, over the 10 years that this conflict has been going on, because the first minsk agreements were concluded. under strong military pressure against kiev, the second ones were also concluded under strong military pressure on kiev, however, firstly, a complete ceasefire never took place, because the ceasefire regime is constantly was violated, and this problem, this problem was never resolved until the twenty-second year, and secondly, because it turned out that... as soon as the immediate military threat went away, the desire to negotiate on the part of kiev also instantly disappeared, in this i mean, the istanbul agreements are also a very interesting example of how russian troops near kiev agreed,
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russian troops left near kiev, all the agreements were forgotten, and i would suggest that... the question was precisely that security in the broad sense of european security, so to speak, relations between russia and nato, was put in first place, everything specific regarding, well, the course of hostilities, the cessation or cessation there , was pushed aside, that they say it would have to be
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different, but in reality here such in such a conflict, where two themes resonate and intersect, a large, global, very specific one, so... how to separate them? i'm not sure if they should be bred. well, there were minsk negotiations, which were negotiations on very specific issues, and left out big issues, such as nato expansion and ukraine’s foreign policy choices in general. and it turned out that this doesn’t work very well either. but the trouble is that for ukraine in reality. nato has historically been not so much a foreign policy issue as a domestic policy issue. ukraine's first application for nato membership was in february 2008, when there was no crimea yet, no donbass, there was not even the august war between russia and georgia, nevertheless they applied
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application for nato membership. what was it about? it was, of course, about domestic politics, about cementing those results, yushchenko, then pyushchenko, yushchenko filed then. this application, the idea, apparently, was to then cement in this way the results of the first coup d'etat in kiev, 2004, and in order to precisely close the question of ukraine’s foreign policy course and thereby close the question of power within countries. well, now the boomerang has arrived in an interesting way, because the ukrainian the issue in the united states has now partly become a domestic political one, which is of course very depressing for kiev. here is another aspect that related to the minsk negotiations certainly to the istanbul negotiations and to all hypothetical ones in the future, this phenomenon when those who are the subjects of the negotiations do not coincide or do not completely coincide with those on whom
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the decision actually depends in the minsk negotiations it is clear that behind ukraine there was western power, well, behind the republics it is also clear that there was russia, which is not officially accepted her fate. but boris johnson, the
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british prime minister, arrived and said, let’s just fight, probably the situation was actually more complicated, but what arakhami did, he changed it. how to achieve a situation so that at least someone takes responsibility for the outcome of the negotiations, it is clear who makes the decision, but it is not clear, on the other hand, well, just in the article that served as the starting point for our conversation, there they are in general like this neatly, but they say that ukraine has set conditions, which guarantees from the us side of the west, which the west did not want to support, and indeed most likely it was said, are new. anything has been signed, but we don’t promise, as a result, this has started to be thrown around, and
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in general the issue of guaranteeing security in this conflict is very painful, because it really does arise, and what kind of it can it be, ukraine constantly refers to this ill-fated budapest memorandum of thirty years ago, so you promised us and didn’t deliver, but it’s absolutely unacceptable for us, the bilateral guarantees that are now promises... but what is it, is it an obligation or is it words? generally speaking, there are no more options, it turns out that the problem is not only that ukraine wants to join nato, but the problem is that ukraine is a multi-component country that has been trying for decades to get rid of this multi-component nature, taking completely insane steps, and the repressions against the ukrainian orthodox church, which have unfolded in ukraine over the past 2 years.
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any possible hint that ukraine has something in common with russia, yes, that is logical, and the trouble with ukraine is that this... concerns russia and belarus to a large extent, but for other reasons it was easier for them, how to draw this cultural border in the area where russia ends, ukraine begins, yeah, but there is no such clear border, although it is clear that differences grow as we move from east to west or from west to east, the ukrainian political elite has been solving the problem of how to define... identity, this is how to draw this border like this, so that we have
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ironclad justification that this is our state, our land, and there can be no questions about this, and hence, by the way, this title of kuchma’s book is ukraine, not russia, then the next question arises, not russia, who is where culturally -historical baggage that can be used to build a separate nation. this is very difficult, because the whole history is terribly intertwined, which means we need to turn to that part of this historical baggage that definitely has nothing to do with russia, definitely doesn’t no relation to russia who? ukrainian collaborators, ukrainian hitlerite collaborators, and if ukraine had more decent economic results, this three ukraine’s gdp at purchasing power parity has practically not grown in 30 years.
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special military operation, where it was clearly stated that we are generally ready to recognize ukraine as it is, provided that it is not anti-russian, but from what you say, in general, it was already clear that it is not there may not be another one the trajectory that was going on, the last one, well , maybe it’s premature now, but still, it’s clear that negotiations are not necessarily a desire to reach an agreement, it could be some kind of tactical move, an imitation to delay it. time in order to have more opportunities on the battlefield, this is a completely
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legitimate tactic for everyone, but is it possible to say from the experience of not this conflict, but in general, whether there is some criterion, some moment when it becomes clear that it’s time to move on from imitation to serious discussions, we know of cases in world history when the point was made precisely on the battlefield, we know of cases in world history when the point was made at the moment of exhaustion of resources. at the same time, well, it is clear that in terms of resources, ukraine is now not using its own, but the willingness to provide these resources to it. is still colossal, it is clear that ukraine, the main thing that ukraine invests on its part is people, yeah, and, of course, all this in the future threatens ukraine with an absolutely colossal catastrophe, it is clear, well, thank you very much, nikolai selaev was our guest. the us congress is about
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to vote on military assistance to external partners, israel, ukraine. taiwan. after many ordeals, the bill was divided into different ones, separately for each, and the package principle was abandoned. house speaker michael johnson, who has long discouraged discussion of the topic, is now in favor. true, the most avid trumpists threaten him with the fate of his predecessor, who was dismissed because the extreme republicans saw compromise with the democrats, but although everything is shaky in congress, there is a chance of approval. meanwhile, in new york it began. in the most high-profile trial of the year, former president and presidential candidate donald trump was put on trial on charges that could put him in jail before the election. on april 15, 2024, donald trump, former us president, appeared in criminal court for the first time in history in connection with the so
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-called case of porn actress stormy daniels. the point is that while married, trump dated from time to time. with different models, this happened by mutual consent, but on the eve of the 2016 elections, the girls began to talk about their adventures, so trump’s lawyers entered into an agreement with them, and without disclosure, naturally, large sums of money were paid, sometimes in cash, sometimes through some funds. in porn star stormy daniels, trump's lawyer michael cohen actually paid out of his own money. all this looks like dirt on a respectable gentleman. but from the point of view of the law, even if it is immoral, they will not go to prison for it; all expenses, as expected, were recorded in the accounts. the problem is different: what to call these payments? more often than not, they were presented as legal fees rather than hush money. even if we consider this a violation, it amounts to maximum negligence in
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reporting. for example, when hillary clinton's campaign hid a million dollar payment for the russian dossier. launched by russia gate, the case ended with a fine, but the manhadden prosecutor's office presents it in a different light. according to the prosecutor, fraud with reporting should hide another crime, a conspiracy for the sake of manipulation at the elections. prosecutors believe that the reports were changed in order to mislead voters so that they would not learn about the intrigues of the future president. thus, by hiding negative information, the participants in the conspiracy. boosted trump's chances in the election. the key factor in this case may be the location of the proceedings. the president's fate must be decided by a jury. the jury will select 12 people, each of whom will be asked dozens of questions about how they feel about trump, whether they went to his rallies, or maybe opposed him? in the end, they
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will have to decide whether he is guilty or not, and if so, the court will determine the punishment. prosecutor. despite the controversy of the charges, and some say even their absurdity, the new york jury may find trump guilty simply based on their sentiments. manhattan is inhabited mainly by democratic party supporters who do not like trump. the president's defense tried to move the trial to the republican-leaning area of ​​staten island.
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citizens in the form of jurors, regarding which we, in principle, cannot guess what the motives for making decisions are in any case, regardless of what society we live in, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, if we talk, for example, about judges, although in this context the judge plays a smaller role, because he basically oversees the order of the trial by and large, so it’s really a question of how specific the judge or how much each specific... member of the jury will be guided by his ideas about justice or the law either in order, or on the other hand will be under the influence of this theatercracy. in general, it is impossible to predict, but in any case, what can be said is that i still believe that the degree of independence of the judicial system in the same united states is still much higher than in
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most of the general legal systems of the world known to us, so to speak, therefore, i still don’t think that the trials of, say, trump are exclusively political trials, they are being pushed, perhaps from this side, but...
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biden is preferable to the terrible trump by many. our regular author dmitry vershinin talked to those for whom donald trump is worse than a bitter retic? this is an ensemble. in a difficult moment, the basis for the lyrics of our songs from life: all mexicans, rapists and criminals, mexico sends us the
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worst migrants. muryaachin square is located in one of the poorest areas of los angeles, the majority here are hispanics, simple houses, garbage on the streets and the absence of trees, the main difference between the poor immigrant neighborhoods of the south capital california, here in eastern leia there is a college that accepts everyone. it was here that the famous student protest began in 2016, the day after trump was declared the winner of the presidential race. he is not my president, not my president. thousands of young people left classrooms and marched through the streets and highways. on the square in front of the city hall, they protested against the future policies of the newly elected forty-fifth president. local university campuses are quiet today, but students are the litmus test of american society attentively. i am terrified that trump could become president again, he is a direct threat to democracy in the united states and the lives of people abroad. twenty-one-year-old rachel brunette
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is studying psychology and middle eastern culture at the university of southern california. rachel from philadelphia is afraid of trump's dictatorial ways, afraid that he will make students his enemies, but most of all rachel, who is jewish, is afraid that trump will completely ban abortion. i am a woman and i am jewish, often conversations about abortions are dictated by the so-called pro-life position - the pro-life concept. however, according to jewish canons, abortion is not just permitted. abortion is mandatory if there is a threat to the mother's life. in judaism we adhere to the principle: save one life and you will save the whole world, take away a life and you will destroy the world. therefore, the conversation that freedom of abortion violates the religious principles of a group of christians is not only moral.
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women were deprived of the right to choose, and this is even worse than not being given the right to something in the first place. for decades, american society treated the right to abortion as a given and even in court, which did not stop them from abolishing it. many women today view this as a betrayal. debi wolosch of the center for women in politics believes that abortion will be the main motivation of american women in future elections. the conservative part of society is now considering the possibility of a federal ban on abortion.
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and he liked me, i understand perfectly well what the past of our relationship was like, no one told me before that he is a very cool guy, a very strong person, and we have been together for a long time talked to each other, americans, who are raised from a young age in a spirit of absolute respect for the institutions of democracy, perceived almost as sacred, will certainly remember january 6, the day when trump called on his supporters to march on capitalist hill and interrupt the procedure
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for counting electoral votes. from nato's global partner, the ninth after australia, iraq, colombia, mongolia, new zealand, pakistan, south korea and japan. well done, argentines. under the new president they took the wing, from brix, they were brushed aside, and now they will integrate into the friendly nato wedge. there is also a small gap there, just for such a lively person as javier miley. it was an international
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review, so we flew on.
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the regions of siberia are experiencing the most powerful spring floods; a large wave is coming to the tyumen region from the side of the mound, and water levels are rapidly rising.


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