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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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are over. the authors believe that in conditions of hardly surmountable contradictions and under extremely unfavorable external circumstances, fierce fighting, the parties were closer to a compromise than one might imagine. perhaps someday we will learn the details of the crisis management of that time. for now, the abstract idea of ​​negotiations is in the air, although even their subject is not clear. speculate on the phenomenon of diplomacy in modern conflicts. we invited our good friend nikolai selaev, he is not only a serious scientist an international specialist, but also a holder of valuable experience, participation in hopeless negotiations, namely the minsk process. kohl, hi, hi. let's start with this practical aspect, this is the cessation of hostilities in the conflict. what should these be, preliminary conditions of negotiations or, on the contrary, the result of these negotiations? i think the difficulty.
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and secondly, because it turned out that as soon as the immediate military threat was gone, the desire to negotiate on the part of kiev also instantly disappeared, in this sense the istanbul agreements too a very interesting example of how -
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russian troops near kiev agreed, russian troops left near kiev, all agreements were forgotten, and i would assume that the russian leadership understands this feature of kiev well, but then what to do, come up with some kind of then a mechanism of constant military pressure, and what about this background?
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big ones, such as the expansion of nato and the foreign policy choice of ukraine in general, it turned out that this also does not work very well, but the trouble is that for ukraine, in fact, nato historically, it was not so much a foreign policy issue as an internal policy issue. ukraine's first application for nato membership was in february 2008, when there was no crimea yet, no donbass, there wasn't even an august one. war between
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russia and georgia, they nevertheless applied for nato membership. what was it about? it was, of course, about domestic politics, about cementing those results, it was yushchenko, then yushchenko, yushchenko submitted this application then, the idea, apparently, was in order to cement in this way the results of the first coup d'etat in kiev in 2004, in order to definitely close the question of ukraine’s foreign policy course and... the states partly became an internal political one, which is of course very depressing for kiev, here is another aspect that related to the minsk negotiations, certainly to the istanbul negotiations and to all hypothetical ones in the future, this is the phenomenon when those who are the subjects of the negotiations do not coincide or not completely. and
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those on whom, in fact, it depends the decision in the minsk negotiations, it is clear that western power stood behind ukraine, well, behind the republics it is also clear that russia, which officially made it. did not recognize itself as a participant, we cannot say that the west in the situation of the minsk negotiations decided for ukraine, now the refrain that western leaders repeat is that ukraine itself must make a decision, but the point here is not even that there are two subjects, and it is not clear , which of them actually makes the decision, and the problem here is that these two subjects can point at each other endlessly. here in russia often quotes this phrase from david arakhami and the leader of the servant of the people faction of the servant of the people in the verkhovna rada - who spoke about the istanbul agreements in such a way that we almost agreed, but
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boris johnson, the british prime minister, arrived and said: “let’s just fight” . ah, perhaps the situation was actually more complicated, but what did arakhami do? he shifted the responsibility for not agreeing to johnson, and johnson, in turn, can endlessly say that this is ukraine’s decision, and the west will support sovereign decision of ukraine, and here it is not only unclear who makes the decision, but it is unclear how to achieve a situation so that at least someone takes responsibility for the outcome of the negotiations, on the other side, well, just in the article that served as the starting point for our conversation, there they are in general...
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it is clear that differences grow as we move from east to west or from west to east, the ukrainian political elite has been solving the problem of, as they say , identity, all these 30-odd years of independence, here's how to draw this border
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so that we have an ironclad justification that this is our state, our land, and there can be no questions about this from here. by the way, this is the title of kuchma’s book, ukraine, not russia, then the following question arises: not russia, who? where is the cultural and historical baggage that can be used to build a separate nation? it's very difficult because the whole story is terribly intertwined. this means that we need to turn to that part of this historical baggage that definitely does not have no relation to russia, who exactly has nothing to do with russia? ukrainian collaborators. ukrainian hitlerite collaborators, and if ukraine had had more decent economic results this 30th anniversary, and ukraine’s gdp at purchasing power parity has practically not grown in 30 years, then here we could turn to another source of legitimacy, so we have established our
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economy, we are thriving, or if we are not thriving, at least we are not poor, here is the explanation of what we have...
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with the exhaustion of resources, at the same time, well , it is clear that from the point of view of resources, ukraine is now not using its own, but the readiness to provide it with these resources is still colossal, it is clear that ukraine, the main thing that ukraine invests on its part is people, yeah, and, of course, all this threatens ukraine with a completely colossal catastrophe in the future. i see, well, thank you very much, nikolai selaev was our guest.
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the us congress is about to vote on military assistance to external partners, israel, ukraine, taiwan. the bill after many ordeals divided into different ones, separately for each, the batch principle was abandoned. speaker of the house of representatives michael johnson, who for a long time prevented discussion of the topic, is now for, however, the most avid trumpist (his son-in-law was the fate of his predecessor, he was dismissed because extreme republicans saw compromise with the democrats, but although everything is shaky in congress, there is a chance for approval. meanwhile, the most high-profile trial of the year began in new york. former president and presidential candidate donald trump. stood trial on charges that could put him in jail before the election. april 15, 2024. donald trump, the former president of the united states, appeared before the criminal court for the first time in history in connection with the so
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-called case of porn actress stormy daniels. the point is that while married, trump dated various models from time to time. this happened by mutual consent, but on the eve of the 2016 elections, the girls began to talk about their adventures, so trump’s lawyers entered into an agreement with them, rather than disclosure. naturally, they were paid. and not as money for silence, even if this is considered a violation, it at most amounts to
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negligence in reporting. for example, when hillary clinton's campaign hid a million-dollar payout for the russian dossier launched by russia gate, it was fined, but manhattan prosecutors are putting it in a different light. according to the prosecutor, the reporting fraud is meant to hide another crime, a conspiracy to manipulate the elections. prosecutors believe the reports were changed to mislead voters so that they did not find out about the intrigues of the future president. thus, by revealing negative information, the conspirators increased trump’s chances in the election. the key factor in this case may be the location of the proceedings. the president's fate must be decided by a jury. the jury will select 12 people, each of whom will be asked dozens of questions about how they feel.
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just based on your mood. manhattan is inhabited mainly by democratic party supporters who do not like trump. the president's defense tried to move the trial to the staten asland area. where republicans meet more often, but without success. the trial has completed jury selection and will soon begin hearings on the merits. the case attracts everyone's attention, the accused is a celebrity politician vying for power. what kind of unbiased fair trial can we talk about? if we
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are talking about the american context, after all. a certain role is played by the citizens themselves in the form of jurors in relation to whom we, in principle , cannot guess what the motives for their decisions are in any case, regardless of what society we live in, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, if we talk, for example, about judges, although in this context the judge plays a lesser role, because he basically oversees the order of the court hearing by and large, so it’s really a question of how specific the judge is or how... each specific a member of the jury will be guided by his ideas about justice or law or order, or on the other hand will be under the influence of this theatercracy - in general it is impossible to predict, but in any case what is possible to say that i still believe that the degree of independence of the judicial system in the
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united states is still much higher than most legal systems in general. the world known to us, so to speak, so i still don’t think that the trials of, say , trump are exclusively political processes, they are pushed, maybe from this side, but already within the framework of, so to speak, legal procedures, i think that everything - no one is interested in turning justice into a complete farce, because it will have a bad effect on everyone involved in the long run. well, trump all the time. emphasizes what a patriot of america he is, which means he must trust the court strictly. meanwhile, the presidential race continues, polls give different results, it seems that trump has noticeably pulled away from biden, now biden seems to be catching up, by the way, he is ahead of his opponent in terms of donations, the fragile health of donors does not bother him, even the decrepit biden is preferred by many to the terrible
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trump. our regular author, dmitry vershinin, talked to those for... this is the moriacho ensemble, a traditional musical group in mexican culture, a group of "friends from the party are filming a video for a new song in muriachi square in a historical gathering place for musicians of this style." in los angeles there are hundreds and dozens of violinists, trumpeters, trumpeters who support and...
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hispanics: simple houses, garbage on the streets and the absence of trees, the main difference between poor immigrant neighborhoods in the capital of southern california. here in eastern le is a college that accepts everyone, including illegal immigrants. it was here that the famous student protest began in 2016, the day after trump was declared the winner of the presidential race. he is not my president, not my president. thousands of young people left classrooms and marched through the streets and highways. in the square in front of the city hall they protested against the future policies of the newly elected forty-fifth president. today, local university campuses are quiet, but students , the litmus test of american society, are closely watching the election race. i terrified that trump could become president again, he is a direct threat to democracy in the united states and the lives of people abroad. twenty-
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one-year-old rachel brunette is studying psychology and middle eastern culture in almamata, america. university of southern california. rachel from philadelphia is afraid of trump's dictatorial ways, afraid that he will make students his enemies, but most of all, rachel, who is jewish, is afraid that trump will completely ban abortion. i am a woman and i am jewish. often conversations about abortion dictated by the so-called pro-life position, the pro-life concept. however, according to jewish canons, abortion is not just permitted. abortion is compulsory, if any. threat to the life of a mother, in judaism we adhere to the principle: save one life and you save the whole world, take a life and you destroy the world, so the conversation that the freedom of abortion violates the religious principles of a group of christians is not only morally humiliating, but also -violate my religious freedoms, as well as other jewish women. the ban on abortion is
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the main achievement of the presidency's four years donald trump. he is proud to have nominated three supreme court justices whose conservative beliefs allowed pro-life activists to take away american women's right to abortion. today, 14 american states ban abortion, including in cases of rape and incest. trump. once he becomes a candidate,
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all this will come out. the chaos that surrounds trump, the chaos that he creates through his actions. and all these statements of his, i will be a dictator, but only on the first day. and his compliments to world dictators. look, they say, strong men whom he worships. the media will remind you of this or the americans will say, “oh god, i remember all this.” tim is very smart, very talented and a very good negotiator. i liked him and he liked me. i understand perfectly well what the past of our relationship was like. nobody told me before that he is a very tough guy, a very strong person. and we talked to each other for a long time. americans, who are raised from a young age in the spirit of the absolute.
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argentina has applied for global status nato partner, the ninth after australia, iraq, colombia, mongolia, new zealand, pakistan, south korea and japan. well done, argentines, under the new president they took the wing of brix, himself. they shrugged it off, and now they will integrate into a friendly nato wedge, there is a small gap there, just for such a lively person as javier miley. miley,
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12:01 am
in the zone of a special military operation, our colleague, military correspondent of izvestia semyon eremin, died; an enemy fpv drone threw ammunition at him; this happened in the area of ​​the village of priychnoe zaporozhye. region, eremin died from his injuries, they reported the news on their telegram channel.


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