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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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for any kind of technical devices, both for household appliances and for complex computing systems. most of the work at the plant is performed by artificial intelligence; employees are needed mainly for control; nearby is a manufacturer of plastic and metal cases. a full production cycle, when a customer comes to us and says that i have an idea to make this or that product, our designers work with them, make drawings, mathematical models, which are subsequently agreed upon with him, after this. if the customer is satisfied with everything, we manufacture this or that equipment and produce parts according to his requirements. tv sales in the country grew by 28% last year. russians purchased 8,700,000 devices. the chinese have become the leader, with south korean brands ahead. new brands are actively exploring the household appliances market. mainly from turkey and china. russian and belarusian manufacturers are also strengthening their positions.
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according to research, approximately half of buyers believe that finding what they need the goods are quite easy. the market has changed, so large players are restructuring their business models. for example, a qualitative transformation was carried out in a large chain of household appliances and electronics stores. the retailer found new formats of work and expanded its portfolio of brands and services. as for leaving, in fact, almost no one left. one way or another, brands maintain their presence, some explicitly, some implicitly . from the point of view of the emergence of new players, of course, household appliances have increased their positions first of all chinese brands. at the same time , online sales are also growing rapidly in russia: the three largest marketplaces, wild, borizon and yandex market, sold electronics and equipment worth 720 billion rubles in 2023, which is 75% more than a year earlier. as the participants themselves explain, with the departure of some manufacturers, the strength of the brand ceased.
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also, product certification has been introduced on marketplaces, confirming its originality. all products that have passed the test have a certain mark, the original product. another online trend for offline retailers. growth in income from the sale of smart household gadgets. the category is becoming a mass product. such devices are especially popular during major sales on the eve of the new year holidays. there are only a third of vacuum cleaners left on the market.
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remove the dirt, it seems that this is a fitting room, but this is a demonstration of work, and the functions of smart curtains, and we can say, open the curtains, it will begin to open the curtains. following the trends, in september 2022, marvel distribution company signed an agreement with the chinese manufacturer of smart household appliances and began supplying brand products to russia. turn on the red color. the first
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to enter the market were robotic vacuum cleaners, water purifiers, climate control devices, and large and small household appliances. feed the cat! the device interacts with popular smart home ecosystems, and also works with russian-speaking voice assistants, alice and marusya. you can control the washing machine from your phone via wi-fi; unfortunately, you won’t be able to load things, but at least you can. manage modes, manage time, on your phone you can see how much time is left until the end of the wash, these functions allow the user to think less about how much powder he poured, how much water he poured, if we are talking about a dishwasher, that is, he forgot to put it on, and after some time the phone reminds you that you need to add more powder or add more water. find smart gadgets. is now possible in a chain of stores
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that previously specialized in apple products. in september last year, the restoy chain announced a change in the brand concept and redesign. its range has become different, it has expanded. now in stores you can buy household appliances for the home, goods for sports and recreation, and there is even a special section for animals. stores will open on an area of ​​150-200 m2. this format is more convenient for the client and optimal in terms of revenue. along with rebronding, the company changed its assortment policy. we have written down a certain policy, so to speak, for the brands we buy. of course, here it is. first of all very there are many chinese brands, why? because the chinese, in principle, are now the cutting edge of the knife, so i’ll say, they are the first to introduce all the most interesting things, come up with them, and there are quite a large number of, so to speak, advanced brands that, in principle
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, compete today with korean brands and are one of the most advanced ecosystems from the point of view, for example, of a smart home. last year, the demand for large household appliances in our country increased, brands from china, turkey, russia and belarus accounted for more 40% of sales, according to experts, in 2024 the market will grow by another 10-15%, amid a recovery in consumer demand. meet new limited designs of savings cards and stickers, sign us up. enjoy them every day, it’s just space that we bring from savita’s travels, a little sea, delicious traditions and cashback bonuses for your next trip, avito
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of sludge by 20%. motor oil rosneft magnum. we are confident you will buy it again. you can perform in single skating, but play with a team in football. you can put out fires at work and burn on the field, dress stylishly in the right colors, you can be tired after training, but you will never get tired of football, you can be a blogger, but you are ready to score goals because you have real t-shirt real cup, fonbet russian football cup, charity easter drawing of the russian lotto wins every second ticket. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. it’s not easy to catch a bird pie, but anyone can get an interest rate on a deposit at gazprombank of up to 16.5% per annum. open a deposit on touch the croc star boo.
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you don’t need it like this, you need it like this, like this, like this, of course, like this at the megamarket, an induction frying pan for only 2,199 rubles. what about the debts? are credit cards paying interest? you need halva, take credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with halva. now there is urgent news, the news in their telegram channel is reported about the death of their war correspondent semyon eremin in
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the special operation zone, the newspaper also reports this on its website. the details of his death are currently being clarified. eremin's last report on izvestia came out 2 days ago. the journalist spoke about how military personnel russian armed forces in the special operation zone are using training methods in the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles using shotguns. valentin and then watch the program america with bogdanov it’s not for nothing that they call it the usa.
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history is being written anew: in the 15:30 room of the manhattan criminal court, for the first time in the 248 years of the existence of the united states, a former president, and perhaps a future one, sat in the dock as a defendant in a criminal case. attempts by trump's lawyers and his legal team to move the case, to move to a later deadline or canceling it altogether were not successful, although such a strategy in the legal field had not failed them before. what's the matter here? the point here is that manhattan justice, in the person of district attorney alvin breg and judge juan merchin, are literally working for themselves, for that guy. the case of secret payments. porn actress stormy daniels, this is the last frontier for
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liberals, all other cases against trump, which should have been considered around the same time, in washington on the case about the storming of the capitol, in georgia, in the case of election interference, in florida, about secret documents in maralaga, all of them have been postponed to a later date. here, everything started almost on time, on april 15 from trump tower. his motorcade, the journey took a little more than 10 minutes, we arrived at the criminal court in manhattan, after some time donald trump appeared in front of the television cameras to say what he always says, this is an attack on america, nothing like this has ever happened, any lawyer will say you, this matter is nonsense, this political persecution witch hunt, i'm very proud to be here, our country is in decline because of. those who attack political opponents. trump assembled a solid team
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of lawyers, but an even brighter team, at the call of the heart, at the call of political sympathies, gathered before the court, no matter how bright the characters were there. of course, there were some minor skirmishes; the police had previously demarcated the places where trump supporters and opponents were located. minor skirmishes. it is obvious that they will be in court in manhattan for all those long weeks
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while the case is being considered, this is also an extremely important issue for them, but in general one could notice their positive attitude towards russian television, towards our television channel, which is not typical for america on the one hand, but apparently this is also a reaction to the pressure that is being experienced by both trump and his supporters, as they are called magic by the republicans in recent years with... on the part of the democrats, let's still go back to the courtroom, let's see what's there, there is no television broadcast, but there are many photographs, countless details, the main thing for...
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to do, they were not allowed to do this, and now they are trying to weed out biased jurors, so far they have only managed to select a few people, on the first day they brought 96, 50, they were eliminated immediately, the selection is very... tough, look at the history on social networks, look at what comments were published. the jury selection process will be little different from other trials, with the only difference being that prosecutors will try to identify their bias against donald trump. the jury will be asking questions about whether they attended trump rallies or volunteered for
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his company. they will be asked what news they watch and even what books they read. donald trump himself is already in court, he must be there 4 days a week, except wednesday, his only free day is wednesday. donald trump was very unhappy about this, leaving the court on the first day, he said that it was possible that because of this he would not be able to attend the graduation of his youngest son, beron. i can't go either to his son's graduation, neither to the supreme court nor to georgia flory. from the surroundings to the essence of the matter itself. trump faces 34 criminal charges, each with a maximum sentence of 4 years, 136 years
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in total. we are talking about the fact that in 2016 , the lawyers of trump and his teams. participating in the us presidential election, fearing the glare of former porn actress stormy daniels, who, according to her , had an affair with trump in 2006 on lake taha at the golf club, where celebrities gathered, they decided to bribe stormy daniels. there is nothing criminal in this procedure itself, she was paid $130,000, but the questions are not about the payment, the questions are about... how it was done, it was done through lawyer michael cowen, it was framed as legal services, which he provided to trump, that is, in this way they hid the ends in the water twice. michael cowen himself, trump's former lawyer, is now one of his main enemies; he is happy to air all
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the dirty laundry that he knows in public. if i were trump, i'd be very concerned about this. process, because. in fact, this is a very simple matter, it is based on documented facts, and the documents do not lie, they paint a very clear picture, which is not at all in favor of donald trump. this story has actually been circulating for a long time in the information space of the united states, there are even quite funny parodies, you can look at this one, here it is doubly funny that the role of trump is played by alex baldwen, who is now convicted of manslaughter.
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there are other complaints against trump, judge huang
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merchin agreed to listen to other witnesses, in particular, we are talking about the appearance in the manhattan court of playboy model karen mcdougal, who was allegedly also paid money for silence; the publisher who participated in this scheme should also appear there. national inquirer, it bought this story and killed it, that is, it did not give this story a go, it would never have been published, but here again everything is legal. 30 thousand dollars and the story will never be published, it's not that unusual for the media to provide services politicians, you yourself... well, to those who do not closely follow american politics or do not fully understand how certain electoral mechanisms work, everything
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that is happening may even seem funny, they say, it’s all a show, so what ’s wrong with trump paid some porn actress some money, even if there is a suspended sentence, most likely it ’s okay, because the american election machine really works, the model is set up. so that you can run for president even in a prison cell, they will also give you guards from the secret service, then you can calmly move to the white house and pardon yourself, but there is an interesting point here, firstly, this case is being considered not at the federal, at the district level, that is, even trump, if he himself becomes president again usa, he will not be able to close this case, he will not be able to pardon himself, only the governor of new york can do this, and the governor of new york... this is katie hochul, she is from the democratic party, it is clear that she will not pardon him, well, and most importantly, what is the idea here, what is it a cunning conspiracy on the part, so to
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speak, on the part of trump’s opponents? it's all very simple: this story is full of heaps of dirty laundry, it paints trump in a very unattractive light for a very important part of his electorate, if you look at the balance now, you can see that... that trump is quite seriously supported by women from the suburbs, that's how they are accepted to call it, this is a very generalized characteristic, in general we are talking about white american women, families with an income level above average, this is such a woman, this, she could be a housewife or the worker, in principle, chooses the american president, candidates for the presidency of the united states always fight for her votes, and this is the main electorate in the poll...
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there is no advantage for any of the candidates. biden and trump's ratings are almost equal. 46% versus 45 in favor of trump. for biden, the situation has improved since late february, when trump had a 5% lead. a narrowing gap indicates that the confrontation will be painful. the outcome of the last two presidential elections was determined by dozens of thousands of votes in several states, and this time is unlikely to be an exception. in a country that is so... even the slightest changes can become decisive, and from here follows the second trap into which trump was literally led, trump has no time left to conduct
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a normal election campaign, it is clear that the republicans have their own electoral base, they will be for trump anyway, but they are finite, there will be no more republicans by november 2024, which is why he needs to travel to these swing states, meaning michigan. trump was thus de-energized, disconnected from his voters, but donald trump would not have been donald trump if he had not found a way out of this difficult situation. the republican is always known for his ability to turn a seemingly completely unwinnable situation into his favor, and trump has once again demonstrated such skill. after the second day in court ended, he got into a motorcade and went to harlem, to the famous shop of josse albac, known to many new yorkers. as
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they call it on 182nd street, it became famous in due to sad circumstances in 2022, a burglar, an african american, came in and decided that the sixty-one-year-old salesman behind the counter, jose alba , would be an easy prey, would not offer much resistance, began to demand money, a fight broke out, jose alba turned out to be a timid man, snatched the knife killed the attacker, there was a camera in hase alba's shop, it... filmed everything, but no, jose alba was sent to jail, bail was demanded for $250,000, who did it, and the alvin district attorney's office did it brega, who is now precisely the prosecution party in the trump case, that is , such bingo itself came into hand, trump, of course, took advantage of this opportunity to organize a real election rally right there in harlem on the sidewalk.
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his supporters gathered, television came, everything was semi-spontaneous, but this is american politics, for which some here value and love it so much, for this spontaneity, trump came out and said, as always , everything he thinks, all tv channels as always broadcast what he says, it's personal i was reminded of the times of his first election campaign back in 2015-2016, when television followed on his heels, catching everyone. trump’s word, because he organized all sorts of very unusual events, well, here this effect worked again. i am very pleased to be here, people want law and order, the crime situation is terrible, stores are being robbed, we will correct the situation, send a lot of money to new york, while the city is in a terrible state and the whole world is looking at it, at how ridiculous it is leading judge yourself in relation to me, because in my case there is no
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no crime. one of the largest in the united states on randles island, under which there were playgrounds and football fields, now people from all over the world live there, you can talk about migration there, you can
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go to wall street. such people appear, that is, even here, in liberal new york, which, of course, will vote for the democrats again in november 2024, the attitude towards trump has changed a lot, this is also an important remark, every trial in which trump participates, he minimum increases the indicator collections, when news appeared last year about the opening of more and more criminal cases against him,
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the amount grew. donation will most likely be the same here, so even in the event of a guilty verdict, which trump may face at the end of this process, he may emerge victorious from this process. this was america. all the best. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments, rehearsal for the third world war, iran struck israel, from the trench to the negotiating table, searching for a way out of the ukrainian conflict, materials from our program.


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