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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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residents of 13 villages are being evacuated; in kurgan itself, leaks have appeared in the dam. in the tyumen region, one of the villages is cut off from overground communications by water. in orenburg , the level of the samkara river is rapidly rising. israel struck iran, local media reported. explosions occurred in the province of ispahan. air defense operates in several regions of the country. flights over three cities, including tehran, have been cancelled. warsaw
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refused to transfer patriot missile systems to kiev; poland itself needs them; the czech authorities said that the idea of ​​purchasing million shells for zelensky fails, part of the state decided to help israel instead. parliamentary elections have started in india; due to the size of the country , almost billions of voters have divided the voting into seven stages; it will last until june. the ruling indian people's party, led by prime minister narendra mode, is called the favorite. and we begin the message of the last hours. israel launched strikes on iran, local media report. explosions occurred near the airport and military airbase in isfahan province. iranian authorities suspended civil flights over major cities. there is no information about the victims yet. fire trucks drove towards the airbase. the iranian agency tasnim , citing an iranian official, reports that no missiles or explosions were used during the attack on the country's territory. were a consequence
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of the operation of air defense systems. the military managed to repulse the air attack and intercept three drones in the sky. meanwhile, bloomberg reports that israeli officials previously notified the united states of plans to respond to the iranian attack within the next 48 hours. large-scale floods in russian regions are gaining momentum, so in tomsk they may soon rise to critical levels. the water level in the tom river, which. in recent days it has decreased, sharply increased, and in several areas at once, our correspondent, alexey smirnov, is monitoring the situation in the region, he is in direct contact with us by phone, alexey, i greet you, tell me how quickly the water stays, where is it now the hardest part is how many settlements are in the risk zone? good afternoon, tatyana, in the tomsk region the situation is yes, how is it? you said correctly, it changes on the ob, in the region. in the village of pobeda, where we
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are now, koshigarsky district, on kanoma there was a river break-up, the head of the ice drift now went lower downstream, but at the very moment of the break-up there was a sharp rise in water , it overflowed across naberezhnaya street, which runs along the very bank of the river, then the water level in the river has fallen, now it is 684 cm with a dangerous mark of 800 cm, the level is rising beyond... and downstream, somewhere it is approaching dangerous marks, however, there is a threat of flooding of populated areas points, there is no talk yet, uh, where there is such a possibility, temporary accommodation points are being set up, where road overflows are possible, and there is a threat that populated areas will be cut off from the mainland, a supply of food and medicine is being created there, uh, various scenarios are being worked out, the evacuation of the population is being prepared
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for water transport. as for the situation on tami, it also changed quite seriously over the past night. the day before , ice movement occurred above the regional center in the area of ​​​​the settlements of vershinen and kazanka. there was a traffic jam. now this logjam has moved. the flight went downstream. and here in tomsko, in tomsk there are two bridges.
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now the water is gradually rising, making a way for itself, gradually leaving, well , the day before, when there was movement in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bkazanka and vershinin, the water level was also observed, its sharp rise, and this was in the area to the left bank and just in the area of ​​​​one of the gardening partnerships , snt left bank, an emergency evacuation was announced there in the evening, but then...
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the dam cannot withstand the load, people appeared leaks, the right bank part of the city is flooded, the authorities are trying to defend the residential sector on the left bank, and the tabol is still rising, the water level in the river has already broken the historical maximum of thirty years ago, in the tyumen region the peak of the flood is expected any day now, water remains in three areas, flooded hundreds of houses, roads and bridges, bus service stopped. one of the villages is completely cut off by water, its residents refused to evacuate, rescuers are helping them with food and medicine. the situation in the orenburg region remains tense, where the water level in the sakmara river is rapidly rising. there are several villages in the risk zone. residents are asked to collect the necessary documents
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and belongings and prepare to evacuate. in orenburg itself, the situation is gradually returning to normal; a commission to assess the damage will begin today. orsk schoolchildren for the first time after. thousands of people, several bridges are flooded in bashkiria, water levels in ashkadar, bochkarevka and ufa were evacuated. over the past 24 hours, the number of flooded garden plots and roads and bridges has almost doubled. state of emergency in altai territory removed, 23 houses and more than 100 plots remain flooded in the region, temporary accommodation centers have been closed, but several roads are still closed to traffic, restoration work is underway there. and now footage from telegram channels is dnepropetrovsk, several powerful explosions occurred there at once. local residents are posting videos on social networks.
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it is known about attacks in at least three cities: dnepropetrovsk, krivoy rog and pavlodar. the consequences are still being determined. explosions occurred in the odessa region; the night before, a gas pipeline in kharkov region, a torch of burning fuel rose to a height of 70 m, and asphalt began to melt within a radius of 40 m. the air raid alert in ukraine was announced several times during the night in the early morning; this regime spread throughout the entire country. in the southern donetsk direction, russian artillerymen destroyed positions in the ssu, air reconnaissance discovered new targets near novomikhailovka and transferred the coordinates to the command, crews of the hurricane multiple launch rocket system received the task of eliminating the enemy target. our fighters quickly took an advantageous position and struck. fragmentation shells covered a huge area
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of ​​the nationalist and were destroyed. this was confirmed by drone operators. then the combat crew took the vehicle to a safe place. its cross-country ability is excellent, that is, it has its own drive for each wheel. that is, two engines, an excellent vehicle, the targets are different, we work both on infantry and combat vehicles, on tanks, on clusters, in the orekhovsk direction, russian drone operators discovered important objects of the ukrainian armed forces, the fighters of the volunteer battalion saw how ukrainian troops were trying to equip defensive fortifications, a camouflaged artillery position came into view in order to act as efficiently as possible, the unit not only carefully trains operators, but... conducts its own developments for the drones. our war correspondent, anton stepanenko, saw how the battalion worked. pre-flight preparation has been completed. the catapult sends the wing into the air, it hangs in the sky for several hours, this is a supercam reconnaissance uav, the device is reliable, tested by svo. if
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it detects enemy attempts to suppress the signal, it automatically changes the frequency, which makes it extremely inconvenient for enemy rap crews. the flight control center is an extremely classified location, and the operator was solely concerned with mock-ups and false firing positions, but the gun worked, there is no doubt, so
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the retaliatory strike, well, you see, yes, that is, this is the delivery of a bull, traces of a car, the landing of a uav, perhaps. the most dangerous moment for calculation, therefore, selecting a birdie and leaving as quickly as possible, our fellow opponents, we also find second-handers, because there is no need to relax, it turns out to be a kind of duel. that's right, a duel, we have some kind of war, or something, of various types, drones have become the calling card of the sudaplatov battalion, they have been doing this seriously for a long time. the battalion base has its own flight school, they fly on simulators until it’s dark in their eyes, only after that they fly at the training ground, the training course lasts at least 10 days, the cadets are isolated, all they can do is fly and fly. modern warfare dictates its own conditions.
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used by a competent, let's say, specialist, you can hit a much more expensive, much more important target. with minimal investments, the maximum result is, in fact, the principle of organizing the work of the battalion, which is why, in addition to its own pilot school, an experimental workshop has been created, as they joked... they will make from lawn mowers to rockets, there is only one condition: parts are openly available for sale, jammers, we we make our own jammers, because factory ones arrive with some defects, we test them, see where they need to be corrected and we make our own mufflers, well, rep systems, let’s say we make reconnaissance aircraft, we even make these reconnaissance vehicles, these are for assault brigades, an experimental model takes about a month, but in production... ursula
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the european union wants to invest about 3 billion euros in military aid to kiev, the money is planned to be withdrawn from profits from frozen russian assets, the head of the european commission, funderlein, announced. what other support measures are there? tusk said that his country will not give ukraine the patriot air defense system, allegedly they themselves do not have enough, while the politician correctly turned the tables and said that air defense should be asked from the netherlands, they definitely have it there. sweden turned out to be more accommodating. stockholm is ready to give away 25% of the anti-aircraft missile systems that the country has in service. in quantitative terms, this is. there is exactly one patriot installation, sweden has four in total. they are slipping in the czech republic. earlier
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, the country's president announced a certain coalition that was ready to sponsor the purchase of a million shells for kiev. but all these dreams were shattered by a cruel reality, where everyone had more important problems than ukraine. before so far, our coalition has managed to acquire only 3,000 shells. we are holding negotiations all over the world, but several western countries have decided to help. relations with russia, some of them have the ammunition we need, but they don't want anyone to know about it. the usa actually left the game. the head of the cia openly stated: ukraine could lose by the end of this year, because kiev is running out of ammunition, and washington has time to supply anything. purely heartfelt confession.
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what did he say to zelensky when he was at a meeting with him about a month ago: your cause is our cause, we want to do everything we can, you are not only valiantly defending your country, but you are defending the west, our values ​​and our freedom. at the same time, the american media claim that the white house is already trying to get kiev to stop airstrikes on some targets, including russian infrastructure, they are afraid of rising oil prices
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and open confrontation with moscow, but ukraine is ignoring these calls. does not help increase sponsor loyalty at all. alika komarova, lead. in india parliamentary elections have started. due to the size of the country of nearly billions of voters, voting was split into seven stages. it will run until june. more than 160 million people will be able to vote today. polling stations opened in the morning. polls predict victory for the ruling indian people's party led by prime minister narendra mode. now economic news, konstantin, the central bank’s report on russian exports and imports has been released, tell us how this ratio is changing? tatyana, well, one might say, is changing for the better, because we are selling more than we are buying, the current account surplus of russia’s balance of payments has increased in annual terms, according to the central bank materials, that is, income from foreign
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trade has become higher than spending on the purchase of foreign products and services, while both indicators decreased, but imports. stronger than exports. the decline in exports, by the way, slowed down compared to the same quarter last year following rising oil prices. in other words, we began to sell less, but more expensively. there was also good support grain harvest and diversification of supplies. imports declined amid high interest rates, a weakening ruble, and, importantly, accumulated inventories. and the stimulating influence was exerted by the growth of domestic demand and reorientation to alternative suppliers. the snp has downgraded israel's long-term sovereign credit rating. the prognosis is negative. this means that during the next review, which will take place on may 10, another downgrade is possible. according to the agency's report, there is concern that a war between israel and hamas, and also, confrontations with other groups may escalate, affecting the economic and fiscal parameters of israel’s balance of payments
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more significantly than expected. in february , another country's rating was downgraded. the big three international agency moody's has also set a negative outlook and may again downgrade the state's creditworthiness if current conflicts expand and further increase geopolitical risks. the head of the european commission complained that hundreds of billions of euros flow from europe to the united states every year, which could direct its own development, ursula fonderline's statement came after a two-day meeting in brussels at which european leaders discussed the economy.
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in the twelfth year after the crisis in the eurozone , they began to develop a bill for the eu capital markets union. the authorities wanted to introduce uniform rules for lending and bankruptcy of enterprises throughout the bloc, and then issue eurozone bonds. this project subsequently stalled, although in theory it could have contributed to competition with the united states. state mortgage rates exceeded 7% for the first time this year. the average for the most popular thirty-year loans was 7, this is the maximum since november last year, these are the data provided by the largest mortgage state corporation freddie mac. the current average rate is 7 higher than a year ago. at the same time, even in comparison with the previous week, the growth is significant by more than 2%. in the usa, as in all countries, mortgages depend on the policy of the central bank, and the federal reserve’s policy is quite strict.
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moreover, from the last two speeches of the fed chairman, the market concluded that easing may... not even happen in june and at the end of the issue on currencies: the dollar exchange rate today is 94.09, the euro costs 100 rubles. 53 kopecks that's all the economic news for now. tatyana, this was economic news, konstantin. the flood is covering more and more territories. in the kurgan region, water in thirteen villages is being evacuated; in the tyumen region, three districts in bashkiri are under threat; the number of flooded areas is growing. the united states blocked a resolution recognizing palestine as a full member of the un during a meeting of the security council, the states exercised their right veto. russian postprietto condemned. washington and called on him to join efforts for a ceasefire in gaza. the ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack in kroku from the holi network is obvious. this was stated by russian prosecutor general
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igor krasnov during a conversation with the minister of internal affairs of venezuela. the delegation of the supervisory agency has already held a number of meetings in caracas krasnov, including with president nicolas maduro. in russia , today is a day of united action in memory of the genocide of the soviet people during the great patriotic war in the country. pass dozens of actions, including in schools and universities. from year to year, the investigative committee finds more and more facts of crimes against the population of the ussr. now it's time for sports news. danila, czech hockey player jaromir jagor became the oldest player to play in professional leagues. he scored again the day before. tell us what kind of championship this is and which team he actually plays for. good morning, jagro is 52 years old, he is the owner. for which he distinguished himself in the local extra league. well, the final cup series has started in the continental hockey league gagarin. in the first match, magnitogorsk
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metallurgist on their home ice turned out to be stronger than yaroslavl lokomotiv 2:1. nothing happened in the match for two periods, so all the main events actually took place in the third. during all this time, lokomotiv took only nine shots before scoring. maxim berezkin took advantage of the metalluga defense's mistake. it turned out to be quite fast, a couple of minutes later nikita mikhailis scored for the magnet. the denouement happened at the very end, when the metallurgist was able to convert the majority. winning goal account of alexander petunin. the second match of the series will take place there in magnitogorsk on saturday , april 20. the day before, the semi-finalists of two more european football cups were determined - the europa league and the conference league. the italian atalanta , together with the russian national team player alexei mironchuk, passed the total. matches liverpool. bayern set a 21st century record for the number of matches without defeat in all tournaments among the top five european leagues. the forty-fourth such match was with westham, in
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which bayern fought back in the last minute, moving on. roma coped with milan, and marseille and benfica. in the semi-finals of the europa league , atalanta will meet with marseille, and bayern with roma. the first matches of this stage of the tournament will take place on may 2. in the conference league , aston villas reached the semi-finals. emiri, the aauk with magomed azdoev took off from bruga. fiorentina put the squeeze on victoria polzen, and olympiacos turned out to be stronger than fenerbahce. as a result, in the semi-finals, which also starts on may 2, fiorentina will play against brugge, while aston villa will face olympiacos. russian chess player, ian nepomniachtchi, played nechu in the twelfth round of the toronto candidates tournament. the opponents were the representative of india, ramesh babu, who ended up being the only one. nepomniacht lost his leadership and takes first place along with two more players, the american nakamura and another grandmaster from india gukesh, all with 7 and a half points. the next person
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ian nepomniachtchi will play against will be the direct competitor for the first line, the same nakamura, this will already be the thirteenth round. despite kirill kaprizov's goal, his club minnesota ended the season home defeat to seattle 3:4. kaprizov opened the scoring early. the us move to use frozen russian assets for military assistance to ukraine is destroying the legal order in the world. and christina kuruma has all the details. the head
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of the european central bank criticized the us proposal to use russian frozen assets in favor of ukraine. according to christina lagarde, their confiscation carries high reputational risks. if you start to destroy the global legal order. which you defend and want to be respected in russia and others countries, one has to wonder about the availability of these assets. i have seen four different schemes or proposals to get around what many other lawyers consider to be a very serious legal obstacle. this could be interpreted as a violation of the international legal order. christina lagarte pointed out another risk: the weaker position of the euro in international finance compared to the dollar. many experts are confident that as a result of the confiscation of russian assets, confidence in everything. financial system built by western countries, may be undermined. let me remind you that we are talking about an amount of about 260 billion euros, which are members of the g7,
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the european union and australia. blocked in 2022 . in france, 19 billion are frozen. about 200 million in germany, but the majority is controlled by the belgian group euroclear - 191 billion euros. washington adheres to the idea of ​​complete confiscation and is putting pressure on its allies. however, only $5 billion of the total amount of frozen russian assets is stored in the states. the consequences of a radical decision will affect the united states to a lesser extent. potential amount of damage according to judge. they will get hurt naturally, countries, first of all, that are at the forefront of the european economy, and these are large economic, investment, investment-attractive countries, such as, therefore, germany, france, austria, switzerland, in general, those that are in their
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bank accounts protect the largest amount of funds on those affiliated with russia. switzerland, which is not a member of the european union, refused to join the task force to seek blocking of russia’s foreign assets; by the way, more than 8 billion were frozen there dollars. sources of the political publication, among the british authorities, talk about a decrease in the effectiveness of sanctions in the event of confiscation of russian money. england has centuries of experience. in england they understand that if they commit any actions, including illegal actions or controversial dubious actions in relation to other people's assets, then london will deal a significant blow
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to its reputation. as the financial capital of the world, and most importantly, competitors, the usa, japan and other countries will definitely take advantage of this. this is not the first time there has been a freeze. international assets. in 2011 , at the height of the civil war in libya, western banks froze the gaddafi family's money. the amount , according to various estimates, exceeded $60 billion, but out of the $12 billion that london controlled, for example, only one was returned back. well, the g7 countries will continue to look for loopholes in legislation that will allow the use of russian assets to support ukraine. according to the plan, a decision should be formulated before the june summit in italy.
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look around, now it's 200 124, 100 years go ahead, everything will be different. moscow, moscow, where are the cars flying, like, energetically unjustified, she brought a man from school, a young man, according to my data, he is 117 years old, but the main thing will remain unchanged, i know what it means to give your word. look at me, when it's all over, alice will return to her time, and you will have to return to yours. what why? we will act here now, we will change the present, in the name of our common past, which is the future, as it were, we will save your parents, your personal path, and 13 galaxies, everyone. it’s delicious, very tasty, because it’s made with love.
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100 years ago. forward!


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