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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 16, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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they catch you, serve under a contract, yes, in the same class, i don’t remember something, in the same class, in the same school, only i saw him for the first time today, it happens like that, i don’t understand, it’s like 100 years in the future. in the kremlin today , vladimir putin held a working meeting with the chairman of the central election commission, ella pomfilova, she presented the state with presidential certificates for a new term of office and proposed once again summing up the results of the march elections, which were organized at the highest level, despite very intrusive attempts known forces to prevent this. more details in the material. thank you very much and all your
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colleagues, the work in the investment cycle was difficult, i understand this, but it is very important for the country, for the internal stability of the state, especially today, thank you very much, thank you , i ask you, of course. - ela pomfilova noted that the wisdom of our people could not be prevented by the most cynical machinations of ill-wishers. they relied on terror. this is something that has never happened before. i mean, why? how can i show up? intimidate people, cause fear, panic. and, that is, with the hands of their accomplices. ukrainian,
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that is, sitting in kiev, that is, they practically organized terror, we saw all of this, this is not only in relation to our border troops, these explosions, murders of people all together, our commission members faced the same thing, telephone threats, but to intimidate anyone it didn’t work out, the created voting system once again showed its transparency and openness, there was video surveillance of the voting process at the polling stations, more than 317 observers. for the future of the country around a strong leader, his ideas, and regardless of political views, each candidate of the already past presidential race has common goals: a strong and prosperous russia. that they have voiced
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more than once, the most important attention is to donbass and novorosiya, crimea and sevastopol, ahead is the implementation of the orders of voters, which, as people admitted to the candidate, is only within the power of the current president vladimir putin, and this work has been going on for a long time, thanks to a strong team, vladimir’s confidants putin, representatives of various professions activities, which helped them better understand the essence of voters’ appeals, often solve problems on the ground, and this is also an indicator of trust. to the leader of the country - noted ella pomfilova. this is consolidation, solidarity, that we are all fighting for the country now. it seems to me that this is how these elections turned out. it turned out with a record result, it is worth recalling, 87.28% of citizens voted for vladimir putin, that’s 76,277. support has grown by 20 million votes since 2018, each of which matters. egor grigoriev,
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news. dubai airport has announced that it will not to accept flights against the backdrop of bad weather that hit the emirates. one of the largest transport hubs in the world was flooded. fifty flights have been cancelled, and the situation continues to worsen. with the usually-deserving region experiencing heavy downpours, local authorities urged residents to stay indoors if possible. some roads and streets are in water, so police are also suggesting that people avoid traveling by car. details about the situation in the material by emily mersaeva. planes float, cars sink, roads rumble like rivers, waterfalls in shopping centers are forever a thunderstorm came to sunny dubai, followed by downpours, now the persian gulf is not the only body of water, there’s a lake right there, a lake, i was almost knee-deep in water, emergency services are trying to pump water into tankers, because there are essentially no drainage systems, due to
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the predominantly dry conditions climate, the roads are not adapted to heavy rainfall, the only solution is to block them, this has already been done with several highways. in abu dhabi, sharjah, raselheim and dubai, which took the brunt of the disaster. in this city several were flooded metro stations, it works intermittently. the picture is similar in the city’s largest shopping center: pipes have burst, goods are drowning in streams of water, sellers are trying to salvage what they can. live report from dubai, oh my, everything is blocked off, almost all the shops are closed.
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dubai airport, fifty flights were canceled there, and then they decided that they would redirect incoming flights to other cities, but flights would not be cancelled. however, a number of carriers have announced the cancellation of flights to and from dubai, including local emirates etihat and dubai fly, as well as russian aeroflot. the latter postpones the departure time of flights from dubai to moscow until wednesday morning. the airline noted that it will provide passengers with services provided for by federal aviation regulations and its own standards. moreover, dubai hotels are extending the stay of russian tourists who were unable to fly home due to bad weather. this was reported by the association of tour operators. heavy rain for the region hit on tuesday night. more than 30 mm of precipitation fell. the forecast
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of local meteorologists is all 150 in the coming hours. the showers will end only tomorrow, but for now some cities are at an orange weather alert level. emil mirsaev, news. the water level in the tabola kurgan river has almost reached 8 m. a regional-scale emergency regime has been introduced in the region. according to the forecasts of the ministry of emergency situations , more than 60 settlements may be flooded , this is 10 thousand houses and plots. at the moment, the count is still in the hundreds. in the tyumen region, the ishim river has already reached a critical level, evacuation has been announced in eleven villages. on the contrary, the level of the ural river near orenburg continues to decline. the region is gradually recovering after natural disaster. reports from our special correspondents.
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the leaking dam, here we are already filling, laying out with sandbags, raising it by about 30 meters, this is with a reserve, we need to lay out approximately 650 m, then we will reach the level and close, respectively, apartment buildings and the barrow area, in addition to the builders , ordinary
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residents of the city also came out to strengthen the dam, because everyone understands that big water will bring big troubles if everyone doesn’t stand in its way together. almost the entire week , employees of our institution took part during information rounds. regarding the situation that is now being predicted, yesterday we called our entire team, here mainly the coaching and teaching staff of the sports school, workers, drivers of our institution, everyone responded and today we have been working together since 8:00 am on strengthening the dam. for the second day , voluntary evacuation has been announced in the areas of flood oriysk, temporary accommodation centers are ready to receive hundreds of people. after the governor introduced a state of emergency in the tyumet region on april 8, it was decided the decision was agreed with the department of education and science in the city of ilotorovsko, the agrotechnological college has three dormitories, promptly by the tenth of 150 we prepared 365 places
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for residents of the city of iltor who may end up in the flood zone. in anticipation of high water, the city is evacuating four-legged friends and tailed family members for a rest. municipal animal shelter ensures the maintenance of pets and evacuated citizens on the territory of the intermunicipal shelter for catching how many homeless animals are there now? left in the lower church, which quickly
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filled with water, the clergy consulted the icon painter archpriest sergius from orsk on how to save the altar, he assured that the material would withstand, these columns are made of brick, it was immediately built into the brick, like a monolith on this iconostasis, so it is practically impossible was to be saved. the regional authorities hope that the water in... the flooded areas will go down by 2 meters in a week, and the urals will drop below 930 cm. now we are climbing the bell tower of the temple in honor of st. alexander nevsky, from the place of the bell ringer you can clearly see the consequences of the flood, the territory of the temple is flooded, while the level of the ural river near orenburg has now decreased over the past 24 hours - 26 cm, the situation is stabilizing, the clergy and parishioners are facing the flood.
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waist-deep, chest-deep, i looked at how the water was there, how long it remained. well, he just sort of guarded the temple. in villages and snt houses are protected from possible looters by local residents. radik yaparov comes to kuznechny every day. this is his site. the village is completely flooded. everyone was evacuated, but there was about seven adult men who also serve as guards. here. and they don’t leave their homes, and at the same time i keep an eye on the others. i also didn’t go out until the last minute, because i have a dog and there was a strong tide. stay with the generator, even though it was difficult with the generator. the water level in the urals drops by
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several centimeters every hour, specialists are being sent to orenburg who will begin pumping water from the flooded areas in the coming days, and assessment commissions are starting to work. they will already start working in parallel commission, 51 have already been formed, which will come to every home, just tell them to quickly leave a tick about the loss of all essential goods, followed by disinfection accordingly. in the regional capital, access to the dubki and grand park residential complexes has been opened. people will be able to return to their apartments as soon as specialists pump out the water from the basements and electricians check all the equipment. they also started traffic on donguskaya and uralskoye streets. at the federal level, issues with payments to victims of snt are resolved. these questions are being worked out in more detail at the level of the government of the orenburg region. a proposal is also being prepared at the federation level. well, accordingly, after accepting all the relevant necessary documents. everything will naturally be communicated to the residents, firstly, how the order will be organized, and, accordingly, what funding
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will be allocated for this or that damage incurred. over 27 victims have already received a one-time payment of 2,000 rubles, financial support for 50 and 100 thousand 247 residents of the region. the application can be submitted on the portal public services or at the mfc. in orenburg departments , several dozen windows are open for flood victims, helping people with limited mobility. this is a lot for us.
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5,000 doses of hepatitis a vaccine were sent from the reserve of the government of the russian federation to the orenburg region; the drug was received first in orsk, then in orenburg. in 6 days, 25 thousand people were brought to the region. since there was a fairly large request already from the orenburg region, we have already given part of the vaccine there, out of 25 thousand vaccinated in yesterday. orenburg. the american congress today plans to present a new bill on military assistance to ukraine, this time not completely gratuitous, but provided partly on credit and partly at the expense of frozen russian assets. however, while the majority of republicans are happy with this option, the democrats are dissatisfied with
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the proposal to split support for the kiev regime and israel into different packages. so now joe biden and... the schemes are simpler among the european allies, but in their own signature the style confuses everything, a report from our staff correspondent in the usa valentin bogdanov. in the north atlantic alliance, the czech republic now has a reputation as the most disciplined eastern european barracks. on the ukrainian march, the czechs are sometimes even ahead of the poles, and recently in prague they also announced that they would spend 4.5 billion dollars to purchase f-35 fighters from the united states, that is, from the czech prime minister peter.
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the liver of ukraine with almost a million ammunition. for a person who routinely confuses angela merkel with helmunt kohl, and emmanuel macron with françois miteran, in principle, no big deal, but the context is important, which could make fialli uneasy. the leadership of slovakia, mentioned by biden, has diametrically opposed views on ukraine from prague to bratislava and 300 km, and what different values ​​do they have with washington? we are nato partners and we work together on defense and business issues. i appreciate your leadership in supporting ukraine. i was a little boy in 1968 and saw russian tanks on the streets of my city. i don't want to see them there again. but make money on soviet tanks - this is always welcome. in an article by bloomberg, details of
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how the owner of the csg concern, mikhail strnad, became a billionaire after the start of the conflict. in ukraine. in ninety-five, stornada's father yaroslav began buying decommissioned t-72s throughout eastern europe, sort of for scrap. they quickly realized that trading in serviceable weapons was much more profitable than selling gunmetals. they began to cover africa; as of 2022, 100 tanks have already left for ukraine. csg is thriving. production of heavy ammunition increased more than 10 times, and the number of personnel has almost tripled. and amounted to 10,000 people in enterprises in eight countries. peter fiala is increasingly involved in arms brokerage, this is from his financial times column, which was published on the day the czech prime minister arrived in america. we are working to get another 3,000 shells; we have already signed contracts for the first 180,000. they will be delivered to the ukrainian front in the coming months.
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there is no change on the ukrainian front: no matter how much you give to zelensky, it is not enough for him, he is always looking at someone else’s plate.
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the states are not going to participate in it in a combat role, we provide ukraine with what is necessary to protect the airspace, unfortunately, even with this we now have problems, since we do not have additional funding. a reproach to the republicans from the house of representatives, where speaker mike johnson is now desperately trying to create the words happiness for the white house out of four bills. the contours are determined for the allocation of finances for a total amount of 95%. dollars for israel, taiwan and ukraine, will vote separately, kiev is due approximately 48 billion, including in the form of loans from frozen russian assets.
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parliamentarians are categorically against any assistance to ukraine in general; a rebellion is brewing against johnson within his own party, ahead of margerrie taylor greene, who has already threatened the speaker with resignation. this is such a scam. people are tired of this, they are tired of republicans talking about how they are fighting for america and then sending americans' hard-earned tax dollars somewhere else. about how they missed the opportunity to push it back.
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this condition in itself would have made the agreement invalid for washington, since it would have meant a possible direct clash with russia, so the west did not accept such agreements, but increased military support for kiev. as a result , it turned out to be easier to fight by proxy, but there is still someone to fight with. for what? if it is not possible to vote on johnson’s package before friday, then they will return to military assistance to kiev on capital hill no earlier than may. congressmen are
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on vacation again, during which, by the way, there will be an opportunity to compare notes with an ordinary voter, but he is full of doubts; 61% of republicans are already against sending weapons to zelensky. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and evgeny samsonov, news. usa: china advocates a peace conference on the conflict in ukraine, the legitimacy of which is recognized by both moscow and kiev, so that all proposals are discussed fairly. such statements were made today by chairman sijin pin during negotiations with german chancellor scholze. the latter, let me remind you, came to negotiate with the prc on industrial cooperation, however , instead of a constructive dialogue, rather highlighted the acute contradictions between the countries. report by the chief of our beijing bureau , alexander baletsky. for tiktok newcomer olaf scholz, who had created an account exactly before his trip to china, the content was perfect: colorful carps, flowering trees, but the background of the negotiations was the german economy,
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and it has faded. the gdp growth forecast for germany, which suffers from its own anti-russian sanctions, for this year is only 2%. and scholz needs emergency chinese help. name of the pitchfork residence, where scholz's sinimal, wan liu, is translated from chinese as 10,000. ive, but in the same way, wan liu, the phrase “persuade to stay” also sounds in chinese. it’s as if he was just a prostitute who flew to china to persuade beijing to allow german companies to remain in the chinese market. the dilemma is akin to a political balancing act, how to move away from beijing while being allies of washington and brussels, but so that business in china continues to make money, the answer of the head of the prc. no way, to build productive relations with beijing, europe needs to look for points of contact. human society faces numerous risks and problems, these problems cannot be solved without cooperation between major countries. in brussels, ahead of tomorrow's eu summit,
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where ukraine will once again be in the spotlight, they are actively discussing how to win china over to their side in this conflict. even before the meeting with the head of the people's republic of china, the chancellor managed to declare that he would persuade xi to refuse support from moscow. the loud announcement following the negotiations resulted in several lines. chairman xi and i agreed. china and germany are committed to intensively and positively coordinating efforts to promote the high-level conference in switzerland and future international peace conferences. the statement of the chinese foreign ministry is word for word about efforts to search for political solutions and even switzerland, but there is a nuance. scholz assures that beijing agrees to a conference based solely on kiev’s position; it is impossible to resolve any issues without russia, central television quoted the prc chairman as saying. china encourages and supports all efforts to promote a peaceful resolution of the crisis and supports the timely convening of an international peace
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conference, with china supporting the holding of an international peace conference, which should be recognized by both russia and ukraine, at the appropriate time with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all peace plans. that is, scholz failed the mission, just like a year and a half ago. ukraine did not happen, the russians are maintaining the upper hand and winning back pieces of territory. china has its own way out of the ukrainian impasse, the advice was given by the head of the people's republic of china, and these are four points.
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first, we must prioritize maintaining peace and stability and refrain from seeking self-interest. secondly, we must condemn the situation and not add fuel to the fire. thirdly, we must create conditions for the restoration of peace and refrain from further escalating tensions. fourth, we must reduce the negative impact on the global economy and refrain from undermining the stability of global industrial and supply chains. gradual awareness this is still happening until...
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to disperse the supporters of the local opposition who had gathered near the parliament building, let me remind you that they decided to oppose the bill on foreign agents, allegedly copied from russia, but a peaceful rally, as most often happens with such a public, of course but it didn’t work out, the crowd tried to block the service entrance to the above -mentioned parliament, reacted aggressively to the demand to disperse, as a result, there were casualties, including among employees of the ministry of internal affairs and media workers, several people detained, after a short advertisement our pro... the program is conducted by the duty department, now it’s 2124, it sounds plausible, this is from the future, 100 years ago.
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