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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 15, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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no territorial claims to each other, no, there is no desire to spoil relations with them, we are interested in developing relations, so they took and dragged finland into nato, we had some disputes with finland, there were no problems, now there will be, because we will now create the leningrad military district there and definitely concentrate a military unit there, why do they need this, it’s just some nonsense, also with other countries, including countries. with whom do they have any problems? not with anyone, that's it they are artificially creating problems with us because they don’t want to have such a competitor in russia, that’s all. how can we find common ground when there are accusations from all sides? from the point of contact they will have to find us, because they will have to take us into account. their points of contact with the kremlin, or rather with its paving stones, colleagues, someone, the camera, no one dropped it, it stood there, our program found it, recording the most unusual...
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when i saw the ground for the first time, my eyes just flowed, not i can say tears, because that they accumulate in the eyes, in space they don’t flow, and it was so interesting that why they don’t flow, i’m crying, crying, and they gather there, yes, yes, they just gather, you need to blot everything with a napkin. so , cooperation between russia and belarus in space is also a manifestation of allied relations , understanding how important the sphere is, no matter where you point your finger, everywhere there is an application to space technologies and, of course , everyone was worried when the launch was suddenly postponed at the last second, i have everything, everything fell, i already i thought, trouble, no, well done, electronics, it seems to me that this is oh-oh-oh, some kind of sign, probably not worth it at all then, no? no,
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on the contrary, i believe that everything that is not done in life is for the better, all week, of course, we are in contact almost every day, putin is in contact with regions that are going through severe floods, somewhere the water has not yet arrived, somewhere it hasn’t gone away yet, but now we need to think about restoring housing, first of all housing, and infrastructure, of course, so please don’t wait in advance to get ready for this, zarubin’s telegram channel, subscribe directly. now, before others , it tells, shows key presidential events, statements, only verified news without information garbage.
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this winter, at a meeting with families as part of the “relatives and loved ones” forum, vladimir putin promised to personally congratulate the family on their golden wedding. putin was invited to visit or he invited to visit, there were quite a few very curious to remember some of them. in the kremlin
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, peskov uses a wired telephone to find out his mobile phone number. and that's where it calls through minute. yes, hello, just a second, we'll connect you now, just a second, okay, you hold the phone, okay, peskov puts his mobile phone on the table, and thousands of kilometers away in the snow, the deer don't see, of course, what's happening in the kremlin, they only hear , esser ivich, do you hear us, i hear, i hear, who is this, all ours. from the kremlin with you, your friends from the kremlin, good, good, and then he listened attentively to his friends from the kremlin, suddenly his grandson’s face stretched out in incredible surprise, and this happened when
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the president of belarus was given the floor. by congratulations from the president of russia, after 20 minutes only our program accidentally found out what was the matter, how did you like the conversation with...
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a fast deer 70 km/h, yes, yes, yes, yes, okay, they run so fast, well, they run, this one doesn’t get tired, the deer walks everywhere day and night, like athletes on ski boots, there’s no safety train, no, no, it’s not needed, but there are ropes there , you’re going to secure the president there with a rope, but i showed that... it’s a rope, this is a steering wheel, right, left, and this steering wheel, a rope, and gree, this is speed, that’s what now our film crew saw it, and
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a second later nothing was visible in this blizzard. real, good, then in moscow we met a family from the lugansk republic, we also received an invitation to the golden wedding, if not... we’ll go for a walk, so if we go, let’s cooperate, i ’ll definitely help you get there, yes, that’s me for you i promise, thank you, we brought two completely new button accordions here, you won’t tear up the button accordion there for the wedding, no, no, no, how do you know, well, whatever happens, we’ll take a spare one, maybe we they tore a little, but they didn’t break, pasha told us that if you tear the button accordion, we will go, we...
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of a rare white color, and this is putin, and putin, now they are thinking about how to deliver it to moscow immediately after the golden wedding, congratulations on the holiday , thank you very much, bitter, bitter, bitter, bitter, they have already forgotten how to kiss.
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such situations, as a rule, arise spontaneously, this is what communication with the residents of one of the villages about the mushroom harvest resulted in, and there are loads and mushrooms, after a few minutes they are already in the house, only i cooked it in the evening, very tasty mushrooms, they must be, wow, you see how great it is, and a few minutes later , of course, the whole neighborhood knows about such a guest, hello, he came running, well done, we arrived home. and i went there, where, where, where did you take us, stop, i didn’t
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do anything terrible, shut up, son, shut up, son, aunt katya almost strangled me, yes, but many times such a high-ranking guest came for completely different reasons, they invited me, i invited you yesterday, to see how you live, yes, yes, this is how we live. references to the lack of money are absolutely unfounded, there is money in the country in the regions, the only question is where to send it, the program for relocation from dilapidated housing in russia is also in effect, hello, hello, something is not very good here, the housing yes, come on in, meets the standards, the shot is very recent and completely unexpected. arrival in mariupol, but i didn’t even expect it at all, can i
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at least say hello to you, thank you very much, we’ve only seen you on tv so many times, well, nothing so you need to start getting to know each other better, do you live here or is it honestly, it was an unexpected contact, i thought it was the workers standing there because the men there were in work clothes, i wanted to talk to them... work is going on here, but it turned out , that these are local residents, i say, and why in work uniform, a car, well, well, as you saw, they invited me into the house, i saw how they live, the good ones.
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when in big politics you are invited to visit your home, this is a special sign, this was the case with the head of china, in an informal setting and we spoke with schroeder many times, wherever putin did not invite berlusconi, a shot when the russian president attended the wedding of the austrian foreign minister, they also danced, then, of course, the whole world discussed it for a long time, and it still happens, it’s discussed, and here’s another extremely unusual shot, putin’s car goes to visit along the grass straight to the big tent. maamar kadafi always says about himself: i am a simple bedouin who doesn’t even have a passport, and receives his guests in bedouin tents, it was here on these sofas that the russian-libyan negotiations took place. gaddafi then showed that you need to escape the heat
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by fanning yourself with these branches. well, then gaddafi came to... to visit with his tent, it was pitched right in the tainitsky garden of the kremlin, for the first time in my life i had breakfast in a tent, so that the vedouins pitched their tent in the kremlin, this is probably the first time in history, the president had musicians at home who helped him prepare for his performance at a charity evening. and of course,
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this was a special success for a charity evening. very rare footage in its frankness putin is telling his teacher at home, well , what kind of dialogue could take place here before farewell, of course, only one in which i treat you, if you want, i’ll give you my pickled cucumbers, you can’t and they won’t let you take it away. and they’ll throw it away, with permission, i ’ll allow it myself, come on tatyana, take it out, over there are the best ones, there they are, those little ones, those tall ones, cucumbers, yes, which do you like more, tomatoes or cucumbers, cucumbers, come on, come on, cucumbers, cucumbers, i’m telling you, yes,
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you love them, you want another jar, no, that’s right, but this is not... you don’t want it, i don’t want it, don’t give it to anyone, so that they don’t throw it away, okay, i’ll have a snack, he’ll say, you can’t, you can’t, i’ll have a snack , come on, come on, but you’re not inclined to do this, don’t, for your health, arms and legs, well , for your health, in the state it’s like on a heating pad , in order for something worthwhile to grow, it is necessary to destroy, so let’s do things like we perceive this as orders to collect? exactly. a few months ago, putin listened to the orders of a family from dagestan, which he invited to visit the kremlin and connected with minister silanov. say hello. hello. listen, anton, yes, yes. yes, why don’t you answer? but you educated person. oh, hello, i just thought something was wrong, i thought it might be, but i decided it was a joke. yes, they didn’t
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say hello to us. the president visited or visited many especially respected people in russia. can. you can for or to the hospital to support, like you, thank you, or for their anniversary celebrations melody, i am your cre, to personally congratulate you on the holiday with... the assignment of state awards, congratulations to you, thank you, i serve russia until i have made a habit , as chichik said. i don't smoke, and we and my guys don't smoke either, neither andrey and nikita don’t smoke, thank god, good guys, viktor stepanovich worked with
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full dedication, honestly, giving his all. viktor stepanovich truly belongs to the category of people who are rightly called statesmen in the sense that his entire life is devoted to the country. and to the citizens of russia, hello, i have a lot of public affairs of all sorts, thank you very much, but there is no such thing, so i’m not worried, i beg you, i really wanted some varenochka with you, well, you’re all in this very protocol movement, you can’t, an excuse, an excuse for not pouring a good one, of course, but i won’t refuse, seriously.
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for christmas this year, the president invited the children of widows of fallen heroes to his home, met the children with their mothers in november on red square, and what do you mean putin is for now? it's like this. a whole event, he talked about it for a very long time, he said: mom, he is real, now his squad of grannies, with whom he weaves nets for our guys, will be more and more motivated, because their main commander was at such a high meeting. well, the details of the recent conversation in the kremlin, when putin invited the heroes of the special operation, impressed the residents of all russian republics, and other regions. all from buryatia, well, we met at the very beginning, russian people, russian by nationality. i say, well done, they didn’t run, one of them tells me where they didn’t run, and he was sincerely so surprised, i say, well, well, they didn’t run, didn’t retreat, the enemy ran,
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suddenly i’m in all seriousness, without any irony, i want to emphasize this, without any irony, he says, the buryats don’t flee, you know, it’s so expensive, a russian person, but from buryatia, says these words, that is, there is something that unites our people into a single whole,
11:55 am
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11:59 am
12:00 pm
all hypersonic missiles fired by iran reached their target in israel, the authorities of the islamic republic stated this, tehran warned that if the jewish state strikes again, the new iranian response will be much larger, as they write from... israeli media tel aviv was ready immediately attack iran, but the prime minister did not make a corresponding decision accepted. this was allegedly influenced by a call from the white house with a call to prevent the escalation of the conflict. let me remind you that earlier the press wrote that tehran used 185 drones, 36 coral missiles and 110 surface-to-surface missiles. according to the times of israel, citing the ministry of defense, more than 100 iranian drones were intercepted over jordan and
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syria. paris, london and


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