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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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yes, we have now developed composites with characteristics that allow composite materials to compete, well, with steel. the final estimate is the payload. the payload will be greater, yes, if you use a composite. only two missiles in the world currently have lightweight head fairings made of composite materials: the american falcon and the russian hangar. moreover, russian designers began to use this elegant solution... 5 years earlier than elon musk’s company. by the way, our specialists are now working to additionally lighten the angara's head fairing. i ’m telling you about this for the first time today. this means that, on an initiative basis in the center of krunishche, we have developed our own lightweight head fairing of a new generation; this is a young group of young scientists, young administrative designers , not only have we developed it, but we are also manufacturing it.
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tests, then the universal rocket modules are transferred to a control testing station, where they undergo electrical tests. the flight was determined by the parent company in production of angara. new equipment, cnc centers, pneumohydraulic units, electrical discharge broaching machines, mobile coordinate measuring machines for friction welding installations were installed in the workshops. a credit
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change equipment, shut down workshops, and so on, already in the process of mass production further, all this is necessary for the serial production of the angara, at the same time, to reduce it. cost, the price of the new rocket should be about 4 billion rubles, this is significantly lower than that of most competitors, by the way, there are only four of them, which is how many heavy-class carriers are used in other countries of the world, rockets with a carrying capacity of more than 20 tons are considered as such. in terms of payload, the leader in its class is the american delta for heavy. a rocket with a height of 71 and a launch mass of 733 is capable of launching. 28.7 tons of cargo into the reference orbit. in second place is another carrier is a heavyweight from the usa called vulcan. its characteristics are also impressive: height 62 m, weight - 547 tons and load capacity of 27.2 tons. next comes the chinese changzhen-5,
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this is the heaviest rocket in its class in terms of mass. with a height of 57 m, it weighs as much as 867 tons. however, the carrier from heaven is capable of launching 25 tons of various cargo into space, which is 500 kg more than the maximum load capacity of the angara a5. however, the russian heavy rocket is 2 m shorter and 94 tons lighter than the chinese one. well fifth place occupies the brainchild of elon musk's company falcon 9ft. a total of 22.8 tons of payload with a launch weight of 549 and a length of 70 m. at first glance, it seems that angara and falcon are absolute outsiders among heavy rockets. but in fact, the opposite is true; these are the best media in their class in terms of price-quality ratio. the difference of several tons
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does not play a special role when launching various spacecraft into orbit; what is much more important is how much money it costs. so one launch of the angara costs around 100 million dollars, but this is several times higher cheaper than the chinese one. american competitors, all except falcon 9. the american heavy rocket produced by spacex now occupies the largest share in the space transportation market. in 2023, it launched 91 times, far more often than any rocket on the planet. the stable repeatability of falcon 9 launches has led to a reduction in their price, which means a significant reduction in the cost of producing the launch vehicles themselves. of course, no prospects. no one except falcon has any commercial ones, because falcon is cheaper just by a multiple, multiple, i’m not saying even about the bonus that musk receives for being musk. everyone wants to work with musk, this is obvious, we all understand, but this is a brand, this is a brand, and its price, of course, is two times
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lower than that of russian heavy missiles, and four times lower than that of european, american, therefore , it is impossible to compete with him, for this you need to do something completely... different. elon musk can be respected for his ability to play for all the money. at one time, he took a risk and invested in the project of a reusable rocket with a returnable first stage, which can be reuse. on this way. the eccentric billionaire suffered failures more than once, but still achieved his goal. the falcon family rocket is now the most technically advanced machine in the world. our angaras are fundamentally inferior to them in one thing, it is a disposable carrier. however, when the russian rocket was being developed, no one could even imagine that many private satellites and space internet projects such as starlink and one web would appear. and to launch them into earth orbit , a reusable launch vehicle capable of carry out several ten. in the 2000s
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, the project changed a lot, but the rocket that is now being brought to flight tests and will be used for flights with a serious payload is a project of the 2000s, and the reusable systems of elon musk spacex are a development of the 1900s, in the future we see that both chinese developers and other european and american developers are trying to do everything partially. they miss this point, in the same place, if you
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return, yes, then you need to spend fuel return, but the question arises, this is the fuel that you spent, maybe if it were used to launch a more, so to speak, massive payload, maybe it would be better if you use a launch scheme with the first return . this is approximately one and a half times less than that of the angara. if you shoot into the sky the old way and don't wait for the booster to return, then masco's rocket can put almost 23 tons into orbit. by the way, one and a half tons less than the heavy russian one. but what elon's missiles have mask and what the angara family does not have is the ability to maneuver between conventional and return launches, depending on the delivery.
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although similar developments were carried out back in the nineties, during the max-2001 air show
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a full-fledged concept called baikal was even presented. the main idea of ​​this project is that the first stage of the angara, having separated from the carrier, opens its wings like an airplane and, using an additional jet engine, lands at the nearest airfield to the cosmodrome. resource allows the baikal type module to be used up to twenty times, but at the beginning of 2000 this idea seemed cost-ineffective. difficult to implement, but with the current level of development of science and technology, it can be used, albeit in a somewhat revised form; there are such plans at the khrunichev center. we have several projects, like the returnable stages of the ankara a5, a complete package for the ankara 1.2 launch vehicle, there is a deeply developed project, and we continue to work on it, we believe that in the new... in program we will work specifically on
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the returnability of this stage of ankara 1.2 means hangar, well, a light-class hangar, that is, in addition to studies, we are conducting experimental testing of the depreciation system. creating a reusable hangar only makes sense if there is a large number of commercial flights, and here the main hopes are related to the growth of domestic demand. in the present. there are several private projects that are actively developing in russia, among them quite a few are already well-known, probably the project of broadband internet access with the help. co-orbital satellite systems that are being developed by the bureau 1440 company, for them , first of all, it is now relevant to have as much energy resource as possible to launch their devices, because they are planning a multi-thousand satellite system, accordingly there are other operator companies that plan to launch their commercial systems
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for remote sensing of the earth, as far as i know, the internet of things, the so- called iot mt. and many others who have already declared or are only in the process that they they are planning to develop their own, well, multi-satellite system. by the way, the now popular miniature spacecraft can be launched into orbit using a heavy hangar, a paradox, but it is still relatively cheap. the angara launch vehicle is designed in such a way that it can, along with the main payload, launch a large number of very small space missions. devices, here is a model of a microsatellite, a cluster of three units, in this case, this is our development, which we also plan to launch sooner or later into low earth orbit, using a rocket carrier angra, which also provides for the possibility of launching such microsatellites, small companies can get the opportunity to
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use available resources to launch their microsatellites into space in order to test... their technologies, however, it is not worth considering a heavy hangar solely through the prism of commerce, the main task of this rocket is replace the obsolete proton truck, and also provide the ability to launch vehicles of any type into space. to achieve this goal , the angara family of missiles is now active is expanding. in the near future , two more modifications will appear in it. at the new russian vostochny cosmodrome , the appropriate infrastructure has already been created for them. large launch vehicles, as a rule , are launched from a relatively small number of cosmodromes located at certain points on the earth, since the range of realized orbital inclinations is limited by the choice of flight paths, as well as the impact zones of detachable stages and nose fairings, and the
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closer the cosmodrome is to the equator, the less fuel needed to enter orbit, so plesetsk, located in the north of the european part. russia is not the most convenient place for launches. the countries of the large space club are trying to build large spaceports near the coast, so that the separated elements fall into the sea. this is how the american spaceports are set up at cape canaveral, the european ones in french guiana and the indian one on the island of sriharikota. in compliance with similar principles, the new russian eastern cosmodrome was built, and also with the goal of gaining final independence from kazakhstan in the field of space. for to achieve space sovereignty, the country needs to have its own modern cosmodrome and a rocket assembled entirely from domestic components, so 2019 became a landmark year in the history of russian cosmonautics, when construction of a new launch complex for the angara began at the vostochny cosmodrome. the huge pit was filled with 2,010 cubic meters of concrete; this
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amount of material would be enough to build 45 floors. it will house 10 levels for servicing heavy carriers and technological systems installed twice as much as in a similar tower at the soyuz rocket launch complex, meanwhile, this is only a small part of a huge construction project. the launch complex includes not only the launch pad, it also includes a compressor station, refueling stations, a command post, and there are several dozen buildings that are part of the launch complex. in fact, a small high-tech city with a hidden system of underground structures and tunnels was built by tsenki specialists in a record
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time. well, i can responsibly tell you, which... means, after all , i’ve been in industry for almost 47 years, which is why i can say that this is probably the fastest construction in recent times, out of all the construction projects that have taken place, literally in four years, it was built a complete complex of all buildings and structures, installation of all equipment has already been carried out, autonomous tests have been carried out, the first stage has been completed. comprehensive tests, well, this is very cool. the new launch complex is significantly different from the one located at the plesetsk cosmodrome, because the northern launch was built on a base already. existing launch complex for the zenit rocket, then the decision was made to abandon the use of the zenit rocket to use the angara rocket in prisetsk, here is the launch pad
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that was already being built, it was already completely ready, the zenit rocket, it was remade for gora rockets, that is, it turns out that they didn’t build it anew, but redid the existing infrastructure. this imposed certain restrictions that do not exist in vostochny, so here it was possible to build something more modern and universal. new start. the pole is suitable for launching not only automatic vehicles, but also manned spacecraft with astronauts on board. this means that there is a variant of the angara a5p, a manned version, and it will be used to launch the new manned spacecraft ariol, which was previously planned for the lunar program, but since the lunar program was postponed, and accordingly it will be launched to the russian orbital station. the international space station is already reaching the end of its life, and now the astronauts have to. spend on eliminating more time for faults than for scientific work. after 2030, the iss will definitely be sunk in the pacific ocean. and then our cosmonauts will begin to fly to the new russian
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orbital station ros. its elements have already been shown to journalists by representatives of rsc energia. the first stage of construction of the new station will begin in 1928, when a scientific and energy module will be launched into low orbit; only one of the existing russian rockets, the heavy angara, can do this. a5, there will be no more protons, we don’t have any other rockets, and hangar a5 with its payload capacity is a little more than 20 tons, there are 24 tons, for example, this is just for the module of a new orbital station, so of course this rocket is needed, if it is not there, then russia will not be able to launch orbital stations, will not be able to launch any large scientific or defense satellites, so of course it will not be in demand soon; protons will not be in demand soon; initially the eagle ship was developed for flights to the moon, but its... version can also be used for launches to the ros station, and the eagle will carry not only astronauts, but also cargo , that there will be a replacement for two soyuz ships and progress at once, but the most important thing is not even this: the new
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vostochny cosmodrome, the angara rocket and the eagle ship will become parts of a single space transport system, and the ros orbital station will be its original core, the center of gravity, in total all this will help successfully explore and master near space, although we have distant space. the block, which has already been developed, simply has not yet reached flight tests, on its basis an accelerator stage or a hydrogen upper stage will be made for the angara a5, based on the experience that, for example, specialists at the khrunichevo center had to develop upper stages for india, for example, india uses hydrogen upper stages, this is the legacy of cooperation with russian specialists. khrunichevo center, this is how they simultaneously developed the russian upper stage and helped the indians master hydrogen technologies. fuel pair, hydrogen-oxygen,
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is now very actively used by leading space powers. even jeff bezes's private company blue origin puts these engines on the new shepard suborbital rocket, because hydrogen is very light and extremely efficient when burned, especially when used in a vacuum, so it is usually not used together with oxygen in the first stages. as a result, the heavy a5 rocket with a hydrogen upper stage will conditionally replace the failed super-heavy a7 in the angara line, because it will have a similar payload capacity, and
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there will be no need to create a new carrier and conduct flight tests, however, the lifting capacity of the angara a5 with hydrogen the stage will be much inferior to the american space heavyweights. for comparison, the falcon heavy rocket from spacex is capable of launching almost 64 tons into a low reference orbit, and elon musk’s new starship, with which it is currently conducting test flights, has an even greater payload capacity of up to 150 tons. on the other hand, even in the usa, super-heavy missiles are not yet in great demand; rather, this is a foundation for the future, and for domestic russian needs , the angara is quite enough; its modular design allows you to quickly satisfy almost any requests of our space industry. if necessary, on the existing material and technical base, it is possible in a very... short time to create a medium-class carrier and even a super-heavy lunar rocket, well, as a further development of the lunar program, it can participate, this is
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what we are... we are considering options for expansion this modification, in order to be used to build a superheavy, the superheavy must be made for a specific task, for specific devices that we will carry out, that is, it must be specific task. in general, the angara family has serious potential for development, this is truly the future of russian cosmonautics, and i would like to hope that it will be as bright as the flame escaping from the nozzles of rockets going into the sky. we ’ll connect you now, just a second, okay, who are these conversations with, why did i have to flee in the kremlin, sasha, i’m writing, where the excitement is stronger, in space or at the table with the presidents, there will be a lot to discuss, the nuances of big politics, i’ll go
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change clothes, which surprise everyone, yes why olenev didn’t understand that putin called him, the president congratulated you, well, the president congratulated you, and the most interesting shots of the week are all from the kremlin, moscow, the kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00.
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the escalation in the middle east in connection with iran's attack on israeli territory was a consequence , among other things, of the position of western countries, as stated in a statement by the russian foreign ministry. it was the united states and its allies who did not give the security council adequately. on the israeli bombing of the iranian consulate in damascus on april 1. and now tehran is calling out its actions realization of the right to self-defense, notes our foreign policy department, calling on the parties to show restraint. the security council will discuss the situation in the middle east in a few hours. and the extraordinary nature of the emergency meeting is evidenced by the fact that it will take place on sunday. this happens extremely rarely. moreover, the secretary general of the organization is expected to make a report personally.


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