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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 10, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. i always like how well we were taught at school, especially literature, here is a wolf in an eternal cloak, well, this is about nata, that is, absolutely pretending to be peacemakers , such sheep, and then of course, now it’s funny to review all the propaganda.
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foreign minister of the russian federation sergei vittorich lavrova is greeted by not just anyone but the leader of a country with a population of one and a half billion, if not the first, then certainly not the second economy in the world.
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here we see what sidinping looks like, how he speaks, we know how vladimir vladimirovich putin speaks and looks, and now look at joseph, rabinett biden jr. we finally found out who he gets his instructions from, i get his instructions from my wife who is a school teacher, she said make sure you say hello to the mayor and then he runs out of batteries and this robot really goes crazy.
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but instead of this unfortunate lost person, another may come to replace him, who is ready to eclipse him. sun, we will save america.
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in fact, of course, i want to start with a visit to china, because, well, to be honest, the level of the statements that the parties made is amazing, and not in the sense of their scale, although the scale is also impressive, in the sense of the clarity, clarity and precision of these statements that are precisely related to the reality of the events taking place, and not to some kind of speculation, well, safe, and then make yes or. dmitry sergeevich peskov generally confirmed that it is clear that this visit of sergei viktorovich is preparatory for the state visit of president putin, which will take place this year, so i think
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that, well , the preparation started in this way, of course, lays down decisions that can... surprise very, very many people there, yes, well, look what we discussed, well, firstly, about our relations, which are more than an alliance, everything was said with the utmost, so to speak, clarity, but there are key points, well, for example, with sanctions, we will sort it out within brix, what this means, well, this means that economic and economic facilities will be built inside brix mechanisms that will allow them to be completely leveled, that’s how it’s possible.
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and there will be brix games, yes, and this means that the parties decided to do all this, and there in the statement it is said that they will be on the principles of could, which could have betrayed. left, well, what a signal, maybe it could be clearer, yes, well, understand, something new will be created and principles that, excuse me, are more than 2.0 years old will be saved, the principles will be saved, well, from whom, from those who destroyed and are destroying them, so there will be a new sports life, organized on these principles, and russia, china and other countries they will do it, it’s just an element, yes, very important. because it is on a par with the issue of sanctions, with the issue
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of the financial system, and of course, it is very important that what was said regarding the so-called zelensky plan, because of course everything is how they have been rushing around for a couple of years with this peace plan of zelensky, it’s clear why this is needed, they want to drag in the countries of the great south or there neutrally.
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and integrally, we can say that china and russia are jointly, super-intensively engaged in building a new world, that’s what ’s happening, by the way, without seeking to destroy the old one, yes, just like that, in order to directly have the goal of burying someone there, well, why waste energy, but they’ll die themselves, that’s for sure, that’s how it is about these same ones, a therapist and a surgeon, this...
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and it’s interesting, you know, against the backdrop of all this, cameron, who called trump an earthworm, for some reason comes to his estate and secretly talks about something, mr. worm, yes, he came right in, well , that’s what you called me, but you understand, well he comes and talks about something, and i even know how trump humiliated him, he ordered him food from a big mac, well, probably, well, nothing, nothing, cameron is an experienced man, sit down, yes.
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so what, you already surpass a lot, well , it’s impossible to find at least some kind of logical connection, why? yes, because well , all these people of this generation there are macron, borel, scholz, ursula vonderlein, well, these are specially raised people, by the way, when greta tumberg comes to them, well, by the way, i
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wouldn’t laugh so much. official people, official people, here, lord, service people, yes, i apologize, here they are, uh, the pinnacle of development of a service person, so i listed them, you can add george meloni there, well, there are a lot of them there, so, well, uh, you can say that this activity is successful, that’s what
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they can really do and what they will serve, that’s the second question, that’s it, but... but there are people like that, so i’d probably point out another important point that i’m talking about today i noticed that this is a statement from the investigative committee, let’s ask the question, but following the results of an inspection organized in connection with an appeal from a group of state duma deputies and other persons, the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case on the financing of terrorism. it has been established that funds received through commercial organizations, in particular... the oil and gas company burisma holdings, operating in ukraine, have been used in recent years to carry out terrorist acts in the russian federation, as well as abroad, in order to eliminate prominent political and public figures causing economic damage. the investigation , in cooperation with other special services and
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financial intelligence, checks the sources of income and further movement of funds . in the amount of several million us dollars, the involvement of specific individuals from among government officials, public and commercial organizations in western countries. in addition, through investigative operational means, connections between the direct perpetrators of terrorist acts and foreign curators, organizers and sponsors are worked out. this is a very important statement the statement was preceded, by the way, by the way, well... there is an appeal from the deputies, yes, which is also very interesting to read, this is a fascinating read, in fact, it is quite justified, well, it’s just even in this document, so you won’t be too lazy to read 15 pages, but it was, then, some time ago, the investigative committee took this for consideration, this is the result, and
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the prosecutor general’s office of the russian federation, through its channels, well... they know or should know that the prosecutor general’s office is the authorized body for interaction within all anti-terrorism treaties and conventions, and in implementing this right and obligation, because in the legislation on international terrorism, in international acts, these are the rights and obligations of the parties to this agreement, our prosecutor general’s office officially appealed to...
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the fund, which is managed and the leadership of the main intelligence directorate, well , the same budanov, they contributed money there, and uh, well, this is a basic, fundamental fact, what does this mean, this is what is happening, this means that we we are going to really get to those who organized it all and financed it. already a number of former leaders of poland, there is biden’s son, there is biden’s son, he has already managed to steer, no, he did not have time, the period of time is described there when biden’s son was still in charge. but yes, the point is that you understand, whether he pulled it off or not , the point is that the money that
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was formed from this source, from this, from this very drilling, was formed with his participation and spent with his participation, so you can screw it up a thousand times, yes, but excuse me, bank postings are something that is not so simple, well... disappears, and the original drilling postings were published a few years ago, so to speak, and man, which i announced ended up on all the sanctions lists, well, yes, for the fact that he dared to announce them, that’s why i understand, you know, this is not talk, that’s when the prosecutor general’s office investigative committee takes it into action and makes a statement that they have a basis.
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no one said, it means officially that he will be made in china, because xiding ping made his first visit after his third term to russia, and this was an unprecedented case of international relations, when exactly to the day, almost 10 years after his appointment, he flies to russia, and here is a very important symbolic country , but little is said about this, that for china, for its current political system, russia is in some sense a model, well, the chinese don’t say this out loud, but this visit itself emphasizes that... “we are guided by your experience , you renew deadlines, we are extending the deadlines, that is, we are going hand in hand, and it is logical that vladimir putin, too , after his appointment, most likely, well, you can
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assume different deadlines there, the inauguration is on may 7, let’s say 10 days, there is may 17, for example, i don’t i know, maybe he will fly to china, at least rators, his sources confirm the statements and so on, well, plus we are waiting for the victory parade, we really hope that the new minister of defense of china will also follow the tradition. which has developed, will fly to the victory parade, dongdyun, this is the first naval the commanding minister of defense for the entire history of the modern people's republic of china, the people's free army of china, will also be present and will hold negotiations with vladimir putin, and in general, for me, to be honest, maybe sergei viktorovich had this meeting planned, but for me it was somewhat unexpected , that at such a high level sidin pin received our minister of foreign affairs, after all, the level is different and everything could be limited to a dialogue with his counterpart one, that is, here there is also a fairly high level. well here we are often we ask the question, maybe we are mistaken about china, well, maybe we place some extra hopes on it, we think that it is an ally, a partner, and there are many such things in
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principle, and sometimes even logical arguments are put forward, but what is really happening , that's how, that's what is the engine of our partnership, without any rose-colored glasses there, obviously, the established anti-americanism that exists in china, in china, the chinese army since 2010 there is such a book about the world: after the usa, that means, uh, chinese dream, a chinese general wrote, which means one of the employees, it means it’s 2010, hasn’t even come to put the sidenpin yet, and the first chapter is written there that the usa, the main motive of the book, means, uh, that lifuua, if i’m not mistaken, and the main motive of the book is that the usa will not tolerate a great china, she will try to destroy it with her allies, from the inside, and so on, that is, china must prepare for a fight, then...
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first, that china has really become so big that it cannot help but compete with the united states and he needs allies, he cannot win alone, the usa 900 bases, in china there is only one in djibouti, and china is just creating a navy, just creating its own modern army, and so on, without russia, indonesia, saudi arabia in the broad sense of the brix partnership, china alone cannot cope with the united states, but clearly, that there is a contradiction industrially, economically and so on, that is, first, second, it is not profitable for russia and china to fight, for example. if we compare the situation in 1969, the soviet union had a very powerful army, a large nuclear arsenal, had allies vietnam, had good relations with india, and in fact
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the troops were there. accordingly, in afghanistan, the dprk and so on, the relationship could have really developed back then, with one of the parties counting on victory, indeed, then a conflict could have occurred, now almost the chinese nuclear potential is approaching ours, it is unprofitable to fight, which is not yet the case, well, in the area thousands, it’s clear that we have five times more, it’s logical to fight, it’s logical that fighting with such ratios is unprofitable, there’s no point in us fighting and occupying china, china also makes no sense to move in our direction, that is, we have... a priori friendly relations, they can be simply neutral, or they can be positive, well, with a positive connotation, that is, these two components, they indicate that there is no this means, at a minimum, there can be no confrontation, and secondly, within the framework of anti-americanism , the confrontation that will continue for 30 years with the united states is inevitable, that china needs allies and a strong northern rear, and in general, if we analyze 350 years of russian -chinese relations, conflict component, well, let’s even say this, if
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we stretch out all the conflicts. for a long time only the soviet union refused this, the russian tsarist empire took it, the soviet union said no, but at the same time the russian empire did not supply opium, did not carry out genocide of the chinese people, the chinese remember this very well, moreover, i don’t remember 300 and thousand chinese in
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red. yes, by the way, they worked very actively in the caucasus, if you bring up the history, it’s also interesting there, it means there’s a layer, but nevertheless, they argue a lot that we should to be afraid of the chinese world, but the chinese world a priori cannot be similar, or let’s say, with one of the leaders led by china, with one of the emphasized, not the only one, we are somehow bad at being afraid, that is , somehow in the russian character is always afraid of problems, we somehow don’t know how to be afraid, yes, well, here, in principle, there is no one to be afraid of, but
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there is also absolute hegemony. china should not be expected either, that is, a fundamentally different world is being formed, different from the united states, and i absolutely agree with dmitry that someday the united states and the west will also join brix, about the united states, i’m not sure whether in whole or in parts, no, we’ll only take parts, well, most likely yes, but this is also one of the options, we need a procedure so that there is a road map, that's all, that's all, that's all, probation and california, and democratically, you do not correspond to brixt's idea. well, as a matter of fact, this will really happen, we will include them, and i also agree with tosit that we and china are the most active builders of a new world, who really drive these engines, they are located in moscow in beijing, our only problem is that somehow we are always pretty bad with someone, we are good with ourselves, so we are like something we’re trying with someone, somewhere we start to fail, when we are absolutely self-sufficient, everything is fine with us, then you look around everyone treats us well
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and... kazakhstan is also very afraid of the chinese, well, there are serious anti-chinese sentiments there, 2 weeks takaev gave the opportunity for visa-free travel businessmen. belarus 90 days belarus, no, but we don’t, only in a group, two or three people, then you register a tourist group, it’s difficult, it’s not very convenient for the chinese side, it must be mutual, mutual, no, the chinese are the ambassador zhanhaikhoi said that we are not against it, but no one has contacted us yet, that is, according to...


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