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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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let's return to the first topic of the issue and the main one these days on floods in russia. so, the orenburg authorities decided not to issue invoices. housing and communal services for residents of areas flooded by floods, supervisory and investigative authorities will monitor the implementation of this decision, the head of the region, denis pasler, told reporters. now in direct contact with us is the deputy head of the rospotrebnadzor department for the orenburg region, elena dektereva. yes, elena vladimirovna, hello, can you hear us, that’s how it is do you assess the sanitary and epidemiological situation in connection with floods in the region?
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good afternoon, we assess the sanitary and epitemiological situation in the region as stable and controllable, as for the local situation that we have in the city of orsk, it arose due to a difficult flood situation, again, we have quality control organized at the moment water, currently the water samples already meet the requirements. as for the measures taken by the rospotrebnadzor department, i can say that we have water quality control has been organized throughout the region.
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according to your data, there is now a real threat of the spread of infection, it is clear that during a flood, well, there is such a fear, after it, what should you pay attention to? attention, what measures do you think you are taking on your part in the orenburg region? well, we are taking measures to ensure that we carry out disinfection without fail, so that disinfection of all sources of supply that suddenly end up in flooded areas is organized. territories. in addition, it is mandatory that residents of the region only drink boiled water, that is, in all, so to speak, all sources of mass media, we give this information that residents of the region must drink only boiled water.
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serious escalation. the kiev regime continues its terrorist activities. this is how moscow commented on the obvious attacks of the ukrainian armed forces on the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. ukrainian militants no longer hesitate to escalate dangerously. a new attack, the second in a day committed this morning. the superstations shot down the
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kamikaze drone. he fell on the roof of the sixth power unit. the ammunition did not detonate and the roof was not damaged. there was no threat of violation of zas safety limits. this is what is being said. on sunday, as reported by rosatom, the strike hit the area adjacent to the canteen, as a result , three employees were injured, one of them in serious condition, after which a ukrainian drone attacked the area of ​​the cargo port, and on sunday the sixth power unit was also attacked by a drone zaes, blow fell on the dome. this is a very dangerous provocation. magata employees who are on the spot had the opportunity to witness this attack, so this is a very dangerous practice that has very bad negative consequences, in the long term the practice of the kyrgyz regime, unfortunately, continues its terrorist activities.
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well, there is a reaction from the russian foreign ministry, i will quote the statement, the blame for the attacks on the zaporozhye station and their consequences also falls on the authorities of the countries that supply kiev with weapons. his finances and intelligence data. kyiv has taken the path of nuclear terror. russia expects director general magathe to provide a public and comprehensive, truthful response to these attacks. end of quote. well, the representative of our country at international organizations in vienna, mikhail ulyanov, said that kiev poses serious threats to the whole of europe. for about 5 months in the twenty-second year, from mid-july to november 20, the station was exposed. with the ukrainian rocket and artillery shelling, then magatea also did not name the guilty party, although naturally, the agency knows very well who bears responsibility for this, there were no attacks for a year and a half and 5 months, now they have resumed, this is a very serious escalation,
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in the event of a nuclear disaster, ukraine itself and the surrounding areas will suffer. and let's be more specific so that... there are no discrepancies. the zaporozhye nuclear power plant has been under fire from the ukrainian armed forces since the very beginning of the special military operation. the blows are targeted and provocative. they tried to hit the storage facilities, the working buildings of the station and other objects on its territory. they also staged provocations with shelling and during visits to stations by magathe delegations. the demands of the international community, including the leadership of the same magathe, to stop the shelling are simply ignored. terrorist methods are all that remains for the kiev regime, when things at the front are getting worse and worse, and the economy is supported only by foreign handouts, and even then with difficulty. moreover, according to media reports , the head of the kiev regime is rapidly losing his support, both in ukraine itself and in the west that sponsors it. slate writes: that europe has long been tired of zelensky,
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dissatisfied with his methods and has a completely bleak assessment of his prospects. well, according to information from the german tiger spiegel and zelensky’s curators and his entourage. happy quote: with the authoritarian tendencies of the head of the regime. and, of course, the situation at the front. the more difficult it is for the ukrainian armed forces, the greater the pressure on the ukrainian president. well, the data from the latest opinion polls. zelensky's trust rating among ukrainian citizens is only about 22%. 2 years ago it was 74. there are corresponding ones recommendations that zelensky cannot fail to implement, and what he does, he fulfills them, reduces the number around him, well , if not supporters, then at least people who were more loyal to him, which, of course, is the reason in order for the rating to decrease, there is enough, this is also an economic...
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quote: in the register of persons liable for military service , authorities are required to enter information about all citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60 years, regardless of their gender. that the idea of ​​women's mobilization is, to put it mildly, cold found not only by the people, but also by the military personnel themselves. they speak regularly on ukrainian tv channels, but only apparently.
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only voluntarily, so that women go, i believe that there are still quite enough men left so that women do not go, but men are not so eager to go that from now on, ukrainian students who study abroad, if they do not want to return to their homeland, will now face an interpol search , deportation court. and in the latest article. the british times comes to the conclusion that when choosing between fight and flight, ukrainian youth are giving up preference for the latter saves money for bribes to the military commissar; those who were unable to save are looking for alternative ways to avoid conscription. madam, madam, it was you who were disturbed by the central control commission, madam, madam, you me, you will help me, madam, wait, this is a normal adjustment by the central control commission, and this disguise can be understood from...
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obviously designed to simplify the life of military commissars, but not those who are planned to call, this is openly voiced by the people’s deputies. within a few months, i hope that this process will become effective, because we are doing informational, electronic. new brigades, they are already staffed with people, but we are waiting for equipment, military equipment and ammunition from our partners. when all this
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arrives, the new brigades will be completed and we will significantly increase our combat power. and there is no doubt that kiev is ready to pay any price to complete these necessary mobilization tasks, not counting the lives of its own fellow citizens. varvara nevskaya, news. on the 120th anniversary of the creation of the entente, great britain and france announced plans to found a new one. military alliance that will be directed against russia, a day earlier, the british and french heads of meath jointly published an article in which they stated that london and paris should help kiev in its conflict.
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and italy. the main goal of the military-political bloc in germany will lose, we will all lose. the entente was created by three states: france, great britain and the russian empire. in response to the emergence of the triple alliance of germany, austria-hungary was to prevent hegemony from winning this war if ukraine was in europe. svr director sergei naryshkin reminded the fifth republic of the role
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played by the russian people in the history of their country. he drew attention to another turning point: the battle for paris in... having defeated france, russia did not allow it to be destroyed and preserved it as one of the largest european powers. in 1814, our country not only helped the peoples of europe to end the bloody war as soon as possible, but globally contributed to the establishment of a just post-war world order, opposing its allies, primarily great britain and prussia, who insisted on dismembering france into several parts, russia did not allowed to humiliate defeated france. however, now the situation has turned 180°. retired french army general vinsand deporte threatens moscow with nuclear weapons of the fifth republic and confidently declares that paris must
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do everything to protect ukraine, and the defeat of kiev can be interpreted as a defeat for france. the country that russia is now afraid of is france. why? we are the only country that has everything necessary to deliver missiles to st. petersburg, moscow and other russian cities in 10 minutes. and these are russians know. in other words, even if america moves away, we will still remain a force to be reckoned with. the deportation statement fits well with the general line of french foreign policy. emmanuel macron has previously stated that... the republic can send its troops to ukraine. then his words were criticized by all his european colleagues. deport suffered the same fate. military political scientists compared the nuclear potential of moscow and paris. if we compare the nuclear weapons of france and the russian federation, then this just makes me smile. they have 290 nuclear
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warheads, we have five times. more, more than 1,600 nuclear warheads that the russian federation has, that is, if they try to throw something to st. petersburg, moscow and other cities, then our missiles will completely sweep away. paris's position was questioned by many european countries. austrian chancellor karl nehamer, in an interview with le figaro, warned paris against direct intervention in the conflict between kiev and moscow. he called on his french colleagues to stick to it. the principle of restraint in order to avoid uncontrolled escalation and advised the conflict countries to return to resuming dialogue. natalya goncharova, lead. now economic news, briefly. russian banks issued mortgages worth 1 trillion rubles in the first quarter. in total, citizens took out about 250,000 such loans. this is data from
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frank rg. experts believe that the excitement in the market in recent months is associated with an imminent end. preferential program, they plan to make it more targeted, but the total volume of loans issued exceeded 3 trillion rubles. there are already 10 million self-employed people in russia, about this stated in the federal tax service. the total income of such workers is more than 3.5 trillion rubles. every day , about 8,500 citizens register as self-employed. most often they work in taxis, do repairs, marketing or sell their own products. the highest paid - it. in march, the yuan renewed its maximum in the structure of the russian foreign exchange market; according to the central bank, the share of the chinese currency in exchange trading reached 53%. to toxic. currency accounted for 46%. in the over-the-counter segment , the yuan's share is almost 40%, among unfriendly currencies about 55. earlier it became known that the largest russian banks increased
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the yield on deposits in yuan, the maximum rate rose to 5% per annum. and the price of gold again updated the record: $2,360 per ounce. in 2 months, fight metal has already risen in price by 17%. the reason, according to bloomberg , is the strengthening of geopolitical factors. risks, including in the middle east. ubs analysts predict that the price will rise to $2,500 by the end of the year. a new round of price increases is expected after the us federal reserve cuts rates. it was economic news. short. well now it's urgent messages from the smolensk region marked "lightning". a woman died when an overpass collapsed in the smolensk region. another person was reported injured. this data is with reference to the representative. ministry of emergency situations. and also the destruction of the overpass on the railway track in the vyazma area, the movement of trains on the vyazma semlevo section in the smolensk region was suspended. and
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four recovery trains were sent to the site of the collapse in the smolensk region to clear the tracks and an operational headquarters was created in russian railways. this message already contains a link to moscow railway. we will monitor the incoming information. in the meantime, on to other news about the long-term savings program from the moment. 278,000 citizens joined its launch, elvira nabiulina, head of the central bank, told deputies of the state duma about this today. the prospects for reducing the key rate and the fight against inflation were also discussed. dmitry morocco has all the details. to reduce the key rate , inflation must begin to slow down steadily. last year it became a serious challenge and a signal that demand is growing faster than production of goods and services. therefore, to curb inflation, the central bank. consistently raised the key rate; over the past year it increased by 8.5%. at the same time , the influence of the key rate on economic growth itself is minimal, says the head of the regulator, ilvera
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nabiulina. the gdp growth forecast from the central bank for this year is 1-2%. inflation will be close to the target of four. if inflation continues to slow down steadily, we assume that we will be able to begin reducing the key rate this year, most likely in the second half of the year. there are many factors that force we must be careful, including still high inflation risks, and i would like to note that the experience of many countries shows that a premature reduction in rates can provoke a second wave of inflation, which will be more difficult to cope with than the first. now work is underway to develop international payments in order to freely conduct trade with friendly countries. the share of payments in national currencies has already increased to 67%.
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this will be another means for payments and transfers, which will be beneficial to citizens, i don't care. in the future, we expect that we will be able to begin cross-border transactions in digital currencies of central banks with those friendly countries that are ready for this both technically and politically. we have already started such a dialogue. another important topic that was discussed today in the state duma is the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services. this includes the fight against unscrupulous lending, a multiple increase. namely , they imposed self-restraint on obtaining loans,
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obliged banks to return client funds transferred without their consent within thirty days, gave the payment system the right to suspend suspicious transfers for 48 hours, even with the client’s consent, tightened the requirements for advertising credit products, obliged... soon russians will not have to pay commissions for money transfers between different banks, amounts up to 30 million rubles will be possible transfer your account from your account for free. dmitry morocco, dmitry shevilev, maxim devitaykin, lead. literature portraits of nazi criminals were found in one of the museums in the rostov region. the reason for the inspection was an appeal from citizens, they asked to check the museum for the item.
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rehabilitation of nazism. visitors were confused by the fact that on the territory of the museum complex there is a monument to the white otaman pyotr krasnov, who collaborated with the nazis during the great patriotic war. valeria kvashe will tell you what the inspection showed and what punishment the exhibition organizers now face. this is footage from the dontr archive, january 2008 . the council of atamans of the all-great don army is discussing the issue of rehabilitating general krasny for his cooperation. with the nazis, he was executed in 1947. the extended council of the otamans could not make any other decision. he unanimously approved the working group’s decision to deny socio-political rehabilitation to otaman krasnov. there cannot be any other attitude towards the sss general today, historians are sure. he is a criminal and was officially declared a criminal, extradited to the soviet union and was
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hanged in 1947. throughout the great patriotic war, one might say, he worked tirelessly against the soviet union, therefore he is and is officially and in fact and morally a nazi criminal. the image of a man who fought on hitler’s side is embodied in the sculpture of the village of elanandskaya. those who saw the monument think so; it is located on private territory. the owners assure that this is a collective image of the ottam and the entire miziya complex is dedicated to the cossacks as a whole and represent them.
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the authorities and law enforcement agencies tried repeatedly, but the court did not find any legal grounds. meanwhile, the controversy does not stop; opposition to fascism is one of the goals of the special military operation, and those who today on the front line are called to support the fight, the fighters recorded a special appeal. we welcome the initiatives of law enforcement officers and the public who are fighting any manifestations of fascism in russia. this applies to various kinds of museum complexes and private collections, for example,
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in the kurgan region, due to the drowning , 76 temporary stay centers have been deployed, 119 people are there, more than 500 more are staying with relatives, this message is with reference to the ministry of emergency situations. currently, 21 residential buildings, 94 personal plots and seven sections of highways, as well as one bridge, and another message from... gan, kurgan schools were transferred to a distance learning format precisely because of the evacuation of the population before the flood and the opening of these same temporary accommodation points in the school buildings directly.
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so, 18:00 in moscow, these are facts, and you begin this issue with footage from the city of vyazma in the smolensk region, where a bridge collapsed, at that moment there were two cars on it, these are the frames that have just now appeared at our disposal , how reported in the regional. as a result , a woman died. according to medical services, six were injured. the bridge passed over the railway tracks, there was a collapse in the vyazma area, train traffic has now been suspended, the track has been destroyed. the paninsky overpass connected the city center with the moskovsky, jubilee microdistricts and the village of vyazma bryanskaya. well, the kurgan region is introducing a state of emergency due to the flood. the first wave of water is expected next
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night. reported this.


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