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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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in moscow hospitals , information from ambulances is now displayed online, which patients are being transported and in what condition they are, so that doctors are as ready as possible for appointments, the deputy mayor told us about how the work of moscow doctors has changed about artificial intelligence and other areas of healthcare development moscow in the moscow government on issues of social development, anastasia rakova. anastasia vladimirovna, recently in our country. there was a great tragedy, a terrorist attack in crocus, and we saw how the city rallied around this troubles, psychologists, doctors, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, tell us what algorithm generally exists for working in such crisis situations, yes, the tragedy in the city crust is a big misfortune and a serious tragedy that affected not only moscow and the moscow region, but the whole country. in these conditions, of course, it is important not only the coordinated work of specialized services, but the unity of the entire society, which we actually observed.
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moscow is generally a huge metropolis, where the risks of various emergency situations are very high, so the development of services emergency response in moscow pays a lot of attention to their equipment, their training, and ensuring coordinated work. as for the medical sector, emergency services are represented by the disaster medicine center, ambulance, air ambulance and new urgent hospitals.
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simultaneously with the launch of flagship buildings, multidisciplinary hospitals that work exclusively with ambulances, we began to launch it, launching it in the base four hospitals, in flagship centers, we we understand that it really gives a different quality of work, so it was decided that this standard should be extended to all multidisciplinary hospitals that accept emergency patients, but our hospitals are different, there are hospitals for...
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97 conditions, most often with which people end up in the hospital, we have worked out a complete diagnostic algorithm, these are the studies that should be carried out and the time periods in which they should be carried out, a clear sequence of actions for everyone medical workers, be it a doctor or a nurse, immediately formed the principle of triage, in which patients are immediately distributed to the flows of yellow, green, red, this is where we are right now and we can see how to read through the intelligence, and... which , of course, ensures targeted work precisely with those patients who are needed, timing, most importantly, speed is of fundamental importance, we have introduced the principle of doctor to patient, in which patients are on the same page, they are visited by doctors on the contrary, we have formatted very clear rules digital and actually transferred the work of the hospital into digital form in order to free up time for doctors, the second very clearly connected the ambulance and the emergency
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department, everything in each emergency department hangs a dashboard on which you can see which patients are being transported, in which they are in a position so that the medical staff, already meeting the patient, is as prepared as possible for this. another important area is customer service, we have tried to work here, mfc employees come to the aid of doctors, who begin to perform the functions of administrators, and in addition to the functions of administrators, they partially take on issues related to communication with relatives and victims, as well. well, not the victims, but the people who got sick in our country end up in the hospital. we also have psychologists and social coordinators working here. i really hope that the introduction of this new standard will allow every muscovite to receive the same high level of medical care, regardless of which city hospital he ends up in. well, you mentioned psychological help, i would like to understand what kind of psychological help muscovites can count on today, and we are not only talking about crisis situations.
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but about everyday life, because we have a big city, a metropolis, the rhythm is frantic, and naturally, stress is not tied to any time. yes, of course, the metropolis has a huge number of advantages. but there are certain disadvantages, the pace is very high, noise, speed, all this, of course, affects people differently, some quickly adapt to it, others are much more difficult, plus these are global changes that are happening in the world today, of course, they leave an imprint on people, on their psychological state, they begin to worry more about their future, the future of their children and relatives, so the question of psychological help becomes...
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where will muscovites it was proposed to receive comprehensive psychotherapeutic help from a psychologist, what kind of help will be available in these centers? the first is modern diagnostics and complete outpatient treatment in case of stressful situations, post-traumatic syndromes, various neurotic states of decreased mood. the second is consultations with psychologists, because how to cope with the feeling of fear.
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in the healthcare sector, in which regions use free access to their artificial intelligence services, tell us what these services are, what is the scheme for accessing them, have you already received any feedback from the region? yes, on behalf of the president, sergei semyonovich announced the launch of this project, it is a logical continuation of our work on the introduction of digital technologies, in general, starting with...
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diseases, the number of neural networks that create these disease services will, of course, grow from year to year, the capabilities of artificial intelligence are actually quite large. today we are at such a level of quality of artificial intelligence services that we are not just using them as an experiment, but we are already introducing them into classical standard elements of financing, already describing images using artificial intelligence is paid for using ms funds. this year we are taking an unprecedented step. according to some studies, screening studies. we are ready to transfer 100% of the descriptions of images to the competence of, so to speak, artificial intelligence without manual or
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human accompaniment by a doctor. the level of services is such, and we have configured them to such modes that with one hundred percent probability we can say that there is no pathology. and such. there is no longer any need to review it directly with a doctor if somewhere there are even small deviations or suspicions, then this immediately goes to the description of the analysis of actual medical workers. in general, having been working with artificial intelligence for several years now, we understand that this is a special entity. if all other medical products, it systems assume that they are created, registered, then their quality level is constantly maintained after registration. then artificial intelligence, it is different, it is actually alive, and even, even after we have registered some kind of network, we understand that in the process of its application in practical activity, in clinical practice, it can either improve its
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results or worsen it at any time, so you can introduce artificial intelligence into clinical practice on the service stream only when you have... a continuous system for monitoring the quality of the work of this artificial intelligence, and such a group, a system that constantly monitors all these services that work in practical healthcare from the point of view and we see active interest from regions in general and individual clinics, already at
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today we have received 22 applications, of which seven regions are ready to connect all or most of their clinics and individual medical institutions, is cooperation with the regions only in the field of artificial intelligence, or are there others? we cooperate with regions in various areas, but we just recently signed an agreement with st. petersburg that the information system, like... which operates in our hospitals, will be implemented in hospitals in st. petersburg, i really hope that already in soon doctors and patients in the northern capital will have access to the most modern technologies that have proven themselves well in moscow. i recently read interesting news: the sber gigachat neural network passed the exam to become a doctor, although she did it with a b, but one of the first in the world. and the news is great, but i wonder if this gives an additional incentive to be able to...
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in the near future, together with sberbank, we will continue training gigachat, we will teach not only using textbooks that are used to torture students, but using clinical data practices of moscow doctors. i think that this will seriously increase the level and quality of gigachat and will create the opportunity to accept it, make more informed decisions for it, build more correct predictive models and try to use it.
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digitalization, the transition of hospitals to work exclusively in a paperless form, creates other opportunities for quality medical care, to free up the time of doctors and nurses and for other transparency of the healthcare system, on the one hand, and on the other, involvement patients in the process of their treatment and awareness. just recently we opened a new service for moscow patients while they are in the hospital, go ahead. hospitalization, they have full access to their medical history, receive data on
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the results of their studies, laboratory and instrumental, and the doctor’s conclusions simultaneously with the attending physician, they can familiarize themselves with it, ask questions of interest to their doctor, send the results of these studies to another doctor in order to receive second opinion, and pass them on relatives. very often, when people end up in hospitals, relatives begin to worry, call, clarify how... what condition their loved ones are in, so i recommend that all muscovites get an electronic medical record for themselves, for their parents, grandparents, what then you get information from...
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hospitals came to a new menu, which, in fact, in our opinion, not only became, as usual, balanced in terms of calories, protein, carbon, fats, but most importantly, we tried to make this new menu tasty, which was as pleasant as possible for people, and i really hope that muscovites will notice this small pleasant addition, i want to say that in a month... in all city hospitals we will have completely changed - dishes, i hope there will be more metal kettles or old forks from the soviet period, well , we in moscow hospitals won’t see such not-so-fresh plates in just a few months. nowadays there is a lot of talk about structural changes in
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the economy and the demand for workers professions, but tell us what moscow is doing in this regard and what from...
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aside from the fact that the guys from the first year had much more practical training, this is a direct connection with employers, so that the vast majority of the guys understand even during their studies, where they will work is the first direction, the second major direction is, of course, the development of infrastructure and equipment renewal, here we are also moving, today we have a large-scale program for the repair of existing college buildings construction of new colleges, and we are purchasing a large volume. equipment, this is one part, the second part concerns working directly with schoolchildren, now both children and parents are beginning to understand that higher education is not a panacea, it is not a guarantee of success in life and not the only personnel track, that higher education gives economic returns much later , but mostly
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kids come to college after ninth grade, and of course, it’s much more difficult for them to make an informed , right choice than for kids who...
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participation of more than 80,000 children, that is , objectively, we are seeing an increase in children’s interest in colleges, so this year a special program was developed, in fact, we increased the number of budget places in college for muscovites by 10 thousand. this year, 40,000 young muscovites will have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education for free in professions in demand on the labor market, with virtually guaranteed work. it’s just that we’re talking about a long education, after all, college is several years, and if we talk about short programs, moscow has something to offer in this regard, in order, for example, to quickly retrain, enter the market and already get some kind of work. yes, today in the same center there is an opportunity to receive short programs, to study in literally 3 months for a new specialty and enter the labor market,
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at the same time we have combined in this center the opportunity to choose a training program and, in fact, immediately choose the employer for whom you will be after this short program and you come to work. today we have there are 75 such programs; 300 people have already completed training in these programs to date. there are 2,300 students studying, i think this project will be in demand among muscovites. moscow has launched a large program to overhaul schools. well, as i understand it, we are not talking about cosmetics, not about changing the porch or facade, but about some kind of major modernization. ultimately, what will the moscow school look like? yes, this is a very serious topic. most of moscow's school buildings, or many of moscow's school buildings , were built several decades ago. and of course, they are very serious.
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the standard of the moscow school, this year the first 50 schools are being renovated, and from next year, i hope that we will be renovating 100 schools a year, this is a very complex project, not even from the point of view of how to quickly and efficiently renovate a school , but also from the point of view of how to ensure that the children temporarily move to a new building, adapt to this new building with a minimum. like the costs of teachers, children, and parents, we, together with school directors, with the parent community, are working out these technology, i hope everything works out for us.
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and another important topic, very soon it will be exam time for schoolchildren, they will take the unified state exam. a project to prepare for final exams in the format of workshops has been running in moscow for the second year now, what can you say about it today? yes, this is the second year we have been implementing this project, graduation from february... eleventh grade begins to study according to a different system, their schedule, the school week schedule includes a large number of workshops in the subjects in which they are going to take the unified state exam. well, this year we have improved the project a little, based on the experience of last year, if earlier our guys were divided into two groups, now they are divided into three groups, based on their educational results, and most importantly, the tasks that they face they pose themselves. this year we have created digital simulators that help children prepare for the exam in basic and specialized mathematics.
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this is the project that actually received overwhelming support from all participants in this process, and children, and parents, teachers. this happens very rarely. he helped moscow schoolchildren successfully cope with the iga last year. i really hope that the moscow guys will be able to improve this year. their results and compete worthily with the best students in the country for admission to the most prestigious teams. anastasia vladimirovna, thank you for the interesting conversation. every second ticket wins the russian lotto easter charity draw. and from every ticket sold, 10 rubles will be donated to charitable causes. buy tickets in branded stores on the stoloto website. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation, an interest-free period of 120 days begins every month, and notification services are free forever, which
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1:00 pm
the action of the ecuadorian authorities who stormed the mexican embassy, ​​how is this scandal developing? targeted affects an enzyme in which one of the causes of pathology may be hidden, russian scientists have created and patented a drug for the treatment of parkinson's disease. according to experts, the water level in orsk will exceed a dangerous level. according to the latest data , over 6 thousand residential buildings have already been flooded in the city, one and a half hundred people have been flooded, and rescuers have been taken out of the disaster zone. this work is ongoing. he is now in direct contact with the studio. stanislav, hello, what is the current situation in the city, how do residents react to calls for evacuation and how it develops? hello. poedsky overflow of platinum.


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