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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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russian, no, not even an accent, but intonation. today is a special day because talking about your mother-in-law is not so easy. but that will happen later, and for many years his peruvian wife, who knows, there is no more, as he says, it never occurred to her that he was russian, the question is, you are such a piruvian-peruvian, i am an expert, of course, i am peruvian , it’s impossible to be more peruvian. i’m a descendant, and this gentleman, he looks like a latino, quite, no, no, he doesn’t, well, okay, he looks like a latino from the south, a uruguayan, an argentinean, a chilean, and you don’t doubted that spanish was his native language, that he was one of you, well, he didn’t sound like a person from the launch, well, yes, like a peruvian, he sounded like a foreigner, well, like a native spanish-speaking, like a spanish-speaking, your people from this profession call . i have great
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respect and admiration, it must be much more difficult for them, because spanish is not their native language, of course, of course, of course, in my case, spanish was native, and i just needed to change the accent, in my opinion, to pretend to be a russian person being a latino is much more difficult, then there is a legend that worked even with those closest to him, but next to his peervan family we see some blonde, really? maybe, hello, yes, yes, this is a daughter from her first marriage, back in the ussr, she rarely saw her father, but knew what he was doing, they called me for an interview at one time, yes, and told me how to behave as a teenager , she was just active, but what could be said about her father, for example, a classmate, where is the father? well, i don’t even remember, listen, i probably need to remember that either he died, or something somewhere they...
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led, in general, i don’t know who he is, something like that, yes, something like that, that first marriage really broke up, and his first trip abroad known to us, our today’s documentary is being released in the year of his fortieth anniversary, an example of one of the most famous fiction and serious films about the kgb. according to the script, the film takes place somewhere in africa. well, let me take a walk, let me take a walk through these little trees. i’ll look on the spot to see what and how, maybe i need help? no, no, thanks, same door, same lantern, well, let's see what there on these streets and how? yuri solomin’s hero has wandered around a lot, but now the capri hotel will appear in the frame, but this , of course, is not africa, but latin america, cuba. from this façade it is clear, tas is authorized to state, that all of south africa was filmed here in havana. solomin's hero walked past this. on the way there
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, we’ll explain that the friendly spanish-speaking and latin american country was a platform for the cube not only for the cinematic kgb. i understand that this was a great opportunity for them. in my case i had to become puerto rican, but could not visit puerto rica. and cuba is the key to the entire caribbean . we have every possible mixture of different bloods and accents. i think it was a great opportunity. here is an interesting twist in our conversation in the boring garden. well, what title? like a normal person , a colonel is still not a major general, in wikipedia it is a major general. well, thank you. we are not normally given such titles. i always dreamed of staying.
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and he was already a lieutenant colonel, and already a lieutenant colonel; fedorchuk was the chairman. fedorchuk was here is lieutenant colonel vasinkov nikolai anatolyevich, signed the hooks in the eighty-third year, signed it himself, and not in a facsimile, yeah, here is pryamakov, evgeniy maksimovich, the ninety-fifth year, the country was changing, but he continued to work for it there, well, his highest award, and why you were given the title of hero of the soviet union, i don’t know. i even wrote, i say what i did to be made a hero of the soviet union, you were not mistaken, well , if i was mistaken, it was that he, as a hero of the soviet union, was given a free pass on a moscow bus, trolleybus, tram-metro, in the nineties he was given a free right to travel on transport, but he
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was in america at that time, yes, it was just lying there, but what to do, what he did himself, about that in the second part of our film. i understand correctly what kind of box this is, of course, his rights, his rights, yes, our hero is no longer there, but only today can we begin to compile. at least some open biography, but he managed to serve in the krymlevsky regiment, right? yes, yes, we don’t know
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exactly what position the future intelligence officer served in illegal vasenkov, it was here at the tomb of the unknown soldier or near the mausoleum. the fact is that when he transferred to intelligence, his personal file from the archives of the kremlin regiment was... confiscated and apparently stored in that part of his dossier that is still classified, but then we have access to his personal file as a kremlin cadet , here such a thing is supposedly very intimate, a medical book, let’s, under your supervision, let’s see what we can see, what we can’t, he grew up 176, well, i remember, yes, he’s a little taller than me, physical fitness can be excellent, good, mediocre, mediocre, bad,
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but he defended himself, but what does it have to do with it, as we said, this is a dissertation and his new wife, let’s see who else is there from the sources in the bibliography, page 276 of the bibliography, izviki sang , this is his wife, yes, the death of one of the soviets, this is some kind of article, this is her article, this is her article, but he, of course, was a good husband, this is his peruvian wife on her mother’s anniversary, and him...
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before arrest, no, not at all, arrest is when a whole group was detained in the usa in 2010 russian intelligence officers were illegal immigrants, in those days the fbi released what looked like transcripts from the press. servants of conversations in their family, which seemed to allow them to expose them, but as they say in moscow, vasenkov himself did not give himself away, except once he surprised his adopted son, when he spoke knowledgeably about the fact that there is such a tradition in russia, to ride dacha, i then asked him, why have you been there, well , if you know so much about dachas, and he told me, no, no, but he, of course, continued to visit, he disappeared once, it seemed to me that he
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i'll be disqualified, let's say, and i'll grow horns. about where he disappeared and who he told about what in moscow, in addition to our interview, a little later, while we finish telling the story of the acquaintance, which later turned into a wedding, and a common son, i must assure you that it is written down in the personal file. the story was completely romantic, that is, not according to the instructions of the center, no, no, no, he, as he writes himself, was in the machu picchu region, there was some kind of mountain river in the mountains in peru, yes, he swam in a mountain river, well, as it happens, sometimes even with experienced catchers, from the cold he probably had a lot of water, and he began to drown, as he writes himself, that i was on the verge of death, and an unfamiliar, completely young woman... rushed to save him, pulled him out of the water, they met her , started dating,
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began a long period of acquaintance, courtship, and then he informed the center that i have a friend, that she is a very good person, i made inquiries that she has a good family, that’s all, with the decision of the center he married her, the center gave the go-ahead, yes, but there were in life vasenkova and two other ladies, whom he always remembered everywhere, maria is his daughter for a reason, we are talking about the one who has long been buried in moscow, about that
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maria pavlovna, patria, africa seros, who was his mentor, she raised me , then, how one should behave there in society, how one should walk, we went to good concerts, went with a clear mind, yes, we went to the theater, in his codes he asked that flowers be brought to her grave. so about an interview with him, we agreed at one time to talk about her. you have scouts do illegal immigrants generally have a high degree of autonomy? it depends on you. i was tall. in africa, high, very high. and on his orbit, he received new sources of information not only in spanish and not only in peru. what a childish thing i don’t understand, what we’re talking about, during his visit to the ussr his daughter involuntarily found out. no, he really... as a child outraged me because he spoke little russian or broke words, but the child was already
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learning english then, so there was practice, and you just speak english, yes, he speaks english came in handy when the center instructed him to move to the usa, let's look at another excerpt from a soviet film about the confrontation between the special services, here is the hero of yuri solomin, kgb colonel slavin, against the backdrop of another very recognizable one. of course , there was no real govana, here a new lattice appeared, at this point some trees disappeared, others , on the contrary, grew, now a bus should pass and we cross to the other side, there were some western cars standing near the straw. american, old american cars, they've probably rotted since then, but here are the old ones
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not old, quite modern, promising for the soviet intelligence services, latin america was, of course, a springboard towards what was at all times so interesting for the study of north america. the first thing you should do is good information, but related to the united states of america. his constructed biography is, once again, uruguayan, german descent, raised in europe, naturalized in peru. by that time and truly married to a natural peruvian, his well-established biography was already such that with his intention to move to new york, the american authorities did not pay attention to any strange gaps there and gave him a completely legal visa, the states there already had the highest autonomy, such were the encrypted messages he sent from there, he received a hero for
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working in america, this is the second time i i see this star, which was the highest award of the soviet union, he was very proud of it.
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she recalled how radiyskaya worked in a partisan detachment, you had conversations, yes, there were, there were, there were, she jumped with a parachute there in a part of ukraine that has always it happens against, you know, so a westerner, yes, she survived there, well, let me allow myself one sub-question, this is a forecast of what period about ukraine, when she doesn’t write, the nineties, the beginning of 200, which means that before the nineties there were pronoses, after the nineties yes, he did his duty honestly.' how before the ninety- first year and after the ninety-first year, i personally looked at his case, i saw that he had predictions, very very accurate ones, and he had sources in the highest spheres of american society, in latin america too, we are in in ecuador, they once found cia documents, so
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they said that you have to work, start at school, if you want to conquer some country. to break it, you don’t have to do it physically, you have to do it psychologically ideologically, when you break the spirit, but no, not the will, it’s the spirit, break the spirit of the country, and it’s easy to take over, i want to tell you, latin america didn’t let him go , here he is already, he is already in prison in the usa, they give him this robe, i looked at the label, made in el salvador, from fabric supplied in the united states. from fabric supplied in the united states, well, in guantan, there are probably such people too, yes, most likely, alexander poteev, that’s the name of the svr employee, the traitor who gave the americans the identities of intelligence officers of illegal immigrants in the usa, including juan, with whom his wife was arrested, peruvian, all this seemed to me like some kind of dream, just a nightmare, i must pay tribute to the foreign intelligence service, they fought for their own back then
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and how, in those same orange prison uniforms they were memorably exchanged in vienna. on the plane of the ministry of emergency situations, all those arrested returned to their homeland, we they waited, so i honestly waited for him all my life, but maria had been in osinkova since childhood, and who were the children from her second marriage to become now? i needed to divorce juann lacer in order to marry mikhail vasenkov. yes, when they went to peru to get a divorce, they were told that it was impossible, because juan lazar did not exist, but he, of course, existed, although in peru he was very ill with covid and... properly, i close my eyes and see how i hug him, hold him close, tell him: goodbye, this is the last photo 3 days before his death on
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exhibition of her paintings, including him with his beloved horse, which was at his farewell in peru, she was specially brought, and on the same day, notice how now those who bear the coffin will sit down three times, the fact is that the incas buried theirs on their haunches, theirs was in moscow, they buried him at troekurovsky, they’re about to erect memorials there, but how much is there in memory about him, technology is moving forward, moving forward, morse code has almost disappeared, as i understand it, your profession now that you like or click on social networks, you can send the necessary signal, but what? does not change, despite technology,
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and i answered them that firstly, i would not have gone to prison then, because when i was arrested, they told me: ask for whatever you want in order to change sides, when something... you do it for money, it’s like football players, they offered more money, you move to another club, but this is not applicable to intelligence, where you do things with your heart, you keep it where, this is our museum, a museum of illegal intelligence, your own there there is. well, that is, today we looked at exhibits from a museum where no one is allowed, well only good guests are allowed there, today your guests are all our tv viewers, well, let’s
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assume that you have also partaken of great secrets.
4:54 pm
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fyodor mikhailov dostoevsky, it was as if he foresaw that in the 21st century a layer of people would appear who are called foreign agents and whom he described in the person of his hero pavel smerdyakov. friday is the foreign agent's birthday. these same people, there is nothing to respect them for , they are enemies, but they are pathetic. we are focused and angry.
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doesn’t know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready for moscow, let's write him down as missing, no, that won't do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin's hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn't have a brother, they killed him.
5:00 pm
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