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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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has the opportunity to find out and see those who committed this crime, these are citizens of tajikistan, muhammad sabir faizov, shamsuddin fariduni, saidakromeracha balizada and dalerjon mirzoev, the leader was fariduni. amsuddin, two of them, zada and fariduni , were recently in turkey and returned to russia on march 2, moreover, on march 7, fariduni even appeared in the kruku city hall, he was accidentally photographed by a photographer who was filming something there, well, probably, as one can assume, he studied the situation, entrances, exits, movements, safe places
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and so on and so forth, as they claim, they received the task in a telegram channel, and they were promised 500,000 rubles for carrying out this atrocity, having paid an advance of 250, and note, 500,000 not for everyone, but 500,000 rubles for everyone. yes, then it became known that large sums of cryptocurrency were transferred to them, moreover, from ukraine, which was so blamed by
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evil. isis. if the united states is the first to support the idea that this is isis, they themselves are branding themselves as the villains. because both al-qaeda and isis are the work of the united states states and great britain. so, in other words, they could say, we did it, because we did isis, because we did alkaida. here is the proof, look, in the seventies, eighties.
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to counter the soviet union in afghanistan, the united states supported and armed the mujahideen. thus al-qaeda was born. and we are the witnesses. listen to what hillary clinton says. we may have created the problem we are now struggling with. when the soviet union entered afghanistan, we had a brilliant idea to come to pakistan create mujahideen forces.
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whom the americans had recently released from an iraqi prison. in 2016 , this is exactly what julian assange wrote about, who published a little, 531,525 documents for 1979, which describe how the cia is the foreign policy department of the united states of america. personally participated in the creation of isis, at the beginning of 2012 another program was created, which was called stimbar sycamore, translated as sycamore wood. this is a program to finance, arm and train rebel fighters to participate in civil war in syria against the government forces of bashar al-assad. it
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was carried out on the personal orders of president barack obama, which is exactly what trump had in mind when he accused barack obama. the fact that he is the organizer of isis, he is its founder. isis is cheating on president obama. he is the founder of isis, he is the founder of isis. he is the founder, he founded isis. and i would say that the co-founder was the dishonest hillary clinton. why be surprised when ukraine is mentioned? don’t we know how much and how ukraine is connected with international terrorism? remember our show, watch it. in syria, to overthrow bashar-assad,
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the free syrian ss army received billions of dollars in military assistance from the united states, from where both the muslim brothers and isis, banned in our country, emerged. and today, on the territory of syria, from the same syrian free army , brigades, detachments, terrorists who are fighting in ukraine against us are recruited, moreover , they were all trained with the help of american british instructors, and are trained at us military bases, ein al-assad in iraq and ettan in syria. just one example fitchke's commanders.
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so that a huge area of ​​the roof ceiling is engulfed in
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flames within literally a few minutes. moreover, how can this be possible, even if there are flammable materials, i repeat, i am an amateur, but... they ask the following question: i have a feeling what if there are no already made bookmarks in different places, in the right places, which could catch fire at the same time, engulf this entire building in flames, because a huge number of people died from carbon monoxide, burned out, i have a feeling the feeling that these four people, this is a laborer, of this tragedy, but there was a mechanism, very professionally organized, and in general there is a lot of strange things, look, if they wanted to hide, well, it’s just logical, they would change five or six
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cars, abandoning their here, they wouldn’t go anywhere, they could just stay somewhere and wait a month or two for everything to work out. no, they released me, i think they were led in order to understand where the trail would lead, the trail led to ukraine, supposedly there was a window there that could accept them, but why do those who ordered this terrible, nightmarish terrorist attack need them alive? this means that we can assume that if they had not been killed here, they would have been killed there , where they were going. it is quite natural that in addition to these questions, there are others, for example, why the fire protection system did not work, i repeat, i am not an investigator, i am asking the question as a person, as a citizen, as an ordinary person, why were some
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exits closed, why did they not appear immediately, or at least in less time, those people who should have to appear? there are very, very many questions here, immediately after the terrorist attack a lot of warnings arose related to the fact that... uh, entire nations cannot be blamed, although it is absolutely clear that this was also the task of those who committed the terrorist attack, interethnic clash, unrest in russia, everything is clear, and this has been done for a long time, but still, on the other hand, there is the nationality of terrorism, for example, it could be - or an african american, for example, or it could be an indian or a european or an american, in principle this is . truly international diaspora-terrorism, we have every reason,
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absolutely complete blame both the united states for being a terrorist state, and the uk for being a terrorist state, and by the way, if we take the track record of how democracy was implanted by the americans and the western world in general , in the balkans. say, either in asia or in latin america, i think there is no need for more detailed evidence. please note that united states president joe biden addresses the nation regarding the death of prisoner navalny, who, by the way, speaking, we were recognized by both terrorists and extremists, so for your information, and did not say a sound or a word.
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but it cannot be missed 4 days before the commission of this monstrous terrorist act, the creator of isis, the former president of the united states of america, barack obama, absolutely incognito, without advertising, comes to london at 10 downing street to meet.
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to carry out a terrorist attack, it is absolutely clear to me that this is a deafening victory in the elections of vladimir putin, deafening, legendary, the only one, at least in history for new russia, the victory of a man from whom the entire civilized world seemed to have turned its back. before march 8, the american embassy and the british embassy announced to their fellow citizens... that they should be careful not to go to public events. victoria
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had said earlier, while in kiev, that unpleasant surprises awaited russia. putin will have surprises on the battlefield, and ukraine will achieve very great success. that is, as you can understand, this terrorist attack, in theory, should have been committed before the election of putin, but there is an assumption that at the concert. leps, who was at the shaman’s concert before the election, and the security was much more serious than on the 22nd, and this did not happen, you understand, any tera is terrible, it’s disgusting, it’s vile, it’s inhumane, this is a specific case, but a generalization is very important here, and a global generalization that has the deepest roots . one of
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our fairly frequent guests on our program, alexander khodakovsky, tried to formulate this idea, here’s what he wrote: plans, it seems to me, to some extent, forgive me for such an expression, not really rational, but evil forces have no nationality, do not have political convictions, it’s just that a spirit was once formed on the surface of the earth... a spiritual front in different directions of which a kind of matter and antimatter gathers from the sacred point of view of coexistence. this front, spread over states and territories, does not know the space of time. sometimes it happens that the contours of a state begin to approximately coincide with
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the borders of one of the sides of this spiritual. fill your belly with human flesh and your pockets money, but they must understand that the vampires’ point is running out, it seems to me that they have this fear that the vampires’ point is running out, and this is why there is such hysteria, and
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this is why there is such an open, aggressive acceptance of neo-fascism, if... he writes, that in 5 months, at least 13,430 children have become victims of israeli attacks in gaza. yes, in the european parliament, dutch mp marcel openly accuses ukraine of child abuse and collaboration with pedophiles. russia has accepted millions of ukrainian refugees, including, fortunately, hundreds of thousands of children who were bombed the ukrainian army continues to bomb. the european parliament must speak out against ukrainian war crimes. the international criminal court should hold zelensky accountable for this.
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moreover, ukraine is the largest supplier of children for pedophile networks. human trafficking and organ trafficking, for this purpose children's nurseries with surrogate mothers have been created, in russia children receive traditional upbringing and education, but in the west they are subjected to transgender ideology, they are treated with hormone blockers and operations on the genitals. the hypocrisy is terrible, the west must stop inciting war, the world has sniffed at everything. imagine 40 years ago that people in odessa were burned with impunity in the house of trade unions, that fascists walked around with torches with impunity, when you can bring a nazi to the parliament of a big country and applaud him, but this is through the looking glass, in the same way the world looks on completely calmly, like
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right away without a pause, after the tragedy in crocus city in ukrainian cafes in... the situation, yes, a tragic situation, so what, well, this happens, it’s normal, but for me personally, they really killed they killed, what’s wrong with that, why is everyone starting to regret it, okay, the relatives of these dead people will cry, sob, all that, why spread it, since some kind of terrorist attack happened there, i don’t care at all, the main thing
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is that if a terrorist attack happened, that means i’m not going to moscow tomorrow, that means my mother canceled my tickets, that means she’s not waiting for me at home, which means i ’m drinking until monday, thank you very much to the terrorists who came to krokushi, because i really needed to drink today, i understand just, what kind of hypocrisy, who cares hello, someone died there or something, or they never knew that people were dying or that there is, remove it from social networks, burn, croc tory, everything you gave me, i won’t miss you. where, where does this inability to sympathize come from, is it that their parents taught them, the school raised them this way, why? because? they are brought up by a network, a web, because from there they can get everything that then ultimately shapes their character, yes,
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of course, i understand that we cannot live in a vacuum, turn off the lights, prohibit the use of gadgets, and so on, but we should think about this, look what deputy jaana lantratova, who deals with these issues, says about this. speaking about the cultural code, speaking about values, this is a question of what is happening with the modern internet, the internet is developing quickly, the number of users is increasing, there is a lot of important educational, meaningful, as they say, content, but at the same time, there is so much dangerous content, if not every adult can withstand the dangers that await us on the internet, then what can we say about children who due to age and weak psyche, should i resist this? roskomnadzor may have closed 500,000 groups with dangerous content over the past year, of which 25,000 are child pornography groups, 23,000 are child suicide groups, 230,000 are groups
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involving drug addiction, alcoholism, gambling and others, all of this is on the internet. also now i am fighting for the story that in computer games we have games in which children can not only play, but also contain violence and lgbt propaganda. but there are games where children are encouraged to come to school and shoot your classmates, children play this, and i oppose this, unfortunately, my amendment in this capacity has not yet passed, but the government said that in the near future they will not control the circulation of video games, these are also threats. today , people are shaped by the internet mainly through computer games for children. this. colossal power of influence, colossal, after laws were passed banning lgbt propaganda,
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which speak about traditional values, and so on and so forth, all this is there, but this does not affect computer games in general, they lack this filter, so when a child opens a computer game, it is called. shooting, that is, shooting at a school, he begins to believe that this is how one should live, that is, one must shoot at a school, and he goes and shoots at a school, a huge number of characters, including lgbt characters, penetrate through computer games, because this filter is not available. moreover, one of these terrorists, doctor boli zad , admitted during interrogation that he learned to shoot through computer games. via youtube, you look at how important computer games are in the lives of people, and especially children, and no one seems to notice that,
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for example, today there is even an annual award for the best lgbt character in a computer game, this is the glad media evolve award, and look at the list these games. and many, many others, because no one is proposing to ban games, this is a fascinating story, but the point is to have some kind of filter, not because of some stupid censorship, but simply because of state security, if you want, look, in china, which we talk about all the time, from which half the world already takes their example, all games are tested for...
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but also through the network of these stream games, i talked with teenagers on this topic, who told me in fact, this information was confirmed when they have an online game,
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communication begins, then during... from our schoolchildren, in the best case, this is the collection of photographs or videos of strategic objects in the russian federation, in the worst case, this is conscription and recruitment to commit crimes , murders, terrorist acts, arson of military registration and enlistment offices, explosions on railways, that’s what, for example,
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a former russian lawyer says... they put an end to it, you will perish anyway, then do it with benefit, that is , think about what mr. fegin is offering, if you there is no reason to live if you are disappointed, if you have decided for yourself that you are for yourself , if you want to give up your life, come to us, we will help you, and you will fulfill your desire, you will give up your life, and
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you will do a good deed for us. ..
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that when so many people understand that it’s impossible to sit on two chairs, that the time has come to decide who you are, with whom you are, remember about these mourners for the kazan shooter, how many of them there were, pitying him, saying, nice boy, how sorry for him, and so on and so forth, this trend saved. today it is addressed to these terrorists, i would then cut off the ears of everyone who did this, they killed people, yes, but this man who cut off this terrorist’s ear and didn’t even blink, he belongs in prison, you know , the same, she is crying about her cut ear terrorist, murderer, i am absolutely indifferent to the dozens of people who were killed...
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