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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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he was in such decay, you know, and the star did not sparkle, he washed him, but it was very important for nasevad tkachuk, doctor of biological sciences, dean of the faculty of fundamental medicine of lomanosov moscow state university, in the early eighties, at the invitation of academician chazov, he worked in the all-union cardiological scientific center, suddenly in 92, when the country collapsed, a new country, russia was just creating. there was inflation of 100% per month, my salary was 15 dollars, you can’t calculate it in rubles, these are zeros, they were attributed, attributed, so everything fell apart, all the employees left for america, europe, i stayed with the graduate students, at that time i received a call from viktor antonovich, they did not know each other personally yet, but vsevod arsenievich had previously heard a lot about professor sadovnichy, his name is respected in russian and international scientific circles. he
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told me: a month ago i was elected rector, i think that in a couple of years i may be removed because many are unhappy with me, but i want to do something important for the university, and the most important thing, i think, is to return medical education into the walls moscow university. the main university in russia , according to mikhail lomanosov’s plan, began with three faculties, philosophical and legal.
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i got everything, how dare he, what he comes up with, breaks the system, including the minister of health at that time, i stood my ground that i was right, time will tell, we are in the culture room, this is a room that allows you to grow cells outside the human body, outside the body of animals. and in this laboratory, master's students learn in practice the basic biochemical methods of working with cells and tissues. here there is equipment for separating the analysis of protein mixtures and for the analysis of nucleic acids. in the next room they work with preparations for microscopic studies, says maria kulebyakina. she is a biochemist, graduated from the faculty of fundamental medicine and its graduate school. great attention is paid to ensuring that students. fundamental, yes, classical
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university education, each subject is taught by specialists from their faculty, mathematics, mathematics, physics, physics. over the past few years, the faculty has been part of the golden league of the best medical schools in the world, vsevolatstkachuk is confident that in the nineties he made the right decision to stay in the country and develop, at the suggestion of the rector of moscow state university, a new fundamental direction. there was a feeling that everything was falling apart, that’s it, we were falling into some kind of swamp of the future. no, everything is bad, when he said that he was creating a faculty, i have a feeling that all this has changed, which means something is still being created here, he left me in russia, the so -called brain drain abroad, lack of funding and clear prospects, scanty salaries, privatization, the pre-moclean sword hanging over universities and other problems overwhelmed the country's higher education system immediately after the collapse of the ussr. this period of struggle, it
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left such a trace that all the memories are vivid, as if they happened yesterday. it was in those years that russian rectors, at the instigation of sadovnichy , united into a union to jointly defend the interests of science and education. since ninety- four, viktor antonovich has been the permanent president of this organization, and viktor egorovich romanov was vice-president, he headed st. petersburg state university of technology and design. we changed premieres quite often in this period after gaidar, there began one another, who was better, who was worse, who, so to speak, was somehow attentive to universities, to our requests, who was not. the rectors did not give up, they knocked on all possible thresholds, asked, proved and solved complex problems related to equipping universities, financing, and forms of education. we met with every minister, with every one, more of them changed than the prime minister.
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probably 6-7 people during this period, each they said that please do not make a decision without agreement with the union of rectors of russia. now, decades later, everyone still gathers, holds advice, discusses, thinks about how it will be better, but not for them, higher education, students, ultimately the country, colleagues, speeches speak mainly about the need to ensure technological sovereignty, you know, here with age there is a feeling:
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his personal path to university was not easy. victor sadovnichy, originally from the village of krasnopavlovka, kharkov region. now these places are located in the zone of a special military operation. of course, i worry, well, like every person, i worry, i have no information. i am deprived of the opportunity, there are the graves of my parents and brother, but... i don’t know, remembering my childhood, he says that their family was not rich, they lived in a private house, kept a subsidiary farm, and this helped a lot in the post-war years. in 1946 there was a famine in our area, many died after the war,
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so all hope was for our own vegetable garden, we actually had to live all winter it was enough to somehow eat or cook, so here... love for the land, cultivation, this land, this has been for me since childhood. already as a teenager, he persuaded three friends, together they boarded a train as stowaways and set off for the big life. we decided to go to the first mine, we’ll see terikon, we get out, let’s go get a job, there was one. at first he worked in the face at the komsomolets coal mine, in the city of gorlovka, donbass, and in the evenings he studied at school. at first. i had to live in a dugout, then there was a miners' hostel, i they settled with good people, they were all playing cards in tattoos, when i came in, they were like, he’s like a layman, but these are amazing
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people, this is what former prisoners say, but they apparently fulfilled a certain role, they began to treat me very well well, having received the certificate, i sent... the documents to the belarusian agricultural academy, but at the last moment i changed my mind in favor of the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of moscow state university, my roommates arranged a farewell. when i entered, they first gave me a suit, which i didn’t take, i was afraid, and then one of them took off his watch victory, kuibyshev plant, he says, take mine, i took them, they were walking with me, i was already a professor, they were walking, their phrase was vitka vlyudiev. admits that the first year of study was not easy, the course was strong, there were olympiad winners and excellent students, i had to study a lot to keep up. that means, i was in the library before 10, after 10 until 12 in the classroom, locked in a chair there, solving problems on
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motor analysis, on which i later wrote books myself, a textbook, then i taught everything, and really, after the first year i flew. the first flight just took off, that is, this it was probably the year eighty-five, i was almost 40 years old, maybe a little less, then viktor antonovich took on a very interesting job, to materialize darkness, as we popularly said, cosmonaut solovyov and mathematician sadovnichev were introduced to
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lieutenant general of aviation georgy beregovoy, at that time he was in charge of flight preparations. beregovoy simply told him: “viktor antonovich, i need to do it on the ground.” weightlessness, and thus this dynamic maneuvering program appeared. create weightlessness on earth impossible, so we discussed the most plausible imitation of the squad.
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he is not at all afraid of difficulties, he once told me: you know, if i have
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a hard day ahead, then in the morning i am immediately in a good mood, paradoxically, in 2000 moscow state university launches into orbit its first scientific and educational satellite, a university satellite, later it will be called tatyana, in honor of the patron saint of all students, it was quite compact, here is the layout of half of it, in fact it was about twice as large, but... the device worked for more than two years, with his help it was possible to conduct a successful series of experiments, according to scientists. a very important discovery was made on this spacecraft; flashes of ultraviolet radiation from the earth's atmosphere were discovered. now moscow university has a whole flotilla. tatyana 1 and tatyana 2 are correct. nucleon, the largest of the museum exhibits presented here, is a satellite of clematis. by the way, you
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know that lomonosov’s satellite, after all, is such a unique child, but he entrusted him to fly on the first rocket from vostochny, too worth a lot. in 2017, moscow state university created the faculty of space research, one of several dozen areas opened by the gardener as rector. university buildings were also built under him.
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this is something all together that i call wisdom. at moscow university, mikhail
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petrovich from the beginning of the 2000s, he was invited to create the department of bioengineering. kirpichnikov also supervised the innovative activities of the university for several years, including working on the msu science park. the first pancakes, they are not the most delicious, like this it is known that there was an understanding that this was not quite, it was difficult to accept at the university, and not quite what was needed. the next round of development of the university and its strategic foundation for the future is associated with the technological valley. when asked whether it is correct to compare it with a science park, he answers. this. just as you can compare a hunter’s hut, this park and a skyscraper, somewhere in abu dhabi, this is the path that the university has gone through. a world-class innovation ecosystem is being created on the new territory of moscow university. in fact it's there will be another campus that will house
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successful startups, tech companies , and research divisions of corporations. i'm in this office. a link between the university’s science and the country’s advanced technologies. students will be able not only to carry out developments in suitable conditions, but also to immediately communicate with investors, customers, and partners. i am a naval systems reconnaissance specialist, graduated from the department of geoacoustics, moscow state university. using acoustic waves, we study the earth's crust, the seas of the oceans,
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below the bottom surface, that is, how how our planet, its upper part, is structured. in the sea. andrey potemka has been going on marine scientific expeditions since his student years; this is his first hobby, his second is developing technologies for his own research. before us is a fragment of the sesmostic complex; in fact, the heart of the complex is a synchronizing device that allows you to control all sources and receiving lines on the ship at one point. he says that he started with a startup and a small grant from the ministry of education and science. and recently their complex received departmental recognition and became a laureate international competition for developments for the development of the arctic. before the advent of such devices and this particular device, often different methods of seismic reconnaissance were carried out in separate passages of the ship or from separate ships, and a similar story made it possible to combine everything on one ship, thereby
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increasing the information content of the data obtained, and more efficiently use the ship’s time and the resource of people’s equipment . students, graduate students, researchers and graduates of moscow university are working on the technology. their team - explains andrey, resident of the clematis innovation cluster in the technological valley. moscow university, in principle, is expanding its activities, far beyond the limits of just scientific and academic, generally speaking, it provides the opportunity to develop, bring developments to useful application, because...
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it is mainly focused on health preservation and concerns both new pharmaceuticals, diagnostic systems, new technologies in the agricultural industry, and as regards our nutrition in general. a new educational program is currently being developed standard, specialist training program, fundamental engineering, which will also open up opportunities for applied research. what are new? in addition to the fact that it should be interdisciplinary, it is also very important that this new education be tailored to the real tasks of today's industry and business, so it is very important to make this education project-based, it is very important to get feedback from business, from
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industry, and what they need, what kind of specialists they need, academician yulia gorbanova, graduate of moscow state university. from almamater her professional life is also connected, she heads fundamental physical and chemical engineering, this is one of the four faculties that form the structure of the new advanced school. viktor antonovich is very fond of saying that moscow university is governed by tradition, and one of the main ones, for 270 years now, is teaching students to learn, and being a graduate of the university, you, as a specialist, can learn. well, almost any business, so a graduate of moscow university is not afraid to learn something new. and now we continue our work, this is the third meeting. colleagues, today we are continuing the work of the seminar, which was founded about 40 years ago, the gardening mathematician is also a graduate of moscow state university, and therefore follows traditions and
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constantly studies and teaches others, he has been conducting his own seminar for many years, it was held in different formats and for different listeners, but one thing remains the same: there are no empty seats in the audience, this is his human quality, very rare, and he is still... in such cases , not only the rector, not only the boss, he moscow university, the leader of the university, the leader of this university. robert iskanderovich is in super mature years, he is still the leader nigmatulin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, academician, professor, they have known viktor antonovich since their student years , they studied at the same faculty, mechanics and mathematics. this is talent, this is great talent, there are such geniuses who grow up quickly and stop. ah... he didn’t seem to be a genius in those years, but he was always growing and outgrew all these geniuses. once upon a time in the university library he studied hse as presented by the great kolmogorov, and
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today’s students now study from sadovnichy’s books. the most famous of them are mathematical analysis in two volumes, mathematical problems of dynamic flight simulation, and of course, the fundamental textbook operator theory. i was destined to do special work.
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against the backdrop of an increase in the number of people on earth, at one time meadows wrote a report there that humanity is doomed if it uses energy, water, and treats the environment this way. half a century later , a russian scientist, using the latest original methods for solving nonlinear differential equations provide relevant answers to the same global questions of humanity. their report to the club of rome is called: overcoming the limits of growth, it is optimistic, we generally say that humanity, having the technological basis
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that has been developed today, is capable, capable of overcoming all crises, including stabilizing climate warming, which today represents the greatest a threat to humanity. one of the co-authors of the work, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, oscar akaev. now he is a professor at moscow university, he met viktor sadovnic while still serving as president of the kyrgyz republic. well, first of all, he is, of course, an outstanding scientist in the field of mathematics, pure mathematics, as they usually say. well, secondly, he is an outstanding organizer of scientific research and fundamental education. and thirdly, viktor antonovich, a man. highly cultured, he has a variety of broad interests other than mathematics. we are with you in
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the old building of the moscow library university, which was specially built as a library building. architect konstantin bykovsky, late 19th, early 20th centuries. over the course of just over a century , millions of readers have visited here, but people still look into this room. often a department of rare books and manuscripts of 5000 items. the earliest manuscript in our collection was found miraculously. this is a fragment of a georgian manuscript of the 6th century, which fell out of a 19th century manuscript brought by an archaeographic expedition from the old believers of the kirov region. how did this fragment end up being included in the manuscript on the church god only knows the slovenian language, but it is now the earliest of ours. passages, in order to study such rarities, you need to have special knowledge, says alexander livshits, otherwise you won’t be able to understand ancient texts, perhaps that’s why philosophers come to them more often than others.
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“historians and philologists, but also mathematicians, including the rector of moscow state university sadovnichy.” viktor antonovich has some preferences, in particular, he is very partial to the word regiment igor, and of course, copies of the first edition of the word, we have about seven of them, seven, here were scanned for iktor antonovich, he studied them, that was all, of course, on the same shelves are stored copies published by the moscow university printing house, starting from the second half. century and accordingly, what we did was we went here to the scientific library, scanned a large number of books, yes, which were printed by the printing house, carefully studied them together with vera evstafieva, a top- class type designer there, made a special typeface, which they called moscow university. danilo shorokh, branding specialist on the eve for the upcoming 270th anniversary of moscow state university, work with colleagues
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to renew the company. university news i immediately thought that this restyling should not be connected with, let’s remove everything old and build something new. i wanted to rely specifically on some things and traditions that exist at moscow state university. so it was decided to change the typographic font of moscow state university for printing scientific publications of the university's printing press. the option that was eventually settled on refers to the typeface of the 18th-19th centuries, when it was developed at the university. first own graphic drawing of letters, numbers, symbols. here is this book, it is written here, samples of letters are located in the printing house of the imperial moscow university, the basis for the corporate style of moscow state university is this font, which we took and used as the basis for the new branding. the new font is still in the works, but it is already being used in the design of the lomanosov moscow state university website and in posters announcing university events.
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then the hard work of especially the people of moscow university and the loyalty to the university, which is mainly inherent in them, if not for the staff university, there would be no education in russia, if not for their loyalty to the university , there would not be such a university, but young people, after all, they come to the university , their whole life is already connected with almamater, and no matter what
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life happens there. will remember their university from which they studied, graduated, and i certainly very much appreciate the dedication of graduates to their university. let's watch to know everything. the best historical series, watch, watch, app or website, this is a big information evening, that's what we'll tell you about in the near future hour.


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