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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  April 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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any war is infantry, until the foot of an infantryman steps on the territory, it is not considered conquered, we squeeze out the enemy with artillery, we squeeze out comics. when there is no escort, you go, roughly speaking, blindly, you don’t know what’s ahead of you, an outpost, an outpost, let’s be brief, come on, i’m observing, the people who are here at the control points, they make no less effort than the attack aircraft, local, as soon as you take off, immediately switch the picture, this is the pace, the work is built, the work is on the rails.
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from common sense, if we continue this topic, hamas is a terrorist organization, well, for israel definitely, it would seem, for nato countries definitely, yes, and turkey is a nato country, and how does turkey answer this question, that is , it turns out that even within the nato bloc, there is duality, of course, this is schizophrenia , what i’m leading to is that there is still no international one.
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that is, this is the horror, that is, even within nato they cannot agree among themselves who for them are terrorists and who are not, so joining efforts to fight terrorism looks more than strange, like this fulfills their task, they are fighting regimes, in fact, you also said, firstly, i am very grateful to my belarusian colleague for his formulation, with which i can almost completely only understand some things there, but on the whole i agree, you actually voiced what i wanted to say is that we do not disagree at all on... what is
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terrorism, who are terrorists? i personally also believe that hamas is a terrorist organization, but this does not change, i think, our general opinion, this is for the millions of viewers who watch that every of us undoubtedly does not recognize either terrorism, or hostages, or any crimes that may be committed on this basis, but you know, this morning i decided to make a bad joke, i wrote that angela merkel is returning, that she decided... return to your workplace, well, besides the russian media and the german media, some went over this, went over this about the fact that an angel, a political scientist and a miner should not even make the first joke, so i agree with you, however
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moreover, you understand, no one knows what will happen in 25, what if she does come back, and merkel shuddered, how did he know, merkel said, how did he know? i was already nominated, how did he already know, you know, behind this i felt that there was some kind of bullshit and didn’t get involved in it, well, as it was with me, let him come back, but merkel called, said, sent an sms, the problem is actually gigantic, the problem is not merkel or an april fool's joke, the problem is who will to lead germany, and in general where germany will go, this problem is not in the measure or in scholz and not in those who are today.
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the same complete feeling, these christian principles on which this party and its sister party in bavaria were built, they are completely washed out, they do not exist, that is, the question arises, how long will this party survive at all, will it not be in this place some new
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work has been created, in quotes, which will contain, perhaps, combine some former principles from the bible plus some today's ones... these are theirs understanding of how they understand today’s life, well, how, for example, a so -called union of values ​​is now being created or has already been created, which are still at the level of 3-4%, but anything can happen there, a union of values ​​that says: no, we, of course, support, this is what the cdu, csu are doing, but we stand for our traditional values, we would like germany to follow this path, in response to this he actually receives criminal prosecution, i mean the chairman party that is in the past was himself. the head of the internal security service of germany, that is, the highest organization that kept order in this country. and he is now suing this former organization of his and says: how can it be that in our country in germany there is a case against me, there is a case against him,
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it’s not that they have opened a case, but this same organization has opened a so-called observation file on him, if conditionally translate, that is, he is under observation as... he will be the second party in the elections, what will happen next, well, let’s say this happens and let's say it happens, who will become chancellor? well, well, if you say berbak, well , of course, then in general - for the future for germany, no. merkel, in her time, she
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could, of course, really be remembered as the chancellor who made germany such a locomotive, but she betrayed germany at the level of 2014, when history began. with ukraine when it behaved exactly the way it did, starting with the fact that the state that was formed as a result of the pucci was recognized, ending the fact that it turns out that it did not want to comply with the minsk agreements, therefore... it can probably go along the path of trust management, in fact, since it
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is now being carried out, when someone from the outside, well , let’s say, people located in washington, will continue to lead germany, as they led for this, before, in this case there is no difference who becomes chancellor, scholz remains, some klinkbeil comes or someone else from these parties comes and says, we will go this way another way, still the united states of america keeps... the so-called rosen holtz, i already told you, this bank of incriminating evidence that remains from the times of the gdr, to this day they every time get an extra, this extra kind of incriminating evidence that is needed, and can influence whoever they want and how they want, in this regard , germany’s independence is generally not visible, this weakness of germany, for me this is not just the weakness of germany, it is the weakness of europe, this means that other forces will begin to rise in europe that.. germany will not be able to balance, and which will not be able to balance germany, there will be some kind of imbalance. i don’t think that this will be
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biased towards france, they are also unlikely to be able to do this, but what we have talked about many times, the collapse of the european union, i personally believe that now we are just on the threshold of that understanding, that yes, this can happen, and, probably, in the next, well, maybe 10-15 years, we will observe this, these differences in different directions. when every country will pull its side, and i will not be surprised if germany is not just one of the the latter, among the first who will talk about the fact that we need to go out and think about our national interests, and not just about the interests of marijuana smokers, by the way, if you don’t know, starting today, from 12:00 am, today about 2,000 people have already gathered at the brontonburg gate to smoke a little marijuana, because officially the law... has passed, now every drug addict in germany can keep 50 g of cannabis, that
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is, germany is generally intoxicated, this means that in the near future we will see an increase drug addiction in schools, well, i don’t want to say, i don’t want to say in kindergartens, but the fact that it will take over the whole country, it will be, it will be worse than this in holland, than what we see in holland, from today this is all openly, they say 100 meters from schools and there you can smoke, who will measure these meters, who will sniff this cannabis, now? advertising, after which we will not continue with a new lineup, not childish fun in different parts of russia, the growth of youth banks began to rear its head, belgorod youths, having seen enough films about the dashing nineties, we decided to take the territory under our control, let’s go, we’ll sort it out, we’ll talk to you, but they were jealous, everything that was happening. they didn’t film it, they posted it on the internet, what are you accused of, these actions obviously
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indicate that there were indifferent consequences, he is accused of attempted murder, a bandit, what a bandit, he arrived in belgorod for 3 days, you’re a boxer, you’re you can cope with almost any person, well, i’ll kill him, so, a similar situation in the ulyanovsk and tambov regions, that’s it, that’s it, what are the goals are being pursued by thugs, will they be able to avoid criminal punishment? a river under the viola?
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in ukraine they are in no hurry to introduce, they are waiting for money from washington, loans and the prospect of bankruptcy do not bother anyone in kiev, apparently it is not for them to give it away, it is not for them to fight, with this i wonder when it will be... an investigation into how the children of the ukrainian elite feel, well, for example, the children of klyachko, they feel great, the children of danilov, no, here are the children of poroshenko, they... that’s how they all are i liked the video that has just appeared in ukraine, such a call that they say, sign up for the army, because you have to die for those whose children enjoy life to the fullest, i don’t know who took it, well , maybe the ukrainians themselves came to their senses, in general , somehow they lately everything has been going wrong, because ukrainians are being sent to slaughter,
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and, well, it’s clear why, probably, to... it would be easier for a certain gordon to carry out magical rituals, by the way, here i want to note that there are not 40 witches, in forty cemeteries , on 40 nights out of forty, nothing could help that gordon's hair began to grow on his head, at least a spark of intelligence appeared in his head, but i still have a simple question: gordon, why aren't you in the army, why don't you rip out the codes? well, explain to me, you are cowardly and vile. beasts, i told you 100 times, let's drive up, quietly, calmly, let's see what you're like, pull up to the front, i'll tear you apart, let's drive up quickly, come on, you kept saying that you're wild there, that he's there with your hands, feet, you tried to crush something with your sausages so much that even that unfortunate ivan
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ivanovich, as they call the rubber dami who is beaten with their hands, even he laughed at you and... by the way, i hope you haven’t forgotten the pyramids, about all these rituals, i have one question, and that someone else thinks ukraine still an orthodox country, well , just not for the sake of interest, by the way, does anyone know about gordon’s religion, what kind of person are you, i believe in a bottle of scottish gin, that is, what is he? well, that’s just what this idiot is talking about, this pathetic nonentity that the russians have forgotten, but the ukrainians haven’t learned. well with on the other hand, when such nonentities serve the ukrainian government, it says a lot about the government itself, it’s generally interesting, look at how it’s happening, yes, zelensky’s friends, who are already in the grave, like the one he betrayed, this big one was the guy who was from donbass, yes, he ran away,
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because there were conversations about how, what, what, wearing, what’s just with money. and in general something like this, if you look at it, well , such intrigues, but he actually still has friends , because after all, jokes are jokes, and today, of course, is a professional day zelensky, today is april fool’s day, but the question for ukraine is who rules them now, this little man, what is he on, and any order that he now issues, well, the next government will come and say why they followed his orders, he’s illegitimate, are you a constitution? the distinguished lawyer explained that according to the constitution there are no options, absolutely, so this is, as vasily dmitrovich says, what does it turn out to be, an impostor, uh-huh, rules nenko, yes, as always, a false dmitry, the tsar is not real ,
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the tsar is yes, the cossack is sent, the tsar is not a real one, and what kind of king, and this is really... a serious question, such a serious question, and now everyone who carries out his orders are criminals? the next question, we say that they are terrorists, there is no doubt, but if they are terrorists, then i want to remind you of the phrase of our supreme commander: we will find a svartire, we will wet ourselves in the toilet, for example, now there is a big problem, i once read here, there is this bbc trash that describes the murder of a defector. in spain the murder says that he simply overtook the helicopter, yeah, and the bbc gives exactly this assessment, he overtook a helicopter and a murder, the new york times already describes how it was done, but i don’t like these philological accents, yes, that is, that during the ferry of a helicopter he shot his partner and two of his
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comrades, the bbc is meticulously silent about this, i also liked it very professionally... just for the murder, cartridges from a makarov pistol were used, that is, it is 9 by 18, yes, but it’s okay that 9:18 is used not only in a makarov pistol, but if open there a fairly large list of weapons, this is not enough, if these are such endlessly complex options, then why, well, let’s say, for a killer it’s a rather strange choice of weapon, a makarov pistol, well, is that so, or is it just on purpose to say, well, okay. why six, why did they decide that there were only six shots, also somehow a strange number, and what does it mean that the cars passed, passed.
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in the official authorities of the state of iran, with which i remind you, there is no war, there is no official war between the united states and iran, then this man, kasim sulaymaniyah, was destroyed by a missile a strike on the territory of a third state, well , that’s true, americans, by the way. the israelis never stop to destroy people whom they consider their enemies anywhere in space. well, let's listen to what budanov threatens us with. russia, russia, in fact, has been building a railway for more than a year to connect with our southern temporarily occupied territories. this process is almost complete. and this could pose a serious problem for us. but i hope that with the land section of the railway somehow we will cope with the roads, we all have experience in this, it is much easier than the issue
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of the crimean bridge, but this creature must be destroyed, but of course another such character has appeared, the american f-16 pilot dan hampton, known as two dogs, participated in the warriors... in the persian gulf in kosovo in iraq is considered the most successful f-16 pilot, a retired lieutenant colonel. before i show this video, i have a simple question: who did the most successful f-16 pilot butt heads with in kosovo in iraq? well, well, that's simple interesting. well, let's show this citizen. gentlemen. mr. hampton, you said that there are american pilots who are ready to defend the ukrainian skies. if the government resolves their issues, in an interview with the voice of america you said: i will even go myself, i will be number one, you can count on me, you have not changed your mind yet, you are still ready
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to defend ukraine in a full-scale war that russia unleashed, as far as perhaps, absolutely, and there is a small group of pilots like me who are also ready to do everything in our power for ukraine ukraine. well, the canadian snipers are the best in the world, someone was there, they already went to the donbass, and somehow his fate, well, let’s say, he didn’t show himself in any way, but i can imagine what kind of hunt for them will begin, but for our guys , both for air defense and for pilots, i want to remind you that when in reality we encountered american pilots, for them it always ended the same way...
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russian aviation, russian air defense and russian aviation construction, well, that’s right, vladimir vladimirovich, i even climbed in to look who could hampton beat up, yes, he served left in 2006, yes, i can imagine the level of his readiness and qualifications now 20 years later, well, in the end, there will be enough land, yes, so he is not the first, he is not the last, you are welcome, yes.
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angels, yes, where is the rabble from all over the world, primarily from britain, from europe, gathered there, led by dan burki, then two of them were found in the ditch in the sewer in zaporozhye, well, yes, now now, after , well, in august it turns out that their bodies were found, and now they just announced that the main suspect is adam, his last name is there some kind of eastern, what do i mean, what is known under the nickname adam jihadist, they are now writing, i think so, why didn’t you write, jihadist, yes, why didn’t you write this a year ago, when and what happened to pmc mozart, yes, who knows, no one is the same, but why were you
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given the title of heroes? i didn’t ask anymore because i realized there was so much there, not all of his forecasts were convenient, the information he sent here was 98%, probably all of it came true, he had ukraine in his forecasts, that’s about it everything happened, i always dreamed of staying commandant, and what does latin america and the mausoleum have to do with it? it's easy to get caught up in the facts when
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you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a fake dept, change your voice. we will expose all fakes.
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your brother is there in the donbass, in short, you have to go there, call sign is a passenger, i’m not a fighter, i came by road, i have to find him, this is my telepost! having learned that a child has autism, but not autism, you may be frightened, what a horror , wonder why it looks normal, give your assessment, no education, to show sympathy, it’s probably not easy for her, you can give advice, i know one prayer, another piece of advice, we haven’t tried a healer, in the end you can move
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to another table. but the simplest and most necessary thing is to say, i’ll find out more about it, i’ll find out more about it, find out more about it, if you don’t know how to behave and what to say, find out more about it, well, you can tell me that, you’ve been jinxed , no, tamara nikolaevna, know more about this. they cut a friend’s throat, yes, then they hide, then no, what am i talking about, that is, they filled up their own, friend they are running away, and now some other pilots are planning to come here, regarding the presidential elections in ukraine.


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